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Ratings From the 90's

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This week was Jenny Jones show debut. 

This week was Jerry Springer show debut.

Y&R this week was the masquerade ball.

This week Montel Williams show went national.

Y&R this week the masquerade ball concludes and Michael Corbett departure.

Guiding Light this week Alexandra and Nick meet.

Four weeks in a row that CBS entire line up is in the Top 5 

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Two of ABC's big three tanking is quite the contrast from a decade earlier.

Four new syndicated talk shows have premiered and I think that played a part. Keep an eye on Santa Barbara clearances as well.

Edited by kalbir
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End of season 1990-91 vs. 1989-90:

1. Y&R 8.0 (0.0)
2. GH 6.3 (-0.7)
3. AMC 6.0 (-0.3)
4. ATWT 5.9 (+0.1)
5. B&B 5.6 (-0.1)
6. OLTL 5.3 (-0.7)
6. DAYS 5.3 (-0.1)
8. GL 5.2 (-0.1)
9. AW 3.9 (0.0)
10. SB 3.1 (-0.4)
11. LOV 2.9 (-0.4)
12. GEN 2.3 (-0.2)


Really, the goal of 1990-91 was to try to hold steady. The fact ATWT is the big winner of the year simply by gaining 0.1 is telling of how things were going in this era. Another year of HUGE losses for OLTL, it's surprising it's taken ABC this long to ditch Rauch, considering they've dropped by a minimum of 0.5 every season since 1987-88, when they were at a 7.4 and #3. Despite Palumbo's middling writing, DAYS manages to tie for #6, no doubt their two summer events (J&J's wedding and Marlena and Roman's return) bolstering their numbers for the season.

AW does a great job of maintaining their numbers, but SB is less lucky. The Dobsons really botched their return, and I'll never understand writers' pretending a certain period of time never happened. SB realistically should've been able to flourish with NBCD stabilizing and GH sinking with Monty 2.0. GEN really didn't get a fair shake, considering they performed about as well as they had the previous two seasons, with only a minor ratings drop in the Fall of 1990 sealing their fate. It feels like NBC gave up on them the minute they debuted with such low ratings vs. Scrabble. A shame, really.

Y&R still stable, head and shoulders above everybody else. Their strength at least helping to keep CBSD's numbers stable, though B&B's relatively weak numbers not keeping eyeballs on the lineup across the daypart.

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@beebs I took your 1990/91 season end ratings and updated the net differential for the 11 shows that were on from 1987/88 to 1990/91 and the new rankings are 

B&B +0.3

Y&R +0.1

As the World Turns -0.6

Guiding Light -0.8

Another World -1.1

Loving -1.1

All My Children -1.3

General Hospital -1.4

Santa Barbara -1.5

Days -1.7

One Life to Live -2.1


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PHEW @ OLTL. That is embarrassing. DAYS' drop is almost as bad, but considering SB didn't have as far to fall, that's almost worse than OLTL. The Bell soaps are really the big winners here, and yet I don't really think most of the other soaps (especially outside the CBS shows) were emulating their formula to guide their way out of the rut they were in at this point. OLTL and GH would to some extent, but it took them years to figure out how to make it work within the heightened identities they'd created for the shows in the 80s. It's a big contrast to the almost-immediate jump to copy the outrageous style of Reilly when DAYS took off in the mid-90s.

An aside: 1990-91 is the first year since 1977-78 that ATWT finished higher than #5. Marland really held the show together during this period in a way that should truly be commended. They'll do even better in 1991-92.

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FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 10/14/91-10/18/91 & 10/21/91-10/25/91:

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FROM THE VAULT: WEEKLY DAYTIME NIELSEN RATINGS: WEEKS OF 10/28/91-11/1/91 & 11/4/91-11/8/91:

For that month, it was this:



Cast: Brian, Caroline, Hawk, Isabella, Jack, Jennifer, Julie, Kayla, Kimberly, Marcus, Marlena, Molly, Roman, Shane, Shawn, Tanner, Tom, Victor, Vern, Tarrington, Dr. Smith.

Sets: Nurses' Station, Roman's Living Room, Pier, Hawk’s Hospital Room & Corridor, Shane & Kimberly’s Hotel Room/Sonoma, Marlena’s Hotel Room, Jack’s Office, Kayla’s Apartment.



