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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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Being a 'kiss ass yes man' isn't the same as being a compromiser.

My prediction is that PM returned, short term, just to help out EK in transitioning the show. Perhaps what was planned was so damn bad it needed someone like PM, to just for as long as it's needed, to set of a different trajectory. Maybe EK just needed a hand in trying to steer the show in her direction while she worked on a long term plan. 

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I agree with @Vee that I don't think this is what happened at all. You don't bring on a name, like Patrick Mulcahey, to be a "transition" for Elizabeth Korte, who has been there since 1995, and had a short stint of head writer, both at General Hospital and Night Shift. And honestly, the trajectory is not that vastly different from what Chris Van Etten & Dan O'Connor had set up... especially since Korte was part of that writing regime, too, so that seems reaching.

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I do not get this lone wolf narrative about Mulcahey. He has been an active partner on soap writing teams since he worked for Marland. He was on multiple teams and has people im his corner that are well respected, from Marland, Curlee, Alden, Michele Val Jean, etc. We know nothing about the details of what his agreement with ABC was, because nobody has been talking. He comes from an era of soaps when network interference began killing the genre.

As many of us have suspected due to years of watching Valentini’s work, this was a shotgun wedding that one party clearly did not want. My money is more on Frank not wanting it because real changes that are needed haven’t happened. We got character upheaval but what was needed was cast upheaval, in several pink slips.

The last two days have reeked of Mulcahey not being very involved/overruled. The scenes are back to being shorter (maybe not as short as before, but clearly not what we were seeing). Both were filled with plot and little character development. And neither had that signature set piece with a character having a deeper conversation.

I am not saying the last two days were bad, or that movement wasn’t sorely needed. But it is also clear that something has changed again.

As we also suspected, no matter what Eva LaRue thought, her character is homophobic. 

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This & other things, well said. 

I was just posting about this very thing on twiX. What a shame that the beautiful intelligent ELR was sent to the press without accurate knowledge of her character! How unfortunate for her to basically be spouting nonsense. Someone ought to have told her!!! 

Yes, it is 2024 & many people have come around. But, even now, even with it being PRIDE, there are in fact homophobic people with bigoted attitudes. This is illustrated daily in some forums.

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I think it's also a case of changing of regimes... but, even in the announcing of her casting, it was stated, per Eva LaRue:

"She is really struggling with her daughter's sexuality, but also, I think what she's struggling with is that she really thought it was just the two of them against the world and that she knew everything about her daughter," LaRue said. "And I think she's very shocked to find she's kept this huge secret from her, and that she's the last to know."

So, the idea she had zero idea of who this character was/is, does not sit with me. The implications were there from day one when she debuted under the pens of Chris Van Etten & Dan O'Connor, and their writing team.

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Here is my prediction. Finn will get stinking drunk at Gregory's wake and cause a scene. Elizabeth will then take possession of Violet and not let her leave with Finn. Finn will then take off in his car and will be killed in an accident. Finn crashing his car will be the Friday cliffhanger. Elizabeth will have custody of Violet from that point onward.

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Yeah, definitely think the character was hampered by the writing transition and maybe ELR didn’t quite realize how unlikeable and grating the character would come off, despite having a brief description about her. 

At the end of the day though, I don’t think this character works and they need a major course correct if they intend to keep her on more (yeah, I know ELR is recurring). In every scene this character is in, she feels like a black cloud over the show. She’s such a drag - and that’s saying something given how many useless characters are on this particular show. 

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