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DAYS: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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yes Sonja is firedguy's wife.  (I don't name the firedguy, he's not worthy of being named.) She was already on the writing team before the strike, so they are continuing with the contracted writers post-strike.  All contracted writers can be let go after their 13-week cycles, just like actors.  We'll see in three months who is still on the writing team.
(But we don't know if the 13-week cycles continue where they left off before the strike, or if the 13-week cycles started fresh after the strike.)
This was discussed back on pages 13-14 of this thread.

Edited by janea4old
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7/10 - Good episode structure, bad dialogue - I am pleased that we're back to seeing multiple advances in several plots in a day, rather than a whole episode of cutting back and forth between two simultaneous conversations leading to nothing.

I liked the Marlena and EJ scene, although it was a bit awkward when she said that he had been a good dad to “his other children”, rather than acknowledging them as her grandchildren. 

I also enjoyed the Melinda and Rafe interplay, specifically her saying that he never looks for motives.  But, I hate it when the script necessitates a button for the character, like when Melinda said out loud, “phew, I got out of that one”, when we really only needed a look of relief.

Today was also a day when a few actors required a second take.  Eric messed up his line to Leo about the goose and the golden egg, and Sloan messed her line about a baby showing up in her home.

The Sloan/Nicole scene was good, I liked the twist that Sloan begged for forgiveness and then tried to turn it around on Nicole.  However, I wish Sloan had lead with her strength and told Nicole that she had information which could implicate EJ, if she didn't help get the charges dropped.  And when Nicole said that she felt bad for Sloan after her miscarriage, I thought that must've happened off screen because I don't recall any scenes of Nicole feeling sorry for Sloan.  Also, Nicole turning her back to call the police (on her cell phone) so Sloan could have a chance escape was way too soapy.

The BobEtte stuff is ridiculous.  Why does he get a headache when changing personalities?  How could Marlena tell his blood pressure from feeling his wrist?  And what was the point of her carrying a doctor's bag like it was 1965, and she's doing a housecall?  The only thing I liked was Marlena's navy windowpane blazer with the elbow patches, one of her better jackets.

Finally, where's Eric's black eye?  Hair and makeup at DAYS sucks (e.g. Rafe's dyed black eyebrows), but at least keep up the consistency from day to day.  He was just hit two days ago in Salem-time.

Edited by j swift
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Yeah, I wasn't really holding Sloan accountable in that way, just mostly notating from a fan perspective because once anyone KNOWS Sami of their own experience, it's like you say, unforgettable! That's our Sami! Who I guess we could admit we miss. And yeah, miss Will, miss Allie & Sydney has been off the Salem scene for far too long. Ron creates all these new characters. 

And, yeah, first shot of first scene, not only Leo but Leo in his orange sweater. 

I did like so much happening. 

The Intervention didn't seem like the Interventions I've seen on TV but they did several things right. Steph appealing to Everett, saying she knew he was in there & saying why he needs to go back to therapy & that she will be with him *every single step of the way." I think that was what enabled Everett to come to the surface. Bobby, gatekeeper personality, is so fracking strong. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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Who directed today's episode? 

There were some especially odd camera angles.  During Everett's intervention, Marlena's close up looks like it was shot from the floor up her nose.  It was weird to see the transom above the hotel door, but I guess that is the only way that they could shoot four actors on that tiny set.

Then, in the town square, Eric gets up from the table to talk to Rafe, and apparently they couldn't re-set the camera because he was also shot from a weird and unattractive angle. 


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Did you have the same reaction about how weird it looked to see Marlena from that angle in the hotel room?  If it was an artsy representation of how Bobby was looking at from the bed, that would've made sense, but it was earlier in the scene.

Edited by j swift
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