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GH: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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Did we really go roundand round with the MollY/Kristina surrogacy stuff only to end up back where we started? Sorry, but this i lame writing that will lead to every cliche plot device we've ever seen.

And not telling TJ??? Does Molly have baby rabies so bad that she's keeping this from him?

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I think everyone knows I hate Nina, but I wish she would just bitch slap Michael.  I know-violence is wrong, but he is so effin annoying.

Molly's baby plans are just weird.  Chill for a minute, girl.

I love child James.  He's adorable.  The opposite of the annoying Violet...

Also I hate when Sonny is written to be dumb.  I like Sonny.  I know that's unpopular, but I hate when he's written so dumb that he can't figure out social cues.  Michael was squirming in his seat and Sonny was talking about Yankee tickets.

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I don't hate Nina but I do have a serious dislike of her ways & means! I don't hate Carly either. I actually like Carly. I realize this means I'm supposed to turn in my GH fan ID card. We are supposed to hate one of them! I don't even hate Sonny & the gummi bear mob & the docks & the underbelly of Port Charles but I really do dislike Sonny. The only exception is that I like him as a father & a parent & a co-parent. I actually admire the weird relationship Sonny & Carly have. It's very grown-up of them & neither of them is very grown up in general. 

Child James is adorable. Violet makes me violently ill. James is the icing on the cake of the redemption of Cody Bell. 

I really don't want Krissy to be a surrogate. I really want her to be busy with the club & her project & a growing romance with Blaze. But, I must grudgingly appreciate the great sister drama that played out yesterday. I dislike the show philosophy being so much about women having to have babies. I'm great with the FinalMolly actress but not so great with Molly going from someone unconcerned with children a year ago to being fanatical now. 

Stranger in town having a burger at Kelly's was a clever way to finally put a face on Pikeman. 

Now, still in the spirit of caring, they did some important taping this past week & Maxie was suitably dressed in this great black dress & she looked fabulous & they issued her call to come to the set & she freaked out at the last minute & changed into some very ordinary black pants & an ugly big black sweater. So she went from panic to calm but others just had broken hearts again. Sigh. So we are forewarned that she's going to stick out like that veritable sore thumb. Blast it. 

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This whole baby plot should have been dropped or postponed due to the casting merry-go-round.  It is unfortunate what the last few years have done to Alexis. One of the things Guza and his team did that I liked was the Davis girls and their relationships.

I also have to agree about Sonny- if he has to be here and always in story, don’t make him an idiot for a plot to work. Historically he has so many issues that it would be more believable to give him things that distract him, not blatant stupidity.

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I love Carly most of the time.  This is coming from Brenda Barrett's biggest fan, so that's saying a lot.  I don't even mind Sonny/Carly as a romantic couple.    I just think Nina acts stupid most of the time and she isn't in the wrong to turn Carly/Drew in for an actual crime they committed lol.   I want someone, anyone, to put Michael in his place.  I loved Chad Duell when he first was cast but now I can't stand his smug face.

I don't like the idea of Kristina being the surrogate, but I think we all knew it was headed there once they sorted out the Molly actress.

James/Georgie are my two fave GH kids.  I really hope Violet leaves forever.

As far as KS/Maxie-I am just going to leave it alone.  My comments end up getting fat shaming replies and that really isn't my point.  

Yeah that's my point about Sonny.  He isn't stupid.  He is supposed to be smart and savvy and mileage may vary on that lol.  Michael was practically giving Nina a death stare the entire time Sonny was talking about baseball tickets.   Sonny isn't that oblivious.

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Sonny is a terrible influence on Ava, and she should really stop going to him for advice.

The photo of dead Austin exonerates Ava.  So, it makes perfect sense to show it to the police.  Sonny has her paranoid to the point that she is irrational.  You know you're in deep when Nina is your only friend with common sense.

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As a note of support, I want to say I never felt you fat-shamed Maxie -- or anything like it. I haven't done that, either. If someone wants to make that charge, bring the receipts, because we never mentioned her weight as a problem.


I am appalled that once again, KS has been enabled.

You know, if Meryl Streep throws a wardrobe fit, I'm OK if she's accomodated...because Meryl Streep. Kirsten Storms is no Meryl Streep. I do not think she's essential to GH and I do not think she's irreplaceable.

It's just madness that they've given her so much control.


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Thanks!  I don't think you or 99% of the board is trying to fat shame KS.  It's just a delicate situation.  I think she herself is uncomfortable with her weight and wears unflattering things to maybe "cover" it up.  It's just a shame she makes herself look bad.  Because it's nice to see a regular woman on tv.   She's a beautiful woman.  I have grown up with this girl.   It is just sad no one on set can convince her of that or give her flattering clothing.  And I do think if KS can't handle the situation it might be time for her to have a break and give Maxie a break as well.  

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