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Days: April 2023 Discussion Thread

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My second soap pet peeve happened in today's episode.

Hope is a cop, trained in interrogation.  But, when she asks Harris what's wrong and he pauses long enough to have a flashback of an entire scene, which is the most obvious tell in the world, she accepts his lie without question.  So, not only is she too stupid to insist that Harris (who was brainwashed until last week) stick by her side, (you only need to watch one episode of Law & Order to know that a cop always needs backup) but now she can't see through his lies - Hope should not be written as an imbecile.

Only on soaps do they rely on these juvenile tricks to demonstrate to the audience that someone is lying, yet nobody in the scene notices.  The classic is when two characters embrace, and the camera lingers on one of them with a cynically raised eyebrow.  It is so dumb.

Edited by j swift
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I do feel like Harris will do the right thing.  The problem with flashbacks on soaps is that I am never sure if the person is pausing for the actual time the flashback takes or if they are thinking about it while the person is talking to them.  Unless you show a little bubbles and cloud above Steve Burton while Hope's talking I tend to think both things are happening concurrently even if we see them separately. lol.  JER literally had characters flashback to entire 3 min scenes back in the day and I doubt when Marlena asked Kristen a question Marlena was just left waiting for Kristen to answer for that long. 

As far as Hope the cop.  She's pretty much always been incompetent so I expect nothing less.

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Yeah, I don't think it's supposed to literally be that someone is standing there for a minute or more completely silent while they recall a previous moment in perfect linear fashion. I can think, "Oh, I got in a fight with my friend yesterday" and sort of... remember the whole thing without having to go step-by-step through it mentally. 

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Also, where's the logic in Harris's lie?

Bo said that he doesn't want to reunite with Hope, so if Harris was insecure about their bond, wouldn't it be in his best interest for Bo to reject Hope so that she'll come running back to him?

I'm certain none of this will matter after tomorrow's episode.  But if we're getting a character's return, I'd like to be able to appreciate all of the things that made me a fan of them in the first place.

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Today was an improvement over the last time we saw the biscuits storyline. It seems the script and the breakdown were in the hands of an actual writer. 

I got a little tired of Chanel though.  All the ranting and raving has always seemed out or character for her and today was no different. Maybe if she had been keeping all the anger inside her all this time and finally let it all after the whole biscuit thing, I’d have more sympathy for her. 

For me, the best part was the Li/Gabi scenes. It was a nice closure for Li and for his relationship with Gabi. And I’m glad they wrote Gabi as (somewhat) self aware of what a selfish POS she is. Little things like that are what make her rootable and likable. 

And I am glad that there are actually going to be some effects for both character and storyline as a result of this whole biscuits thing.

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I thought today's episode was okay.  I liked Li/Gabi like @AbcNbc247 mentioned.

I am trying to figure out the logic of Nicole lying to EJ.  Sloan knows.  I doubt she's going to keep Nicole's secret and it's not like EJ/Nicole are married or that super serious plus she was actually drugged.  He might be mad for awhile, but this is all going to blow up in Nicole's face.  I do actually wonder if she might end up pregnant, but Idk, Nicole is past her child bearing years on top of her fertility issues.

I like Stefan/Trask together.  They are a funny duo.  I enjoy their scenes and banter.

Why does Chanel not have her cameras on at all times?  That's the whole point of security cameras.  It's not even logical to turn them on and off.

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I’m just trying to get people to tune in again

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Maybe Nicole lying will be the thing that’ll force EJ to take a darker turn. Or maybe he’ll start pursuing Sloan in order to get back at everyone. 

There’s a rumor going around that 

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Today we saw a lot more of Nicole than we’ve ever seen before

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 Her and Eric’s dual fantasies were hot. 

I’m Team Ericole, but I did like Eric/Sloan finally making it official. I hope they play the long game with all of them and EJ. It’ll only make Eric and Nicole’s reunion so much better. 

Wendy seemed a little stupid today, but I’m still liking that storyline. I could definitely see how anyone could fall for Tripp  I’ll never understand why Soap Twitter doesn’t like him. I still hope they continue to weave Chanel into this storyline though, and whatever Talia’s plotting as well. 

And Idk why, but I enjoy Johnny/Li scenes

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Tripp had a pretty rough entrance and first few years.  I think most people still remember that.  He was awful to Kayla and he had that romance with Claire that I don't think was well received.  Plus, he planted evidence on Ben when he was dating Ciara because he was jealous and you know how much twitter loves their Cin.  Tripp has had a good character turn around, but he was definitely not great his first run.

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