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Y&R: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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There's no reason to care -- just as there isn't with any other business story on Y&R.

This might give Tessa fans something to cheer about...more appearances...but she won't get a storyline out of this. It's just another JG fail.


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Don't tell me we will be getting a steady dose of stupid Tess now. I truly hope she will be just like Esther and rarely be seen managing the restaurant.

But since they have all but eliminated all of Sharon's family AND SHARON, I bet we won't hardly get a glimpse of Mariah in the near future. Which btw is fine by me. Although I would much rather see Mariah on my screen that the horrid Tess. Can't stand her.

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Just when I think I’m done with Tucker/Ashley they pull me back in. I’m very curious where this is headed now. 

The Ashley/Audra brief scene was delicious as well.

I will continue to appreciate that the Nate/Audra friendship is still acknowledged and showcased. I liked when it seemed like they may go there with them.

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Yesterday's episode was better than today's.

I'm already bored with Gaskill. They should've hired someone else if his character was going to work opposite powerhouses MTS and CZ.

Edited by Soapsuds
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OMG!!! I think you guys are right!!! How ED played this last scene between Ashley and Jack. The looks. The body language. The very inflection in her voice. I'm surprised Jack didn't catch it tbh. But yeeeeah, split personality of some sort. 


Team Devon/Nate over Billy. I loved they saw right through what Billy was doing. Because Jill hasn't had a problem before now. So it's just about Billy's own me-me-me issues.


Yes, I'm happy to see Jordan. But I love some Colleen. And so far, so crafty. 



Same. I love the scene I saw where Ashley threw her...hmm ho-ness in her face. And look forward to more. 

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I am so over Ashley. They better not be switching her back and forth from one day a simpering twit who is yelling at herself alone on the couch, to sexy, flirtatious Ashley who's coming on strong to Tucker.

I have NOT enjoyed ED as Susan Banks/Kristen DiMera and I won't enjoy this either. Eileen has great range, but these two character traits are straight outta DOOL.

And what's up with Nate's left eyebrow? Is it a scar? It is shaved like that on purpose? It's distracting af.

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I heard about that. I wasn't regularly viewing then.


I really don't want to see it though I am sure Eileen will totally knock it out of the park. Just the hint in the scene I watched. Don't get me wrong it WAS subtle enough, but ED did enough the audience was sure to notice. Yet at the same time, it still feels like to me Jack SHOULD have noticed. But perhaps that is just a testimony to how excellent Eileen is that there was so many ways to take that scene. For me at least. 

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I admit that I'm wondering this myself. Cuz during the strike...the writing funnily enough was more...if not cohesive then actually well paced. Since the end of the strike, there's just such a scattershot feel to everything. Stories having a pace, then dropped, or even vanished. Then they pop up again. Or stories that were interesting and going somewhere happening off-screen...to have a random cameo in an episode weeks later.


Heck there was a time there where everyone NOT NAMED Newman had a story. And then the Newmans got a story along with them, but it didn't overshadow the other stories at all. 


I do wonder what happened.  

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