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Look into the past - 1975

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Lorie blamed Stuart and Jen for doting on Leslie and ignoring her as they were growing up. She was more jealous of the attention, support and fame Leslie got that Lorie felt she never had, plus add the fact that she now knew Stuart wasn't her father and she probably felt more on the outside.

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@FrenchFan Thanks so much for continuing this. I have one issue of Soap Bubble magazine from May which has synopsis from late Feb - mid March. My scanner is broken but I should be getting it fixed today. Being in lockdown doesn't make this stuff easy. We are in stage 4 so pretty much nothing is open. I will try to get it up as soon as I can, good compliment to the DSN. Plus the Daily TV Serials Magazines I have waiting too. In the meantime here is a newspaper article about the P&G soaps from May 1976

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Also for Y&R fans. Janice Lynde did a pilot for Norman Lear called Roxy. It wasn't picked up, though if it had been Janice would have left the show, though she did talk of doing both initally. This article talks about the dates of production and gives a bit of detail, I assume Janice was probably absent from the show during March or Apr. From Feb 26, 1976



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APRIL 1976


All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


On the night of a Medical Association dance which Dr. Joe Martin and his wife Ruth planned to attend together in hopes of making the evening a start toward resolving their estrangement, Tara, Joe's daughter, called to summon Joe to attend his grandson little Philip, who had had a severe asthmatic attack. Some days later, at home, Joe expressed to Ruth a wish that they could go to St. Croix where his brother Paul and his wife Anne, newly rewed, were honeymooning. When he hinted that Ruth and he no longer needed occupy separate bedrooms Ruth told him that she was not ready to resume marital relations - Ruth had fallen in love with hospital aide David Thornton, a former physician who gave up practicing medicine when he couldn't save the life of his younger brother under combat conditions in Vietnam. Ruth alone, in Pine Valley, knew of David's past life and he had told her that with her help he could resume his dedication to surgery. –


When Joe pressed her for a date for their vacation plans so that Dr. Charles Tyler could set up a staff schedule he asked her to consider taking a trip to Europe which they had been talking about over the years. He told her, "we need to get away together" to "get back what we've lost these past few months." Ruth replied that she believed that it would only heighten the tension between them. Dr. Martin insisted that something had changed between them and that although Ruth assured him that the missed opportunity of their evening out together wouldn't matter he was aware that "something" had happened and that they were "right back in the middle of that stupid stalemate." He admitted that his attitude was largely responsible for their estrangement. Ruth agreed that they would take the same time off as usual but suggested that they spend their vacations separately. When he asked if she was sure that they were doing the right thing, she replied, "I can't pretend to something I don't feel."


As a result of little Philip's latest attack, Tara had consented to take him to Arizona to a dude ranch for asthmatic children. Both she and Philip Brent, little Philip's natural father, accepted Dr. Chuck Tyler's offer to finance the trip for the sake of the boy's health, though Phil stipulated that Chuck's offer be considered a "loan." - On the eve of Philip's leaving for Vietnam, he and Tara, unable to find a minister or a Justice of the Peace to marry them, exchanged vows in a small chapel. Philip was mistakenly reported killed and Tara, pregnant with Phil's son, accepted Chuck Tyler's offer to marry her and raise her son as his own. Chuck and Tara were then divorced. –


Upon hearing of Tara's prospective plans, Erica Kane Brent remarked to Tara that she "can't help wondering if all this is necessary or if you're just trying to keep my husband – Philip - impoverished." Goaded, Tara told Erica that Chuck would be paying, - Tara and Philip were planning to marry when Philip was free until Erica announced that having lost a lucrative modeling job she decided to cancel her plans for divorcing Phil. - and Erica remarked admiringly, "a clever woman never has one fish out of the frying pay without another on the hook," but added, "Watch out. This kind of manipulation takes an expert where men are concerned. You have a lot to learn."


When Erica overheard a conversation between Kitty and Lincoln Tyler to the ef-fect that although Kitty still was determined not to remarry Lincoln she still cared for him and she felt he was vulnerable and should be aware that Erica might be trying to promote herself, with Phoebe Tyler's blessing as the next Mrs. Lincoln Tyler, Erica, furious, ordered Kitty out of her house. Later Erica apologized to Linc and he offered to represent her in her efforts to seek support from Philip based on the "friendship" that Erica was always referring to, and out of sympathy for the fact that Erica was not working. He added that he would tolerate no further interference in his and Kitty's affairs and warned her that she might wind up representing herself in court. He told her he was on his way to a trip out of town, and, for the present, did not intend to think about her or her case.


Linc’s trip to check out the possibility of establishing a law practice in King's Row was based on his decision to move from Pine Valley, out of the sphere of his mother's influence, in the hopes that Kitty would join him in the future. He received a visit from an angry and indignant Kate Martin who told him that Phoebe had made a concerted effort to undermine Kitty's self confidence as manager of Anne Tyler's Boutique and had spread the word that due to Kitty's inaptitude the Boutique had gone down hill and was featuring second rate selections.


Nick Davis, although sympathetic to both Kitty and Linc, had been moved to tell Kitty to whom he was once married: "You and Phoebe Tyler have a lot in common — both set yourselves up as a judge of what's best for Linc."


Moved by a visit from a woman seeking her runaway daughter, "Jane Doe" made a collect call to Chicago. The call was not completed because the woman who answered was drunk and incapable of realizing the significance of the call. However, by tracing the number given, the staff of Pine Valley Hospital knew the identity of their mystery girl, "Donna Beck." Later a frightened Donna received a phone call of her own from the man who beat her and threw her from a moving car, who told her "Tomorrow sure, your poppa's comin to see you, sugar." Waking from a nightmare Donna cried out and Chuck held her and tried to calm her down. She said that she had to get away because "this time he's really gonna kill me" but refused to talk about who "he" is or describe him. Chuck warned her that if she tried to walk her leg might never heal and promised to spend the night outside her room. After another call, in a panic, Donna, attempted to leave the hospital and Carolyn Murray, R.N. found her at the bottom of a flight of stairs where she collapsed and fell. She telephoned Dr. Frank Grant as he and his wife Nancy celebrated belatedly their sixth anniversary.


Social worker, Nancy Grant, prevailed upon by her husband, agreed to talk to Donna. When she asked Donna how she lived in Center City, Donna answered, "Oh, come on, you know what I am”. She said she came from a home with a drunken mother, a step-father who attempted to seduce her; that she ran away from home when she was thirteen, "and I've been a hooker ever since." When she told Nancy, "the pay's good," Nancy asked, "how much of that is yours?". Nancy talked about the possibility of finishing her education at night school and told her that if Donna wanted to change, something could be worked out. As she left, Nancy told Donna, "You really aren't alone — please try to remember that." Nancy told Frank that what everyone on the staff surmised  - except Chuck - was true and that the man Donna was so afraid of was most likely one of her Johns or a pimp. Just then Caroline Murray came up to tell Frank that there was a man in Donna's room who refused to leave – the man, "Ty" brought Donna a fur trimmed neglegee, and an offer to make her his "top woman", shruggling off her attempted murder with: "You know the rules. You don't talk to the competition" –


Frank threatened to call the police suggesting "impairing the morals of a minor" as a possible charge and Tyrone who insisted he was "family", just visiting a friend and intended to come back, told Frank, "cool that temper before you do any doctorin' on that little girl there. Wouldn't want to slap you with a malpractice suit."


Later Donna equated Chuck's profession - of medicine - with her own. "You've got something people need so you sell it to them for a price. It's the same with me." When Chuck suggested that Donna could have Ty prosecuted she said she wouldn't do that: "I'm not afraid of him. He's a friend of mine, who 'lent' me money when I needed it." Ty, she insisted, had put every cent she had ever made into a savings account for her, "in my name," and "spends his own money on presents" - for her -.


Caroline Murray entered Donna's room to find her wearing the negligee from Ty. After Caroline told her that she didn’t think it was very healthy for a young girl to associate with a man like Ty, Donna said: "I don't care what anyone thinks. He's my man and I love him." Later with Frank in the room, Caroline brought in an enormous basket of flowers. Donna told them "I told you he wouldn't forget me." Frank asked her how she could go on deceiving herself and told her that Ty was only concerned that she didn’t press charges against him. He told Chuck that the police had confirmed Donna's age. She had just turned seventeen, and after her hospitalization, she faced a home for juvenile detention. He warned Chuck that Ty could seek to become Donna's nominal guardian and asked him, if he were Donna and had a choice between going back to Ty and going to the Juvenile Detention Center, "what do you think" she would do?


Kitty Shea Tyler stood up to Phoebe Tyler to the extent that when Phoebe telephoned her and told her to "make it your business to come to a conference at the Tyler home" Kitty replied that, if it was important to her, she could come to see Kitty at Mona Kane's. After Kitty heard of Linc's plans to leave town, she called him. When Kitty mentioned Nick's re-marks about the two of them trying to run Lin-coln's life, he told her he thought Nick was right. He told her that both he and Kitty were acting like a couple of fools and allowing his mother to stampede them into something neither of them wanted. He told her that his plans for a partnership in King's Row couldn’t be acted on till mid-summer, and they agreed to stay in Pine Valley for the time being and try to work things out, with Linc promising not to push or pressure Kitty.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Liz Matthews had continued to badger Jim Matthews about his attentions to Cory housekeeper Beatrice Gordon and neglecting her roommate, Jim's long-time friend, Helen Moore. Jim took Helen to lunch. He told Helen that he was looking forward to sharing his life with Beatrice, eventually. Hurt, but always a lady, Helen wished him success. Helen arranged a cruise. Liz was furious with Jim, unaware of his deep feelings for Beatrice. Liz felt Beatrice was beneath Jim. Jim told her to mind her own business.


Rachel Cory, recuperating in the hospital from the loss of her baby and the unsuccessful emergency C-section, wais finally al-lowed out of bed, with assistance. She found walking very painful - Rachel's husband, Mac Cory, arrived home from a visit to his daughter, Iris Delaney, to find Rachel hemorrhaging on the floor – premature separation of the placenta. He blamed himself for the loss of their baby because he didn't get to Rachel soon enough. Rachel had called Mac when the pain struck, but Iris, who had answered the phone, deliberately failed to tell Mac of the call. –


Clarice Hobson, Iris’ husband Robert's former mistress, finally told Mac, her employer, she was pregnant. He promised to hold her job, give her maternity leave, and pay her expenses. Mac was grateful because Clarice saved his marriage to Rachel when Iris trumped up an affair between Rachel and a riding instructor. Mac asked about the father, and Clarice told him the father wasn't to know. Finally, it dawned on Mac that his new son-in-law was the father. Mac said he understood why Iris and Robert were married so suddenly. Mac maintained Robert should be told because Robert was a decent man, who would want to do the right thing.


Robert had to go to Washington to begin preliminary work on a project he was designing for Lowell Pendleton. He was disturbed, however, by his step-son Dennis's avoidance of Iris and him. He suggested Iris not accompany him and re-establish her relationship with Dennis. Iris refused. She was afraid Robert would see his ex-wife Lenore, who then lived in Washington. Robert asked housekeeper Louise Goddard if he had had a call from Scott Bradley, Iris's lawyer, but Clarice's friend. Iris demanded to know what he and Scott would be meeting about. Robert said he didn't know, but Scott said it was confidential. Iris asked to be at the meeting. Appalled, Robert refused. Iris called Scott to find out what he wanted with Robert. Scott refused to tell her. Iris was in a snit.


At home, Scott warned Rachel not to trust Iris. Rachel knew not to. Besides, Rachel didn’t want Mac to find out about their mutual dislike because Mac would only blame himself. Things were at a stalemate and Rachel wanted to leave them that way.


Rachel continued to be depressed and despondent, refusing to resume sculpture or to do anything that would remind her of her lost baby. Ken Palmer, her tutor accused her of wasting his time and her talent.


Rachel’s son, Jamie and Dennis attended a party given by Marianne Randolph to introduce Molly Ordway, Jamie's cousin, to some people. Dennis was smitten by Molly. Jamie found Marianne attractive and was jealous of other people who take her attention away from him. Iris didn’t approve of Molly at all, since she was just a farm girl from Oklahoma, beneath Dennis. She refuses to let Dennis bring Molly to the house, so Dennis met her at the Corys' to give her riding lessons.


While in Washington, Robert told Iris he would be going directly to Chadwell for final consultations on the Frame Memorial Library he was designed for there. Iris was miffed he would make such plans without consulting her. Home again, Robert brought up having a family. Iris put him off. She complained constantly that he was neglecting her, and gave him a hard time about working late at night on projects. Finally, overhearing an argument between Iris and Dennis about Molly, Robert told Iris to stop dominating people's lives. He and her father could handle it, but Dennis couldn’t, and he wouldn't let her ruin Dennis's life.


Iris learned Tracy DeWitt, privy to her secret about Rachel's call and that she rushed Robert into marriage to "save" him from Clarice, had told it all to Scott Bradley. Iris tried to convince Scott that Tracy was just spreading lies to hurt her because Iris broke up Tracy and Mac years ago. Scott wasn't bluffed, telling Iris he was verified Tracy's story. Iris suggested she would drop him as her attorney, if he didn’t tell her how he verified it. He told her he would take great delight in explaining to everyone why Iris dropped him.


Cornered, Iris went to see Clarice, telling her Robert was the one who insisted they be married so quickly. Iris told Clarice she would remind everyone in town about her past, but if Clarice left town, Iris would support her and her baby. Clarice refused. Clarice asked how Iris found out she was pregnant. Iris told her that Rachel told her. Clarice didn't believe her. Becoming desperate, Iris said Mac wanted to pay Clarice to leave town, but she persuaded him to let her handle it. Clarice was devastated. Iris left an envelope with cash on the table as she left.


Meanwhile, urged on by Mac and Rachel's mother, Ada, Ken Palmer told Rachel he would tutor her for nothing if she wouldresume her lessons. Rachel was genuinely surprised he thought so much of her talent. She gave in.


Scott found Clarice packing. When he found out about Iris's visit, he immediately took Clarice to Rachel to clear the whole thing up. Aware Rachel knew the real reason she married Robert, Iris offered to finance a studio for Rachel, who accepted reluctantly, unable to explain why she didn’t want it as a gift from Iris. Rachel felt Iris was using the studio as a bribe for Rachel's silence.


Shortly thereafter, Iris found Clarice still hadn't left town. She confronted Clarice alone in Scott's office. Clarice returned the money. In a rage, Iris told Clarice she would have her declared an unfit mother after the baby was born. Scott overheard Iris screaming she – Iris – wouldn’t be a laughingstock because everyone knew Robert was the father of Clarice’s illegitimate child. Scott quit as Iris's attorney.


Rachel confided to Scott that she didn’t want the studio from Iris. Scott told Rachel Iris was afraid of her because Iris knew about the phone call Rachel made the night she collapsed. Rachel hadn't been sure she had made the call. She was stunned. Scott told Rachel he would use the call against Iris if he had to to protect Clarice. Rachel slided into depression again, this time torn as to whether or not

she should tell Mac. Rachel told Mac she didn’t want the studio from Iris, because Iris reminded her of the past. Mac said it was hard to turn away from one's own child, but it had crossed his mind. He felt he couldn’t abandon her because he was responsible for what she had become and he was afraid Iris would destroy herself.


Rachel told Dr. Dave Gilchrist she knew she made the second phone call. Tearfully, Rachel said their baby would still be alive, if not for Iris. Dave wanted Rachel to tell Mac because Mac felt the loss of the baby was his own fault, and it might be a way to keep Iris in line.


Later, Rachel told Iris she didn’t want her as a friend. She told Iris she knew about the call Iris neglected to tell Mac about, “the call that could have saved my baby." Iris tried to convince her there was no call. Rachel told Iris she wanted her out of their lives. Iris was never to see Mac again or she would tell Mac about the call and why Iris rushed Robert into marriage, then tell Robert about Clarice. Iris accused Rachel of blackmailing her. Rachel replied she had forgotten all about blackmail, until Iris brought it up.


Robert noticed Iris’ agitation and asked the cause. Iris told Robert that Rachel was insanely jealous of her and didn’t ever want her to see Mac again. Robert told Iris it was time she made some choices — let Mac go and concentrate on their marriage. Iris felt she had to protect Mac. Robert suggested Mac might not want or need her protection. Iris said Rachel was going to take everything from Mac and then cast him aside. Robert's defense of Rachel fell on deaf ears. Iris warned Robert to stay out of it, not to mention anything to Mac. However, when Robert took sketches for Rachel to approve, he did mention the rift to Mac, who promised to discuss it with Rachel. After Robert left, Mac asked Rachel about it, asking if Iris could have misunderstood. Rachel said no. Mac asked for an explanation. Rachel blurted out the whole story, in tears. Rachel told him Scott could confirm the story. Mac was devastated. He promised Rachel would never have to see Iris again.


Mac confirmed Rachel’s story with Scott, learning Tracy ws the source. Mac trusted Tracy. He confronted Iris. Mac got angrier and angrier as Iris evaded his questions about the phone call. Finally, he placed a call to Tracy in Washington. Iris said Tracy just wanted to hurt her because she broke them up years ago. Bitter, Mac said he blamed himself for her behavior all her life because he felt guilty for neglecting her as a child. He continued that Iris had used that guilt to always get her way with him. No more. He told her she was no longer welcome at his house and started for the door. Iris, almost hysterical, begged him not to go, and blurted, "Rachel didn't tell me she was ill." Mac left, saying he no longer had a daughter. Iris collapsed in hysterics. Louise tried to calm her. Finally, Liz Matthews arrived. Iris told Liz her side of the story. She also told Liz about Louise and Rocky, the Coreys' stableman - Rocky and Louise had a romance going. - Iris told Liz she had forbidden Louise to see Rocky any more. Liz suggested she change her mind because that way Iris could keep tabs on the Corys.


Mac was disturbed at the time Rachel was spending on her sculpture at Ken's studio. He was relieved to find Ken's seldom there. Mac mentioned how much he disliked Rachel's immersion in her project. Ken offered to speak to her. Mac backed off. Ada was concerned, too.


Iris had Louise and Rocky steal Rachel's bust of Mac from the Cory house, telling them Rachel promised it to her. As she caressed the bust, Iris said since Mac wouldn’t visit her, she would at least have a replica.


Russ Matthews and fiancée Sharlene Watts agreed to let Alice Frame, Russ's sister, give them an engagement party.


John Randolph had left wife Pat because she hadn’t told him their daughter Marianne had an abortion. John concluded he had no part in their lives anymore, and turned to his law as-sociate Barbara Weaver, assuring Barbara Pat and he'd agreed to split up. John had never talked to Pat. Pat hoped for a reconciliation until she found out about Barbara. Barbara, finding out John lied to her, left town. Pat began to build her own life, without John.


Pat was dating Dave Gilchrist and hunting for a job. Her son, Michael, aware of John's affair, encouraged Pat. Marianne, unaware of the whole story, resented Dave, feeling her parents could reconcile if Dave were out of the picture. After Barbara left, John decided he wanted Pat back, and Marianne agreed to help him. They went to the house to wait for Pat to return from Russ and Sharlene's engagement party at Alice Frame's. John sent Marianne home and waited alone. Pat returned, with Dave. Pat told Dave, unaware John was standing in the next room, that she was not going to waste any more years on a man she shouldn't have married in the first place. Dave replied that he would like to be a part of her future years. The following evening, as Pat served dessert to Dave, Mike, and Glenda Toland, Marianne dropped in. Unaware of what happened the night before, Marianne tried to get an explanation. Marianne refused to accept Pat's new life or Dave.


Mac gave Pat Clarice's old job as recep-tionist at the Complex. Pat asksed John to remove his things from the house. He and Marianne arrived as Dave, Pat, Mike and Glenda were about to leave for dinner. Mike sent the others ahead, saying it was time Marianne knew the whole story. Mike told Marianne John was carrying on with someone else, and asked John to confirm it. John confirmed he and Barbara were having an affair. Marianne rushed out.


Marianne hid away in her apartment, until Darryl Stevens, her friend, forced her to let him in. Marianne told him she was "losing respect for everyone I've always loved," and she couldn’t face it anymore. Darryl forced a confrontation between John and Marianne. They reconciled; however, Marianne refused to see or talk to her brother.


Marianne told Darryl she was not ready to get serious about anyone at the moment. He guessed it was because of Chris Pierson. Marianne refused to discuss it, but later she was irked when Darryl used another girl as a model.


Mike told Dave he was not going to get involved with anything that could blow up in his face without warning. Dave replied that he once made the same decision and found himself cut off from a lot, "until now." Mike softened his attitude towards John, especially when he realized it was hurting Pat. Pat didn’t want to reconcile with John. Dave provided the companionship she seldom had with John, who worked late all the time.


Sharlene's boss, Carol Lamonte gave her the afternoon off for her engagement party. Willis Frame, Sharlene's brother, and Alice's brother-in-law, visited Sharlene at home. Again he threatened to expose her B-girl days to Russ. Willis threatened to bring someone who could prove his story - Willis, the late Steve Frame's younger brother, was determined to take over Frame Enterprises, no matter who or what he had to use. Sharlene had vowed to stop him. Thus, Willis was trying to drive her away. - When the guests assembled, Emma Ordway, Sharlene's older sister, went to get her. Sharlene was gone! Humiliated, Russ left. Emma guessed Willis was behind it because he drove Sharlene away before, which was why Emma was there — to protect her sister. Emma told Willis his plans wouldn’t succeed because she would stop him. If he didn’t watch his step, she would tell Alice how she had to borrow money from Steve to keep him out of prison, and if others knew his history with other people's money, he wouldn't be sitting in "no fancy office."


Alice, responding to pressure from Willis and Carol, reorganized the firm, giving Willis equal authority with Vic Hastings. Willis and Vic hadn’t got along because Willis didn’t always do business above board. Willis let costs overrun on a project Carol designed, but Carol covered the expenses. Willis also negotiated for his present hi-rise project without consulting anyone. To show his good faith, Willis dictated a letter to his assistant Pam Sloan, telling Jamison that Vic was to receive copies of all correspondence on the hi-rise. Later, Pam found the letter — unsigned and unmailed. She reported it to Vic while Angie Perrini was there. Angie, long in love with Willis, although she was engaged to architect Neil Johnson, told Willis. Willis arranged for Pam to take another job at the Randolph office. Emma suggested Alice made too many allowances for Willis. Alice replied that she was just trying to make things up to Willis, as Steve did. Emma disapproved. Angie took Pam's place as Willis' assistant. Afraid of being so close to Willis, Angie agreed to marry Neil immediately.


