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Days: April 2023 Discussion Thread

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I'm a proponent of democratic fanservice, so I wish somehow, someone would have had a sexy/silly hallucination of either Johnny or Rafe (or either could have seen himself reflected in something). A minor point, but one I like making.

Edited by Franko
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Talia seems to have synthesized a drug that makes women horny and men hallucinate.  I hope she gives Rolf a run for his money in the laboratory sciences.

This makes me wonder, have we ever seen Kayla in a lab?  Was there ever a story where she had to concoct some kind of antidote?  Because if Talia is making LSD in a one-bedroom apartment, maybe Bo should've kidnapped her.

Lastly, is it possible that the Beyond Salem crew is similar to us because they also don't seem to know what the Dimera and Kirakis family businesses produce?   Rolf worked for Dimera in creating the youth serum, but now Bo wants to steal it for Kirakis, but do Maggie and Xander even know that their company manufactures pharmaceuticals?  I think there's some irony, given the number of prescription drug ads on daytime, that they're even playing with this idea. 

Edited by j swift
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With the risk of sounding insensitive (and I don't mean to), was it that out of Ron's control?  I don't think Ron was prepared for JA to pass away mid story, but this wasn't a Victor tribute arc.  This is Bo's return.  I wonder if Ron went so heavy on Victor in this story to cover his own butt.  If the story goes over well Ron gets praise for using an ailing vet.  If it goes over poorly it was out of his control-John was sick and unable to work.  Perhaps I am being overly cynical, but JA's health has been declining for years.   Was Ron expecting him to film a large part of this story?  If Ron had added Victor's influence into this after JA passed it would be one thing, but it seems he had the full intention of using Victor in scenes.   It almost seems like Ron wanted an excuse for this Bo story in case it failed.  Again, I don't want to come off as a jerk and I don't think Ron wished ill will on anyone, but I am curious as to how he really thought this was going to be executed.  All of the players in Bo's parentage have passed away in real life.  There was no way to make the return of a character that's been around for 40 years about anything else?

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I took it to mean that he was referring to people who feel that Shawn/BB isn’t being used well enough in Bo and Hope’s story, but you have a valid point. 

And I do agree with you saying that Ron likes to have an excuse. When there isn’t one, he just seems to ignore people’s complaints. 

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We don’t need Marlena becoming Alex’s biggest cheerleader, like she was for the serial killer. 

It was nice seeing Kristen and Megan interact. I’m curious as to what direction they’re going to be taken in, even I thought I want Megan to totally dominate lol btw was Kristen wearing a wig today? 

I’m still enjoying the Greece adventure, but I’m really wondering where all this anti-Kiriakis sentiment is coming from. I know Bo isn’t really like that, but with the way Kayla and everybody is speaking about them, you’d think it was 1986 again. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Got it.  I didn't read the whole twitter thread, so that makes more sense as far as Shawn, but I don't know what the excuse is not to use Shawn the other 250 episodes a year.  I took it in the context of the single tweet and felt like Ron was saying this story had other beats, but JA was too ill to complete them so things overall had to be cut.   That being said, I would be interested in seeing the script lol.

I haven't watched the episode yet, but Ben/RSW's fans seemed to love the Marlena/Ben relationship.  I think Ron is trying to recreate that with Alex because he thinks that's a popular draw.  As a Marlena stan I would like to say that's my least favorite thing about her.  Well, next to her ugly suits.  That might be my least favorite thing about her lol. 

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I don’t get it either. BB is a good actor (and fits Ron’s type to a tee

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) so I’ve never seen why he doesn’t have any use for him. I do agree that he needs to be used more in this storyline though. I would rather he had gone to Greece with Stephanie than Chad. 

They also should have built up a Shawn/Jada friendship, relationship, etc. Have them turn to each other in the wake of everything that happened with EJ/Belle and Eric/Nicole. And then by throwing Sloan/EJ/Rafe and Eric and Jada’s baby into it, not only do you have a good mess, but good family drama as well, which would have been a lot better then Belle’s crazy, random hatred for Sloan

Clearly the lack of writing talent also extends to a lack of intelligence 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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