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GH: March 2024 Discussion Thread

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I'm sorry, but only on soaps. Because I LOL and also agreed right along with Joss that if Jason really did it, Jason...DOES...NOT...MESS. So of course, Jason is innocent. When that flew out of Joss's mouth...I hollered. Cuz #facts.


That's right, writers!!! Give Liz some story love. Because I enjoyed her talking with Willow. And getting to get a peek into Liz's head and see what she's thinking and what she's feeling. And I enjoyed her acting like such a mom with her having to leave work to go pick up her kids. And we all know how I feel about Liz's kids.


That said...this is an interesting layer to do with Jake. Any and all of Jason's kids in fact. Given what he does for a living and all the years Jason has been there for all kids, BUT his own kids, it's nice to see the writers digging into his own kids having some resentment and Jason having to deal with it. HOWEVER, this goes back to what I said about wanting the kids to be used gradually so that when they start to hit on this thread, that they will be ready to handle. I don't think they are ready at all. At least, not Jake. So watching Jake with Liz and Aidan, he is just coming across whiny without any...presence that is only one dimensional. 


Contrast that with Aidan. Story-wise, there's potential. But nothing has been started. Only a (very) loose thread that keeps being brought up every few months, if not year or so. But he's been popping up more and more. Background. Or mentioned in dialogue. And I feel he's being handled well. And I don't think the actor is ready yet, either though I feel his slight quirkiness gives Aidan a presence. With him, I would like to see more eventually. Like the often-mentioned Tobias. 


I like this version of Trina!!! Or perhaps it's how Tabyana is playing her. It feels and especially LOOKS like barely contained rage. Or that's how it comes across. It could be the styling on her today. And I never even thought of the angle of her feeling a way about Joss due to Jason's return being connected to Curtis's shooting. TA is giving a lot in these scenes and just like Liz, it's reeeeeally nice to see how she's thinking. How she's feeling. And I loved the scene at the grave. Her talking about art and Monet. I grinned. Question...is this musical cue with Trina talking to Spencer's grave an old GH music cue?


Awwwww loving seeing Chase/BLQ dealing with the Dante/Jason stuff together. After all the back and forth, they are actually being used as a couple. God bless the writers. Though I want to shake Chase at times.

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GH is slowly improving. Still alot of work to do. Getting rid of Valentini would help but that doesn't seem to be on my instapal Nathan Varni's agenda. 

Give Genie something to do! Get those young actors some acting lessons! Get rid of squeaky Trina. Get rid of Dex. I FF through Trina and Joss. Ugh. 

Steve Burton is a welcome back great addition. He's killing his scenes. And he looks great. Those blue eyes. Yum.

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I'm not part of Sprina Nation but I am a big fan of Taby's. I call her character a combination of a pink superhero & a fairy tale princess. To me she is one of those recasts, when a recast works SO well. And I am so glad that now the new writers are going to write for her. I mean going by this past week, compared to the 3 weeks prior & hoping that is going to continue. 

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In my opinion, I feel the show would lose some of its heart if there was no Trina.  

The heart of the show is its ensemble cast, and I don't see anyone as *the* star. Nor do I see anyone as *the* heart (unless maybe Genie).

But I think Trina contributes significantly to the whole ensemble, and I'd be sad if the character left.

Edited by janea4old
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Honestly, if Kimberly McCullough had stayed, Emma would have probably been the priority younger heroine on this show (not Joss or Trina), following in Robin’s footsteps. Alas, we’ll never get that now. 

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Unfortunately that kid can't act. TA can and often reminds me of Kimberly, especially in her confrontations with Esme which at times echoed Robin/Carly. There's an inner strength and intelligence they both have.

I would bring back Emma (recast, please God) but I'd do something different. She would be the secret town schemer, who nobody expects for obvious reasons. But I do think Emma will definitely be back on contract sooner or later, whoever plays her. It's just natural, and it's not like Kimberly hasn't come back to visit a zillion times since 2015.

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I don’t envy anybody taking over this show but they’ve done a good job so far. We went from 20+ stories, quick scenes with no depth to a show refocused with longer scenes, a family element at the forefront and real character development and clear motivations. I can’t wait to see where the show can go in the coming months. 