Russ found out from Emma that Sharlene was in San Francisco. He flew out, found her, and married her. Sharlene tried to tell him what Willis was holding over her. He refused to listen. When they told Alice, she offered to give them a party. Sharlene approved, provided Willis wasn't invited. Willis, meanwhile, was moving to get Emma and her daughter Molly out of Alice's house. When Emma made it clear she was not budging, Willis tried to get others to intervene, but they refused. Carol suggested they work on Molly, who was unhappy about being so far away from her high school friends at Alice's house. Willis found out about Alice's party. He and Carol went; Sharlene and Russ left.


Willis told Sharlene to stay out of his business, because it was harder to lose a husband than a fiance. When Pat told Sharlene that secrets could destroy a marriage, Sharlene told Pat she had a "secret" to tell Russ, but Russ wouldn’t listen.


Carol and Willis began estimated on Jamison project. They were having trouble, so Carol suggested they consult Vic. Willis refused, surprised Carol would suggest it. Carol, vaguely aware Willis was using her and would dump her for Alice or Angie, replied she had more to lose and she wouldn't be able to cover overruns on such an enormous project. Willis said they were protected: Vic saw only what they wanted him to through special codes on drawings and he intercepted Vic's mail. Carol asked if Angie or her replacement wouldn’t tell Vic. Willis replied that Angie was on his side. Willis told Carol Angie might not be getting married - Willis had cornered Angie and told her he had never got over her. Angie admitted her deep feelings for him, but insisted she would marry Neil, until Willis kissed her. – Angie had disappeared. Neil asked Willis if he knew anything. Willis made snide remarks about Neil's manhood, considering Neil couldn’t keep track of his girl. They fought, pulled apart by Vic and Carol. Angie was with Clarice. She avoided Neil.


Neil confided his problems to Robert, who suggested one solution might be for Neil and Angie to move away after they were married. Neil liked working for Robert. Robert told him he would be opening a branch in Washington to handle the Pendleton project and Neil could have the job. Neil was delighted. He told Ada about it. Ada counseled against forcing Angie. Neil said Willis was wrong for Angie. Ada said he, too, might be wrong for Angie. Ada counseled time and patience.


Willis gave Angie a watch, claiming it was from the firm, in appreciation of her work. Convinced Willis loved her, Angie broke her engagement to Neil, who was devastated. She went to Willis' apartment to tell him. As they were kissing, Carol came out of the bedroom. Stricken, Angie fled to Clarice's apartment. Angie told Clarice she kne Willis just wanted to keep her in the office to use her as a buffer between Vic and him. Clarice suggested Angie play his game until she learned for sure. Carol didn’t trust Willis, despite his assurances he only wanted Angie to believe he loved her so she would help him take over the company.


Neil told Clarice he was leaving town to forget Angie. He would be in Chadwell to finish the library for Robert and then go to Washington to manage Robert's office there. He gave Clarice his apartment and promised to help her fight Iris, if necessary.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Joyce Colman continued to improve after Dr. Bob Hughes convinced her that life was worth living if you took it just one day at a time and found something worthwhile in that day. Bob asked Ellen Stewart to visit Joyce at the hospital since she had no friends in Oakdale - Joyce tried to commit suicide by driving over a cliff after the Ellisons were given permanent custody of the son she gave up four years ago. - Ellen hesitated because she knew that Nancy Hughes and Lisa Colman were very much against Joyce because of all the trouble she had caused between Lisa and Grant - Grant and Lisa were then separated because Grant felt he had to help Joyce after her surgery. Lisa warned him that their marriage could not tolerate any more interference from Joyce. - When Ellen did visit her she was surprised to find she offered Joyce a place to convalesce because she couldn’t bear the thought of a sick person recuperating alone in a hotel room. Dick Martin, Joyce's attorney urged her to accept. Ellen told David, her husband, what she had done and hoped that Joyce would turn the invitation down. Joyce was happy that she did accept Ellen's offer when she met her daughter, Dawn. Joyce found that conversation with Dawn was interesting and gave her something other than herself to concentrate on. Dawn was going through her unsure teenage years where she found the advice of a woman older than herself, but younger and more understanding than her mother, just right for each situation. Joyce used several excuses to lure Grant to her bedside, but Grant was immune to Joyce's charms. Dawn was at the romantic age where she felt Grant was pulled to Joyce.


Dick Martin had been seeing Lisa since her separation from Grant and told her that he needed to know where he stood. Lisa told him that Grant killed all her feelings for him.


Mary Ellison called Grant from Laramie, Wyoming to ask if he would advise Brian if he should need help making the decision to give up his job with the telephone company to manage a ranch. Mary was not sure she wanted to give up the city life, but Brian felt it would be good for Teddy. Several days later Mary called to tell Grant that they were moving to the ranch and she would keep in touch. Later that day Mary called again hysterical because the tractor overturned pinning Brian under it. He was in critical condition. Grant made arrangements to fly to Laramie immediately. Tom Hughes, a lawyer in the Colman law offices, told his mother of the accident. Grant's secretary informed Joyce that Grant was out of town. Joyce called Lisa because she was convinced that Teddy was hurt also. Lisa assured her that no one had lied to her. Grant called Lisa to tell her that Brian had died. Mary had told Teddy, but she was afraid that Teddy could be taken from her. Grant told her that Teddy was legally hers.


Friends had been very good to Mary, emotionally as well as materially. Grant helped Mary get all Brian's papers in order after the funeral. There were a few bills, but there was enough money to take care of Mary and Teddy for a couple of months, and by then she hoped to have a job. Grant was flying back to Oakdale, but would be aprised of their status by frequent letters from Mary.


Sandy Garrison, manager of the Wade Bookstore, had taken a short-term modeling job in California to help pay off some of the debts incurred by her late husband Norman. In her absence Lisa had taken over, glad for something to fill her time. One day a woman from Kilborne, Pennsylvania recognized Lisa's daughter-in-law Natalie and Lisa overheard her accuse Natalie of being responsible for two tragedies. Natalie told everyone that her first husband, Ralph, died of an overdose of drugs, but Lisa was concerned about the other tragedy. Lisa told Dick Martin the story and asked him to look into it. An investigator found that Ralph Porter committed suicide after finding out that his wife was having an affair with his married brother Luke. Natalie left town immediately. She was concerned that Lisa overheard, but Lisa was very good at covering it up. Lisa had to wait several days for Bob to return from a medical conference before asking his advice. Natalie was so tense that she asked Jay Stallings to meet her because he was the only person who could understand how she got into such a situation.


Bob and Lisa decide that Natalie had to be the one to tell Tom before anyone else did. Natalie asked Bob to give her a little time. Natalid tries several times knowing that Tom would hate her and finally picked an evening after dinner to tell him. Tom listened and then asked why she lied about Ralph's death. She could only say that she felt it was right at the time. Tom left the house saying he had to think when he found that the reason she had told the truth was because his parents knew.


Tom had a long talk with his father and after Bob explained that he could forgive and forget if he loved her enough, Tom returned home to found that Natalie was gone.


Knowing that Jay’s wife, Carol, hads gone to New York for her father's birthday, Natalie went to Jay's apartment. She blamed him for saying everything would work out. Jay said she caused this when she started playing around with the Porter Brothers. Furious at his remark, Natalie started hitting Jay. He threw her purse on the couch when he grabbed her and she ended up in Jay's arms, her lips seeking his.


Natalie returned home and found Tom there willing to forgive her. He said that he loved her enough, that the past was behind them and the important thing was that they not keep any secrets from each other. When Natalie looked for the car keys she missed her wallet, remembering that it probably had fallen out at Jay's. Jay called Natalie telling her that she left her wallet on his couch the previous night. Natalie asked him not to call because things had changed since then. Tom picked up the extension when it rang and heard the conversation.


Natalie admitted that she went to Jay's apartment because Tom had given her no indication that he was ever coming back. She said she never was happy with Tom and didn’t need him. Tom gave Natalie twenty-four hours to get out of the house.


Tom went straight to Jay's office, where he grabbed Jay by the throat and was only brought back to his senses by Jay's secretary, Lori. Tom told him to take Natalie and get out of town, but was informed that there was nothing between Natalie and him because it had always been Luke Porter that she had wanted. Tom said he would ruin Jay's business, but thought better of it when Jay asked Tom if he wanted to do it at Carol's expense.


Lisa visited Natalie and got the whole story from her and then asked Bob to meet her, but had to shorten the story, when Tom said they couldn’t tell anyone because Carol would be hurt.


Jay returned Natalie’s wallet to find her packing to go to Luke. Jay said he would not tell Carol what happened and Natalie said he would know what it was like to spend his life living a lie hoping that Carol wouldn’t find out.


Dr. John Dixon started drinking heavily and blaming everyone else for his problems. A few times his estranged pregnant wife Kim helped him, but decided that this was a ploy for sympathy and she would not fall for it again. She told Grant, her lawyer, that she was positive that she wanted a divorce with no support from John. She didn’t want to feel tied to him, but would ask for financial help if she should need it. John started coming to the hospital drunk late at night. Nurse Pat Holland told Susan Stewart, John's one friend, but he turned on Susan, saying that she was spreading lies about him.


Betsy Stewart was able to arrange one meeting between her Uncle Dan and her friend Kim Dixon, but both still believed that the other one ended their relationship.


Dr. Dan Stewart had an emergency victim who crashed her plane landing in the fog. Dan admitted Valerie Conway for observation, but she checked herself out several hours later only to be brought back when she passed out. She admitted to vision problems and after tests Dan told her that he wanted to operate on a blood clot. Valerie was a dare-devil, but refused this operation until Dan convinced her that she had already had two errors in judgment. Landing in the fog and leaving the hospital without being released. Valerie agreed. She had mentioned Kim Reynolds and Dan asked if she would like to see Mrs. Kim Reynolds Dixon, but Valerie didn’t.


Hearing that Valerie was at the hospital, Kim asked at the nurses' desk and was not surprised that Valerie asked that Kim not be admitted to her room. Kim confided in a puzzled Bob that Valerie Conway was her sister-in-law. She couldn’t explain why Valerie refused to see her because she would have to break a promise to her late husband Jason, Valerie's brother.


Valerie ran into Kim, who was at the hospital for her monthly obstetrical checkup, but answered cooly when she was greeted. Kim tried to explain that she was only trying to protect Valerie, even though she resented it. Valerie said that nothing had changed since the last time they spoke at her brother Jason's funeral.


Valerie was very good at getting information from others; Susan, Bob and Dan without giving any facts about herself other than that she was here to inspect and sell the Conway farm that she received through her divorce settlement.


Dr. Bob Hughes was rather impressed with Valerie Conway and made a date to take her to her property, the old Conway farm, where he used to play as a young boy.


Kevin Thompson was so at home with Susan Stewart that he also took Susan's daughter, Emmy, and niece, Betsy, with them to dinner. Susan was surprised to find that Kevin and Valerie know each other. Valerie was surprised that Kevin had stayed in one place this long.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Bob Anderson had befriended Adele Hamilton, whom he had discovered was an old high school friend. Bob was unaware that Adele's daughter, Brooke, was his, the result of an idyllic summer spent together after he finished grad school and before he married his ex-wife Phyllis. Adele became an alcoholic, which caused Brooke to invent a fantasy world in order to avoid facing the pain of her mother's condition. Thus, as Adele was an habitual drinker, Brooke was an habitual liar. Brooke had recently learned who her father was, but unlike herself, had kept the secret her mother had also kept all these years. Bob, unaware alcoholics sometimes were irresponsible about necessities when they had money for booze, gave Adele money because she and Brooke had none. Adele spent it on cheap wine and got drunk again, despite her knowledge that she had cirrhosis of the liver and each drink was a nail in her coffin. Brooke took the remaining money and threw it in her half-sister Mary's face, saying the Hamilton women didn’t need the Andersons' charity. Angry that his daughter was thus humiliated, Bob confronted Brooke, who wasted no time explaining the alcoholic facts of life to Bob, humbling him. Mary dropped by to offer her help to Adele. Adele asked forgiveness for Brooke, explaining the awful life Brooke had had as her daughter.


Brooke, at wit’s end over her mother's refusal to seek help, went to Paul Grant, a recovered alcoholic. Paul suggested that Brooke go to self-help meetings alone, to help her gain perspective. Brooke and her mother needed money, but Brooke refused to accept a job from Bob Anderson. Bob asked Robert to give Brooke a job, offering to pay her salary. Coincidentally, Doug Williams had just instructed Robert to find a cocktail waitress. Bob promised to take care of Adele. Brooke accepted the waitress job, and tried on her costume, an attractive, but brief, dress. When David saw her at lunch, he was furious. He demanded Brooke find some other work, which she explained she had tried to do. Later, David told Mike Horton he still felt responsible for what happened to Brooke - Brooke aborted David's baby rather than bring it up in a forced, loveless marriage. –


Meanwhile, Bob took Adele to lunch. He told her they both suffered from the disease of loneliness and asked her to spend time with him to help ease the hours. Bob blamed Brooke's father for the mess they were in. Adele told him Brooke's father never knew about Brooke. Bob was appreciative of her love for "that man," but told Adele the man didn’t deserve it.


Brooke received an advance in her first paycheck so she and her mother could pay the rent and buy groceries. Brooke gave the money to Adele to take care of the bills. Adele returned from the store with groceries — and two bottles of wine. Afraid of Brooke's disappointment, Adele decided to return the wine. She met the landlord at the door. He asked for the rent. She went to her purse to get it. It was gone! In her confusion, Adele knocked the wine over, and it broke on the rug, infuriating the landlord. Brooke returned in the middle of the confusion. Adele insisted the money dropped out of her purse. The landlord, claiming too many complaints from neighbors, asked them to leave soon. Brooke refused to believe Adele lost the money, or that Adele was taking the wine back, hurting Adele. –


Brooke became aware that she had lost David to Val. Down on love, Brooke left Adele to go tell Bob she was his daughter, so she would, at least, have money. Adele asked Helen Grant to help her stop Brooke.


When Brooke confronted Bob, she was still unable to call him father. Instead, she demanded money, which Bob gave with alacrity.


Johnny Collins, former lover of Rebecca North, Doug Williams’ housekeeper, had returned from an art scholarship in Paris, upon hearing Rebecca was pregnant. However, he was suspicious that the baby might not be his, and had made nasty insinuations that Doug was the baby's father, refusing to believe Rebecca's story that the baby was his - Ironically, the baby was Doug's, but it was conceived through artificial insemination when Doug, sure he had lost Julie forever, advertised for a host mother to give his daughter, Hope, a sibling. Doug was unaware that Rebecca was the host mother. Only Rebecca and Neil Curtis knew. Rebecca used the $5000 fee to send Johnny to Paris. - Finally, Johnny realized that he loved Rebecca and gave her an engagement ring. Neil Curtis urged her to tell Johnny the truth about the baby before three lives were ruined, but Rebecca couldn’t face losing Johnny. Finally, she decided it was the only fair thing to do, but just as she started to tell him, Johnny exuberantly told her his love for her and the baby was so great he didn’t care if the baby wasn't his - confident, however, that the baby was his -. Rebecca decided to live with the deception, but was stricken each time Johnny daydreamed about how his kid would look.


Susan Peters had reentered therapy with Laura Horton to overcome her frigidity. Susan was nervous and embarrassed because Laura had asked Eric Peters, Susan's boyfriend to see her about Susan - Eric was the brother of Susan's ex-husband, Greg. Susan and Greg had established a warm friendship since their divorce, and it was Greg who finally persuaded Susan to face her frigidity and get help. - Eric confided to Laura that when he returned to Salem from a screenwriting job in California, he thought he was to blame for Susan's and his disastrous attempts at lovemaking. He asked Laura if he was the cause of Susan's problem - Lonely, confused, looking for any sign of affection or caring from anyone, Eric and Susan had met in a park years ago. Susan "came to" after their encouter, sure she had been raped. She conceived her daughter Anne that night and later married Greg. Laura had helped Susan to see the encounter for what it was, and all charges of rape against Eric were dropped. - Laura assured Eric that Susan's problems went much deeper, probably stemming from her first sexual encounter with David Martin and her disastrous marriage to David. Susan later told Laura that David used to insult her sexuality and her womanhood, causing her to doubt herself. Laura explains that David felt trapped and was trying to punish her. Laura thinks Susan could benefit from a sex-therapy clinic. Susan was horrified! She couldn’t understand why Laura would want her to go to one of "those" places and participate in what, to Susan's mind, was nothing more than pornography. Laura assured her she was grossly misinformed. When Laura and Greg suggested Susan take Eric as her partner, Susan walked out.


When Susan confided her feelings to Eric, he asked if she was concerned about their problems or about what people would think. He felt they should go. Greg reinforced Laura's idea. He advised Susan to let go of her fear of the sex clinic and just do it, as she owed it to herself and to any future man she might marry.


Amanda Howard moved her husband's grave to Salem so she wouldn’t be alone - Amanda had a brain lesion. Fearing it was the same as the one her mother died from, Amanda had refused all treatment or tests, preferring to live without hope than to die as her mother did. To forget her problem and to leave something behind, Amanda was using her inheritance from Jason to build a surgical wing onto the clinic. - Amanda, finding strength and courage in a diary her mother wrote for her, finally agreed to treatment.


Tests showed the lesion had grown, requiring Amanda subject herself to angiography for a more precise diagnosis: tumor or slowly leaking aneurism. Her chances during the angiography, a surgical procedure, were 50-50. When Amanda fainted in the hall of the clinic, Greg Peters, who had asked Amanda to marry him, took her home. He told her he had known about her condition all along, despite her wishes nobody knew. Neil Curtis, Amanda's former lover, was left at the clinic in tears. His step-daughter, Mary Anderson, offered her sympathy - Mary distrusted Neil, at first, fearful he was after her mother's money. She took every opportunity to try to convince her mother Neil was still playing around with Amanda, especially when she found him with Amanda when he had told Phyl he was with a terminal patient. Mary had since learned about Amanda's condition, and realized Neil and Amanda only shared a deep friendship. - Mary offered to cover for Neil, if he wanted to spend the evening with Amanda. Amanda sent Neil away, saying she wanted to be alone.


Neil went to Doug's Place and sent Julie to Amanda. He sad with glamorously attired Maggie Hansen. Phyl and Mary arrived. Phyl was overwhelmed with jealousy. She felt betrayed, that Mary was right about Neil all along. She created a scene and Neil walked, after telling Phyl to grow up. He headed back to Amanda's, where he met Julie, who told him Amanda needed to be with a man who loved her. Phyl insulted Maggie, who was saved by Julie.


Phyllis started searching for Neil, against Mary's advice. Phyl knew Neil was with Amanda. The following morning, Phyl went to Don Craig and asked him to file for a divorce. Don urged Phyl to take a trip and think it over. Mary told Phyl that Neil spent the night with a patient, "a patient who's facing exploratory surgery that could kill her." When Phyl realized the implication of all this, she was horrified at the fool she had made of herself. She decided to take Don's advice, leaving Neil a note that suggested they talk when she returned. Mary was proud that Phyl could be so generous—to give Neil and Amanda this time together. When Don told Neil about Phyl's visit, Neil was unmoved.


Amanda got Bill Horton to promise that if they found a brain tumor, they wouldn’t operate right away. She wanted a week. When Amanda found out about Phyl was leaving, she was moved by Phyl's generosity. Amanda then asked Neil to leave, saying she didn’t trust herself. Neil put her to bed and promised never to leave her.


Amanda arrived at the hospital. Julie urged her to take and use the time Phyllis had given Neil and her.


Everyone was delighted when James Stanhope, the man Trish Clayton's mother, Jeri named as Trish's father, arrived in Salem. Stanhope and Trish went to her apart-ment to talk. He said he didn’t know who she was and denied he was her father. He explained that he wouldn’t have his life ruined by a blackmailer. Trish was incredulous. She told him she just wanted him as her father. Stanhope told her that was impossible. Trish, beaten, asked if he realized he was making her mother a tramp. He asked her to sign a non-binding document that denied his paternity, leaving it with her. Trish showed it to Don, who explained it was worthless. Trish was bitter - Despite his protestations that he never knew Jeri Thompson Clayton, Stanhope remembered her. He didn't believe her when she told him she was pregnant. - Don visited Stanhope. He told him he was destroying Trish by convincing her her mom slept around so much she didn't know who got her pregnant.


Jack Clayton, Trish’s boozing, musician step-father, returned from a gig, broke. Trish gave him money, because after all, he was all she had got for family, since her mom disappeared. Julie persuaded Stanhope to say goodbye to Trish. Humbled by Don and Julie, he tore up the document, and told Trish he misjudged her.


Seeking someone to be close to, Trish visited Mike Horton in the hospital. She explained how nice it would be to have him around the apartment again. Mike, absorbed by his own dreams of being with his father, Mickey Horton, again, told Trish he and his dad would probably go back to the farm in Brookville. Trish then had no one.


Trish opened her act at Doug's Place that night with the song she and her mother used to sing. Jeri returned! Trish asked why her mom told her about Stanhope, not letting Jeri know she found and was rejected by him. Jeri replied that she was afraid — Stanhope might not want them and she didn't want to interfere in his life. Jeri asked Trish's forgiveness for walking out on her and gave her an expensive brooch. Later, Jeri told Julie she had to leave because she couldn't face the disillusionment in Trish's eyes when Trish learned of her illegitimacy. Jeri told big stories about the singing engagements she had had while away, but confided to Doug it was a mess of one-night stands and second and third billing. She was broke. Julie assured Trish that Jeri came home because she loved her daughter. Trish was skeptical. Neither would level with the other.


Trish finally forced Jeri to tell her the truth about the year Jeri was gone.


