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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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i think just spec run wild cause spoiler came out tra y tells like she had a relationship with duke

Then rc hinted that Sabrina does have a last name but we will find it out later and she has surprising ties tp PC

People are speccing she is dukes daughter or working for duke to keep eye on Patrick and Emma

All just spec I think

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Yeah I was mainly kidding, I don't think it's Spinelli. I do think there's some reason they are tying them, and it's not for a quad. And I think if not for a quad/romance, most people's minds go to long lost kids. Unless of course their "tie" now is that he is involved with Joe Jr.

Which makes no sense if JJr is dead. I did see a promo on SoapNet where it shows Jason with a gun telling someone else to drop the gun, but it's a generic promo of GH, Y&R and Days, the three soaps they air. I do think it's something that happened recently or is about to happen, because the Days clips have happened in the last several weeks. I can't tell if it's on the docks or somewhere else. This could be the thing hooked mentioned.

I just don't want to think about Joe dying. I freaking teared up today during Tracy's last scenes. She cannot win. *snuffle* Why can't Joe just run off and not get caught, or maybe go to jail, and come back rehabilitated? WHY?

*throws barware*

I really looked at the Sabrina actress, she looks like she could be Anna's kid. Not Tracy's. But then Dillon doesn't look like her(though he does favor SK's AJ and SBu's Jason). I don't know how I feel about this. I am just waiting for it to play out, but if it IS a kid-how on earth would they justify Tracy not mentioning him or her?

I can't grasp it.

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Usually having the fabulous je playing Tracy in tears would choke me up.

I love je as an actress especially when she does "sad" or "destroyed."

But today I felt nothing..... Actually, maybe a little relief.

Whether he dies or not, joe scully will never be redeemed. He will never be mr. Quartermarine. Whew. Thank god.

Bye bye hot fling. Hellllllo Luke.

Me? I'm hoping for a quad w Luke Anna Duke.

Can someone explain how and when Tracy and Duke would have gotten together? Is the timeline even possible? Maybe this happened in Europe when she lived there, after he "died." If not, how or when could it have occurred? I didnt watch much during the Duke years. Please, someone, explain any possible connections.

And if Tracy is in some sort of a quad... That leaves Clint for..... Wait for it...

Monica!!!! Squuueeeeeee! :)

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I actually disagree, I always thought Tracy and her kids looked like they belonged meaning he did have certain elements of her,and when I first saw Dillion I thought he and Jason were brothers?!?!? But this applys to all gh cast,they all look like they belong,they couldn't have chosen a better cast to look and play their parts.

Edited by partyperson25
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Rumors and speculation (but a lot of it is contradictory):

Tracy and Duke had an affair.

Tracy and Duke had a child together, and it's Sabrina.

Tracy and Duke had a child together, but it's not Sabrina.

Tracy was betrayed by Duke in the past.

Clint and Tracy join forces.

Clint has dirt on Tracy.

Tracy is arrested.

Luke helps Tracy when she is arrested.

Anna doesn't approve of Luke helping Tracy.

Anna lets Tracy's arrest paperwork slip through her fingers.

Tracy and AJ share scenes.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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From dd:

Sean Kanan's character is not at all what he seems.

Sabrina IS the long lost child of someone onscreen but she is not connected to Duke and Tracy.

Duke and Tracy do not have a child although they do have history.

Look for a Duke, Tracy, Luke, Anna situation to emerge(Tracyfan will be very happy, Joe leaving will not be sending Tracy back to the backburner. She'll be involved in two major stories that eventually intersect from now until February sweeps.)

John is determined to bring Todd down. Sam has a surprising reaction.

Blair comes to town and is taken back when she realizes Todd is less worried about jail time than he is about Carly's opinion of him.

Expect Ellie to hang around for a while. TPTB like the chemistry between her, Spin and Maxie. A real triangle will emerge.

Monica is very angry when she learns that Alan kept secrets from her.

Anna will not be enthused over Emma's new bestie (Sabrina)

Trey and Sonny scratch each other's back.

Starr and Michael set up housekeeping

On Halloween someone gets a treat, someone gets a treat, and someone is in the wrong, wrong, wrong place at the wrong, wrong, wrong time.

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I wish we could have details on what these stories are and what Tracy's role is...It's been so long since Tracy's been on in any major capacity, and now that's she's been on and now that there are spoilers/rumors everywhere, I am greedy and want specifics.

Alan knew AJ was alive and took the secret to his death, maybe???

JE Fan Art by me. smile.png Original pic from ebay, described as Days of Our Lives press photo.


Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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The secret part kinda freaked me cuz I'm listening to secret (pretty little liars theme full song) and I was reading that and thinking of gh plus it says,"got a secret can you keep it,swear this one you'll save. Better lock it in your pocket taking this one to the grave. If I show you then I know you won't tell what i said,cuz two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." Scary!!!

Plus love the art

Edited by partyperson25
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From sz: breakdown spoliers for next week-- nothing new but they put their own wording to it

Tracy becomes uncharacteristically vulnerable, and shows her broken side to Luke, who’s compassionate.

  • Joe Jr.’s been way too quiet and way too incognito.
  • Luke and Tracy swap sob stories.
  • Tracy opens Luke’s eyes when she says she once took up with Duke Lavery.
  • As soon as Duke hits town, for Anna, it’s bad news for Luke.
  • Luke returns from Switzerland, telling Lulu all about it.
  • Luke manages to locate Robert Scorpio for Anna.
  • Luke heads over to Anna’s to report on this find.
  • Anna opens the door to her suite, astounded to find Duke waiting.
  • Anna comes face to face with the great love of her life, Duke Lavery, the real Duke Lavery.
  • Duke announces his momentous intentions. It involves Anna and Robin. Big duh.
  • Luke squares off with Duke, for Anna’s fair hand.
  • Luke has no intention of giving Anna up. But Duke’s on a mission, and you know what this gentleman is like when he’s on a mission.
  • Luke believes Duke’s the same secretive, destructive fartknocker he’s always been.
  • Anna loses her cool when Duke can’t be found again.
  • Too bad for Luke, but Anna and Duke lock lips.

There have been so many drops since Friday left and right that I think the only thing that is clear is nobody knows anything ! LOL

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