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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy isn't cut like that, true. That was my major problem with Gooz writing the abortion garbage.

It could be said that "family" defines Tracy. If you used just one word to define her, that is. It doesn't sum up everything-but it's a lot of the core in her. Which was why I never believed, or bought, the abortion. However-I could believe her walking away from the child if it saved the REST of her family. She wouldn't want to do it-but she'd see it as a greater sacrifice, to not be able to be around ONE-but saving the lives of the others.

With the refocus on the Cassadines, I wouldn't rule out TP. It's a VERY long shot, true-but not impossible, especially since Stavros and Stefan are even longer shots than Victor because of the portrayers either no longer acting, or being on other soaps, or dead(Mikkos).

There's also Tony, and he was involved with Alexandra Q, so Tracy stealing her cousin's man isn't too farfetched.

It's just an idea.

We will see what GW does, what her "secret" is, I guess, if the whole thing isn't dropped.

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I agree with you there. The whole abortion thing was handled badly - either go the distance or don't even bother.

I still think Tracy could have been a wonderful support to Kristina - her almost granddaughter - with the abuse story. But then again even Alexis wasn't allowed to get involved, it ultimately had to be about Sonny. nbe.jpg

Don't read to much in to the spoilers Baby Boy, they don't go that far into the future. Bobbie…. I don't think we'll see her regardless, but Monica could still be around. It's just the days of Monica DRIVING story are probably over.

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what I heard is GW is very specific in what he is looking for and the characters of lady in white and gina had to look exactly what was in his head.

I in no way think she is tracy's daughter. she is being brought on for Michael's love interest, so they have to look the same age, etc.

She is Gino's daughter from the way they talked about it today I think..skye said something about gina or gino coming to town.

From recaps sounded like tracy was on fire today.

But spoilers were off again and magazine recaps. she wasn't unerved by what AZ had on her and he didn't reveal to her what he had on her.

I think that comes week of the 12th and the more I'm thinking I don't think luke/tracy will share scenes. I think only luke/skye will and the rest he will be lurking.

I think luke is going to help skye leave town and perhaps maybe he will find out what she has on az so he can used it to help tracy or get her out of whatever mess she is in...but not sure.

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<p>^^ Helping Skye leave in exchange for information to help Tracy is about the only reason I can think of for those two to interact. They obviously haven't been in touch, and the last time Skye was around she realized how much Luke truly did love Tracy - deeply, honestly, proudly. I don't think GW would erase those little nuggets.</p>

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<p>Skye was never the story anyway, just someone to stir the pot.</p>

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<p>All that being said however, I can't wait to see how GW brings LuNacy back together. I just hope he sees what we have always seen, and that is as a powerful team that can wreck havoc throughout the town, rather than having to deal with endless internal discussions about trust.</p>

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Oh I agree the internal discussions about trust are overdone...but the most interesting couples for me are always the ones with internal conflict as well as some external if needed.

That's ONE reason (other than the fact that they are both boring) that JaSam don't interest me. There is no built in conflict. The only way JaSam even have story is if some psycho-Trevor, Manny, Jerry, Franco, AZ-is trying to stalk one or both or cause other problems.

Luke walks into a room where Tracy is, and there is so much THERE to dive into. They don't need angst from a third party-but if they get it, it is so much richer because things were not "easy" before.

I think everyone is just speculating Michael and Gina are for each other. I haven't seen that in print yet, and if she isn't even cast, I think that's up in the air.

If Gina is not related to Tracy in some way-I don't know if I'm all that interested.

I don't need Kristina Version 2 to come on my screen and make me grit my teeth.

We already have enough suckage from that one.

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What I've read is that Gina is supposed to be a cross between Claudia and Kristina with some Tracy thrown in for good measure. She is connected to Tracy so it will be interesting to see how the relationship is developed.

As for LuNacy, you're right ILTQ - internal conflict is important. HOWEVER that's all LuNacy has had for ages, so it's way past time for them to be focused in another direction for awhile.

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Chad said at FCW that Gina was going to be third party for Mabby, but truthfully I think Andrea is gonna be out...

One of the people I talk to that have info said that she has to look same age as chad even if she is a little older she has to look 18-19.

I hope she is on for a story though not a pairing...I'm told that there are more broad based canvas stories with couples on the side not the main focus

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I'm sorry, but like I said....we don't need a Kristina clone. If that's what she is going to be, might as well kill Kristina off...and kill me now, because even with Kristina gone...I don't want a character even remotely LIKE her, interacting heavily with Tracy.

OY. My head hurts thinking about it. I'm okay with giving the girl some spunk and personality. But I've had it with the loud mouthed bratty teens on soaps these days.

I cannot. I'll smile prettily and ignore her existence, if that is the route they are going.

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Tracy has been popular even without Luke. Ethan was gaining in popularity and he has never had a "serious" romance and has been on two and a half years. A truly interesting character doesn't NEED a coupling to make them interesting, and I believe most of the audience agrees.

Then you have that portion of the audience that are only watching for the moments when a man takes his shirt off. I'm not talking about THEM.

I think most people would agree, it's best to give the audience time to get to know a new character before throwing them into a half baked romance.

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