Julie Anderson, awaiting her divorce from Bob, was still trying hard to stand on her own, without help from anyone. Doug told her nobody was that strong. Julie was determined to be more than someone who turned men on. Doug told her he wanted to make love to her. She refused — divorce not final. Julie was worried about hurting Doug and Hope and about being a three-time loser at marriage. Later, Julie slipped from a ladder while helping Doug redecorate, and ended up in his arms. He kissed her passionately and she responded enthusiastically. But she pulled away, refusing to be rushed. She said men had always treated her like a sex-object and she was not going to jump into bed with just any man. Doug invited her to spend the night, but she couldn’t with Hope in the next room. Hurt, Doug retorted that it didn't bother her when David was a baby. Julie slapped him. After Don took her home, Julie called and apologized. The following day, they ended up at her apartment, but she still refused him. Later, Doug agreed not to pressure her until her divorce was final.


After a glamorous evening with Maggie at Doug's Place, Julie let Don take her home, afraid of Doug. Doug went by later. Julie told him she didn’t feel she was wife material. He said he never heard any complaints. She threw herself into his arms and said it felt so good to have him there. Doug told her he could hold her without taking her to bed, if that was what she needed. Don called about business. When Doug answered the phone, Don was furious. He went to Julie's apartment, arriving after Doug had left, and told her never to do that to him again. Julie told him it was none of his business, when he asked if she and Doug made love. He kissed her roughly, saying it was so she would know what she was missing.


Julie, at Phyllis’ request, went to the Boutique to retrieve the portrait she painted of Amanda, which Phyl had been unsuccessful in selling. As Julie arrived, Sharon Duval, one of Salem's social elite, wass trying to buy the portrait, for half price. After meeting Julie, Sharon paid the full price and commissioned Julie to do her portrait. Sharon liked Julie and her work.


Julie’s divorce became final. She got the news from Bob. They parted in great sadness and as friends. Julie's son, David, took her to Doug's to cheer her up. She accepted Doug's offer to take her home.


Julie and Doug were interrupted by a call from Rebecca. Hope was hysterical. Julie tried to explain Hope didn’t really need him, but Doug left. Hope was asleep when he got home. Doug commented that Julie was trying to tell him "you can't let your children run your life." Julie refused to answer her phone.


David was upset when his "buddy" Valerie Grant arrived with intern Jerry Davis - David had been living with the Grants since a horrendous argument he had with Julie in which he condemned her morals and her mothering. The Grants, a close-knit black family, had shown David what love and caring were about. - Doug and Julie sensed vibes between David and Valerie, that the kids were unaware of. During an argument at home, David came close to kissing Val. Paul interrupted. He was then aware that there was more than friendship between the two.


Mickey Horton was in Bayview Sanitarium, committed involuntarily after trying to kill his brother Bill when Mickey found out Bill, not he, was Mike Horton's father. In an extraordinary move, Laura Horton had been given per-mission to treat Mickey, her ex-husband. Mickey was pushing his lawyer, Alan Quinn, to get a write of habeas corpus. If Dr. Powell, Sanitarium director and Tom Horton didn’t reply, they would be guilty of a misdemeanor. Don Craig pleaded with Powell not to let Mickey out for the sake of the Horton family. Mickey did appear to be improving. Meanwhile, not reassured about Mickey's condition or the reasons for his commitment, Mike felt Laura was not the proper psychiatrist. Mike even began to think Mickey was dead. Mike tried to get out of his hospital bed - Mike's chest was crushed when a loaded hay wagon fell on him.-


Bill asked his mother Alice Horton to see Mickey and convince him to contact Mike. While at the sanitarium, Alice received word that Mik had got out of bed, fallen, and incurred his third concussion. Alice stunned Mickey into remembering her. Alice convinced Mickey to go to Mike, even though Mickey knew Mike wasn't his son. Alice told him he was the only father Mike had ever known. Reluctantly, Powell allowed Mickey to go to Mike. Mickey sat at his bedside all night, holding Mike's hand. He was taken away only after Mike saw him and was reassured.


Bill Horton was having trouble with the arm where Mickey wounded him, suffering occasional numbness in his hand. His father and brother Tommy were concerned about possible damage to the radial nerve.


Back at the sanitarium, Mickey had given a new room without surveillance apparatus and was allowed to roam the halls and use the day-room. Mickey met Barbara Randolph, who also maintained she had lost her son, although her son was alive. Mickey maintained he had no son. Bill wanted to tell Mike the truth, that he was his father. Tom agreed it was time, but felt Mickey might need Mike's love to come back. Tom went to see Mickey about whether it was all right to tell Mike. Mickey said O.K.: "I have no son." Tom explained that fathering was more than procreation; it was teaching values, loving, caring. Mickey maintained his son was dead to him. Tom felt sorry for him, saying, "A wife and children —what else does a man have?"


Bill wanted to hear it from Mickey. Meanwhile, Mickey wrote two letters to Mike. In one, he coldly told Mike he was not his father. In the other, he told Mike how good it felt to have a son. Mickey discarded both letters. Bill arrived, and Mickey told him to go ahead and tell Mike the truth: he didn’t care. Bill replied that the news would hurt Mike and Mike would never accept him as anything more than a step-father. Mickey told Bill he had learned he hated Bill's guts, but he no longer wanted to kill him. Mickey left. Bill found the letters and knew Mickey cared. Mickey still thought Laura, not Maggie, was his wife.


Deciding Mickey needed a son as much as Mike needed a father, Bill and Laura decided not to tell Mike Bill was his father. Mickey told Powell he wouldn’t let them take his son, because a man couldn’t live with nothing. Powell told Tom that Laura had to be removed from the case - Mickey might turn on her and she was losing objectivity. Bill gave Mike Mickey's second letter. Mike told Bill that as long as his real father was alive, Bill could never be more than "Uncle Bill."


Maggie had admitted Janice, an orphan she hoped she and Mickey would adopt someday, to the hospital. Janice couldn’t walk, claiming paralysis. Extensive tests, however, couldn’t find anything wrong. Bill and Greg were puzzled about the lack of consistency in Janice's responses to tactile tests.


Maggie moved in with the Hortons. She was trying to make herself into a "proper" wife for Mickey. He rejected her, wanting Laura as his wife.


The Doctors


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Jeff Young


At dinner at Matt and Maggie Powers' house, Mike told his father that he had been measured up against some kind of super human standard. Wound up, Mike went on to say "You can't judge me. I'm out of your house. As it happens I'm getting out of your profession." - After having been fired by Matt from his position on the staff of Hope Memorial hospital, Mike had decided to pursue a career in Police laboratory work. - Stunned, Matt replied "Mike that's a high price to pay for revenge." He accused Mike of wanting to hold him up to public ridicule. Matt reminded his son that he abandoned his family and Mike answered, “I came back. Don't hand me the same routine as when I was a 16 year old kid." Maggie tried to cool them off but Matt told her: "We started—we might as well finish." To Mike he said: Agreed?" Mike replied: "Agreed. This might be our last chance." As they continued, Maggie frightened warned: "You're both getting in so deep that you're not gonna be able to climb out of this." Mike relentless, said they could agree on one thing at last. That they "tear each other apart when we're together" and they "don't know how to stop it." But, Matt told him, "I've loved you every day of your life." At Mike's cry of "Don't!", Matt asked: "Can't I say that to you? Isn't that all right? It's true." Mike answered, "I know it's true — I love you, Dad and I'm really sorry." To Maggie he said, "Tell Toni - who was not in the room through this - to meet me in the car."


Alone with Maggie, Matt asked her if she thought Mike meant it. He told her he sounded sure and Maggie replied that Mike always did. When Maggie remarked that Matt was rubbing his arm and asked if it pained him, he said his "arm's just old — like my mind is old." He told Maggie he felt like he did when Mike's ship blew up and they thought he was dead: "Inside me it's like he died — something did." Maggie, I've lost my son," Matt said and doubled over with pains in his chest and his left arm. Maggie called the Trauma Unit.


Later, on the phone to Mike, Maggie told him that Matt was O.K.; that it wasn't a heart attack - At her first call, Mike insisted that he was coming to the hospital, but Maggie told him firmly, "Don't come over. I'm running the show now." - When Maggie told Mike she thought the attack was due to stress Mike said: "You must hate my guts for what happened tonight" and Maggie answered, No, I don't but I'm gonna tell you something. It's never gonna happen again 'cause you two guys are gonna have to get past me."


Mona Croft, who had instructed her lawyer Scott Conrad to begin divorce proceedings against her husband Winston, because "My husband tried to come between me and my family. No one comes between me and my family" received a call from Ann Larimer. Ann told Mona that Carolee Aldrich's cousin M.J. was in Steve's office on behalf of Carolee's family who were all worried about Carolee's disappearance. She told Mona to call Steve - Mona's son - home and break up the meeting. Mona obliged and Ann told Steve that Mona was having trouble with the preparations for his son Erich's birthday party. Steve left forestalling M.J.'s proposal that if he couldn’t do something about finding Carolee, maybe the family should - Carolee Aldrich had disappeared after finding her husband Dr. Steve Aldrich and Dr. Ann Larimer together. Steve and Ann's deception was the final humiliation for Carolee, coming after a long period of unhappiness and misfortune for the Aldrich family including a custody battle and the kidnapping of Steve & Carolee's son Erich. Carolee had sent a tape asking Steve not to look for her but promising to return and make a home for the children, "when I can". –


At his party, Erich asked his older brother Billy if he could call the airport so they would know when the planes from New York were landing - Erich had convinced himself that Carolee would return in time for his birthday. - When a marvelous young entertainer after the fashion of a pied piper arrived to delight the children with magic, music and patter - and balloons! - Erich asked if Stacy sent him and then if his Mother did. The young man said that he was sent by a "friend" and that he made a promise not to tell. But although Mona and Steve tried to quiet him, Erich was dogged and Billy seeing that he was upset persuaded the young man who agreed that he would do anything to get the little boy laughing and said that he was sent by Ann Larimer. Billy told the entertainer that he was sorry, "You were real good; but the party's over." He turned on Mona when he picked up her implication that "Mom didn't give a present and Ann did." He shouted that Ann was "trying to get into this house any way she can and I'm sick of it."


When Billy confronted Ann at her office, Ann asked him to listen to her as he had had his say and said that it was partly her fault that his mother left, but that Carolee had been gone a long time and not a further word. "A person doesn't just vanish unless she wants to." She said that she didn't mean to be unkind any more than Billy did when he sent the clown away. "We are all unkind to one another, that's why we shouldn't judge each other so harshly." Billy exploded at that saying: "This is where I get off. You make me sick. I'm watching you so I can get you out of our lives." Ann asked: "Is that a threat?" and Billy replied, "Yeah, it's a threat."


Later, Billy came home to find Ann there. Mona gave her a book that Steve was working on. "Carolee," she said, "wasn't interested; take it home and read it." Billy said, "Never give up, do you? You guys are in it together." Mona insisted that Ann was one of her friends and she was just trying to be fair to everyone. Billy said, "O.K. I'm leaving but something's gotta give around here." After Billy's exit, Ann said: "I want Steve, Mona and I'm not going to let him go no matter what." Mona replied that she hoped that wass still possible. Ann, saying: "leave it to me," thanked Mona for the book and went.


After trying without success to persuade Jerry Dancy to steal a Chemistry Exam for her, Penny Davis made the attempt herself and was caught. Nick Bellini went to Penny after she had asked Althea in the hospital to intercede for her with the board which ordered her suspension and was turned down, and told her that she was asking her mother to sacrifice her integrity just because Penny threw hers away. He told her that first of all he wouldd like for her to be "a little bit ashamed for what she did." When Penny talked to Jerry Dancy about wanting to transfer and asking Althea for a loan, Jerry told Penny not to hassle her mother; "Lying in a hospital bed she's got nothing to do but worry — Don't you ever think about anyone else for a change?" Though Penny did ask Althea for the money she later told Jerry that she felt so sleazy — that she wouldn't even admit what she did was wrong. - Penny characterized the theft variously as "dumb" and "stupid." - After Jerry took Penny to the hospital with a high fever he was unable to take her home as he promised, because his mother had arrived by bus from the airport to see her "Joanie." Mrs. Dancey who worked as a maid for a couple named Peterson, had left her job in the middle of the night without notice and flown home the minute she saw the stories about the Peterson Case in the newspapers.


Eleanor Conrad, on a visit to the hospital, told Althea Davis that her daughter Wendy didn’t seem to have any feeling for her at all beyond doing her duty. - Eleanor was a recovered mental patient, hospitalized for fifteen years following a post-partum depression, which led to a psychotic break from reality. Her behavior was a mixture of sweetness and gratitude alternating with anger and chaotic destruction, often directed toward her daughter. Eleanor was not aware that Althea and her husband Scott Conrad had been lovers. - Of her husband's wariness toward her although he had told her that he loved her, Eleanor said: "When I was ill, I just blocked it — I didn't want to think it. Why wouldn't Scott have another woman, or even possibly several women." Althea said, "I don't believe that thinking about his past can help you now. I don't know what to do." Althea got upset and refered tearfully to people "thinking I have all the answers."


After talking with Penny Davis, Wendy tried to assure her mother that she would help her. She prepared dinner. She told her, when Eleanor remarked that they were like a houseful of related strangers living under one roof, that: "At this point I can probably handle things better than you or Dad" and that she wanted to do everything she could to help them both. Later, when she told her father that he might not realize that he was drinking more than usual, Scott told her, "If I'm doing it, Baby, believe me I realize it."


Billy Aldrich went to Greta Powers' house to tell her that he was afraid that he had gone too far by telling off Mona and Steve, that he, "may have pushed them so far that they're gonna push me right out of the family." He told Greta that because he was not adopted, but a foster child, "any time they want to get rid of me they can just say so."


Stacy Wells asked Rico Bellini to marry her, telling him that she could change, but he answered, "Maybe, but don't call me till then." He told her not to hang around the hospital or call him there adding: "I don't want to see you anywhere!" - Stacey and Rico were in love, but her refusal to follow through on counselling for serious emotional problems had decided Rico to break off with her. –


When Stacy told her uncle, Steve Aldrich, that she was quitting college, he told her that her desire to just drift was wrong; that she was, "gonna live a long time, one way or another."


Jerry Dancy told Penny Davis he was looking for a job as a law clerk and intended to ask Matt Powers for a character reference. Jerry insisted that Matt was smart enough to know "that just because I don't do things by his standards doesn't mean I'm a worthless bum."


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


Recent testimonies in Serena's trial had proved beneficial to her innocence. The court had received abundant evidence that the person of "Josie" was separate from the person of Serena, and therefore, Josie committed the murder of Mark Faraday completely unknown and uninvolved from Serena.


However, suspicious were arising among the people directly involved with Serena — suspicions that Josie was again coming to the surface.


Nancy Karr, the guardian of Timmy, had told her husband Mike and his law partner Adam Drake, Serena's lawyer, of several recent incidents where Josie had emerged. Timmy had confided to her of Serena laughing as Josie once did, and she called him "kid," a title only Josie used. Also, Serena called Nancy to her hotel room demanding she bring Tim. Nancy went, alone, and was faced by Serena - who had her hair hidden in a towel, explaining she had cut it -. Serena grabbed a pair of scissors, repeating the threat Josie had made on Nancy with a file, and brashly said "the only mistake Josie made was that she didn't use the file." - This was brought on by Serena's fear that Nancy was stealing Tim from her. –


Adam Drake visited Serena who purposely missed a trial session. He mentally tested her changes in personality and advised her to take extensive therapy upon the trial completion. This triggered Josie, she replied "I'm not sick — I'm Josie. Mark I've got something for you — it's a message from your sister .. . BANG!" She continued as Josie, "Don't you see my darling Adam, Serena is gone and has been since the custody trial, I killed her just as sure as I killed Mark!"


With the knowledge that Josie was seeping into the subconscious mind of Serena, Adam called Serena to the stand. Serena carefully explained her blackouts and admitted they were the cause of her marital rift with Mark. She remained calm and in control until Adam harassed her about being Josie. He asked who she really was — she refused to answer. "Why is your hair still long, you told Nancy you cut if?" Adam demanded. At that exact moment, Adam whiped off the Serena blonde wig and exposed Josie's short, black hair. Josie/Serena screamed hysterically.


Adam told Josie she became Serena because she knew they - the jury - wouldn't send an innocent person to jail. Tranquil, Josie confessed all to Adam. She admitted she took Gerald Kincaid's - underground mobster leader she was involved with - gun and shot Mark with it, an easy target. She said everyone lived in prison, and Serena lived in prison, her ma is her jailer. Her pa is a lunatic. He beat her and burned her with cigarettes. Josie would inhabit Serena's body and protect Serena because she wouldn't defend herself. “Mark wanted to hurt me” - by taking custody of Timmy -. Adam said this was Josie's plan for Mark. Josie would shoot him and wake up as the innocent Serena. Josie replied she was an actress, and she fooled everyone. Adam told her she was not acting then — where is Serena? Josie answered, "in hell I hope, it's all her fault we got beaten and burned by my father." Adam asked if she blamed Serena because she couldn't stop her father. She replied that she – Josie - had to fight, no one would ever hurt her again.


The trial ceased. It was unanimous, Josie/Serena was guilty of murder by insanity.


In the judge’s chambers, Josie, shaking beyond control from this extreme emotional release, commented, "Funny, Mark is dead. Serena is dead, and they won't charge me with murder."


As she said, the actress Josie took over once again disguised as Serena. She visited Timmy under the watchful guard of Adam. She told Timmy that she was going to a hospital because she was sick and that was why she killed his dad. With Tim out of the room, Josie pulled off her Serena wig and turned to Nancy Karr. "Watch the kid, he's a nice brat, if you like kids." She exited the house leaving the sick atmosphere of Josie lingering in the air.


Nicole Drake was becoming more upset and depressed over the fact that Brandy Henderson was wearing the engagement ring Adam had given her - Adam assumed his wife dead after an explosion on their honeymoon yacht trip and had since become involved with and engaged to Brandy. Upon her return, Nicole filed for divorce out of fairness to Adam to enable him to choose the woman he wants and loves on even grounds. –


Brandy went to Adam's barn uninvited, but had since shown regret for her attempts to win Adam's affections, as he refused her advances. Further aggravating Nicole, Brandy admitted to her that it was her idea, not Adam’s, to go to the barn, but when Nicole questioned if she stayed over night, Brandy ignored the question.


A mystery had developed around Nicole's life. First a stranger had followed her - unknown to Nicole - and frequented the New Moon Restaurant where she worked as hostess. When questioned by Police Lt. Chandler - on owner Johnny Dallas's request -, he walked out immediately. He then showed up at the Whitney mansion where Nicole was living, and questioned John the butler about Nicole. John gave this stranger no information. Secondly, Nicole had experienced the same nightmare several times. She dreamed of a black islander in a jungle surrounding facing her, and laughing continuously. As she explained to Dr. Jordan - her doctor from Paris - there was no malice in this man's face but he was holding a machete. She thought perhaps it was a subconscious symbol signifying her ties with Adam being severed.


The third enigma occured when Nicole felt sham pain in her hand exactly when she was talking to Tiffany about the loss of her wedding rings. She laughed if off as voodoo. It occured again several times including when Adam visited her and upset her over his refusal to accept her divorce petition.


Dr. Lacey witnessed Nicole's pain attack. In discussion with Dr. Lacey, she learned that this physical torment could be a result of her overwhelming guilt because the yacht explosion - meant to kill Adam - was her fault due to her father's underworld connections.


Curiosity compelled Lt. Chandler to search for a mug shot of the stranger following Nicole. He was identified as a small time hood by the name of Joe Randy. Just hours later, Bill Barceau was called to the morgue and identified the suspected, gangland-murder victim as Joe Randy!


Since Geraldine Whitney’s complete explanation and Tracy Micelli's subsequent acquittal from the murder attempt on Geraldine's life, her marriage to Danny had faltered. This was due to the mistrust Danny had built up because of Tracy's sordid past being exposed. Once he realized she was sincerely trying to "be straight" in her life and marriage to him, he forgave her and they made up affectionately. She began her new job as waitress at the New Moon, the restaurant co-owned by Danny and her brother Johnny Dallas.


Geraldine was recovering from her accident very well, but couldn’t help her concern for her daughter-in-law Tiffany Whitney Douglas. Tiffany was depressed since the separation from her husband Noel - he was the attempted murderer of Geraldine -, and forced herself to make an appointment with divorce lawyer, Warren Hubbell. At his office, alone, Tiffany awaited his return. When Warren returned, he saw Tiffany had supposed left. She was found several hours later dead apparently from falling out of Warren Hubbell's tenth floor office window. Geraldine was notified by Police Chief Bill Marceau of Tiffany's death, and took the news very badly, as Tiffany was the only family she had left and loved her as if she were her own daughter.


Suspicion had been aroused as to whether Tiffany's death was accidental, suicidal or perhaps murderous, Noel Douglas being the chief suspect. The police began an investigation to find the precise location of Noel when Tiffany went through the window. Noel was cleared, however, when it was found he had been registered in a hotel for one week in Vancouver, Canada.


General Hospital


Written by: Robert & Eileen Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan


After having custody of her daughter Laura for nearly two months, Dr. Lesley Faulkner had made the difficult decision to return Laura to the Vinings, the parents Laura had known and loved since birth. Lesley was forced to return Laura despite her fight to gain permanent custody because Laura became extremely ill as she was not emotionally able to cope with the choosing of one mother over another. - When Lesley gave birth to her daughter thirteen years ago, she was told that her daughter was stillborn, and the baby was presented to Barbara Vining who with her husband Jason, raised Laura from infancy, with only the knowledge that Laura was their natural child. Recently, Lesley came to find out that Laura was alive and was the child she gave birth to. Lesley pursued Laura's custody, and for two months Laura lived with Lesley and Cameron Faulkner. At the end of this period, Laura herself was to make the decision which parents she would continue to be raised by. –


Upon her return, Laura seemed ecstatic to be home. However, within a few days she had an asthmatic attack, and Barbara called Lesley to help her daughter. Once calmed down, Laura confessed that she concealed her true feelings towards Lesley because of Cam's prewarning to not hurt Lesley by admitting her love for her, and had felt guilty about it ever since. Lesley assured Laura she understood and Laura was not to worry about it anymore. Barbara commended Lesley for her strength in giving up Laura and suggested that Lesley see Laura on a regular basis for the benefit of both of them.


