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Days: August 2023 Discussion Thread

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Thanks, but I was referencing that it was remarkable that Marlena was missing from Maggie's 50th anniversary episode (obviously, there's a lot of rumored behind the scenes BS, but it was especially noticeable on Friday).

Edited by j swift
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No just rumors.  The most widespread have to do with issues of airtime and SR/Maggie's rise to prominence when DH was fired and/or SR was having an affair with DH's ex husband.  That latter seems crazy to me, but I have heard it a lot and something clearly serious happened as the show has gone out of their way to avoid Maggie/Marlena having scenes for well over a decade now.   They were once very close because she was the only Days actor lucky enough to be in Dee's movie biopic besides Wayne.

 It's a shame.  Marlena and Maggie had some wonderful scenes especially in the 70's and early 80's.  It would have been nice to see some of those today.

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well just finished watching Friday's episode. nice but Maggie has rich history with the Hortons - why didn't we see scenes from 70's-80's with Melissa, Jennifer, and the beloved Alice Horton????? with don Craig? with Neil Curtis? not even one scene with Maggie and Alice, come on. they were super close. ridiculous. and why didn't Marlena come to share her respects? she and Maggie were really good friends in the 70's and early 80's. I don't care about behind the scenes nonsense, I wish hope-jen-marlena-julie and the real Melissa (Lisa trusel) would patriciate in Fridays episode, celebrating 50 years for SR. 

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It really is.

Maggie was the one who was there when DJ died. And she was maid of honor at Marlena’s wedding. 

You would think that after all this time, Dee and Suzanne would’ve at least tried to bury the hatchet. And then we’d finally get Marlena/Maggie scenes again. 

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Idk, it seems really silly that one or both of those ladies would be that petty and still carry a grudge.  Regardless of that, I do think there was a way for the show to air flashbacks of Maggie with Marlena, Alice/Tom, other Hortons, her children etc.  The show could have said Marlena and John were downstairs without showing them or having them interact with Maggie.

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Overall, I thought Friday was the best episode I have seen on DAYS in a very long time. No sci-fi nonsense, silly Leo storyline, over the top Dimera antics but just simple character exploration. I've loved the characters expressing the fact that Victor had a very dark side, too. All the different reactions to his death have been very well-written.

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At the end of the day it was Suzanne's anniversary and if she didn't want any Marlena/Maggie scenes shown that's her right I guess.  I do question the lack of Horton flashbacks and the complete lack of any of her non Sarah children in flashbacks.  I suppose it was to follow the shows narrative of Maggie having mourned two husbands, but perhaps the Victor mourning could have been one episode and flashbacks of Maggie's life outside that could have been another.  I am no fan of Maggie's but 50 years is a long, long time and it could have had 2 days with her interacting with several cast members reminiscing.

ETA-I thoroughly enjoyed the episode, so my complaints are pretty mild on how I think it could have been slightly better.  Overall, it was very good.

Edited by carolineg
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