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ALL: Types of characters every soap needs

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Obviously, ideally, characters should be multidimensional and not fit comfortably into a box. And soaps have different story needs based on their style or what types of stories they are trying to tell at a certain time. BUT what are some basic “types” that every soap needs to maximize drama, create a sense of community, etc.? Which characters historically embody that type, and which soaps have lacked (or are lacking) characters of that type, to their own detriment?

@slick jones mentioned Audra on Y&R as a good “sh!t stirrer,” and it’s been a while since the show has had an effective one of those, even though it’s a very broad type. A good, gossipy, strategic manipulative mind-fücker with a hidden agenda (at least to most of the other characters). The actress and the writing sometimes overplay the rubbing-her-hands-together scheming so that her victims like Elena seem dim when they can’t see through her, but in general, she’s a good addition IMO.

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You need at least one self-identified outsider. They don't have to be from the wrong side of the tracks, but by design, intent or circumstance, they should feel out of sync if not isolated from others in their circle.

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I wonder how much the Sopranos-era push for more “antiheroes” played in that, but you could see the shift on soaps in the ‘90s. Obviously, soaps have turned rapists into heroes since time immemorial (Luke Spencer being most notable) and dark, troubled characters saved by a woman’s love are a romance-novel staple, but the feeling that good=boring and/or hypocritical, the pursuit of shock value, the valorization of Todd Manning not only after he raped Marty but terrorized Luna and Nora, etc. really shifted the landscape until Guza and co. just said “Fück it. Let’s put our thumbs on the scale and make killers heroes and more traditional characters the villains” and Sheffer professed the need to “give men their dicks back” to critical applause and Emmy wins.


Do you feel like any soap has done that well recently? Sally could have been that on Y&R. B&B used her for a quick, empty nod to history that CH managed to transcend.

On Y&R, Audra is in that mold. Imani could have been as well. Does GH have one these days? B&B with Brooke apparently having aged out of those types of stories?

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The meddling mother - well meaning or not . Lauren on Y&R would have suited that role but her kids are never on and she's too busy pushing the sex kitten angle.

The heroine-dying breed as soaps moved towards making the vixen the lead. A good heroine may be slightly naive but not so dumb as to lose audience sympathy

The wise benevolent matriach/patriach. As mentioned, characters have not evolved into this role either because they are still being pushed as romantic leads or written off because they have reached a certain age. eg Paul on Y&R could now be in that role except his kids all got written off and he was marginalized.

Characters from the wrong side of the tracks trying to make it, by fair means or foul.  But now that just about everyone is mega rich the class differences and striving has been lost. 

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Early Carly on ATWT!


Benevolent Matriarch (Burt GL, Viki OLTL)

Femme Fatale (Claudia GH)

Grand dame (Alexandra GL, Kay Y&R)

Domineering patriarch (Asa OLTL, Palmer AMC, Victor Y&R)

Social climbing scheming Girl [often from the wrong side of the tracks] (Carly GH, Tina OLTL)

Psycottic villain (Cameron Y&R, Mitch OLTL)

Methodical/mental villain (Adam Y&R)

Supervillain (James Stenbeck, Stefano Dinera)


Edited by Planet Soap
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