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GH: ABC nixes character return (c/o Daytime Confidential)

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An upside for me of having Todd back is that we would have to get Blair visits and I love Kassie DePaiva.

The downside is that I don't know how you can write Todd Manning without having Starr around at some point and that can only lead to ugly dilemnas.

I know we are way past that point in the discussion but there are no good options and Roger H. is not indispensable. Enough with this.

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I get that. You would think a show that says we have to be careful because of the times were living in, then writes a story that looks like its leading to a woman sleeping with a man she knows has no idea who he is and sheknows who he is. Almost a reverse Victor Jr/Marty story from 2008 on OLTL

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Howarth shouldn't be brought back as Todd, Franko, Kent or any role on Gh now, as his image is tied to at least two characters that were misogynistic. Yes they retconned all of Franko's behavior with the brain tumor.


This is the guy that made a career playing a rapist and a serial killer.  It's not good optics, and it's about time something was done about it.  I'm not saying he shouldn't get new roles, but GH needs to be willing to let go of the actor so his career isn't neutered by the characters in his past.  He'd fit well on one of those Nickelodeon s*itcoms with his smirks and facial expression, he could be a goldmine.


Neither Easton or Howarth deserve multiple characters when there is a plethora of past faces that could have been recast that (as I always said...). VIEWERS RECOGNIZE AND CARE ABOUT.   


We can all go back and forth about Sonny, Jason, and Carly, but at the end of the day TPTB will likely stay behind them.  It's about time someone at ABC recognized that with his penny- pinching ways, Frank Valentini has been their biggest problem.

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Ratings/streaming numbers are all that matters. So if RH came back as Todd for, say, a two-week test period, do you think viewers would be so repulsed that the ratings would show a sharp drop?


It's possible that the 2-3MM (1%) or so people who still consistently watch GH actually like characters like Sonny/Jason/Nina, etc. v the 300MM+ (99%) who don't watch.  It's just a theory. 

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