Cast: Bo, Brian, Carly, Hawk, Isabella, Jack, Jennifer, Marcus, Mickey, Neil, Roman, Victor, Desiree, Dan, Dimitri, Nurse.

Sets: Jack & Jennifer’s Penthouse, Bo’s Hospital Room & Corridor, Roman’s Living Room, Kiriakis Mansion Living Room & Foyer, Nurses’ Station & Staff Lounge, Hawk’s Hospital Room & Corridor, Marlena’s Hotel Room & Corridor.



Cast: Bo, Brian, Carly, Caroline, Isabella, Kayla, Kimberly, Lawrence, Marlena, Roman, Shane, Shawn, Victor, Sami, Miss Peach, Simmons, Dimitri, Marlena’s Superintendent, Woman, Boy, Cop (Bob), Attorney, Nurse, Man.

Sets: Bo’s Hospital Room & Corridor, Marlena’s Hotel Room, Kiriakis Mansion Living Room & Exterior, Playground, Donovan Mansion Living Room, Prison Pay Phone, Nurses’ Station & Staff Lounge.



Cast: Bo, Carly, Ginger, Hawk, Isabella, Marcus, Marlena, Roman, Victor, Eric, Sami, Desiree, Chauncey, Dimitri, Man, Cop, Man # 1 (Hector), Man # 2 (Manny), Man # 3 (Ed), Guard # 1, Guard # 2, Snowball (dog).

Sets: Nurses’ Station & Staff Lounge, Roman’s Living Room & Exterior, Kiriakis Mansion Living Room, Bo's Boat Deck & Dock, Int. Bo's Boat, Campsite with Ginger's Trailer, Hawk’s Hospital Room & Corridor.



Cast: Bo, Carly, Caroline, Isabella, Kayla, Kimberly, Lawrence, Marlena, Neil, Roman, Shane, Shawn, Victor, Shawn Douglas, Eric, Sami, Max, Jeannie, Andrew, Stephanie, Henderson, Dimitri, Maurice, Marlena's Doctor, FDA Executive # 1, FDA Executive # 2, Nurse, Cop, Car Driver.

Sets: Shawn & Caroline’s Kitchen, Pier, Roman & Marlena’s Living Room, Prison Visiting Room, Hospital Board Room & Corridor, Kiriakis Mansion Living Room, Roman & Marlena’s Bedroom & Corridor, Loft Rooftop, Prison Corridor with Pay Phone, Street with Car, Marlena's Hospital Room/Island.



Cast: Carly, Caroline, Isabella, Kayla, Kimberly, Lawrence, Marcus, Marlena, Roman, Shane, Shawn, Eric, Sami, Andrew, Marlena's Doctor, Nurse, Man.

Sets: Loft, Roman & Marlena’s Living Room, Shane's Study, Nurses’ Station & Staff Lounge, Prison Visiting Room, Roman & Marlena’s Bedroom & Corridor, Phone Booth, Marlena's Hospital Room/Island.



Cast: Alice, Bo, Brian, Carly, Ginger, Hawk, Isabella, Jack, Maggie, Marcus, Mickey, Roman, Victor, Vern, Desiree, Chauncey, Eric, Sami, Dimitri, Nurse, Cop # 1, Cop  2, Cop # 3, Burglar, Snowball (dog).

Sets: Nurses’ Station & Staff Lounge, Brady-Toscano Detective Agency, Roman’s Office, Salem Spectator Newsroom & Jack’s Office, Hawk’s Hospital Room & Corridor, Alleyway with Ginger's Trailer, Alice’s Restaurant, Loft.



Cast: Alice, Brian, Caroline, Ginger, Hawk, Jack, Isabella, Kayla, Kimberly, Lawrence, Marcus, Molly, Neil, Shane, Tanner, Vern, Andrew, Tarrington, Chauncey, Rick Alter (Sports Editor), Warden, Nurse, Man, Snowball (dog).

Sets: Brady-Toscano Detective Agency, Jack & Jennifer’s Guest Bedroom (Hawk's), Donovan Mansion Living Room/Foyer/Exterior, Nurses’ Station & Staff Lounge, Alleyway with Ginger's Trailer, Prison Corridor with Pay Phone, Alice’s Restaurant, Park.



Cast: Alice, Bo, Brian, Carly, Ginger, Hawk, Isabella, Jack, Jennifer, Kimberly, Marlena, Mickey, Roman, Tom, Victor, Chauncey, Dimitri, Fluffy (dog), Snowball (dog).

