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Days of Our Lives: November 2023 Discussion Thread

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@janea4old I respect your take on the Ava story.  I feel like a story where a character is fearful about not being believed as a victim of sexual assault, written by the wife of an executive accused of sexual misconduct, is beyond poor taste.

Ava did not want to do Gil's bidding.  And it was explicit that he assaulted her.

However, I think the deliberate ambiguity of Ava shooting Gil behind a closed door implies that women will exaggerate threats, or use them to their advantage, in order to further their agenda.  Which is the only logical interpretation for that scene, when we consider that it was written by a woman whose husband was being investigated for inappropriate behavior in their workplace.

Edited by j swift
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Good riddance, Gil. Too bad you’re not taking Clyde with you. 

A lot of good acting in today’s episode. Episodes like this may be slow moving but we always get some really good character development and explanation as to how they’re feeling, which also could provide explanation for any actions they may take in the future. The storyline may not be the best in the world but everyone involved is really bringing it. It’s times like this that you can really see good some of these actors are. 

I particularly liked the EJ/Chad and Eric/Nicole scenes.

Melinda’s just a dick though and I still have no understanding as to why she did all this. Any kind of explanation that they’ve given us hasn’t been good. Because Sloan is her friend? That’s so weak. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Agreed that Melinda's going too far on her first case as an adoption attorney.

However, I thought the dialogue about giving away her firstborn provided some additional insight into her motives.

Also, she provides plausible deniability for Sloan when this all blows up.

Is the “smoking gun” EJ's note that he wrote on the envelope with the DNA results? Does anyone recall where it is?  I know Sloan replaced the results, but the detail about him writing on the envelope seemed purposeful.  

Edited by j swift
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Regarding the envelope containing the reprint of the DNA analysis:
When Nicole received it, nothing was written on the envelope.

After she brought it into the DiMansion, she set it down for a second.
As people sometimes write notes on empty envelopes laying around, EJ picked it up and started to write on the envelope, but at some point, Nicole stopped him and told him that it contained the report, so he stopped writing immediately and had written only a few characters/letters, or part of a word.

Meanwhile, Sloan was outside the DiMansion observing this through a window or glass door.  So she created a disturbance (or rang the doorbell or something) at the front door so EJ would go to the front door. He set down the pen/pencil and the envelope in the livingroom  and went to the door. And while EJ was at the front door, she slipped in through the patio door into the DiMansion living room and swapped the envelopes.

The scene intentionally did NOT show if Sloan noted the scribble on the envelope or not.  Did she see that? 
Did she grab the pen/pencil next to the envelope to quickly write something similar on the exchanged envelope? We were not shown. 
It was only a few seconds with the camera away. She slipped out the patio door.
We don't even know if she properly switched the envelopes, or if she only *thought* she'd switched them, but didn't due to being in a hurry.

A few seconds later, EJ returned from the front door and went back to the envelope and commented that since Nicole had just told him its importance, he was putting it in the safe, and he did.  It was not shown if he looked closely at the envelope before putting it in the safe...
so we don't know if he noticed if there was writing on it or not.
(or even if there was any writing)

Sloan returned to her apartment and pulled an envelope out of her purse and destroyed it.  Presumably she destroyed the envelope containing the real results.  Presumably the envelope in the DiMansion safe is the one that Sloan brought containing fake results.

This is Sloan so, if written true to character she would have been careful and calculating and done the switch correctly -- but the show will write anything to service a plot.

The camerawork was intentionally ambiguous.

Edited by janea4old
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