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Y&R May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Now I'm wishing she would ask EB for his favorite curse word, or what MTS hopes to be the first words she hears when she arrives in Heaven.

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Well, I can't say that Audra is wrong. Tucker/Devon are wash, rinse, repeat these days. But I would be down for Tucker taking Billy down. He is overdue a fall.


I really can't believe that Jill gave (most of) her control over to Billy. I was glad that the writers spoke what most fans would say in the form of Esther...who has Two jobs. How does she have the time to be receptionist at CW and manager over at Crimson Lights? I was surprised to see her. Still...it better not be the last time we see Jill.


Vicious Lily with Daniel was fun to watch.


Ashley and the battle of the Alters continues to be my main storyline. It occurred to me that I cannot believe none of the Abbotts really have a clue when the wardrobe speaks for itself, but I have to give credit to the costume designers because when Southern Belle Ash is out and about, it's not the the clothes aren't things that Ashley would wear, but they are very bright and colorful. And that's a line to walk and I feel that it's subtle so I do like it. And now 'Cain' has said it on-air...DID. But again...all this over a small argument in Paris??? Just smh.


I continue to enjoy the Audra/Sally friendship. And interesting backstory about Audra wanting to be an artist. Makes more sense to why she would have liked Noah to me. 




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Ashley’s alters do everything in their power to act nothing like normal Ashley and the Abbott’s are just completely unaware

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 Her own daughter still has no clue.

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LOL personally I’m ready for it to end. Had it be written in reverse and had better plotting, it may have been an exciting May Sweeps as we would have just been finding out who Jordan and Claire are after months of committing various minor sabotage acts towards the Newmans without raising suspicions.


Due to end of the school year work (giving and grading final exams is worse than taking them lol) and got a bit behind @Taoboi but I was so happy to see Nate & Audra sharing scenes again from today’s episode that I caught. 

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I don't know, nothing about the Nate/Audra pairing gives me lasting new couple vibes. Just feels like Josh Griffith decided to throw attractive people together for a little while.

Worse is that the "business story" stuff continues to be awful.

No one does any work. We never see any products or hear about what they do. All we get is board member infighting about changing the name of the company and about who's in charge. None of it works, none of it makes any sense.

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Okay, I thought that was a more decent week than I feel the comments I glanced here said. I just think it's a shame that the momentum from Billy's power play was lost weeks ago because Devon and Lily trying to power play past Jill was awesome. I was surprised at how much I was expected. And it would be nice to see that friction continue between Devon and Abby who have been without drama for long enough. And she should be bothered that Devon and Lily only assumed she would vote for them. It was a good use of Abby's history of being split between two families...something they really don't do with Abby often enough if at all.


Lord at Audra being so insecure. If she knows Tucker as well as she thinks she does, she knows how important his relationship with Devon is. So her fits are just that...fits. But any excuse to jump Nate's bones I guess...lol.


Finally!!! Kyle standing up for himself with Summer. Let's keep this going. Cuz MM and AL are giving.


I found this...and Ashley's storyline...great and flowing. So the Jordan storyline popping up on Friday was so jarring to story flow. No matter how much I love Victor torturing that witch. 


@soapfan770 papers!! lord...I don't miss that. lol. But I understand. Work and finishing my latest has keep me away from posting, but keeping up as best I can. 

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