Sets: Jack & Jennifer’s Penthouse, Brady-Toscano Detective Agency, Alice’s Restaurant, Roman & Marlena’s Bedroom, Marlena's Hospital Room/Island, Victor’s Apartment Across From Rooftop, Loft Rooftop, Roman & Marlena's Living Room, Jack & Jennifer's Bedroom.



Cast: Alice, Bo, Carly, Kayla, Kimberly, Marlena, Roman I, Roman II, Shane, Victor, Eric, Sami, Luis, Dimitri, Lee Wilson, Matt Jensen, Pedro, Delivery Man.

Sets: Brady-Toscano Detective Agency, Roman & Marlena’s Living Room, Roman I’s Cell, Alice’s Restaurant, Sand Dollar, Wings Private Dining Room, Marlena's Hospital Room/Island, Loft Rooftop, Victor’s Apartment Across From Rooftop.



Cast: Ginger, Hawk, Isabella, Jack, Jennifer, Marlena, Molly, Roman I, Roman II, Tanner, Victor, Vern, Dimitri, Chauncey, Luis, Molly’s Grandfather, Young Molly, Pedro.

Sets: Brady-Toscano Detective Agency, Roman & Marlena’s Living Room, Roman I’s Cell, Jack & Jennifer’s Penthouse, Pier, Alice’s Restaurant, Jack’s Office, Young Molly’s Bedroom, Jack & Jennifer's Bedroom.



Cast: Alice, Bo, Carly, Caroline, Isabella, Julie, Kayla, Kimberly, Lawrence, Neil, Roman II, Shane, Shawn, Tom, Victor, Shawn Douglas, Andrew, Jeannie, Maurice, Dimitri, Hospital Board Member # 1 (Albert Kennedy), Hospital Board Member # 2 (Trevor Grant), Hospital Board Member # 3 (Mary McDonald), Hospital Board Member # 4 (Michelle Taylor), Delivery Man, Arsonist.

Sets: Donovan Mansion Living Room & Foyer, Nurses’ Station & Staff Lounge, Loft, Alice’s Restaurant, Hospital Board Room, Prison Visiting Room, Kiriakis Mansion Living Room, Bo's Boat Deck & Dock.



Cast: Alice, Bo, Carly, Caroline, Ginger, Hawk, Isabella, Jack, Jennifer, Julie, Kayla, Kimberly, Maggie, Marcus, Marlena, Mickey, Neil, Roman I, Roman II, Shane, Shawn, Tom, Victor, Shawn Douglas, Sami, Eric, Andrew, Chauncey, Dimitri, Luis, Pedro, Nurse (Lorraine), Waiter # 1, Waiter # 2, Fireman.

Sets: Roman I’s Cell, Roman & Marlena’s Living Room & Exterior, Alice’s Restaurant, Bo's Boat Deck & Dock, Jack & Jennifer’s Penthouse & Corridor, Sand Dollar, Shane's Study, Salem Airport.



Cast: Alice, Ginger, Hawk, Jack, Jennifer, Julie, Maggie, Mickey, Molly, Tanner, Dave, Desiree, Howard, Chauncey, Roland, Connor, Molly’s Grandfather, Young Molly, Man, Snowball (dog).

Sets: Chauncey’s Hotel Room & Corridor, Pier, Jack & Jennifer’s Penthouse, Wings, Alice’s Restaurant, Desiree’s Hotel Room, Jack & Jennifer's Bedroom, Salem Airport, Young Molly's Bedroom.



Cast: Bo, Brian, Carly, Isabella, Kimberly, Marcus, Marlena, Roman I, Roman II, Victor, Dimitri, Luis, Chuck, Ray LeGrand, Air Traffic Controller, Cop, Kayla (FBO), Shawn (FBO), Shawn Douglas (FBO).

Sets: Emergency Center & Exterior, Roman I’s Cell, Roman & Marlena’s Living Room & Exterior, Pier, Roman’s Office & Outer Office, Air Traffic Control Office, Cheatin’ Heart, Victor's Apartment Across From Rooftop.



Cast: Bo, Brian, Carly, Caroline, Ginger, Hawk, Isabella, Jack, Jennifer, Molly, Roman II, Tanner, Victor, Shawn Douglas, Max, Stephanie, Vern, Chauncey, Dimitri, Professor Smiley, Professor Smiley's Neighbor, Nurse (Lorraine), Fisherman.