In the meantime, Cam had surprised Lesley with a new penthouse residence at the Top of the Towers and a planned vacation in Europe. All this was to help her heal from her sorrow in giving up Laura. Unknown to Cam who was in New York on business, Lesley hads agreed to see Laura regularly and had offered to pay for her complete education.


Cam’s expectations of his future with Lesley were temporarily shattered when he returned home to learn of Lesley's renewed visits with Laura, who once again had taken first priority in Lesley's life.


Cam had planned a large business merger celebration in Hong Kong on May 5, with Lesley as his guest of honor. She asked him to change the date as that was the day that Laura played the lead in her school play and Lesley promised she would be there. Cam refused to change his plans, they had a heated argument and he left for New York in anger. After talking to her friend Terri Arnett about this, Terri made Lesley see the light and realize that her husband and his interests should come first. Lesley called Cam in New York - who was sharing a hotel room with his secretary, unknown to Lesley -, to apologize, and told him she would tell Laura that she couldn’t be at the play.


Drs. Jeff and Monica Webber had been accepted for the "Mr. and Mrs. Intern Team" post at General Hospital. Dr. Steve Hardy, recently made Chief-of-Staff welcomed them to the staff. He expressed his enthusiasm to them both, but could see resentment in Jeff's face whenever Jeff's brother Dr. Rick Webber was praised in the conversation. - Rick was an excellent resident at General, however, he was reported killed in a plane crash while on a medical project in Africa. At that time, he was in love with Monica. Since his reported death, Jeff and Monica were married. Unknown to everyone, Rick was alive and had been held prisoner for ten months under the suspicion he was a spy. His plane crashed two miles from the secret staging area of the revolutionaries. –


Steve reassured Jeff that he was hired on his own medical credentials and not because he was the younger brother of an excellent doctor. With that hangup solved, Jeff began to accuse the resident superintendent, Dr. Rex Pearson, of making passes at Monica and of her accepting them - which she had not -. This disagreement had caused Monica to ignore Jeff for over a week.


Rex was still needling Jeff about his recent medical error in prescribing penicillin to a patient. Jeff defended himself rightfully, but when Rex continued on and on and made a catty remark about Monica, Jeff, pushed to his limit knocked Rex down with a punch in the hospital corridors.


Audrey Hobard, RN, had recovered physically from her recent suicide attempt - She took an overdose of sleeping pills immediately after her third husband Jim left her and accused her of trying to castrate all three of her husbands. - Emotionally, however, Audrey still remained in a deep depression. Steve Hardy tried to snap her out of this by ordering her to return to work, but Audrey felt all the staff knew what she had done and felt too humiliated to face them.


Her first day back to work and attempt to adjust to everyday life was ruined when a patient Audrey treated for a slashed wrist blurted out how her husband left her and all she wanted to do was end it all. Audrey, reminded of her own suicide attempt, broke down and the patient grabbed a pair of scissors and threatened to kill herself once again. Steve came in and prevented the accident from occurring. Realizing she truly couldn’t cope with a nurse's responsibilities, Audrey told Steve she needed and would take a leave of absence.


When Tommy, Audrey’s son, returned from school, she told him of her separation with his step-father, Jim, and she would be going out of town by herself. Tommy, unstable because he had known no real father, cried to Audrey "you got rid of my dad, now you're trying to get rid of me." She scolded him and he ran away while she was at the store. His was later found at Steve's office. Steve consoled a panicked Audrey and offered the job as supervisor of nurses. Steve refused to take Jessie Brewer's advice and confess his love for Audrey, fearing she would reject him, mistaking his love for pity, ruining any further chance of getting her back.


Dr. Peter Taylor’s former psychiatric patient, Pat Lambert had taken on a complete change in personality since she had realized there was an opportunity to deliberately destroy his happy marriage to Diana. Once bitter and resentful, she then appeared cheerful to all.


She used Diana’s sister, Beth, as her decoy. Beth was perfect bait since she had just suffered from a jilted love affair and her attitude towards all men was total mistrust. Her plan began as Beth agreed to sit for Pat who was a talented artist and sculpturer. Beth was already suspicious of Pat's interest in Peter because she walked into Peter's office only to see him in close contact and laughing with Pat. She immediately reports this to Diana who brushed it off because of her complete trust in her marital relationship with Peter.


Proceeding with her plan of attack, Pat secretly stole Peter's gold penknife from his office desk — a sentimental anniversary gift from Diana. She then set up Beth who was at her studio for a sculpture sitting. Sending Beth to her desk, Beth saw Peter's initialed penknife and just as Pat predicted, she rushes off with Pat knowing Beth would relay to Diana the suspicious story of the missing penknife.


Diana hearing all of this had her concrete trust in Peter shaken, but refused to admit it to Beth. Diana found a reason to borrow the knife and Peter had to confess he had "lost" it which ignited Diana's anger and completely baffled Peter because of her drastic reaction.


Pat, then assured she had stirred up ill feelings in Diana's marriage, returned the knife to Peter's office, unknown to him. She dropped it on the floor while his back was turned and in the same moment picked it up and announced she had found it. When Peter presented the "found" knife to Diana, she was ecstatic and loving to him once again, until he told her it was Pat's findings. This news immediately upset Diana and she was again cold to Peter —thoroughly confusing and angering him.


After Diana’s explanation of her anger about the knife being seen at Pat's studio, Peter confronted Pat about the knife. He asked if she "borrowed" it since Beth claimed she saw it in her studio. He was playing right into Pat's hands as she bought an identical knife and had the initials "PT" engraved on it. She had her answer all ready for Peter, as planned. She told him it was a knife she had for a special friend, Peter Talbot, and instead of using it for opening her paint tubes, she hysterically announced she should cut her throat with it and ran out of his office.


Peter reacted again according to plan and relayed this story to Diana, belittling her for her lack of trust in his faithfulness to her. As she began to apologize for her foolishness, Pat called him and acted out a sad hysterical threat that she was going to end it all. Peter ignored Diana and rushed to be at Pat's side ... causing more aggravation to Diana.


The grand opening night of "Terri's Place" - new nightclub in Port Charles owned by Terri Arnett, financed by Cameron Faulkner - was filled with great sentiments for all who attended.


Diana met Pat Lambert in the powder room. Diana, already distressed with Pat's invasion on her marriage, could no longer cope with the situation when Pat told her she had returned as Peter's patient. She tearfully told Peter she was going home, Peter did not let her leave without him.


Cam came to the opening direct from New York, elated with Lesley's decision. He presented her with a diamond bracelet to celebrate their happiness and was again dejected when Lesley told him she couldn’t break Laura's heart and would remain in town to attend Laura's play.


The greatest event occurred when Terri received a telegram from Africa — her brother Rick Webber was alive!


Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen M. Potter


With Rita Stapleton’s guidance, Dr. Ed Bauer had emotionally accepted the fact that he would never be able to practice neurosurgery again -  Due to a shooting accident, Ed's arm became paralyzed and a neuroma operation was unsuccessfully attempted to recover the use of his arm. Ed became very desolate after this shock as neurosurgery was his life's ambition. - He continued to see Rita on a platonic basis and a warm friendship develops.


Ed calmly accepted the news that his estranged wife Holly had begun preliminary divorce proceedings. - Ed and Holly separated when Holly confessed that Roger Thorpe was the father of her infant daughter Christina—not Ed as he had believed from the day of her conception. –


Rita had refused a date with young re-sident Dr. Tim Ryan, only to make spontaneous plans to make dinner in her apartment for Ed Bauer that same night. Dr. Steve Jackson informed Tim he was the number one choice as chief resident at Cedar's Hospital. Tim rushed to Rita's apartment to share his good news only to find her not alone but entertaining Ed for dinner. As Ed was leaving for a neurology seminar the following day, Rita loaned him an Indian arrowhead, a good luck charm of hers.


Tim later apologied to Rita for showing up unexpectantly and confessed his love for her. Despite her attempts to discourage him, he proposed marriage to her, but she politely refused and suggested to keep from further hurting him, they stop seeing each other.


This rejection had deeply hurt Tim and affected his efficiency in surgery. This forced Steve to warn him if he didn’t improve, he would lose his chance as chief resident.


Barbara Thorpe had been thoroughly tested for the cause of the excruitiating migraine headaches she had recently experienced. Dr. Sara McIntyre told Barbara's husband Adam that Barbara's headaches were psychogenic. She recommended psychiatric treatment, but Barbara firmly refused.


To help her overcome her depression, Adam surprised Barbara by inviting Barbara's daughter Holly for a visit on their anniversary. - Holly moved to Santa Monica recently to begin a life of her own with her infant daughter Christina - Barbara knew of Christina being Roger Thorpe's child and not Ed Bauer's, and this fact was the true cause of Barbara's illness. –


Adam’s persisten questions to get the reasons behind Barbara's headaches and very irritable personality had finally compelled Barbara to tell him that Roger, his son, was the natural father of Holly's daughter. In telling Adam this, she had broken her promise of silence to Holly. For this reason, she couldn’t and wouldn’t allow Roger or his bride Peggy to enter her house.


This news had completely overwhelmed Adam, but he still remained confused about Barbara's extreme emotional upset to this. He became distant to Holly and she tried to explain it was not only Roger's mistake, but hers also and he shouldn't blame Roger.


Roger and Peggy had returned from their European honeymoon. Their excitement was short-lived upon hearing of Barbara's illness. Roger went to see his father and when confronted that he knew the truth about Roger and Holly and their child, Roger could only admit the truth and said he was so sorry for the damage his one night of weakness had caused to all involved. Adam couldn’t forgive Roger for his dishonesty and carelessness, and ordered Roger to get out!


In another meeting with his father, Roger told him he was a changed man and hoped his father would, in time, understand and forgive him. Roger told him that he loved him and didn’t want to lose him. Still deeply upset by Roger's actions and all the people he had hurt, Adam couldn’t bring himself to give Roger the forgiveness he so desperately needed.


Roger confided in Peggy, his sorrow in upsetting so many lives and suggested they leave Springfield. She did not want to leave.


When Barbara asked Adam what he and Roger had to say to each other, he commented to her how she had put all the blame on Roger and had not considered Holly's guilt in the matter. He appalled Barbara by saying, "I can accept the truth, why can't you?"


Attorney Mike Bauer was continuing to track down the whereabouts of his client Ann Jeffers’ son, despite the constant friction from his wife Leslie. The search for Ann's young son Jimmy and husband Spence had taken Mike to Alaska, which Leslie resented very much. Ann realized Leslie did not enjoy her husband's absence and expressed her regret for causing him to be away. She also told Leslie what a lucky woman Leslie was to be married to such a special man.


Leslie apologized to Mike for her resentment but admitted to Dr. Joe Werner that she feared Mike was unconsciously becoming involved with Ann.


Mike received a lead that Spence Jeffers could be in Redding, California. He went to Redding to find him and located a man by the name of Clint Pearson who was newly married, but whom Mike had assumed was Spence. This man denied knowing of or being Spence, but warned Mike with a subtle threat to stop his investigation.


Extremely disappointed in Mike's news, Ann insisted on going to Redding alone to make a positive identification of Clint Pearson. -Mike and Ann have concluded two coincidences about Clint and Spence. 1) Spence and Clint were both boxers, 2) they both had a habit of rubbing the back of their neck. –


Mike sensed danger because of the threat Clint made to him and would not allow Ann to go alone. After reassuring Leslie that he and Ann have a client-lawyer relationship only, she hesitantly agreed that he must go but openly expressed her fear for his safety.


In Redding, California, Mike and Ann Jeffers waited for Spence Jeffers in a restaurant he and his new wife co-own. He at last came in and a frantic Ann identified him — he was the man she was married to, and the father of her son.


With this confirmation, Mike called Spence to make an appointment to see him "on an important matter." In his office, Spence still continued to deny his true identity, even when Mike informs him Ann's interest was for the custody of her son only. He walked out on Mike and in the corridor was stunned to see Ann standing there facing him.


Pam Chandler had replaced Hope Bauer as a waitress at the Metro Restaurant. While working there she met Mike Bauer's former client, Ben McFarren.  - Ben was re-cently exonerated from a crime he did not commit, but 15 months in prison has embittered him. - Ben immediately took a liking to Pam and asked her for a date. She refused explaining she did not know him well enough. He then confessed all to her and they gradually became friendlier.


After having a drink with her at the Metro, Ben asked Pam to his apartment. She again refused his advances until Dr. Tim Ryan and his frequent date Rita Stapleton came in for dinner. Pam, who was fond of Tim and jealous of his relationship with Rita, then turned an about face and accepted Ben's offer — only to make sure Tim saw her leave the Metro in the company of another man. - Tim had no interest in Pam other than a platonic acquaintance and being the doctor who delivered her baby. - At Ben's apartment Pam did not respond to his affections, and realizing the only reason she was there was to impress Tim Ryan, an angry Ben took her home. At her residence, Bert Bauer's house, Pam introduced Ben to Bert and her granddaughter Hope. Ben left immediately, but seemed interested in knowing Hope better.


Love Of Life


Written by: Paul & Margaret Schneider

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


Ben Harper had shown lawyer Jamie Rollins the fake divorce papers and planned on getting Betsy out of Rosehill before the truth came out. Jamie received a cable informing him that the judge used on Ben's divorce papers died before the date of their divorce. Ben pleaded for time to tell Betsy himself because her doctor had said she didn’t have to have any stress during her pregnancy. This lie worked well because Jamie was Betsy's friend and Diana Lamont, Jamie's lover, lost her child due to a shock. Meg, his mother, confronted Ben with her knowledge of his marriage to Arlene and agreed to help him out of the mess he was in. Meg had arranged for a divorce and told Ben that he had to convince Betsy that they should restate their vows for their first anniversary. Ben tried every way he knew to get Betsy to go to Europe for awhile, but she was concerned with setting up an apartment of their own and staying close to her doctor during her pregnancy.


When Meg found out that Rick had known about Ben and Arlene for a long time she pulled her support from the ski resort they were planning. Although Rick couldn’t fault her his dream seemed to have gone down the drain.


Arlene Lovett Harper was trying to get enough money together to get Ben out of town. She finally decided to blackmail Meg for fifty thousand dollars then and more later. Ben told her to cash the check and meet him. He was very upset that she only brought a thousand dollars with her. - He was planning on using the money to take Betsy to Europe. - Ben tried to stall for time, but Arlene said two hours was plenty of time to leave a note for Betsy. Arlene told Rick Latimer that she would be leaving her job at the Piano Bar that night.


Fearing prison, Ben decided that the only thing left to do was to run away with Arlene. He wrote a long letter explaining to Betsy that he had married her to get the five hundred thousand dollars his mother had promised him, but later fell in love with her. At the edge of town Ben stopped the car realizing that he couldn’t leave Betsy. He told Arlene that he had fallen in love with Betsy and wanted to be there when the baby was born. He got out of the car and walked to the gas station to call for a cab to take him to face up to his responsibilities.


Arlene decided that if she couldn’t have him no one could. She barged in on Betsy and told her that Ben had committed bigamy and she was his wife. Meg arrived and tried to shut Arlene up claiming she was crazy. When Ben got there he didn’t deny Arlene's story. Betsy locked herself into their bedroom and then found Ben's letter which verified everything Arlene had said. Betsy called her brother Tom, a resident in a Baltimore hospital, asking him to come to Rosehill right away.


When Betsy came downstairs, Ben was very truthful. He admitted that Meg picked her and she was a part of his plan to get the money, but she had changed his life. Money didn't mean to him what it did before. All he wanted was her and his child.


When Tom Crawford arrived, Meg tried to explain that Betsy was overwrought and things could be straightened out. Tom insisted on hearing the facts from Betsy herself, who by this time had had a chance to calm down and could present the facts clearly. She was concerned about how her parents in England would feel. She knew that her father had been concerned about Ben's preoccupation with money before their marriage. She was not sure that she wanted to have this baby.


Carrie Johnson had told Meg that she was Arlene's mother and didn't realize until a short time ago that Ben and Arlene were involved. Meg came to the conclusion that money couldn’t buy the important things in life. She called Cal's apartment to ask Rick to come over to console her. Rick told Cal the story.


Cal stood up for her friend Betsy against her family and offered the use of her apartment. When Meg found out that Cal had told her aunt, Van, Meg's sister, she again felt that she was on the defensive.


When the divorce came through Ben took the papers to Betsy, hoping that she would give him another chance, but Betsy had been hurt too much to expose her feelings again. Tom became enraged when he found Ben at Cal's and tried to beat Ben up until Betsy became upset.


Jamie had drawn up a statement of facts that he wanted Betsy to sign so that Ben and Arlene could be punished for what they had done to everyone. Jamie finally had to explain to Betsy why he had been out to get Ben for months - Ben and Arlene blackmailed Jamie with some trumped up photos which eventually fell into Diana's hands and prompted her to go into premature labor. –


Ben packed his things, telling his mother that he would never make anything of himself or get Betsy back as long as he stayed under her roof. He went to see his grandmother, Sarah Caldwell, who was the only one who had given him any advice that was good for him. She advised him to leave Meg's and when Ben told her that he had left, but had no place to stay and no job, she offered him the room in the back of the florist shop and work as a general handyman.


Meg insisted she would be able to get Betsy back for Ben if he stayed, but Ben told her that she had done enough damage already by trying to keep him under her thumb with her money.


Meg pretended that she was looking for Cal, but got around to asking Betsy not to sign a statement accusing Ben of bigamy. She asked Betsy to go home with her so that they could care for her grandchild properly. Betsy told Meg that this never was and never would be her grandchild in the eyes of the court. Meg brought up the matter of the trust and what it could do for Betsy's baby, but Betsy refused Meg's help because her child would not be spoiled and corrupted by her money like Ben.


Dr. Joe Cusack was concerned about Lynn Henderson, a sixteen year old alcoholic whom he had seen in his free clinic, because she broke the rules at the halfway house in which she was staying. They got the residents council to give her another chance, but Lynn seemed to be determined to get into trouble. She tried a sob story on Van Sterling, but Cal walked in and warned Lyn not to put the bite on her friends or relatives. One day Cal found her hustling drinks in the Piano Bar and took her back to her room where she told her how much trouble she could have gotten into if she had been picked up by the wrong kind of guy. Cal wanted to get hold of Lynn's parents, but Lynn claimed that no one had ever cared what she had done. She was amazed that Cal wanted to be her friend.


Cal told Tom that Joe Cusack, who went to medical school with Tom, ran the clinic in town. Over coffee, Joe and Tom rehashed the old days and when they discussed Tom's future, Joe told him there was a position open at the hospital.


Tom hated to leave Betsy alone when he had to return to Baltimore, but was seriously considering the position at Rosehill General. Betsy had decided that she was old enough to learn to take care of herself and the baby.


Carrie had been having pains in her side and finally decided to see a doctor. Joe Cusack told her that they could be caused by stress and Carrie decided that this was probably the case.


Arlene was having a hard time coping with the fact that Ben loved Betsy. Carrie suggested that they go away and get jobs as waitresses, but Arlene said the piano was the only thing she knew and she was not leaving Ben while there was a chance he would go to jail. Carrie claimed that Ben walked into this with his eyes wide open. One day a special delivery envelope arrived containing her copy of the official divorce decree. Carrie was convinced that this was the best thing that could happen to Arlene.


Carrie tried again to get Arlene to leave Rosehill, but Arlene said one town was like another. She was not staying to see Ben; it was just that wherever she went she would play the piano and get mixed up with the wrong guy.


Charles Lamont had reconciled himself to the fact that he would be in a wheelchair and had to depend on others for some help. He had decided that he would wheel himself from the hospital. Charles' biggest problem was Johnny's reaction to the fact that his grand-father couldn’t walk. Charles smoothed over the shock of the wheelchair by asking Johnny to help build a ramp over the entrance stairs. Felicia was overworking herself so much that she was having nightmares about her father's death again.


Van told Eddie that she was concerned about Felicia's health and wished he could convince her that she needed some help. Felicia said Charles wouldn't have anyone else waiting on him, but all the men in her life had been older and she had ended up with them becoming dependent on her.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


When Jenny heard of Tim's accident she insisted that they be married right away and the ceremony is performed in the hospital room. Although Tim was seriously injured he appeared for a time to be out of danger but his condition worsened and as Tim's wife, Jenny told his mother Eileen Siegel that he would have to be operated on by a neurosurgeon for subdural hematoma. She tried to reassure Eileen and they comforted each other. In the hospital chapel Jenny, a former nun, prayed and in the course of her prayers said: "If he can't live, I don't want to live either. I know that's wrong but that's the way I feel."


When she saw Tim he tells her "If I don't make it you go on. I don't want you sitting around grieving over me 'cause I love you too much. You're free now — live a good full life." Jenny told him he would get well: that they would go to their apartment and drink wine - the wine they never finished -. She cried: "You have to believe that." Tim cried out "Oh God, I want to" and died.


In the waiting room a couple of hours before the scheduled operation which was never to take place, Eileen, playing cards with Anna Craig said: "I could have stopped Vinnie from coming over" but Anna who had been trying to distract Eileen, told her that no one had ever been able to stop Vince Wolek from doing anything he had made up his mind to do. She told her, "No more mea culpa ... Please — it's boring." - Vince Wolek, making one last attempt to convince Tim that he was wrong to think of marrying Jenny even though she had left the Order, followed Tim from the hospital cafeteria and tried belatedly to apologize, when Tim at the head of a flight of stairs swung on Vinnie and missed and fell. - Just then Jenny and Larry Wolek came into the waiting room and Eileen saw Jenny's face. She cried out: "Oh God — Oh Anna, Anna —Oh Anna." Later Larry said that the specialist who arrived didn’t think an operation would have saved Tim.


At Tim’s funeral, Vinnie touched Jenny's shoulder when he entered for the services and Jenny touched him back. Julie, Tim's sister was seated on Eileen's left and Joe on her right. Joe read a poem that Tim had asked him to. "When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me ..."


At Anna’s house, Eileen told Jenny that she wanted her to know that "you're my daughter and you always will be" and they embraced. Jenny left to go off and sat by herself. Joe asked Julie if it was absolutely necessary for her to go back to Florida. - Jim had told Dr. Peter Janssen that he was worried about Eileen, "She seems too self-controlled." Peter told Jim: "She may have more strength than we realized." - Julie asking to stay told Eileen that “I need you as much as you need me." Eileen told her that she wanted Julie to go back to the life she had created for herself. When Julie asked if she would let her stay for a few days Eileen told her that she had to go back — that saying goodbye again would be too hard later.


