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DAYS: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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Yeah, I don't like Mike-Hortonification of Tripp that came when he lost his rebellious characteristics and just became a symp.  But, I think every show can use one romantic couple to just play out those fantasies of eating apples together that you get delivered from ubereats.

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Not much happened, but I really enjoyed today. It was one of those days where those bonds between family and friends were on full display and I always enjoy episodes like that.  

And they finally remembered Johnny’s fake eye

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John/Marlena, Steve/Kayla and Roman/Kate reminiscing and getting ready for Christmas was the best part of today. It really is nice to see how far they’ve all come over all these years. I see Steve used a little revisionist history when he brought up that Christmas where he was keeping John in his apartment but that partially could have been because of the whole Roman/John rewrite lol 

But that harmonica though…

I really liked Chanel looking out for Paulina as well.

Btw, Happy Birthday Holly

I felt bad for her today lol it’s really sucks to have a crappy birthday. I don’t blame her for getting plastered I’m still enjoying the actress. She plays drunk, angsty teen really well. And this plays into what may happen to her in the future, I don’t mind it. It could be a really good storyline. 

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Only 4 days till Christmas! 

Today's DAYS was perfect for that. 

SuperSorased Holly is 17 today! Poor thing, no one has time for her to have a birthday. At least we learned that she is not an accomplished imbiber. However, once again she keeps Johnny from being with Chanel. Such an unfortunate pattern. 

For continuing story,

1. Paulina is really sick.

2. Andrew destroyed the evidence that would implicate his baby sister. 

3. John is mindful that Victor knew all along all of his past & that he took it all to the grave with him. John seems melancholy. I wish I could refer him to the fandom wiki that lists all the retcons! 

4. They wrapped presents for the needy kids. One of those times when they act like Christmas is just for kids. If you ask me, very often, grown-ups need a little Christmas much more than children do!

But, what's important is that today was a good day to be a DAYS fan. 

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John, sweetie, honey, baby, it has been almost 40 years, it is time to move on.  Besides, he knows that he's Forrest Alamain the adoptive heir to Alamania, what else does he have to know at this point?  In fact, I wonder why he never changed his name to Forrest, it is so much cooler that John. 

Steve/Patch is foreshadowing hard that he's got a secret about John.  And I would bet that Konstantin's next move is to blackmail Steve in order to get him off of his back.

It is kind of funny that after all those times that Chanel stared into Johnny's eyes, she noticed one of them was glass.

Finally, props to Jackée Harry, she's really one of the few that can play wacky high jinks and melodrama.  This tumor story is so sad, and she's acting her tush off to make me feel empathic.

Edited by j swift
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I liked today's episode. 

The Pub scenes were nice.  I do love John/Marlena reminiscing about the early part of the Affair at the table with Roman.  Nice.

I kind of agree John needs to get over his past.  I get that it really sucks, but at some point just move on.  

Poor Holly.  I feel bad for Nicole/Ej, but that was cold to leave Holly alone on Christmas Eve/her b-day.

It would have been nice if Abe came to stay with Paulina too. 

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Tripp and Ava have so few scenes together that it reminds me of EJ and Susan.  I assume that they don't want to remind us of the age discrepancy (or, lack there of) between mother and son.  But, it is distracting that they are often not even on the same episode.

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I stand alone in loving & enjoying Tripp & Wendy. Of course I enjoyed them more when they were getting up to no good helping Ava & Harris head to England. More of that kind of thing would be fabulous! But I find them interesting. She's got this father issue & is very attuned to socio-political issues of patriarchy, women being ignored but also of her brother being poorly treated & now, of course, grief over his strange death. Tripp is a go-getter, a doctor, a great cook, open for fun & adventure, a real friend if you need one & a mama's boy. The other day he was so patient with Stephanie & actually had some advice. 

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Yes.  There is nothing wrong with them and it's nice to have a happy couple, but my mind immediately starts drifting when they appear.

It's strange because I thought Tripp/Wendy had chemistry in Beyond Salem 2.  Wendy was just presented much differently on that show and she's lost all the cool attributes she had now.

I would argue the show makes the least amount of effort in expanding Wendy's family.  Li and his dad was an issue but not explored until the day before he died.  It still hasn't been explored since Li's death.  Did his parents come to Li's funeral?  Why isn't this conflict happening in person?  A phone call from China is pretty lame.

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