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DAYS: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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I totally agree that Brady and Theresa absolutely have no chemistry what-so-whatever and even if they did, (when Jen Lilley was still playing her), they are just so toxic at this point that they shouldn't have anything to do with each other. They can't even get along for their son's sake. How the hell did they even manage to co-parent for all of those years if they can't even stand each other?

For God's sake Brady even went to California to spend Christmas with Theresa and Tate a couple of years ago. Maybe Eric wasn't the only reason why he had to leave early... What if they had gotten into an argument that was so ugly and bad that Brady ended up leaving early because he couldn't stand to be with Theresa for another minute longer? Who knows with these writers? I won't be surprised if Tate ends up bringing up this memory to Holly one of these days. 

Actually, I was just thinking that instead whatever they might be planning with Holly, they can do a depression/mental health story with Tate where he becomes so depressed because he truly believes that his parents don't give two shits about him that he finally reaches his breaking point and attempts suicide via a drug overdose. And maybe that could finally wake up Brady and Theresa and make them realize just how much their toxic dysfunction is really affecting their son. But of course we know these writers are not capable of that. 

Sometimes I even wonder if Brady even loved Theresa or if he was just that attracted to her and then when things went south he basically turned on her. I really wish that they haven't made Theresa so awful now because I would love for her to move on with anybody that she might have chemistry with and who would actually be good to her and Tate. She and J.J. actually could've worked but of course the writers will never give them a real chance.

The writers would rather have Theresa remain stuck in dead end relationships and have Brady continue to berate her and be emotionally and verbally abusive to her. And also I really hate that Brady keeps bad-mouthing J.J. when J.J. actually had more brains than him and he actually succeeded in outsmarting Theresa with his friends when she tried to blackmail him years ago. 

Sometimes I wonder why I continue to bother with this show. 

Edited by MissPhoenixGirl92
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Today's episode was okay.  I don't have much to say about it. 

All I have to say is I feel bad for those poor Pub employees.  Stefan screaming at them to bring him more drinks, Stefan/Chad yelling at each other across the entire restaurant, and Chad knocking over chairs.  I can't believe no one kicked them out.

@SoapsudsNo Andrew today.  He just called Theresa to meet on the phone.

ETA- Welcome to the board @MissPhoenixGirl92!!

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It was a day filled with inexplicable sudden recall.

Chad put aside his recent breakup and suddenly remembered that he hates Clyde.  I mean, when Stefan mentioned him, and Chad yelled Clyde WESTON, as if they know fifty guys named Clyde, I had to laugh.

Brady suddenly remembered that Theresa is sober.  I don't know why he's suddenly so judgy, Brady falls off the wagon any time a girl makes him cry. I'm sure Brady's mentioning Theresa's relapse won't lead to anything (NOT).  Also, funny how this was suddenly Brady's first day at the office.  And, I don't think he's even emailed Rachel since he lost custody. (Does Tate know his half-sister lives with Holly?)

And suddenly the drug warehouse was shut down. Of course, that happened off-screen, but Rafe, Harris, and Jada don't seem to know anything about it.

Between what was promoted as a twelve-week story for Theresa and a one-year contract for Harris, I am beginning to wonder if these agreements are written in “Salem-time” or IRL years? 

Edited by j swift
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Welcome back, Andrew! We’ve missed you

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Too bad Dimitri isn’t around anymore

Right off the bat, he’s made EOB’s Theresa a little watchable lol they actually had some brother-sister chemistry. I like how he played the big brother. In some ways, it reminded me of the way Jensen Ackles’ Eric used to be with Sami. A little ridiculous that he’s only around for this one episode though. If they’re gonna have so much focus around Theresa, wouldn’t it make sense for her brother to be a bigger part of the show? My admiration for Colton aside, that just makes sense to me. Plus, the fact that Andrew is a legacy character who definitely deserves a chance to finally drive story. 

Tripp and Wendy were sweet today but yeah, it’s time for some good conflict for the two of them. Something better than her possibly moving back to China. They should be weaved back into the whole Chanel/Johnny/Holly/Tate storyline somehow.

And yeah, when you think about it, Alex is pretty dumb for trying to re-launch a magazine in today’s world lol. Plus, he was a total dick today but I don’t mind that. It’ll make it more worth watching when he finds out that he’s not Victor’s son and that Theresa is responsible for this whole mess. They really should push an Alex-Xander rivalry/hatred during this storyline and in the aftermath of it. I’d like to see that. And I hope we end up seeing this Kiriakis Christmas dinner that everyone was talking about

Btw, Bobby?? This storyline with Everett just took a more interesting turn. I was hoping that Jada and Rafe’s part in it would make it better and now that we know that there is an ulterior motive with Everett, I’m looking forward to it a little more. It’s well passed the time to move on from the Chad/Stephanie part of this storyline and weave more characters into it.

And even though I saw the picture, Konstantin at the Horton Christmas makes me

It’s time for this guy to go away and never come back. He doesn’t belong there. But at the same time, I’m glad Sarah invited Xander. I wonder what they do with all the divorced spouses’ ornaments

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I can't believe Andrew just let Theresa go with that flimsy ass excuse lol.  Oh well, at least your cute Andrew!

Kostantin is ridiculous.  Hiding behind Christmas trees and eavesdropping?  He needs to go.

I don't get why John/Steve/the ISA aren't working with Jada and the police on the kidnapping.  You'd think they fill Jada in on their own rogue investigation.

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Today I have taken my crazy life in hand. I was behind on 4 soaps, a total of 9 episodes. Meh. Now I've watched 4 episodes & have 5 remaining. Bah. 

I find myself wondering just exactly what was Ava's "mental health" diagnosis? I have no memory. 

Of course, I count it to the good that I did remember that Andrew is big brother to little Jeanie, now Theresa! 

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 I don't get why the entire Salem PD and the ISA is focused on a kidnapping that was quickly resolved rather than the drugs that are being shipped throughout the town!

Rather than conflict between them, I'd like to see them work together on solving the mystery of who killed Li, using their combined tech and medical knowledge.

Time is nuts on DAYS, Christmas is tomorrow, but Jude was born three days ago on the day after Nicole's wedding which was right after Halloween.  Maybe that's how Xander already knows that Bella has failed, despite Theresa agreeing to work there two weeks ago?

And Andrew took the ISA jet to tell Theresa a line that he could have said on the phone?  Their universe's taxes are being wasted.

Edited by j swift
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