Eileen was looking at a notebook from Tim's law classes when Jenny came by. Eileen offered to give Jenny some of his things but Jenny said she would always carry Tim's memory around with her. She told Eileen that she appreciated the offer but didn’t want his things. Eileen said her saying that had helped to  "keep me from falling into that trap."


Viki Lord Riley again had promised her brother-in-law Larry that she would tell her husband Joe that there was a possibility that the baby she was carrying could be the victim of an heriditary heart defect - Viki had been withholding from Joe her knowledge that his and Cathy Craig's infant daughter Megan was the victim of a serious heart ailment inherited from Joe and that though Megan was killed in an automobile accident as Viki was rushing her to the hospital, she would, in any case not have survived childhood. - Viki had written Larry a note to the effect that she intended to tell Joe the truth when Tim's death occurred. - Tim was Joe's only nephew. - Viki told Larry when he refered to the note that she had decided to take a chance on not telling Joe after all that had happened, "and that's that." Angered when Viki told Larry that she wished he wasn't involved, he told her that to him she was "not exactly just a sister-in-law either." - Larry was in love with Viki.-


Joe had told Viki that he wanted to be in delivery when the baby was born. Viki asked him what he would do if he knew about something in the future, something sad. Joe told her "No one knows the future," that was "part of the Master Plan." After Tim died, Joe told Viki: "If it's a boy, maybe we could name him Tim, and this Tim will live a long and healthy life."


Pat Kendall believing that Tony was in love with Cathy Craig had not been able to bring herself to tell him that Brian was his son – Tony had told Pat that the only thing he'd got out of his relationship with Victor Lord was the firm conviction that "If I ever have a son I'll never abandon him." Tony believed that Pat's husband Paul Kendall, a member of a revolutionary group killed in a police siege was Brian's father. - Talking with Cathy, Pat heard her say that she didn't mean to upset Joe with references to Tim's death but that she didn't want Megan forgotten, Pat said: "Maybe you feel more for him than you realize." She told Cathy "If you are gonna insist on dwelling in the past and never facing up to the future you're never gonna be happy." When Cathy saw an ad for Tony's Opening night and suggested that they all go together, Pat asked her why she didn’t just pick up a phone and call Tony. Surprised at her tone, Cathy asked why Pat was so angry and Pat replied, "I don't know. There's so much misery in the world, I don't understand why you have to make yourself unhappy."


Opening night at Tony's Place was a huge success. Tony sang an upbeat number "Only One Life To Live" and an oldie "I've Been Alone Too Long." Afterwards, at home, Pat Kendall tearfully recalled Tony was singing that same song to her years before.


At Tony’s opening, Dorian maneuvered Victor Lord into leaving early with the story that she had a "headache." - Unknown to Tony, Victor had been responsible for the change in attitude toward his loan on the part of a leading banker -"call Breckenridge," Victor told his lawyer, "and tell him to go ahead. He – Tony - would never accept it from me." - When Tony called to ask about Victor the folllowing day he was told that Victor chose to leave early because he had an appointment the day after. Tony called at Llanfair to see his father and Dorian told him that Victor was not well enough to bear the excitement of a visit from Tony and that she was worried about the possibility of stroke. Tony meft a note to be given to Victor and Chapin, the Lord butler saw Dorian tear the note up. Dorian told Chapin that Tony was not to be allowed to see Victor and when he told her that he had strict orders to tell Mr. Lord any time Tony called or tried to make contact, she countermanded those orders for the sake of Victor's "health." When Victor asked Dorian to "go a little easier on Chapin" telling her that Chapin had complained to Viki, Dorian after Victor had left the room, sent for Chapin and said "It has come to my attention that you are not happy here. Is that true?" Chapin knew the formula and of course replied that it was not true and Dorian followed with "If Mr. Tony Harris – Lord - should come here today, he is not to see Mr. Lord. Is that clear?" Chapin muttered, "Yes, Madam."


Victor and Dorian Lord gave a small dinner party at Llanfair to celebrate the success of their efforts to have special legislation passed enabling Peter Janssen to practice medicine in this country, and the following day when Tony asked about Victor's health, Jenny told him that he seemed fine. Tony left Pat Kendall's house, determined to force his way into Llanfair, if necessary, to "show my father what a conniving hypocrite she – Dorian - is."


When he finally saw Victor, Tony told him that Dorian and Matt McAllister both knew that Tony was Victor's son and had tried to get Tony to leave town. Victor told Tony that he refused to believe that Dorian had been betraying him. After Tony left, Victor questioned Chapin and was told that Mrs. Lord took Tony's note. Victor tried to get in touch with McAllister and was told that he was away for the weekend. When he confronted Dorian, she told him he was being "most irrational" and refused to continue the conversation. However, when Victor called Elliot Chambers concerning his will, Dorian rushed into the room and accused him of having passed judgement on her. Victor told her that he believed Tony and she exploded: "All right! — Yes I knew Tony was your son." She went on to say that Tony was a threat, that after she was dismissed from the hospital staff, she was determined to get money, power, and control of Llanview. She said that she had given Victor life, hope and a future, and, "Because of that I deserve to be secure — Because I have paid." Victor said, "Dorian, don't say anymore." He sat down on the couch —and slumped over.


Wanda Wolek had been unmasked by Vinnie. as the "Lana-Sheen Lady" and he was furious that she had been working for some time "making a fool out of me." He told her that marriage was supposed to have trust and mutual respect. Wanda acknowledged that she was completely wrong to deceive Vinnie about her working and that she would "never do it again as long as I live." At one point Vinnie went into the bedroom and locked the door and Wanda asked him, "Isn't it about time we started communicating with each other a little bit and grew up?" Vinnie told her that she was right and that he learned from Tim's death. However, when she wanted to discuss her working he told her that there was nothing to discuss. She told him very deliberately that he should think before he spoke, realize how very important this was to their marriage, and went downstairs to see a client leaving him to mull it over. When she came back he told her that it seemed that everything he ever believed in was wrong but Wanda told him, "just some things." When he told her that he thought he knew what was right for Jenny and Tim but that he realized that she was not the kind of person who lied and that it was his fault that she did. Wanda told him her job didn't and wouldn’t interfere with their lives. Vince told her that he was worried about her going from door to door in strangers' houses and Wanda sprung on him the offer she got to work for Tony Lord. He roared that Tony was a wolf with a broad under every table. Calmed down Vince finally agreed to go to Tony's Place and saw that Wanda had a great many useful suggestions to contribute to the running of Tony's business. Tony tpmd him that he needed Wanda — that in a business such as his the employees could “rob you blind”. When Wanda asked what he thought, he said "I think he's – Tony - a pretty nice guy." She told him that she was so tired of selling cosmetics and needed a job she could find challenging and Vince grined and said, "O.K.."


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


Struggling for her life, Faith Coleridge stabbed Kenneth Castle in the shoulder with a paper knife. When Faith's father Dr. Ed Coleridge was killed in a fall from the roof of their apartment building trying to capture Kenneth, Maeve Ryan helped a terrified Faith decide to attend services for her father by having Lt. Bob Reid and Dr. Pat Ryan give her assurances of safety. - Maeve was concerned that if Faith did not attend she might be troubled, later.) However, when Faith looked at the casket she cried out, "What are you doing? What are you all doing? Why do you all want me to think my father's dead?" That evening pretending to be sleepy, she sent her sister Jillian out of the room and asked the officer on duty outside her bedroom at the Ryans’ where she was staying, to get her a cup of coffee, and left for her apartment seeking her father. She fainted when she came upon Kenneth crouched behind a door. When she came to, Kenneth went after her, and to her pleas not to hurt her he said "You did more than hurt me, you destroyed me. You should be with your father, Faith!" They struggled at a window and it was Kenneth who falls. Kenneth was alive when the ambulance took him away, but Faith's inability to face the death of her father caused extreme concern for her sanity.


Mary Ryan, sister of Councilman Frank Ryan had been told by her boss at Channel R, Sam Crowell that he had succeeded in getting her a raise to $125.00 a week and allowing her full time coverage of the story they were preparing on Gilcrest Manor Nursing Home. He asked her to read some news copy, told her to go get some hairpins, and announced that there was, "no reason to wait for a break in the nursing home story, you're going on the air tonight." - Sam Crowell had told Renee Szabo that he wholesaled in the sale of Marijuana and signed her on as a "go-for," Mary's former job. He had told Renee that Mary was useful as a cover but that he needed Renee to do some dealing for him. –


Serena “Renee” Szabo, daughter of Nick Szabo whose chain of funeral homes was in an effective business cover for numbers-running and various illegal enterprises, had consented to go home to live with her father temporarily upon her release from Riverside Hospital. She made it clear that she intended to make a play for Dr. Bucky Carter and told her father that she was convinced she could carry off a very proper courtship, adding sarcastically that she could just see introducing her father to the Buckminsters and the Carters of Boston and hear him reply: that it was "an honor to meet someone big in shoes." She asked, "Dad, how would you like to take a trip around the world?" and then quickly apologized. Nick told her that she was probably right; only telling the truth. "You start mixin' with those people, I'll keep out of the way."


Delia’s absence was not noticed in the uproar following Mary's broadcast when Jack, who had been baiting Johnny to the point where Ryan took a swing at him and misses, connected with a punch to the stomach and Johnny went down. Witnessing this Mary slapped Jack's face and told him, "You're not on the docks anymore and my father is not one of your Neanderthal buddies." At Jack's apartment Mary confronted him. He told her that he wanted to speak his mind for a change. It was enough she moved in with him but that he couldn't meet any more demands. - Jack had never told Mary that he was uncomfortable with their living arrangements pretending that his efforts to get her to return home after the first night they spent together was for the sake of peaceful relations with her family. - Telling him that they were through, Mary left to spend the night and the next few days with Jillian Coleridge.


At Roger’s apartment, Delia allowed Roger to talk her into leaving little John in the living room for a moment which stretched into minutes as he tried to distract her with frivolous lover's games. Little John momentarily forgotten, reached for the cord of an electric coffee pot and Delia was frozen by the sound of her baby's screams.


As Roger rushed to give the baby first aid, Delia doubled over in fright and guilt begged: "Oh God! Please don't let my baby be badly burned." Roger and Dee rushed the baby to a hospital emergency room. Thanks to Roger's quick action the baby was found to have sustained only one small spot of 1st degree burns on his shoulder and more painful but less serious scalding on his back. Delia called Frank from the hospital but he had just left a meeting and in the time afforded to them Roger tells Delia the story she had to give Frank. Delia asked that Roger not stay even to wait with her and when Frank came she told him of being distracted only for a moment at her friend, Sheila's apartment, Sheila's understandable oversight not being used to having children about, and that she remembered that cold water was the treatment for burns. Frank was sympathetic to her very real distress and comforted her, commending her for her quick thinking. The doctor in attendance at the emergency room told them that there probably would be no scarring and together they took little John home.


Jack Fenelli went to see Jumbo Marino for a drinking session and told him that he was miserable without Mary. Jumbo suggested that Jack buy Mary an engagement ring. Laughing he remarked: "I gave Teresa three rings in twelve years. " Sobering, Jumbo added: "only thing is — you can't do that to Mary unless you really marry her." Jack had heard what he wanted to and the following day he went to see Sr. Joel who told him when he asked if he had her blessing to make it a short engagement. He insisted that with this step, if Mary agreed, they would have a nice block of time in which to "work things out." Sister Joel told him that talking about engagement wasn’t the answer to his problem. She stressed "rings, plural." When Jack insisted that they would take things one step at a time, Sr. Joel asked "Are you just looking for a way to hold on to Mary because you need her; because you cannot bear to let another woman out of your life?" - Jack was orphaned at a young age and formed a deep attachment for Sr. Joel who was transferred to head a home for girls. –


Jack turned up at Channel R armed with a ring obtained at a very late hour thanks to Jumbo's "contacts."


After making love to Frank for the first time in months, Delia told him that on awakening she was, "scared, we'd both be mad at each other" — that it was the first time she woke up in the morning feeling safe. Dee and Frank laughingly made plans for Delia to meet him at a subway entrance where he was campaigning and "do some handshaking." Roger arrived at the door and told Frank he was there to thank Maeve for her kindness to his sister Faith. When he and Delia were alone, he told her he was wild about her, wanted to throw caution to the wind. He tried to kiss her. Delia told him, "You don't do that; not in my house." Promising that she would see him again, she got Roger to leave and telephoned Father McShane.


When her confessor arrived, she told him that she couldn’t ask for absolution but wanted to talk to him in confidence. She told him that she and Frank had made love but that she had lost all hope of a reconciliation and had found someone else who didn't treat her like an object. She told Fr. McShane: "In a way I love him — he needs me." She told the priest that she didn’t want to hurt this man but "Frank is paying attention to me and that's all I've ever wanted." When the priest urged her to give up the man and do everything in her power to help the healing process in her marriage, she told him she didn’t know if that process would continue and this "other person loves me just as I am." She said she had been fighting all alone for years and in any case, "I'm not so sure he'll let me give him up."


Renee Szabo had made her first pick up and delivery at the Brooklyn Docks and returned to Channel R exhilarated over the apparent ease - spiced up with danger - of the operation. Sam told her he was building himself a nice "nest egg" and warned her not to think in terms of anything heavier because "the larger we get the more vulnerable we are." He told Renee, "Mary Ryan is a very clever girl, so don't take any chances around the office."


Seneca Beaulac had been arrested and charged with homicide in the death of his wife Nell. Jill Coleridge protested to prosecutor Levine that the step was unnecessary as she was prepared to have Seneca surrender voluntarily. Levine insisted that an overzealous detective acted on the bench warrant and assured her that he had no self-seeking motive with regard to the case. When Seneca returned to his position on the Riverside Hospital staff, Roger Coleridge protested to Marshall Westheimer that Seneca should be dismissed at once for his "crime against humanity." - Seneca disconnected life support apparatus when an operation he performed on his wife for an aneurism left her alive but with no trace of higher brain function and unable to continue to live without such support. - Westheimer replied: "I happen to believe he's an asset"; that the "law can take it's course" but that while it did, he intended to "stand behind him in every way possible."


Johnny Ryan told his barman Kevin, who had come across him working out with a light punching bag in the kitchen at Ryan's Place, that he intended to "stay in shape just in case anything goes wrong with the engagement." Later, out front, after some genial bantering with Seneca, Jill, Maeve and the happy couple, referenced to a block party to celebrate Mary's wedding in style get everyone carried away, and Mary responded with delight to Johnny's question whether she'd like to be a June bride. Snowballing, a reception at Ryan's was proposed and Jack, who had been entering into the spirit of the occasion himself moments before said, "Don't I get a vote?" When Mary asked him if he was all right he said, "Let 'em have their fun — we'll talk about it later."


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Ellie Harper had decided that she couldn't stand the competition for Stu Bergman and had decided to leave Henderson. She was going to live with her sister, but didn’t have the nerve to tell Stu that she was leaving for good. She pretended to be going to California for a vacation. Connie Schultz, Ellie's competition, moved in before Ellie was gone. She planned to take over the bookkeeping while Ellie was away. Stu became worried and irritated when Ellie didn’t write.


Stu finally received a letter from Ellie telling him that she was not on a vacation, but had left Henderson for good. He was upset when Jo told him that she knew before Ellie left that she wasn't coming back, but had tried to contact her at her cousin's in Chicago to find that she had gone and left no forwarding address. Stu was determined to find her. He gave Connie strict instructions not to change any of Ellie's methods, when Connie said she was going to update things as Ellie wasn't coming back.


Eunice Wyatt overheard Stephanie's name and assumed her husband John was having an affair with her, but when he was confronted, John could honestly say it wasn't true. John and Eunice made up and their life seemed to get back on an even keel. John had broken off with Jennifer Pace Phillips because all his friends seemed to know of the affair. Jennifer was angry enough to want to hurt someone after having been thrown over for the man's wife. She called the motel in California asking them to send her a letter proving that they stayed there for her insurance company because she seemed to have lost a diamond earring there. She identified herself as Mrs. John Wyatt.


Jo Vincente, Eunice’s sister, asked John about his affair because it had, affected her relationship with Eunice. John assured her that it is over.


When the letter 0arrives addressed to Mrs. John Wyatt John tried to say that it was a mistake, but Eunice pointed out that the dates were correct, the room number was right, and they sent it to their address. John refused to comment further, Eunice called and was told that Mrs. Wyatt was registered on that date also.


John confronted Jennifer, but she denied having talked to the motel in California about an earring. She claimed there was probably an error somewhere and also denied telling anyone else the details of their trip.


Eunice told Jo about the letter and asked her advice. Jo said the affair was over and then Eunice realized that all her friends knew about it and that was why they acted so peculiar. Jo refused to tell her who the woman was. Eunice took Janet Collins to lunch and pried at her, insisting that she tell her who the woman was until finally Janet gave in and told her that it was Jennifer.


Eunice confronted Jennifer and then John with the fact that she knew whom he was having an affair with. Stephanie Collins had been blackmailing John with the knowledge of his infidelity to insure herself a job at Collins Industries. Although she was a major stockholder, neither John or Wade Collins, who had controlling interest, felt that Stephanie was qualified for a position there. Wade was willing to give Stephanie a job to keep from telling Eunice about Jennifer, but how that she knew Stephanie is no longer a threat.


When John informed Stephanie that he and Wade felt she was no longer qualified and they were rescinding their offer, Stephanie threatened to tell Eunice, but John said that not only did Eunice know that Jennifer was in California the same time he was, but why she was there. With the wind knocked out of her sails Stephanie was so angry that she took her anger out on her daughter, Wendy, and then saw how unfair she was to the child.


Jennifer barged into John's office and told him that she was humiliated when Eunice confronted her at the hospital in front of others. John chastised Eunice for making a scene and was thrown out of the house. John was then staying at the Hartford House.


David Sloane, the bartender at Hartford House and unbeknownst to others, the watchdog for Christopher Miller, kept telling Stephanie Collins that their relationship had to have no strings attached, so later when Stephanie began to ask questions about his past and present, David called it off. Of course she was not satisfied and insisted on talking things over with him. She suggested the reason he broke things off was because he got too involved. She also suggested that he played it cool because he was hiding. Christopher overheard David tell her that he had been hiding from his wife since a big fight, but their relationship had made him think of her. He had called his "old lady" and she would be at the inn in a couple of days. Chris asked about David's wife and was told he had none.


David had got the word from his associates that he and Christopher were to leave, but after Chris flatly refused he was told that they reconsidered. Christopher's involvement with Jo Vincente had certainly made David's job harder. Bruce Carson was concerned over the privacy with which Christopher seemed to surround himself. Bruce enlisted Stu's help in getting his fingerprints after it was found that although Mr. Miller claimed to be a writer he had no books listed in the library of congress. The FBI had no record of his fingerprints, but Bruce only thought this was odd after Stu said Chris had mentioned being in the service.


When David realized that Bruce was going to photograph Chris he asked to see Bruce's camera and then removed the film. Bruce accused David of taking it, but could think of no reason why he should have. He apologized.


Christopher told Jo that he would appreciate it if she would ask Bruce not to harrass him. She did, but after asking Stu's opinion of Chris after Bruce had enumerated his facts for her Chris found her very cool.


A man had come to Henderson flashing a picture of Christopher Miller claiming to be a private detective looking for an heir. When he asked Janet and Eunice they did not recognize him because they were very engrossed in their own problems. When he asked Stephanie he could see that she had information, but was very closed mouth. He showed identification claiming that he was a police detective and if she didn’t cooperate he would take her to the police station. She told him that the photo appeared to be a man staying at Hartford House, an inn ten miles outside of town.


Stephanie told David that a Mr. Raymond was asking about Christopher Miller, after which David confined Chris to his room. Chris swore to Jo that he was not a criminal, but people were looking for him.


Although Steve Kaslo had been hospitalized and given chemotherapy after it was found that he was no longer in remission, his condition was steadily getting worse. Dr. Luria, the famous surgeon who performed bone marrow transplants on leukemia patients, held little chance of Steve surviving until his sister Amy, the only compatible donor, had had her baby. Dr. Luria wouldn’t prep Steve for the surgery until he was sure that Amy had given birth safely and the lowering of all Steve's defenses would take a week. After many arguments with Dr. Luria, Dr. Gary Walton, Steve's doctor, and Dr. Brown, her obstetrician, Amy finally got them to agree to take her baby early by caesarian section and then to take her directly to surgery from the delivery room. They were all against it, but Steve was in such bad shape that they prepared for surgery. Steve was placed in a sterile room and allowed no visitors.


Amy saw Bruce before her surgery and although she had refused to marry him asked that he would take care of her baby if anything should happen to her. Amy's baby was small, four pounds and ten ounces, but in very good health. Mike Kaslo was so upset waiting for news of his brother and sister that he couldn’t control himself and blamed Bruce for all his family's problems because he got Amy pregnant. He was afraid he would lose both of them.


The strain was too much for Liza, Steve's wife, and finally she gave in to it. She was rocking the cradle Steve made for Amy's baby and pretending to be holding Steve's child. Wade, her stepfather had to slap her to bring her back to reality. Steve's condition was no better. Liza had a hard time when she was only allowed to talk to him over an intercom, but the minister was taken in to his room.


Amy had come through her surgery and was recovering nicely. Everyone was worried that she was tiring herself when she refused to rest, but sat with Liza waiting for some good news.


Steve was finally producing white blood cells, but Dr. Luria admitted that it was too early to say he was not rejecting the transplant. After much agonizing, Mike told Amy that Steve's blood count was getting better and Dr. Luria actually used the word "recovery."




Written by: A.J. Russell

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


The wedding invitations for Ellen Grant's marriage to Dale Robinson were ready to be mailed. A room had been reserved for the reception. Ellen, however, was having second thoughts, not for herself, but for Dale. Against his wishes, she took a trip, finding herself in Boston, hoping to talk things out with her father. Judge Bishop, however, was in a nursing home, too ill to be of any help. Ellen found herself on the doorstep of Dr. and Mrs. William Marshall. Sensing she was troubled, the Marshalls invited Ellen to stay with them. Ellen recalled her husband Ben's death and their life together before that for the Marshalls. She was amazed to found that, among all the other things she and Ben had, the thing she most treasured was his friendship. She confided her love for Dale and her wedding plans. The Marshalls made no judgments. Dr. Marshall asked Ellen only where she wanted to be at the end of the "ladder of life" and where she wanted Dale to be. He told Ellen it didn’t matter whether she married Dale or not as long as she remained herself. Ellen returned to Somerset.


