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GH: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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As of this morning over a million views of the love scene from 2-23. Some of those people will tune in to the show. Some fans of other soaps have already posted that they have tuned in now. It doesn't seem possible that the writers made a "Natalia" with a staunch "Roman Catholic" background could be a coincidence. Feels like an homage. This is the first couple to be worthy of the legacy of GL's Otalia which also had a Natalia with a problem with her Catholicism & being gay. I really think this must have been tweaked. 

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Wait, what!?  She gave birth to her OUTSIDE??

Ugh, this [!@#$%^&*] show, lol.

For me, the fact that Spinelli's first name is "Damien" says it all.

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That is almost as mortifying as the napkin dress they made Genie wear in 2013 for her courthouse insta-wedding to Scott after their entire implausible courtship and reunion took place offscreen.

Actually, no it is worse.

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She gave birth IN. A. RAVINE!  I don't even know.  She got cat poop on her vag or something and it all went downhill from there.  Literally.

That's one unflattering dress.  AS should sue.  Unless she likes the Mormon Virgin Bride look

I can admit I have chuckled in the past at some Spinelli/Jason scenes especially the one where Jason comes home from prison and the sign said Welcome HoE... instead of welcome home, but I am not asking for more of it.

It's at the 5 min mark or you can just look at the thumbnail lol

Edited by carolineg
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That is funny. Shades of OLTL in 2003 when I could've sworn the framing and lighting on Clint's welcome home banner made it look like it said "WELCOME HOME CLIT"

Edited by Vee
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Well, I've only seen a clip but it was delightful to have a flashback of Lila. However, I would say that this is a cautionary tale about why wedding gowns should not be passed down from generation to generation with any expectation of brides wearing them!!! I certainly understand why Tracy didn't wear it & I hope to hell that Brook Lynn doesn't either. 

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Awww I like Blaze. When that whole Linc storyline started...and dragged...I didn't mind her at all. She partly had a vixen vibe, but a good one with Chase and BLQ, but she also reminded me of Adrienne Leon's BLQ. And While I wanted that Linc storyline over with the quickness, I didn't want her to go because I thought she had potential.


So I was happy with how they slowly started with her and Kristina. I think you know how often I wanted more stories for Kristina because she at this point is the only child of Sonny who has potential to drive some story at this point AND be interesting. And I felt right up until recently...hmmm since Chris and Dan been back now that I think about that...She and Kristina was a nice B plot. Then...they vanished. So long gone that I completely forgot that Blaze wasn't out. 


But I think you know I love me some fringe characters. Speaking of...is Ms. Wu going to turn up dead in light of whoever is taking out mob bosses?


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