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Y&R: December 2023 Discussion Thread


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This remains so laughable to me given how we’ve seen Audra on screen vs any Noah, especially RG’s Noah. And to be honest…


Actually I’d be fine if it turned out Audra made that whole thing up. But for whatever reason, Noah seems so beneath Audra. Maybe if Theo was still around it would have been more plausible idk?

In a perfect world ZS’ Audra would be our new Jill, CH’s Sally as our new Lauren, AL’s Summer as our new Ashley, and having MM on as Hilary/Amanda as our new Dru/Olivia should have rounded out Y&R’s next leading generation of divas yet instead the life has been sucked out of all of them. 

Edited by soapfan770
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But...it HAD potential. But so did the characters of Noah and Allie so of course it was dropped.


lol. He was. When he should have been wearing...well...nothing. Kinda like what they have reduced Kyle to.

Yeah, the scenes on 12-15 were adorable and CF definitely had some charm with Summer.

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Well, I thought this was a decent week.


CZ continues to chew the scenery as Jordan. Can we keep her? She's so fascinating to watch. 


I hollered at Abby's 'Ho' meter going off as Heather slowly moved in on Daniel. But I've been enjoying everything Lily/Daniel/Heather. There been some awkward breaks in there, but it still has been paced enough that a story is peeking out. Lily/Daniel slowly getting together. Hints of Daniel's past. Daniel's past showing up. And now...it's back in town...and setting roots. All legacy characters, too. So drama in 3...2...


I agree with Tucker. Diane and Ashley on the same side? Woooow. It's funny watching Jack, Diane, and Ashley vs Tucker knowing there's so much in play. Most importantly Billy vs Kyle. Speaking of Kyle, I haven't found MM attractive since he lost the pandemic weight, but I suuuure didn't mind him laying around in his boxers most of this episode. Lol. I know I've missed some episodes so I am wondering if Kyle is playing his own game in this whole mess...outside of him and Diane trying to get Billy booted out of Jabot. 

But speaking of Billy...if him back at Chancellor means MORE of Jill in town...I would be down for that. lol. 


And THANK YOU to whoever did the camera angles on Christine looking through the glass at Giggly Heffa and Summer after her kiss with Danny. That was a classic. But I live for Christine vs Phyllis. Poor Danny. You are getting in the middle of a mess. 


I love Summer/Chance. CF has really come into his own for me. And I could stare into his eyes all day. 



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Thom Bierdz's character was Jill's son Phillip Chancellor III, the biological father of Chance.  He didn't raise Chance.  When he was a young man he was killed in car accident.   Decades later it was revealed that actually he had realized he was gay, faked his death in the car accident, and moved to Australia to start a new life.

Edit to add, as mentioned by BoldRestless, before that happened, he had dated Cricket and impregnated and married Nina.

Edited by janea4old
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Phillip Chancellor I never aired.
Phillip Chancellor II was married to (and divorced from) Jeanne Cooper's character Katherine.
Phillip II was lovers with Jill. 
Phillip II married Jill before he died, but unclear if that was legal or not.
Phillip II and Jill are the parents of Phillip III.
Phillip II died before Phillip III was born.
Phillip Chancellor III was played by Thom Bierdz, and known as Phillip.
Phillip Chancellor IV is nicknamed "Chance".

Sorry for the details but the Chancellor/Jill history is rich and still being played out now.

Edited by janea4old
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Attempting to list *only* things relevant to current storylines, for benefit of Donna and anyone else who came to Y&R because of Colleen Zenk.

Otherwise, discussion goes on the Y&R history/BTS/articles thread.

John Abbott was married to Dina. (Dina's maiden name unknown?)
They had three children: Jack (Peter Bergman), Ashley (Eileen), and Traci (Beth Maitland).

It was later revealed that Ashley's biofather was someone else, but John never learned this and the info was kept from him for the rest of his life.  Everyone knows now. At any rate, Ashley is an Abbott in every way that matters, regardless of biology.

Dina was bored, left her husband and children, moved to Paris, ran a business, and had a fun and rich life.   Dina later married Marcel Mergeron, so she's referred to as Dina Mergeron.  Dina died of Alzheimer's a few years ago. 

John Abbott hired Mamie Johnson to run his household.  She was hired as the maid/cook but because Dina left, Mamie became a mother figure to Jack, Ashley, and especially to Traci.

Several years after Phillip Chancellor II died, Jill married John Abbott.
Jill and John were married twice, long story, won't detail that here.
Even when Jill and John were divorced, Jill was annoyed when John was with someone else.

At some point during all this, Jill became aware that John and Mamie were falling in love.  Jill payed Mamie millions of dollars to leave town, and Mamie left.
This is the Jill/Mamie rivalry/resentment currently playing out onscreen.

Mamie is the aunt of Victoria Rowell's character Drucilla Barber Winters.
Mamie is also the aunt of Drucilla's sister Olivia.

Drucilla died falling into a volcano. 

  • EDIT - sorry for my error. Correction: Drucilla was last shown falling off a cliff. (not into a volcano).   Drucilla is presumed dead.

Olivia has been offscreen for ages working for Doctors Without Borders.

Lily is Drucilla's daughter.
Devon is Drucilla's adopted son.
Nate is Olivia's son.

So Mamie is the great-aunt of Lily, Devon, and Nate.
And was a mother-figure to Jack, Ashley, and Traci.

Billy Abbott is the son of John Abbott and Jill.
Billy Abbott would be the halfbrother of Thom Bierdz's character but they never met.

Edit:  I forgot that Phillip III (Thom Bierdz) visited Genoa City 2009-2011 and and then returned to Australia.  He may have met Billy Abbott then?



If you go by date born onscreen,
Chance *should be* (but obviously isn't)
five years older than his uncle Billy.

Jill's first son Phillip Chancellor III (Thom Bierdz) was born in 1976 when she was younger.

Jill's second son Billy Abbott was was born in 1993, late in life to Jill.

Jill's grandson Phillip IV (Chance) was born in 1998 (the same year as Nick Newman).  He should be the same age as Nick Newman and one year younger than Sharon.

But Billy was SORASed a lot when Jason Thompson took over the role.
And Chance was deSORASed a lot when Conner Floyd took over the role.

It has been discussed that their ages are off, and we could vent/discuss it forever with no resolution.  It is what it is, so I won't belabor the point here.  Trying to stay on track with what is *currently* airing in December 2023.

Billy and Chance are about to work together at Chancellor-Winters, so that should be interesting.

Edited by janea4old
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