Ellen told Dale she couldn’t let herself marry him. Convinced Ellen was only backing down because of gossip and what other people would think, Dale suggested they leave town and start over together somewhere else. Ellen refused. She told Dale that the thing he should do was live, "wildly and spontaneously." Dale asked why they couldn’t do that together. Ellen replied that she had already done it. She told Dale it wouldn't be right to marry him because of her needs; she had to also think of him. Dale packed. As he was ready to leave, she told him they shouldn’t see each other again. He asked if she loved him. Ellen replied, "Yes." Confused, Dale left.


Somerset had been beseiged by a series of fires that Greg Mercer and others felt were caused by arson. In the latest fire, one person died and another, Mr. Gammidge, was badly burned. Terri Kurtz found out that the man had a family, and since they just recently moved to Somerset, they weren't eligible for welfare and were in desperate straits. Ellen plunged into their case as a way of putting Dale out of her mind.


Greg Mercer, too, plunged into the Gammidge case, but for a different reason. He found that Mr. Gammidge and a Barney Bailey were hired in Chicago to come to Somerset to set the fire in which Gammidge was injured. Greg realized Gammidge was left in the fire by Bailey so Bailey wouldn't have to share the money. Greg talked to Bailey and headed for Chicago. Carrie Wheeler, Greg's ex-girlfriend, also a reporter on the Register, was assigned to cover the human interest story of the Gam-midges. Carrie and Greg were threatened; Greg was not deterred. Carrie realized that she still cared for Greg, and only agreed to their break-up because she didn't think she was ready to settle down. Carrie wanted Greg back—and alive.


Lt. Price got wind of Greg's interest in the story. He confronted editor Julian Cannell. He demanded to know what the Register had. Julian told him Greg was just checking things out, and promised to let Price know if they came up with anything concrete. Dan Brisken, meanwhile, had bought the paper from Andrea Moore. He wanted Julian and Greg to drop the story in favor of the Gammidge human interest  story, along with other such stories, to be called "Tales of Somerset." Julian told him they tried that approach years ago and circulation dropped. He asked Brisken to let him tread a middle line between hard news and human interest. Dan agreed, reluctantly.


Returning from Chicago, Greg was accosted on the plane by a man who revealed he had been following him all day. He warned Greg to keep his mouth shut, offering to make it worth his while. Greg refused and was threatened. Greg printed the story. Price was furious. The big men behind the dummy companies Greg uncovered would have left town, and Greg's life was definitely in jeopardy. Price placed a guard on Greg and Gammidge and warned Greg not to answer his phone without a special ringing code.


Mrs. Gammidge found help from Ellen Grant and her new assistant, Ginger Cooper. Ginger cut red tape to get her some welfare assistance and Ellen arranged for her son, Brian, to get medical help. Brian had not spoken since he was two. Physical examinations showed no reason for it, so Brian was sent to Terri, who felt the problem stemmed from some fearful trauma. Brian and Ellen became friends. He did wood carvings and gave them to Ellen, who was touched. The Gammidges had three other children.


Tony Cooper was released from the hospital after his heart attack. Tony had broken with his wife and son, hoping to win Vicky Paisley, with whom he had an affair just before his attack. Vickie refused to accept Tony, telling him she warned him from the start she was only interested in an affair. Correctly, Tony guessed Vicky really wanted Julian Cannel!. He observed that anytime someone said he loved Vicky, she ran. Vickie replied, "The grave is a dark and private place, and we're all headed there. In the meantime, I intend to drink from a full cup." When he was discharged, Tony moved in with bachelor Greg Mercer, who was no house-keeper. Ginger Cooper returned from a visit to her father, determined to make her own life. Tony plagued Vicky with phone calls, so she started to hang up on him and had her number changed. She also evaded Tony at work - Tony was General Manager of Paisley's Department Store, owned by Vicky and her brother Ned. -


Vicky made another play for Julian, who again turned her down, disliking her frivolous attitude towards life and love. Julian warned, one day she would find she needed someone to grow old with. He told her about the "sweetness" to be found in true love and marriage, then asked her if she had ever opened herself up to that. Vicky cried.


Finally, unable to impose his will on Vicky in or out of the office, Tony resigned from Paisley's to return to Delaney Brands, his family's company. Meanwhile, he made arrangements for support payments to Ginger and Joey, and for insurance in case he died. After a final confrontation with Vicky, in which she told him it was over between them forever, Tony was convinced.


The day Tony was moving to his new job, his father, Rex Cooper, returned from California. Rex told Tony he wanted him to reconcile with Ginger and Joey. Rex Cooper had no intention of losing his only grandchild, a grandson, at that. Tony was furious.


Heather Lawrence Kane, estranged from her husband, surgeon Jerry Kane, was pregnant, but refuses to tell Jerry or let any of their friends tell him. Through a mix-up in files, Jerry discoverd her pregnancy, and stormed into Stan Kurtz's office. Stan told Jerry his behavior was one reason Heather didn't want him to know. Carefully, Stan explained that Heather's fight with him was for her independence, for the right to make mistakes and learn and grow. Finally, Jerry seemed to understand. After a dinner date, they returned to Heather's apartment. Heather told him she couldn't be his slave. He assured her he never intended that; he just wanted someone to count on. So did Heather, but Jerry continued to disappoint her. They agreed to try again, and Heather told him she's pregnant.


The following day, Jerry went to meet Heather at Tom Conway's office, to tear up the divorce papers. He was delighted to find Heather never really filed. He turned the running of their house-hold over to Heather completely, promising not to take back the responsibilities if she made mistakes. He also promised to let her do things for herself, instead of hovering over her.


Julian blamed himself for Greg's predicament. If he hadn't printed the story, Greg wouldn’t be in danger. Vicky dropped by the office with a champagne supper. They took the champagne to Greg's apartment, where they found him in high spirits because he and Carrie were planning to marry. Greg turned down an offer from Dan Brisken to arrange for a new identity and a new life.


Unbeknownst to the police, the arson ring had tapped Greg's phone and knew the special phone code. They had taken a room across from Greg's, where they could see the phone. A man arrived at the crooks' apartment, opened a briefcase, and assembled a high-powered rifle. An accomplice dialed Greg's phone. Greg was shot! Despite the best efforts of surgeons, Greg died.


Julian took the news very hard. He wrote his resignation and told Vickie he should be arrested as an accessory to murder.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Sister Magdalene, Gwen Sherman, found her accidental meetings with Greg Foster very influencing. Greg's brother, resident Doctor Snapper Foster, warned Greg against seeing Gwen unless he could make a definite commitment to her if she left the convent. Snapper also explained to Mother Superior that Gwen had known men and was meant to have a man in her life physically. The Mother Superior told Gwen to ask God's guidance. After a long session in the chapel, Sister Magdelene felt she had been hiding in a convent and this was the reason she hadn't found peace there. She dreamt of Greg holding her in his arms and having his child. She told the Reverand Mother that she had decided not to take her final vows and the Bishop was notified of her intent.


On the day her release arrived, Sister Magdelene was told to remove her habit and put on the civilian clothes left for her. Gwen asked Greg to meet her in front of the settlement house, not telling him that she was leaving. The only request made of her by the Reverend Mother that she didn’t agree with was that she was to take the five hundred dollars that she earned as a prostitute that she gave the settlement when she entered the convent. This was to see her through until she had a job. Gwen felt that this was "dirty" money and that the only way to clean it was by putting it to good use through charity.


Before Gwen could meet Greg out front he arrives with a little boy, Ramon, in his arms. Ramon was walking on the fence and fell, hitting his head. When Ramon became conscious, the Reverand Mother was about to take him, but he asked to stay with Sister Magdelene. Under ordinary circumstances this would be nothing, but Ramon had not spoken since entering the convent even under Sister Magdelene's gentle persuasion. Gwen saw this as a sign from God she had prayed for. She then decided to stay on at the convent.


A few days later, she visited Greg at Legal Aid to tell him how happy and content she was that God had given her the sign. She removed her baby ring telling Grey that subconsciously she had been thinking she would marry and give this to her child, but since she had adjusted to the fact that she wouldn't, she would like Jill to have it for her baby. Sister Magdelene was going to enter nurse's training in St. Louis after taking her final vows. If God wanted it she would come back to the settlement house and if not, she would go where he sent her.


After Jill Foster lost her case to have her baby son, Phillip Chancellor Foster, claim his inheritance from his father, Phillip Chancel-lor, she decided that she had to have revenge. Jill delivered the first bottle of liquor herself to Mrs. Kay Chancellor, and continued to have a bottle a day sent to her. Jill's mother, Liz, disapproved, but couldn’t stop Jill. When this doesn't tempt Kay enough to make her drink, Jill started spending the evenings with Kay pretending that it was two years previous when Jill was Kay's companion. When Kay made a reference to Jill's baby she was told there was no baby. Jill used incoming calls from salesman to convince Kay that Phillip was on a business trip. When she had convinced her of all this it was easy to get Kay to take a drink to steady her nerves.


Liz put together Jill's nightly errands and Mrs. Chancellor's references to Jill when she went to the estate to care for Mrs. Chancellor during the day. Liz and Brock who visited his mother to find Jill acting her part, tried unsuccessfully to bring Kay back to the present. But she refused to believe that Phillip was anywhere other than on a business trip. Brock took his mother for a walk and showed her Phillip's gravestone on the estate. Kay wandered in and out of reality never understanding everything.


Jill went to see Mrs. Chancellor and capitalized on Kay's belief that Jill's son was her grandchild. Kay agreed to give her money if she would bring the child for a visit. Brock and Liz tried to stop her saying that Mrs. Chancellor wasn't stable enough yet to trust her around the baby. Jill took the baby to Kay who chastised Brock for not caring for his wife and child properly. Brock tried to explain, but wasn't given the chance. Jill asked for the check before she left. When Jill held out her hand to accept the thousand dollars Kay saw Jill's hand holding a drink and realized that Jill started her drinking again for which she hated herself. Furious, Kay knocked Jill's hand aside making the baby fall to the floor. Brock rushed Jill and Liz to the hospital with the baby and then returned to his mother who was trying to piece things together. Jill was blaming Kay for the accident, but Liz reminded her that she was just as much at fault. Snapper told them that Phillip had no broken bones or internal injuries — he would be all right.


After Jack Curtis realized that he really loved Peggy Brooks, the student he was tutoring, he thought about his own marriage and how different his wife Joann used to be. She was a very independent person until she gained a lot of weight - Jack, Johnny to Joann, recently found out that Joanne became a compulsive eater following an abortion when he unknowingly told her he didn't want children until he was through with his education. Joann had been trying very hard to lose weight and win back Johnny's affection even when she found out that Peggy Brooks was also in love with Johnny and had no idea he was married. - Jack told Peggy that they could be together once he helped Joann find her old self again. Not wanting to cope with seeing Jack, Peggy accepted her girlfriend's invitation to spend the spring vacation on her campus out of town.


Jack tried to interest Joann in returning to college, but told her it had to be because she wanted to, not for him. Johnny was trying desperately to make Joann an individual.


Brock told Joann that he would rearrange the work schedule at the Allegro and get a loan for her to go to school. He sent her off to see Johnny at the university, but Joann overhears Johnny explaining to Peggy, who had returned, that he would divorce Joann after she was strong enough to care for herself. Peggy told him that she would wait.


Lance Prentiss had made it a point to visit Genoa City so that he could meet Brad Elliot, pianist Leslie's husband. Leslie's sister, Lorie, had been telling Brad that Lance was in love with Leslie and Lance admitted to Brad that he was in love with her talent. Lorie felt that he used her to get close to Leslie.


Leslie had another concert in Mexico City and this time Brad planned on going along and then taking Leslie to Acapulco for a vacation. Lance had to fly to Rome on business and then plans on attending the concert in Mexico City. He suggested that Leslie and Brad go with him to Rome, but Leslie had rehersals and Brad had a lot of work at his newspaper, so Lance again invited Lorie. The evening before their departure Brad bought Lorie a new dress for the occasion knowing she had very little money of her own. She told Brad that she had decided that the best way to handle Lance who was used to having females swooning at his feet was to play hard to get. Lance confided in Leslie that since Lorie was used to adoration by the male species that he would ignore her.


Lorie was dreading her her return slightly since her second book would have been released by then. "In My Sister’s shadow" dealt with the story of her life as well as Leslie's stay in a mental institution. Leslie had admitted that her past wasn't always as far behind her as she might wish.


On their flight to Rome in his private jet, Lance was able to put his plan into practice. When the washroom door was stuck and he let Lorie anguish over his indifference for awhile.


Once in Rome, Lance conducted his business, but promised to take Lorie shopping. When she returned to her suite one afternoon Lance was using it to select dresses being modeled privately for him. When he ordered them in Leslie's size and asksed that they be altered to his specifications by the end of the day, Lorie was sure she was a front for him to see Leslie. When he returned to her room she demanded he send her home the following day without going on to the concert. Meanwhile, the dresses were delivered to her suite in her size and Lance chastized her for returning early this afternoon and almost spoiling his surprise. When he had a magnificent dinner sent to the suite instead of dining out he admitted that being predictable was boring. Lorie decided to stay on.


While Leslie was preparing for her concert, Brad's violent headaches were returning. He had Snapper take all the tests again, but there was no change in the results. Brad decided that he would go to Chicago - Brad had been a neurosurgeon in Chicago - to have more tests taken while Lorie was in Mexico.


Brad broke the news to Leslie that he would’t be able to go to Mexico City and asked that she just trusted him. Leslie let it go at first, but then she remembered that he cancelled his trip to her concert in Puerto Rico. She asked Brad to tell her.


Brad told Leslie that his mother was very ill and he had to be with her. Leslie sent flowers and a card, but when she called to inquire about Mrs. Eliot's health after Brad left, she was told that there was some misunderstanding. Les wondered what Brad was up to, but didn't ask when he called her in Mexico City because Lorie was in her room.


Jennifer Brooks, Leslie’s mother, agreed that she and Stuart should meet Leslie and Brad in Acapulco rather than Mexico City since Lorie was still rather hostile after finding out that Bruce Henderson was really her father. Jennifer was afraid that Lorie might tell Stuart and they were very happy since their reconciliation.


Chris Foster tried modeling as a new career path, but gladly gave it up when she found that Jerry Estes, her boss, was a voyeur.

And some pages from the DNS issue of that month

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Re Y&R

I would love to see those scenes of Jill turning up at Kay's and pretending that nothing had happened. I can see Brenda and Jeanne turning it on.

Was Brock not living at the Chancellor Estate at this time?

I found the early Lance/Lorie scenes intolerable. Lance was such a bore and the whole back and forth game playing was supposed to be scintillating and sexy but was too drawn out.

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My pleasure ! I was very interested in how General Hospital was totally revamped. It was great under the Dobsons with the Phil Brewer murder story but the Hollands very not good: they wrote out so many characters and brought their pets. The Pollocks immediately erased these new characters and brought their own with the Webbers and we know it would work.

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Yeah GH was so up and down pre-Marland and Monty. It is fascinating. I really want to get to know it better. I am fairly obssessed with soaps in general between 68 - 82. Just haven't had the time to read more than Y&R stuff at this point. 

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She even tried to hire Jazz to bump her off in 1984, lol. I would love to see that scene

Jill's story was short. She gets caught, helps Kay get back on her feet and that is that. Ends by May/June 76 and the Derek Thurston story starts up, but was halted after 8 weeks or so and revisited a year later in spring/summer 1977 after Jill had been dating David Mallory, the man who got Bill Foster's corneas. Suzanne rocks up around 1978 and starts gaslighting Kay around 1979. That story went on for most of 1979.

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MAY 1976


All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Nurse Ruth Martin had fallen in love with hospital aide David Thornton, a former physician who gave up the practice of surgery when he couldn't save the life of his younger brother under combat conditions in Vietnam - Ruth alone, in Pine Valley, knew of David's past life and he had told her that with her help he could resume his dedication to surgery. - David had asked Ruth to marry him but sent her a letter offering to leave Pine Valley if she believed that such a move would be the best thing for them. When Ruth told him that such a solution might help her marriage to Dr. Joe Martin, she was unable to say that she was sure that she and Joe could make a go of their marriage even if David were to leave and give up the cabin he had just completed. She told David, in answer to his questions, that she and Joe had had separate bedrooms for the last few months and he told her "there's your answer." He urged her to go back to her husband's bed and see if there was still anything left to be salvaged from her marriage. "If there is," David promised, "I'll keep my part of the bargain and leave town."


When Joe asked Ruth if she had considered his suggestion that they seek marriage counseling, she replied that they had to work out their problems themselves. When Joe insisted that the next step might have to be a trial separation because he would "rather have nothing than to go on living this lie"; Ruth told him that she had been very unfair; that it had been only her pride that had been keeping them apart - The Martins' estrangement began with Joe's rejection of his wife and feelings of anger towards her when he blamed Ruth for the breakup of his daughter Tara's marriage to Dr. Charles Tyler, Jr. and Tara's plans to resume her life with Ruth's son Philip Brent. –


In the morning, Joe asked Ruth why she left him in the night to return to her own room and was told that she couldn't sleep; that she was used to sleeping alone and Joe angrily told her that she didn't give their reconciliation much of a chance. "I'm not a fool Ruth, don't play me for one." When she told him that she thought she was ready he told her: "No more lies." He left for the hospital.


Erica Kane Brent 0having failed in an attempt to put pressure on Kitty to give her a job at the Boutique had sought and obtained a position as a volunteer at Pine Valley's hospital in order to ingratiate herself with Chuck Tyler but after a few days she stayed at home pretending illness and tried to get her old job back at the radio station, when she learned that Chuck was flying out to see Tara and little Philip in Arizona - Erica was humiliated when the production manager turned down her offer to freelance at WRCW. He told her that she did not give sufficient notice when she left to take the "Lacey Girl" promotional job and left her to break in her replacement. Erica, herself, had turned down an offer by Nick Davis that she work as a hostess at the Chateau, telling him she wouldn't stop to being a "shill" and that there was "not enough money in this world for me to come to work for you."


Philip Brent had worked out an agreement with Erica to make the mortgage payments and take care of the utility bills on their house during their separation - Erica had cancelled her plans to divorce Phil when she lost her modeling job with Lacey's causing Tara and Philip to postpone their plans to marry and make a home for their son little Philip. The boy's asthmatic attacks seemed to be due to his distress over the breakup of Tara and Chuck's marriage and feelings that he had caused their separation and was being punished. Philip was mistakenly reported killed in Vietnam and Tara, pregnant with Phil's son accepted Chuck's offer to marry her. He had raised little Philip as his son.- However, Philip had told Nick that his job as manager of a local car wash was finished. The company was bankrupt and severance pay was out of the question. When Nick again offered Philip his old job at the Chateau, Phil again refused because of the hours but was so upset he appeared to be considering Nick's suggestion that he get away for a time using the money Nick owed him for his last few weeks on the job at the Chateau and take a vacation. Though that was not Nick's idea of "getting away from it all" Philip saw this as an opportunity to fly out to Arizona to see Tara and little Philip.


Phoebe English Tyler had asked Kate Martin to tell her what she knew of Kitty's parentage, her mother in particular, telling Kate that she was touched by Kitty's very real devotion to the mother who abandoned her and wished to get to know more of Kitty. Kate told her what she knew believing that Phoebe might be ready to accept the relationship between Kitty and her son Lincoln because "even Phoebe is capable of giving in with some grace when it's inevitable." Phoebe went to a woman's shelter in Center City and after a distressing incident in which a drunken inmate accused her of wanting to take her bed, returned to find a Mrs. Lum who was with the carnival, "barker to snake lady" and who "learned to read and write and count money." Phoebe asked her if she would be interested in a "humanitarian project" whereby she would move to another town and pretend to be somebody else. She assured Mrs. Lum that it would not be against the law to "help someone searching all life long for a long lost mother." She urged Mrs. Lum "to sleep on it," and told her that she would be in touch.


When Erica was visiting,Phoebe got a call from Mrs. Lum and when Erica left, Phoebe asked how Mrs. Lum was able to contact her. Told that she obtained her number from the director of the shelter and that Mrs. Lum had thought about Phoebe's proposition - "The more I thought about it the more I liked it. Ain't likely I'll get a better offer than that." - Phoebe insisted that in the future Mrs. Lum had to never call her at her home and that their relationship had to be kept strictly confidential.


On her day off, Ruth agreed to go to David's cabin to help with some planting and told David that she still loved Joe and that she couldn’t shut the door on their marriage. David asked how long and she said "for the foreseeable future anyway." David told her that he would accept that and they go for a walk. When they returned they heard Joe call out to David. Dan Kennicott – Mary’s younger brother who was staying at the Martins’ to attend University - had left some tools David borrowed at the cabin and Tad had asked Joe who was unexpectedly home for a half day to drive out to the cabin so that he might finish working on a clubhouse -.


Rather than have Tad witness a confrontation between himself and Ruth, Joe Martin dropped him off at the Martin house and continued the drive back from David's cabin with his wife. However, he left the car with Ruth at a street corner and went to his office alone after telling her that he found her statement that she had never been unfaithful to him with David hard to believe. When Ruth learned from Paul Martin that Joe had had a letter from his son Jeff saying that due to the death of Dr. Garrand he had decided to stay on for an indefinite time in Wisconsin, she decided to take Kate Martin's advice that she try to comfort him and went to Joe's office.


Joe speculated that Ruth might have come to keep up the appearance in Kate's eyes that she was "the perfect image of the perfect wife." He told her that their marriage was over when she left his bed the night before and said, "I will not share my wife with any man; not emotionally or any other way. As much as I love you and as much as I want you I can live without you if I must—And Ruth, unless you can make a total commitment, I prefer to live without you."


Before he left to join Tara and little Philip in Arizona, Chuck Tyler was told by Dr. Frank Grant that he was becoming too emotionally involved with Donna Beck and Frank had been moved to say the same thing to Caroline Murray when Caroline was upset at Donna's receiving a visit from one of her "sisters of the street", Estelle. Frank characterized Estelle and Ty as a "bunch of ruthless parasites."