Sets: Jack & Jennifer’s Penthouse, Loft, Roman’s Office, Street, Professor Smiley’s Apartment, Brady Fish Market, Pier, Prison Visiting Room, Prison Pay Phone, Salem Spectator Newsroom.



Cast: Alice, Bo, Carly, Caroline, Isabella, Marlena, Mickey, Roman I, Roman II, Shawn, Victor, Eric, Glynnis, Dimitri, Luis, Roberto, Ray LeGrand, Judge, Bailiff, Guard # 2/Fernando, Cop # 1, Cop  # 2 (O’Neil).

Sets: Prison Visitors Room, Roman I's Cell, Roman & Marlena’s Bedroom, Loft Bedroom, Roman & Marlena's Living Room, Roman’s Office & Outer Office, Alice’s Restaurant, Courtroom.



Cast: Alice, Bo, Carly, Ginger, Hawk, Jack, Jennifer, Julie, Molly, Roman II, Tanner, Shawn Douglas, Vern, Dave, Desiree, Howard, Chauncey, Connor, Las Vegas Informant, Jack’s Caller.

Sets: Jack’s Office, Jack & Jennifer’s Penthouse, Alice’s Restaurant, Phone for Jack's Caller, Molly’s Grandfather’s Cabin/Long Trail Colorado, Wings, Brady-Toscano Detective Agency, Phone for Las Vegas Informant, Bo's Boat Deck & Dock, Chauncey’s Hotel Room.



Cast: Brian, Hawk, Isabella, Jack, Jennifer, Julie, Kimberly, Lawrence, Marlena, Roman II, Shane, Tanner, Dave, Connor, Las Vegas Informant, Marlena’s Doctor, Foreign Man, Foreign Woman, Woman # 1, Woman # 2, Woman # 3.

Sets: Jack & Jennifer’s Penthouse, Jack's Office, Wings, Roman’s Office, Shane's Study, Phone for Las Vegas Informant, Prison Visiting Room, Doctor’s Office/Island, Prison Corridor with Pay Phone, Jack & Jennifer’s Bedroom.



Cast: Alice, Bo, Carly, Isabella, Kayla, Kimberly, Lawrence, Marlena, Mickey, Neil, Roman I, Roman II, Shane, Shawn, Victor, Shawn Douglas, Jeannie, Maurice, Luis, Mystery Man/Cal, Guard, Clinic Nurse (Suzanne), Nurse # 1, Nurse # 2, Man's Voice.

Sets: Roman I’s Cell, Shane's Study, Loft, Alice’s Restaurant, Prison Visiting Room, Loft Rooftop, Victor's Apartment Across From Rooftop, Staff Lounge, Kiriakis Mansion Living Room & Foyer, Abuse Clinic & Corridor, Prison Visiting Room, Pay Phone, Loft Bedroom.


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That's possible.  Sally Sussman alluded to as much in the post-cancellation article from 1991 that was posted recently in the NBCD thread.  On the other hand, as I've said before, I think folks at NBC knew going in that GENERATIONS was a dud and only kept it on the air for as long as they did both to humor Brandon Tartikoff, who had championed the show in the beginning and who left the network several months after its' cancellation, and to find a good enough reason to cancel it without looking as if they were taking it out on its' integrated cast.

I think it took Andrea Evans' departure for everyone at ABCD to see that OLTL was in serious trouble.  Her continued presence there helped to camouflage many of the show's problems at that time.

And there, on the witness stand, sits Jenny Jones, basically admitting she knows nothing about anything regarding the production of her own show, and that she just shows up, grabs the mic, performs for the audience, collects her pay and goes home.  It was a sad but telling moment for the talk-show genre.

The "Who Killed Carolyn Crawford?" story notwithstanding, Douglas Marland and ATWT were on a creative upswing during this period after a year or two of being in the doldrums a bit.  It's sad that Marland died when he did, because I feel like he was poised to do even greater things for the show in the years ahead.

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We all point to OJ as the beginning of the end but with all the ratings data we have now, it seems as though the real issues began in the late 1980s. I say it was the combination of Iran-Contra, Nielsen people meters, and 1988 writer's strike that started everything that culminated in the aftermath of OJ.

Edited by kalbir
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