I do agree we need cast cuts and I expect them to come as contracts come up. I hope Cody and Sasha are first. 

Steve Burton was dreadful during his last run (after delivering solid work on Y&R) but he seems motivated again. I never expected to enjoy a Jason storyline.

Im also not someone who likes kids on soaps and while the acting could use some work, it’s so nice to regularly see the characters with their kids and how the impact of Jason’s return effects them. I find it very odd how teens have been largely eliminated from soaps in recent years so it’s nice to see them starting to develop a new teen scene. 

We know Jason’s return was a requirement so I feel we still haven’t seen an idea of what these new writers want to do. I can’t wait to see them start to launch their own stories so I can see how that goes. 

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Oh, I definitely think Emma is recastable. Going the opposite direction with her would work too - I just hope they don’t retcon that Robin or Patrick were intentionally awful, neglectful parents to do that. 

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I'd just say she's spoiled and bored, lol. Lord knows people spoiled little Emma. Everyone would expect a peaches and cream saint on the canvas given her family and Brooklyn Silzer, so I'd pull the rug out a la the famous Valerie Malone reveal on 90210 at the end of Tiffani Thiessen's first episode.

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I honestly don't need them to conform to the contours of the cringeworthy and uncomfortable kiddie quad RC did (which had creepy little Joss jealous of Cam and Spencer's interest in Emma). Their mixing the young adults up was not a problem for me. I do think they have over-elevated and relied on Joss for years because FV was so thrilled to finally get a white blonde vaguely resembling Starr Manning to be functional on the show lol, and also because they were very wedded to the Sonny, Carly, etc. family gospel.

IIRC Eden started as a temp or bit player and FV boosted her because he still seems to swear by his (somewhat) ratings-winning paradigm of the late 2000s vanilla teen scene from OLTL, and Joss was the closest he'd ever come to a young white heroine fitting the Starr mold since Kristen quit. It's also taken this long for him to begin to accept that Trina is not just Joss' ethnic sidekick a la Langston and Markko to Starr on that show. I don't think Eden is terrible and I think she takes too much stick from fans online for stuff beyond her control, but I do think they should change her role to something more comic or troublemaking, lighter but fun. And then I would probably recast in future. I'd also put her with a geeky character to humanize her more, a la Spixie or Nick Fallon and Chelsea on DAYS. Eden has a masculine and forward energy that would work well with a more sensitive male.

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First of all...Pikeman? RME.


But more seriously...Jason has been working with Wagger since NOVEMBER 2021??? Well...the words. And to make it even more delicious...I loved well one...all of the Robin mentions this week and two...Anna telling Jason about how he knew Wagger in his pre-accident life. I never though about that and it immediately layers all of their interactions of late. The history that the writers are digging up to remind me about what came before has been great.


Wow. They are really going to go there with Ava/Sonny. Not hating it, but surprised all the same.


It's a shame to have any Joss vs Kristina scenes now that there is the recast. They just don't have the same chemistry. Yet.


Hmmmm that fistfight. Some camera angles were good and looked like someone got punched. Other angles...not as much. That said, I didn't feel it was as bad as what little I've read here have mentioned. But...again...I just don't think the actors are ready from too heavy material yet. 


Outside of that, this past week has been so far, so good. 


ETA: I almost forgot. I LOVED that the writers played the Britt beat. I know it was mentioned when the next writers started among us. And I was wondering as well if they would mention that to him. And SB played it so well. Outside of the interference *cough*FV*cough* Britt/Jason were HOT. 

I love all of this. And seeing you again period.

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I like that you see the difference already as well. The fact that I can pick out so many examples right now of character beats and what's staying with me. Like Trina at the grave and talking about Paris. Or people who normally don't interact are interacting. 


SB most definitely seem more motivated than I've seen him in a good minute. 


And I KNOW!!! I would be hard pressed to see any kind of tweens or teens on soaps nowadays so for me, it's been refreshing to see kids again. Even BeBe's Maxie's kids. That's why it has not bugged me nearly as much as others. There's been some missteps, but they are nice to see.

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