In Donna’s room, Estelle tried to convince Donna that she should go back to work for Ty. When Donna asked if Estelle and the other "girls" had been beaten because they had not been able to meet their quota with no replacement, Estelle said "Not yet, but He's buildin' up to it — If I don't tell him tonight you're comin' back I know damn well it's gonna happen." When Donna showed Estelle that her leg had atrophied and insisted that it would take a lot of therapy before it was back to the way it used to be, Estelle told her that she thought that was a cop-out. As Estelle left, Donna insisted that she would do her own talking to Ty.


Nancy Grant had called Frank and insisted that he fly to Chicago and discuss their situation in person. At first Frank insisted that the trip would be a waste of time and money, since he had been offered only a junior residency in Chicago so far, but he told Caroline that when he spoke to Joe Martin he was inclined to maintain his position that he should wait a few more months in Pine Valley but something Dr. Martin said had given him pause. When Caroline asked what it was, Frank told her that Joe told him there was "only one way to run a marriage and that's together, no matter what the sacrifices involved."


Anne Martin was running a slight fever and was worried that Joe Martin had postponed a scheduled examination in order that another doctor could be present. Paul tried to calm her by saying that Joe was only being sensible but he had confided to his brother that he had been depressed lately by a presentiment of trouble for the baby that Anne was carrying. 


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Mac Cory suggested Raymond Gordon coordinate the dedication activities for the Chadwell library. Alice Frame approved, promising to smooth any problems with Willis. Ray and Alice were seeing a lot of each other. Reluctantly, Ray told Alice his estranged wife, Olive, had broken off with the man she left him for. Olive wanted a reconciliation. Ray told Alice he couldn't share his life with someone he didn’t love, and he could never return to Olive after having known Alice. Alice told him she couldn’'t encourage him — or anyone else — until she had had a chance to sort her feelings. She loved Steven so, she had never really thought of anyone else. She did admit she wanted more than a memory. Ray asked to be allowed to continue to share her life as he had been - frequent visits, dinners, dancing -Alice tearfully agreed. Willis Frame, Alice's brother-in-law, observed Ray kiss Alice lightly good night.


Ada McGowen wondered to Angie Perrini, long in love with Willis, even while engaged to Neil Johnson, if the reason Willis tricked her into breaking her engagement, by saying he loved her, was to get Neil out of town so he couldn't interfere in Willis' plans to take over Frame Enterprises. Angie told Ada she was going to keep an eye on Willis. Neil told Ada that maybe Angie could change Willis. Ada told Neil how Willis deceived Angie - Willis led Angie to believe he loved her. Angie went to his apartment to tell him she broke her engagement to Neil so they could be together. As she kissed Willis, Carol Lamonte came out of the bedroom. - Neil raced out of Ada's house to the apartment. He burst in, screaming, "I warned you not to hurt her." In front of Angie, Carol, and Vic Hastings, Neil beat Willis up. Neil was hurt to the core when Angie raced to Willis's side. Neil left and arranged with Robert to go to Chadwell on the library project right away.


Jim Matthews and Vic Hastings, an executive in Frame Enterprises, were concerned that they had not received contracts or bids on Willis' hi-rise project in Ogden. When either of them asked Willis about it, he made vague promises about them being ready soon.


Russ Matthews’ new bride, Sharlene, Willis' sister, told Carol Lamonte to look for a replacement for her in Carol's office. Carol tried to persuade Sharlene to reconsider, saying Willis wouldn’t bother her since Angie was around to help him and he has more authority – Sharlene was aware Willis was trying. to take over Frame Enterprises, built by his brother Steve and owned by Alice. She had sworn to stop Willis, but Willis had threatened to tell Russ that Sharlene was a B-girl in San Diego after her first husband died. - At work, Willis warned Sharlene not to blab to Alice anymore. Sharlene said she would tell anyone anything she thought they should know. She told him Russ knew everything. - Actually, Sharlene had tried to tell Russ about her past, but he wouldn't listen. - Willis and Carol had already got their bids back from Jamison on the hi-rise and were in the process of altering the figures, although Willis told Vic the figures weren't ready yet. Alice and Ray arrived to discuss dedication details. Sharlene drew Alice aside and warned her to keep a close eye on the hi-rise.


Alice told Emma she trusted Willis to handle the hi-rise. Emma told Alice she had never been able to handle Willis's drive. Alice said Steve had drive. Emma replied that success and money weren't the only things in Steve's life. Emma asked about Ray and Alice. Alice wasn't sure about her own feelings yet. Emma suggested Ray could be a big help to Alice in business, might even be an asset to the firm.


Willis avoided Vic, stalling on hi-rise matters until Alice went to Chadwell for the dedication. Angie told Ada that Willis needed her to save him from himself. Carol suggested Willis could use the project to gain ultimate authority in the firm by having Alice work with him on the project, without Vic's knowing. Willis said the only way to gain control was to get rid of Vic. Vic and Willis had a disagreement about the division of authority Alice had just set up. Vic felt the contract said they shared authority: Willis said the contract said they divided authority. Vic went to John Randolph, who confirmed Vic's view. They went to see Alice, who also confirmed Vic's view. Vic was worried that Willis might have committed them over their heads on the hi-rise.


Emma went to see Angie. She asked Angie to tell her about anything fishy, so she could warn Alice. Reluctantly, Angie agreed. Carol visited Sharlene at home. Sharlene again asked her to find a replacement. Carol agreed. Emma arrived, so Carol left, but eavesdropped. She overheard Emma tell Sharlene they had Angie's cooperation. Carol tried to warn Willis that Angie might not be as loyal as he thought, but he refused to listen, thinking Carol's just talking out of jealousy. Sharlene returned to work.


Although the dedication ceremonies were some weeks away, Willis pushed Alice to go to Chadwell early to make final plans. Alice was suspicious. She tried to stall, but Willis finally prevailed, appealing to Steven's memory and having things done right. Willis knew his niece Molly wanted to stay in Bay City and that Molly would like to live closer to her friends in town. Willis suggested Molly ask to move in with Sharlene and Russ. Molly agreed.


Ray had been avoiding calls from his ex-wife Olive. Olive tricked Beatrice into giving her Alice's number. Ray asked Alice if returning to Chadwell would be unsettling. She said she'd better find out because it would effect other things. She was beginning to rely on his companionship. As they started to kiss, the phone rang — Olive. Alice answered. Olive was furious and hung up on Ray.


Mac Cory had discovered that his daughter, Iris Delaney, was responsible for the loss of his and Rachel's baby. Consequently, he and Rachel had cut ties with Iris. Iris, subsequently, convinced her housekeeper, Louise Goddard, and Louise's swain, Cory stableman Rocky Olson, that Mac and Rachel had promised the bust of Mac which Rachel sculpted, to her as a gift. Louise and Rocky spirited the bust to Iris's house. Later Louise overheard Iris's son Dennis say Mac said he would never part with the bust. Rocky overheard Mac inquiring about the bust. Louise and Rocky decided they had to return the bust to the Corys'. Iris overheard their planning and gave Louise the afternoon off. When they left, Iris instructed her chauffeur to carry the bust up to her bedroom, where she had it bolted to a stand.


To help her overcome the loss of her baby, Rachel, at Mac's instigation, had resumed her sculpture. While a studio was being prepared for her at home, Mac suggested she work in instructor Ken Palmer's studio. Soon Rachel was immersed in her work, often forgetting to go home for dinner. Ken warned Rachel not to let sculpture interfere with her life. He told her he never married because he could never find a woman who could take his mind off his work and besides, he would never ask anyone to share "this" life. Ada began to nag Rachel about spending so much time away from her family. Rachel told Mac she didn’t want a studio at home. She would rather have the privacy of working at Ken's studio while she "brings what she's working on to life." Mac consented.


When Iris refused to let him return the bust, Rocky told Rachel where it was. Liz Matthews dropped by Iris's and Iris suggested Rachel and Ken have more than a teacher-pupil relationship. Iris said Mac was blind to the fact that "art doesn't interest Rachel as much as the artist." When Rachel told Ken she intended to continue to work at his studio, he asked if she was aware of possible misinterpretations and asked if Mac approved. "Mac understands perfectly."


Brooks, the Corys’ chauffeur, arrived and asked Iris for the bust. Iris said it was not there. Brooks told her he was not leaving without it. Iris replied that Rachel had to see her in person. Rachel stepped in. She demanded Iris return the bust. Iris denied she had it. Rachel knew better. Iris tried tears: Rachel had Mac all the time, so why couldn’t she have the bust? Rachel reminded Iris she didn’t need Mac: she had a husband and son. Rachel threatened to have her stepfather, Lt. Gil McGowan, retrieve the bust. Rachel told Iris she made the bust and it was hers. Iris threatened to smash it. Rachel told Iris she had to bring Mac into it, and did, sadly aware of the pain it would cause Mac.


On his way to Iris's, Mac dropped by Clarice Hobson's new apartment. He asked Clarice's permission to ask Iris to level with Robert about Clarice's pregnancy - Clarice was carrying Robert Delaney's baby. When Iris discovered Clarice's pregnancy, she rushed Robert into marriage, to spare him the ignominy of a life with Clarice. - Clarice refused, not wanting any more trouble from Iris, who had threatened to take the baby away.


Dennis had a crush on Molly Ordway, Alice Frame's niece from Chadwell. Iris felt Molly was beneath Dennis, and made a fuss when Dennis made a date with Molly. Robert backed Dennis, saying the more Iris opposed Dennis, the worse it would get. They argued. Iris made the first move to capitulate, saying she knew she was too possessive. Robert suggested a child of their own would help mitigate her possessiveness. Iris claimed a baby would take time away from Robert and they had just been married. Dennis interrupted. Dennis told Iris he had broken his date. Iris told him to go ahead, and use Carl to drive them. But when Dennis got to Alice's house to get Molly, Darryl Stevens, a college student Molly met through Marianne Randolph, was there, and Molly went off with him. Dennis was very disappointed.


Mac arrived at the Delaneys'. Iris told him she was not returning the bust. "Surely you can't begrudge my having a memento — to remind me of the happy years?" Mac told her that was "sick." Iris agreed, then reminded him of how he neglected her all her life. In his anger, Mac let slip his knowledge of the father of Clarice's child. Iris denied it. Mac told her she couldn’t tell the difference between truth and deceit. He asked for the bust. Iris knelt and grasped his knees, begging to keep the bust. In great emotional pain, Mac said he would speak to Rachel. Iris cried, “She can make another bust for you. You're my only father." Mac left in tears. Iris got up and stood smiling in front of her portrait, very pleased with herself. Mac told Ada and Gil, "It's clear now Rachel and I can never see Iris again." Rachel told Mac not to worry about the bust. She was thinking of making another anyway.


Robert met with Mac, Alice, and Raymond Gordon about the Frame Memorial Library in Chadwell. Neil Johnson had sent photos of the Jamie Frame mobile unit, and they would like Rachel's opinion. Mac called her at Ken's, but she refused to leave. She was in the midst of solving a problem. Rachel planned to meet with Robert later to cancel the studio, so Robert agreed to take the photos to her. He arrived without them, so Rachel called Mac's office. Clarice answered the phone and Rachel asked her to bring the photos over, saying Robert wouldn't be there.


When Clarice arrived with the photos, it took a moment for her to notice Robert was there. Clarice told Rachel she shouldn't have done it, and refusing to stay and talk, she ran out. Robert was openmouthed. Rachel admitted to Robert she tricked Clarice. She asked if men never noticed anything. Robert acknowledged he noticed Clarice was pregnant. Rachel said he had to ask Clarice about it. He asked who else knew? Ask Clarice. Robert asked how long Clarice had been pregnant. Rachel told him to ask Iris. Robert was astounded. When he realized Iris had known all along, he mused that it explained some things. He acknowledged the baby was his and rushed out to confront Iris.


Robert old Iris he wanted to ask her some questions and warned she'd better have the right answers or they were in trouble. He asked how long Iris had known Clarice was pregnant. She said only recently, then accused him of listening to Rachel's gossip. He reminded Iris she rushed him into marriage. Iris replied that she didn't want him to assume, Clarice's baby was his. Iris said Neil left town so suddenly because he was the father. When Robert insisted the baby was his, she asked if he was so eager to have a child that "you'd even accept a baby that isn't even yours?" He left. Robert confronted Clarice, who said only that the baby was hers and nobody else's.


Iris started the rumor that the baby was Neil's, which was why he broke his engagement to Angie and left town so suddenly. Robert told Iris he had a call in to Neil.


Robert sought counsel from Mac. He believed the baby was his, until Iris brought up the Neil thing. Mac confirmed Robert was the father, and said Clarice was afraid someone would take her baby. Mac told Robert Iris knew of the pregnancy when she and Robert were married.


Iris went to see Clarice and reiterated her offer to take care of Clarice and the baby forever, if Clarice would leave town. Clarice refused. Iris screamed that she wouldn't allow Clarice to hold this over her head. Clarice reminded Iris that neither of them wanted Robert to know. Iris took a new tack. She told Clarice that Robert might want his baby. After all, he could give it far more than Clarice ever could. Clarice was stunned. She knew Iris wouldn't want her baby around. Iris agreed, but said she would "tolerate it" to keep her husband and marriage. Clarice went to the Corys'. Mac and Rachel were supportive.


Robert suggested to Iris that he should make a home "with the woman who's carrying my baby." He presented the facts he had found: Iris didn't suggest marriage until she had had a visit from Clarice and her doctor, Dave Gilchrist, the night they announced their marriage, Scott Bradley and Clarice left the party right after the announcement; Mac and others knew the baby was his. Finally, Iris told Robert the "truth." "I didn't believe then you were the father, and I don't believe it now."


Mac was disturbed with Rachel was spend-ing so much time on her sculpture, seeming to forget all the wonderful family things they used to do. He planned a barbecue. When he called Rachel at Ken's to ask her to come home, he got no answer. - Ken and Rachel were out for a walk to clear her head. - When they returned and got the call, Rachel was reluctant to leave, but sensed it was important to Mac. She invited Ken, discomfitting Mac and Ada.


When Robert again asked Iris why she kept him from knowing about Clarice, Iris replied, "You'd have believed her." Robert wasn't satisfied with Clarice's answer, so he and Iris confronted Clarice again. Clarice told them it wasn't important who the father was. Robert, choked with emotion, declared, "I won't lose another child!" Stunned, both women asked him to explain. He told them of the death of his second wife, Jessica and baby in an auto accident in Somerset before he came to Bay City. This played right into Iris' hands. She asked Clarice to admit the baby was Robert's, so the man could take his child and raise it in a proper home! Clarice told them Robert was not the father, that the father left when he found out she was pregnant. Robert and Iris left. Crying, Clarice mused, "Nobody's going to take my baby from me, not even his father." Iris consented to have a baby.


Robert was willing to accept he was not the father of Clarice's baby. Doubts again cropped up, however, when Scott asked Robert to stop Iris's harrassing Clarice, producing proof. Robert confronted Iris, then went to find the truth once and for all. Desperate, Iris raced to Rachel's. Iris demanded Ada leave them alone, but Rachel refused to talk without a witness. Iris tried to tell them Neil was the father, but Rachel and Ada laughed. Rachel refused to tell Robert he was not the father. Further, Rachel said Clarice's friends would stand beside her. Iris threatened scandal; Rachel threw her out.


Robert went to see Mac. Mac asked why he was backing out of the Pendleton project. Robert denied it, guessing Iris contacted Lowell, which infuriated Robert. Mac wouldn't discuss the baby, suggesting Robert see Ada. When Robert arrived, Clarice admitted the baby was Robert's. Clarice also blurted out all the threats from Iris. Robert was through with Iris. He told Clarice he would have married her, but she never gave him a chance to find out if he loved her. Ada warned Iris would move fast to cause more trouble for Clarice. Robert went to see Mac and Rachel. In the course of the conversation, he realized and admitted Iris loved nobody but Mac. He told Mac Iris's destructiveness was his and Clarice's problem and he would handle it.


At home, Robert, furious, called out for Iris. She didn’t appear. In his anger, he smashed the bust of Mac. He then stared at Iris' portrait: "You—you're the one I should destroy." He reached for the poker.


Pat and John Randolph were separated, the result of her keeping their daughter Marianne's pregnancy and abortion from John, and John's subsequent affair with his ex-law as-sociate, Barbara Weaver. Mike couldn’t forgive his father; Marianne blamed Pat for the lack of reconciliation. Mike finally decided to try to patch things up with John, at Pat’s urging. They found both would like things to be different, but felt it was too late to change the past. Mike said the worst was over. John missed his family and wanted everyone together. Mike said it was too late, but he would like to be on better terms with his father. John asked Mike's "permission" to win Pat back. Mike told him he wouldn't dream of interfering, but he understood the split-up and blamed John. The meeting deteriorated and Mike stormed out.


Liz Matthews, having talked to Iris about Dave Gilchrist, a former "interest" of Iris's, was assured by Iris that Dave was a philanderer. Liz tried to "talk" to Pat about Dave,but Pat refused to listen - Dave had been very supportive of Pat these last months, and had hinted to Mike he was falling in love with Pat. - Glenda Toland, Pat, and Liz found Mike at home after his meeting with John. Mike told Pat John wanted her back. Pat said no. Liz told Pat she and John belong together. Pat again said no! She demanded Liz stay out of it. Pat refused to see John, even under the most innocent circumstances.  - She lets her father, Jim, persuade her to have dinner with him and Beatrice Gordon and accompany him to pick Beatrice up at the Cory House. John was there; Pat ran out and waited in the car. –


Liz tried again. She told Pat she was upset that Pat was seeing so much of Dave. Pat replied that she was enjoying her freedom and her former life was over. Liz warned Pat was headed for a hard time. Pat retorted that if that was so, it was one of her own choosing. Liz tried to involve Jim. He refused to get involved.


After her disastruous affair with Chris Pierson, Marianne was afraid of involvement. Darryl Stevens was obviously interested in her, but Marianne rebuffed his attentions. Darryl turned to Molly Ordway, who made no secret of her interest in him, even persuading him to sneak around to avoid confrontations with her mother, Emma.


Marianne was determined to get her parents back together, even when Pat told her there was no way. John dropped in as Pat's waiting for Dave. He begged her to give him another chance. Pat told him it was over. When Dave arrived, she sent John away and went with Dave. Dave told her he was falling in love with her, without a lifetime of loving anyone. He was afraid she would end everything before it had begun by returning to where she was. Pat said no, "Not after what you've just told me."


Pat was finding it a hassle to keep the large house and work, too. – She was a receptionist at the Cory Complex. - Dave suggested she find an apartment closer to work. Pat replied that she couldn’t take the kids' home away from them. He suggested she give the house to John. Pat decided to sound the kids out. Mike applauded the idea; Marianne ran out, saying it was all Dave's idea. Mike later took Dave to lunch and explained the scene. Mike encouraged Dave to help Pat do what was best for her.


Marianne, who was helping out in John's office and having dinner with him every night, confronted Pat again. She reminded Pat that John supported her all those years. Pat replied that she built a happy home during those years. Pat told Marianne she was not going to take John back so he could do the same thing again and she was happy. Marianne left. Pat was concerned Marianne was becoming too close to John for her own good and was using affection as a weapon against her. Pat asked to see John on business. He felt she wanted a divorce.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


When Grant Colman called Mary Ellison in Laramie, Wyoming, she told him that she had a job and things should be fine. Then she called Lisa Colman all upset because she lost her job before she even started. She was frightened because her husband, Brian, left very little money upon his death. Later she apologized for upsetting everyone with her phone call. When Grant called to check on her, Mary told him that she had three job offers and he didn’t need to keep his eye on her any longer. Her friend Pamela called Lisa to tell her that Mary wasn't telling the truth because she had so much pride that she didn’t want people to think that Brian couldn't care for her and Teddy.


Lisa paid a visit to Joyce Colman, Grant's ex-wife and Teddy Ellison's natural mother, telling her that if Mary and Teddy came to Oakdale she didn’t want Joyce upsetting Mary over Teddy. Joyce and Lisa both felt that the other wasn't involved in the situation at all. Joyce phoned Mary to say that she really did want what was best for Teddy and Mary should not come to Oakdale because of her. Mary couldn’t understand how Joyce could have got the idea that she was moving to Oakdale.


After the breakup of Tom and Natalie Hughes' marriage, Natalie went back to Kilborne, Pennsylvania to find Luke, her brother-in-law. She kept trying to reach him, but couldn’t. Margaret Porter, Luke's wife, showed up to tell Natalie that the affair was over. Margaret told Natalie that Luke loved her and the town had started to forgive and forget because Luke stayed in Kilborne to face the music. People were starting to accept the fact that she and Luke had a good marriage. Natalie refused to believe her, but Margaret warned her that she would be humiliated if she contacted Luke. After Margaret left, Natalie called Luke, but was rejected by him.


Tom had taken the breakup very hard. His father, Bob, found him on the bridge contemplating the water - Natalie had lied about her husband, Ralph's death. Ralph had committed suicide when he found she was having an affair with his brother Luke. - Tom told Bob that after she had told him only because his parents had found out, he had gone for a walk to find that she then turned to Jay Stallings. Tom wanted to protect Carol, Jay's wife, by not saying anything.


Jay thanked his secretary, Laurie, for making up excuses to Carol about the furniture that was broken in the office when Tom attacked him.


Jay’s business had become so large that he could bid on government contracts. Senior law partner, Chris Hughes, told Jay that if he wanted the contract he would have to submit to an investigation. Jay agreed.


When Nancy Hughes, Tom's grandmother, arrived back from a short trip, Chris told his wife that Natalie had left Tom and advised her not to question Tom. Although it almost killed her, Nancy remembered her promise when Tom stopped by. She went to Lisa, but Lisa gave her no answers.


Tom had disliked Jay's business ethics as long as he had been his lawyer and after another argument he dismissed him. Carol pleaded with Tom to put their personal differences behind him and to take Jay back as a client. Carol didn’t realize to what extent their differences were. Tom conceded.


