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B&B: April 2024 Discussion Thread

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I managed to watch the newest episode in 2.0 speed just now... with some fast-forwarding - the whole process was max 5 min - that's all I can give.

So, Sheila is in a casket in the middle of a cheap bar, Steffy is a complete psychopath, Hope is dressed shockingly distasteful for a memorial service with her cleavage out to her belly button. 

On the positive side - I see Hollis has been hitting that gym and his muscles are looking huge - I can't help but dream he is prepping for Brooke. Let's all pray. It was so nice seeing him. Wasn't it? - @Soapsuds @Jeff 

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Hollis is the only reason to watch this show at this point.

The eulogies for Sheila by Finn and especially by Deacon were putrid. Romanticizing a complete nutbag like Sheila is a joke on its face. That huge photo of Sheila had me gagging, and I still can't get over all the empty chairs and unopened bottles of water. Why roll her casket into the restaurant at all?

BOLD isn't even trying anymore.

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Finn: Thank you mother for almost killing my wife. Thank you for almost killing my grandmother who I never met. But most of all thank you for shooting me in cold blood and leaving me there to die!

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Bradley, darling, if you are reading - didn't you get the message? It's so sad that we prefer to watch a guest appearance more than your leads - think about it... and get Hollis a contract. And open Brooke's legs ASAP. Then I will forgive you for the bad scripts! I promise.


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LMAO!!! I haven’t watched this week at all but these posts have me rolling I’m tempted to see just how much a train wreck this show was for Sheila’s “funeral(?)”

With Y&R in the doldrums (what else is new?) and B&B in freefall to the lowest depths of hell, it really is time for CBS to bring on The Gates!

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Who here is ready to count the toes? 2 more hours... and it's easy as one, two, three... 

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