Since Natalie was gone, Sandy Garrison had asked Carol to help out at the bookstore. Sandy was evasive when Carol started asking questions about Natalie: Carol told Jay that she thought Sandy knew more about Natalie's leaving Oakdale than she was admitting. Jay accused Sandy of putting ideas into Carol's head and threatened to do something about it if she continued.


Jay and Carol were considering adopting a baby in the near future if he got the government contract it would have to be when he returned. Carol told the Hughes family about their plans and Tom visited Jay to accuse him of using a child to hold Carol to him. Tom was sure that Carol would find out about Jay's indiscretion and would be hurt even more if a child was involved. Jay said that he was only trying to make Carol as happy as he could and if a baby was what she wanted then he wouldn't deny her one.


Dick Martin told Chris that one of Tom's clients, Mr. Carmichael, asked him to take over the case because Tom wasn't handling it correctly. Tom said it was a small case where the client wanted to sue a company and he was so long winded in presenting the facts that he did get bored. Mr. Carmicheal wanted to settle out of court and told Tom so, but he didn't hear. Tom offered to give up the case, but his grandfather told him to study it carefully. Tom really wasn't interested in his work at the moment.


When Dr. John Dixon heard that Dr. Dan Stewart had a date with former patient Valerie Conway he told Dr. Susan Stewart, Dan's ex-wife, this meant Dan was really finished with Kim, John's estranged wife, and this was his chance to get Kim back. Susan said that Kim and Dan were finished long ago and the thing that stood between him and Kim was his problem at the hospital - Unable to forgive Dr. Bob Hughes for telling Kim to divorce him, John framed Bob when he found out Bob was suspected of causing a heart attack in one of his patients. John held evidence for several months which would have cleared Bob. John refused to resign and later had his post of Chief of Medicine taken from him. - Susan suggested that he quit playing games and leave Oakdale to start a new life for himself.


Kim asked Lisa to go to court with her because she was afraid John would show up. Lisa and Grant were very polite when they met at Kim's before court. The divorce was granted and John didn't contest it. Lisa took Kim to lunch and then Kim went home to plan a future for herself and her baby. John walked in from the patio and wanted to talk. He accused her of wrecking his whole life and she didn’t even have Dan as a reason. Kim finally got him to leave.


Lisa told Kim that John had been drinking at the hospital and she felt that Kim should know. Kim asked Susan to see her and when she told Susan, John's best friend, that he was drinking she found that Susan already knew it.


Dr. Strausfield, the new Chief of Medicine, was looking for John who supposedly went home with the flu, but no one had been able to reach him.


Realizing that John needed help, but unable to report him herself, Susan told Dan about John's drinking problem. He said he needed proof to take it to the Board, but she refused to testify. She told him to talk to nurses Pat Holland and Doris Haley. Dan called Kim asking her to lunch to talk about John. She told Dan that the reconciliation didn't work and she had heard from the nurses and Lisa that John had been drinking while on duty at the hospital.


Lisa told Dan that John definitely had been drinking and it was during the day. Lisa admitted that he had a problem because John was vindictive and suggested that someone else gather the information.


Pat Holland tried to defend John, but had to admit that John had been drinking one night. Doris Haley was on duty the afternoon John came in and couldn't remember his patient's name.


Dr. Benson from St. Joe's had an appointment with John who was late. When he finally showed up he was drunk and unwilling to listen to Dan. Dan reported to Dr. Strausfield that Dr. Benson from St. Joe's was in John's office and John was drunk. Dr. Strausfield rescued Dr. Benson, but Dan and Bob were unable to restrain John. He accused Bob of framing him, Dr. Strausfield of taking his job, Dan of stealing his wife, and Pat Holland of helping them all. John was taken to a room and restrained.


Pat Holland called Kim, telling her that John had collapsed, but Kim refused to go to the hospital. She told Carol Stallings that this had to end sometime. The last time she rescued John it took a year before she could leave. Dan told Miss Holland not to bother Mrs. Dixon anymore. He would find Dr. Susan Stewart since she was his best friend.


Susan took off earlier in the afternoon when Dan said he was looking for John. She went to Kevin Thompson's mountain cabin to pull her thoughts together. Kevin came in from a walk to find Susan there. To put Susan at ease he told her a little about his life. He had been a wild kid until he was caught in an avalanche with a girl who had led a very worthwhile life and had many dreams yet to be fulfilled. Her determination kept him alive and then she went for help because he had a broken knee. She died later of exposure and pneumonia. Ever since then he had tried to make his life worthwhile.


Susan hesitated but because she trusted in his forgiveness, she told him that if it weren't for her, Dan and Kim would be together. She told him how Kim left a message on Dan's answering machine, but she took the tape and when Kim asked if Dan got the messages, Susan told her that he said they weren't important. She told John what she had done and she was afraid John would expose her. It terrified her that Dan would find out. He was an obsession with her. Kevin told her that since she knew what she had done wrong she had to make-up for it to win back her self-respect.


When they got back to her apartment, the hospital called to say that John had collapsed and they would like her to see him. Susan said she couldn't make it.


Bob got a lunch from the hospital cafeteria and took Valerie Conway to view the Conway farm that she obtained through a divorce. A downpour trapped them inside the house with no phone or electricity. They discuss edthe possibility of Valerie's fixing up the farm before selling it. When Bob's car wouldn’t start, he walked to a farm house and called the hospital, asking for a ride to town. Dan came to their rescue.


Against Dan’s advice, Dr. Strausfield asked Kim to see John. She tried to explain how trapped she had been by John and didn’t want to involve herself again. Finally she conceded and went to see him. John was rejecting everyone. After he had pleaded with them to let him see Kim he told her to leave him alone. Dr. Strausfield asked Susan again, but she was so afraid of John that she refused again much to Kevin's exasperation.


Valerie surveyed the farm in the sunlight and decided that it did have possibilities. She asked Grant Colman to check over the record books for her. She noticed how interested Jay Stallings was when she mentioned that she owned the Conway farm. He told her that he could give her any advice she needed on the property since he owned a land development company.


Dee Stewart found that Joyce Colman was the only one on her side when she wanted to attend a house party with only the hostess' older sister as chaperone. Ellen Stewart had to explain to Joyce that she was Dee's mother and responsible for her. Dee's older sister, Annie, came home from college, but wouldn’t make her announcement until her father, Dr. David Stewart, was home from his conference. David was afraid that she wanted to quit school, but Annie wanted to be a doctor like her father and brothers. She talked to Susan Stewart to find out how hard it was for a woman in the medical field.


Joyce Colman had decided to stay on with the Stewarts until her apartment had been freshly painted and she could move back into it. She applied for and got her old job at the hospital.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Jeri Clayton, Trish’s mother, had returned to Salem, broke. Trish was torn between love for her mother and doubt of her based on her recent confrontation with James Stanhope, the man Jeri named as Trish's father. Stanhope denied it to Trish, causing Trish to conclude her mother was a tramp. However, Trish refused to explain to Jeri why she seemed so reticent to re-establish the closeness they once had. Trish told Robert LeClair that doing so would destroy whatever scrap of pride Jeri had left. Knowing Jeri was broke, Trish offered to turn over her job singing at Doug's Place to her. Jeri refused, saying one star in a family was enough. Jeri told Robert she returned to Salem to be a mother, not a singer.


Discovering Mike Horton, Trish's friend and former roommate, was about to be discharged from the hospital, Jeri visited Mike and told him he could return to the apartment because she had a great place to stay. Alice Horton, Mike's grandmother, had wanted him to recuperate with them, but Mike prefered to return to the apartment with Trish, because he would have more freedom to see his father, Mickey, at Bayview Sanitarium. When Trish visited, intending to tell him she wanted her mom with her, he spoke first and Trish found out Jeri was moving out.


Jeri moved in with her husband Jack Clayton. Trish was furious. She had no respect for Jack, who had made some ugly passes at her in the past. Jack expected wifely duties from Jeri, but she told him she just wanted a place to stay until she found work. Jeri asked him not to take advantage of her. Trish was afraid Jack would start back on the booze and start abusing Jeri again.


Trish gave Mike a surprise welcome home party. Mike left early to see Mickey. Everyone noticed that Trish was snubbing Jeri, and Alice asked Tom to talk to Trish about how she was obviously hurting Jeri.


That night, Trish and Mike got ready for bed. The atmosphere was charged. Trish told Mike how much she missed him. He replied that he was just beginning to realize how much he missed her. Mike was upset because Mickey had told him that he didn't know what love was. Trish said it was Mickey's illness and Mike was going to have to expect hurts until Mickey was well.


Finally, after counsel from Robert, Trish admitted her love for her to her mother, and Jeri was able to express her love for Trish. They reconciled.


Returning home to find Adele with a drink in her hand, Brooke Hamilton left the apartment, threatening to tell Bob Anderson he was her father. Brooke backed down, but did ask for money, which Bob gave - Adele conceived Brooke during a summer romance with Bob. She never told him she was pregnant. Brooke discovered Bob was her father from reading Adele's old high school year-book. - Adele sought refuge at the Grants', where Brooke found her. Brooke asked why Adele was trying to protect Bob, the reason for her drinking. Adele replied she loved Bob enough to know he didn't love her. Brooke then threatened, that if she ever caught Adele drinking again or smells liquor on her breath, she would tell Bob everything - Brooke had tried other ways to stop Adele's drinking, to no avail. Even the knowledge she had cirrhosis of the liver hadn't stopped Adele. - Brooke also told Adele she was tired of humiliating herself seeking help from the Grants, because David Banning - Brooke's ex-lover, ex-fiance - and Valerie Grant obviously care about each other - David had been living with the Grants since David and his mother, Julie Anderson, had a horrendous fight some months ago. - Adele went to the self-help group at the Grants' church and told the group she was an alcoholic.


Brooke refused the check Bob offered the following day. She told him she and her mother would live on her salary as a cocktail waitress at Doug's Place, and maybe Adele would be shocked out of drinking when she saw where they would have to live — a dingy basement apartment in Trish Clayton's building.


Bob offered to hire an investigator to help Adele find Brooke's father. Adele refused, saying he was dead. Adele told Bob, "There's no father for Brooke and never can be." He was appalled at the apartment. Adele told him it was all they could afford, but she could bear it for Brooke. Bob offered her a job in the plant cafeteria, but Adele refused, feeling the pressure there would be too much. She prefered janitorial work, which she had done all her life. He offered to speak to the supervisor at the plant for her. She agreed.


David told Val he would never be able to forgive Julie for giving him away as a baby and then shunting him off to private schools after she did claim him. Val suggested Julie did it to keep from smothering him. David wasn't convinced. Val said it was always Julie's fault, never his.


Brooke suggested to Julie there was more than friendship between Val and David. Brooke told Julie Val was too good for David and he would destroy her, just as he would destroy any girl, because he wanted Julie's love. Julie discussed it with Paul Grant. Paul told her they had to trust their children to do the right thing because, if the kids sensed disapproval, they might act hastily, out of rebellion. Paul told David Julie would like him to come home, because she loved him and he was all she had got. David went to Julie, furious. He asked why she just didn't come out and tell him she didn't want him to date Val. Julie assured him she wasn't that narrowminded. He said that they were to stay out of each other's lives. David told Val his mom thought there was something more between them than friendship. Val guessed Brooke planted the idea.


Brooke was frantic because she couldn’t find Adele. Adele arrived at the apartment —new hairdo and dress. She had just got a job as the assistant night supervisor. Adele and Bob planned it as a surprise for Brooke. Adele's hours would be the same as Brooke's, so Brooke wouldn't have to worry about her.


Julie and Doug gave Doug's housekeeper, Rebecca North, a spectacular shower. Johnny Collins spent the bulk of his first week's paycheck on things for their baby - Johnny Collins was Rebecca's lover. She had a great need for a child, but Johnny didn't want children, so Rebecca was artificially inseminated with Doug's child. Doug wanted a sibling for his daughter Hope. Only Rebecca and Dr. Neil Curtis knew the true identity of the baby's father. Rebecca used the money she received to send Johnny to art school in Paris. - Neil again urged Rebecca to tell Johnny the truth. She had tried, but each time, Johnny had gone into such rhapsodies about how great it would be to be a husband and father, that Rebecca had kept the truth to herself. Neil warned she was gambling with lives. Johnny went to see Don Craig to have a will made out.


Julie kept a sitting appointment with Sharon Duval. The two women discussed their lives as Sharon posed for Julie. Sharon revealed that her husband had gone a lot, "But I don't mind. I'm very involved with all my — hobbies." Julie and Doug decided to accept their attraction for each other and take their life together one day at a time with no commitments or talk of love and marriage. Julie was afraid to marry Doug for love because, if it turned out to be a mistake, they would destroy each other. Julie discovered she had never married for love - She married Scott Banning to regain her son David, and she married Bob Anderson for glamor and money. –


Hope Williams was having trouble facing Rebecca's imminent marriage. Every woman she had ever loved had left her: her mother died; she was reclaimed from Alice by Doug; Rebecca was getting married and moving. Doug decided to let Hope spend a few days with Alice to help her over Rebecca's leaving, and to give him space with Julie.


Doug took Julie to dinner and they drank to the special night ahead, the first they would have had together since before Doug married Julie's mother, Addie. Robert and Rebecca were puzzled by the arrival of Kim Douglas, Doug's ex-wife, who claimed just to be an old friend of Doug's. They extended hospitality, putting Kim up in the guestroom. When Doug and Julie returned, Kim drove Julie away by making her jealous. The following morning, Doug told Kim to knock it off, making it clear he wanted Julie. Julie arrived to apologize, but seeing Kim in a smashing negligee, she retreated. Kim told Doug she only needed a place to stay for awhile because she was broke. He agreed. As she kissed him, in gratitude, Julie came in. Doug tried to explain, but Julie told him it was OK. She told him he was a free agent. However, Julie had trouble concentrating on a sketch of Sharon, letting it turn into a sketch of Kim.


Kim paraded in front of Doug in a brief and fetching nightie. He warned her not to mess things up with her games. Playing on his sympathies, Kim reminded Doug she was broke and friendless. She never thought he would let her down. He replied that she could stay until she found a job. She teased him into taking his shirt off and letting her walk on his back. Julie arrived.


After Doug told Robert his real relationship with Kim, Robert warned Julie hated deceit and suggested Doug tell Julie about Kim, before someone else did! Doug tried to talk to Kim. She countered with a declaration of her love for him. She told him her millionaire lover paid her way to see her ill mother and also paid the doctor bills, but when she wouldn't return, he married someone else. Alice and Hope came in. Kim didn't know about Hope! Kim decided to leave.


Julie told Sharon she was having trouble with the portrait because she couldn’t seem to capture the sensuality she saw. Sharon said her husband was a very private person, and they came to Salem to hide out from their busy international travels and business. Sharon told Julie it was fun meeting a stranger "who'll affect your life." Julie replied, "For good or ill." Sharon said, “Only time will tell."


Doug and Julie reminisced about the dreams they used to have about eloping to Portofino. Brooke and David came in. David was upset. Brooke asked, "Does it bother you, David, seeing your mother happy for a change?" Davis showed his resentment of Doug. David asked Julie if his coming home wouldn't cramp her style? Julie replied that, contrary to his fantasies, there was not a stream of men in and out of her bedroom. David, sarcastically, assured Julie he didn't resent Doug: "He's the only grandfather I've ever had!" - Doug was married to Julie's mother, Addie, and came to love Addie very much. Addie was killed by an auto, but managed to push Hope's carriage out of the way. Hope was Julie's half-sister. - Brooke asked why David didn't use a knife on Julie, "The cuts would've been cleaner!" Doug and Julie happily participated in the wedding rehearsal for Rebecca and Johnny. Doug told Julie he wishes it were they who were being married. Julie wasn't ready.


Amanda Howard had consented to an angiogram, to determine the nature of the brain tumor she had. Although there was some evidence she might not survive the test, she made it through, proof the lesion was a tumor, not an aneurism. The doctors recommended immediate surgery, but Amanda refused, demanding some time to live. Neil Curtis, Amanda's former lover, but then her dear, platonic friend, was to share the time with her, with the consent of his wife, Phyllis. In a magnanimous gesture upon finding out about Amanda, Phyl had swallowed her jealousy of her younger husband and gone on a trip. Greg Peters, in love with Amanda, feared Neil might be giving Amanda false hope. Amanda and Phyl met at Rebecca's shower. Amanda thanked Phyl. Phyl told her she was beginning to realize what an insecure person she was, but maybe she would have been less jealous if she had known about Amanda from the start. Amanda didn't know Neil knew about her problem having sworn her doctors to secrecy, she thought - Neil opened Amanda's file without permission and discovered her problem. - Amanda assured Phyl she and Neil never forgot, in the time prior to the angiogram, that he was married to Phyl.


Phyllis realized she made the age difference between Neil and her a problem. She vowed to save her marriage. Phyl told Amanda that, if Neil could give her courage and the strength she needed to survive the pending surgery, she wanted them to be together.


At Tom Horton’s urging, Greg confronted Amanda about postponing surgery. He was rough on her; he demanded to know the date when she would die; he accused her of playing Camille; he accused her of copping out on life, preferring to watch other children rather than bear and raise her own. He left. Amanda went to Julie, telling Julie she really believed she was going to live, but had to face dying. Julie sent Amanda to Neil. Julie read Greg gut. Greg went to Amanda to apologize.


Amanda contacted Bill Horton to assess the probability of brain damage. Bill was hoping for a meningioma with no brain invasion. But if the tumor was some other kind, the amount of brain damage would depend on how much of the brain was involved. Amanda asked Bill what he would do. He replied that he, too, would spend time with his loved ones, but would have the surgery to avoid the pain in the eyes of the loved ones. He told Amanda the pain was there for her then; it was time.

Amanda decided to check into the hospital right after the ceremony to dedicate the new surgical wing she had financed for the clinic in her late husband's name. She sent Neil home to Phyl, that last night, but found she couldn't face it alone and called Laura Horton. Phyl expressed her understanding of Neil's spending the last few weeks with Amanda. When a person was in deep pain or trouble, he needed the person who knew him best. Amanda needed Neil. When Amanda couldn't get Neil out of her mind or understand why, Laura told her she unconsciously used her illness to be with the man she loved, to bind him to her. Amanda broke down.


Phyl told daughter Mary Anderson that her understanding of Neil was a gamble, but she thought it paid off. Neil had grown. He no longer saw women as sex-objects, and in time he might love her for herself.


Amanda collapsed while rehearsing her speech for the dedication. As soon as she regained consciousness, she was prepped for surgery, crying only a little as her hair was cut. The surgeons, including Bill Horton assisting, found they had to go deeper than they thought. The surgery was touch and went. The chief surgeon decided he had to take a chance and go in deep, fast. It was much later in the day. Bill ordered Greg to take over for him and rushed from OR. Julie caught up with him in the cafeteria. He couldn't continue because the fingers of his injured right arm lost all sense of feel. - A traumatic accident to Mike Horton caused Mickey Horton to regain his memory and find Mike was not his natural son. Mickey went to kill Mike's father, his brother Bill, and his ex-wife Laura. He wounded Bill and was subsequently involuntarily committed to Bayview Sanitarium, where he was making progress. He had demanded, at one point, that his ex-wife Laura be assigned as his psychiatrist.-


Laura arrived for a therapy session. Mickey told her he no longer wanted her as his therapist. He admitted he asked for her hoping she would not be objective and help him get out. Mickey accused Laura of using the therapy sessions to gain his approval for telling Mike that Bill was his father. He wondered what they were going to tell Mike to make Mike love Bill. Laura left. Dr. Powell, sanitarium director, told Laura that Mickey wouldn't let himself love Mike because he was afraid of the pain. Powell was sure the only thing keeping Mickey was that Mike's his son and Mike loved him. Bill showed Laura that she did help Mickey by keeping his memories stirred up, keeping him from becoming a vegetable. Bill urged that they not tell Mike the truth of his parentage, but just live their lives as they had been all these years.


Laura went to Linda Phillips, a former lover of Mickey's, and urged Linda to tell Mickey her daughter, Melissa, was not Mickey's child, in order to help Mickey separate fact from fantasy - A case of mumps in young adult-hood rendered Mickey sterile. Laura was raped by Bill shortly after she and Mickey decided to have a child. She did believe her child was Mickey's, but on the day her pregnancy was confirmed, so was Mickey's sterility. Tom and Laura decided to keep the secret, but Bill later found out, though he never told Laura until years later. –


Mickey’s wife, Maggie Horton, went to visit her husband. He told her he had a hard enough time sorting out the past with Laura and Mike, that their life together on the farm was like a dream. He suggested Maggie get a divorce - Following open-heart surgery, Mickey suffered a stroke that resulted in amnesia. In his amnesic state, he married Maggie. When he later found out his identity, he and Maggie were remarried and lived happily on Maggie's family farm in Brookville. - Mickey told Powell he had to let Maggie go because she was too vital a woman to spend her time waiting for him. Powell reminded him that was Maggie's choice.


After Maggie confronted her, too, about Melissa, Linda told Mickey the truth about her. Mickey replied that there was no room in his heart for anyone but his son. Mickey later told Alice he needed his freedom from Maggie to put his life back together. He wanted Laura. Tommy Horton offered his shoulder to Maggie, who decided to fight for her husband.


The days Mike was released from the hospital, Laura went to see Mickey. She told him she was sorry she failed him, but asked if he intended to tell Mike he was not his father. Mickey refused to commit himself. Laura wanted to tell Mike before Mickey did, but Bill persuaded her not to, in case Mickey didn't. He didn’t want Mike's image of his mother destroyed.


Mike went to see Mickey. Mickey told Mike he was sometimes confused about the number of children he had or whether he had any. Mike told him he had him, "I'm your son. I love you!" Mickey retorted, "You're not my son. You never were. Don't call me 'dad' ever again." Linda helped reassure Mike it was just Mickey's illness talking. Powell also told Mike that Mickey loved him. Powell then told Mickey that he could go on forever telling Mike he was not his son, because Mike knew better. Mickey conceded Mike loved him and needed him. Later, Mickey told Alice that he was comfortable in the sanitarium, that he was afraid of love. "All love does is destroy."


Maggie went to see Don Craig. Linda, his secretary, told Maggie - her rival, she felt - she couldn't get used to her as Mrs. Maggie Horton. Linda said the sweet and simple farm girl still showed through. Maggie told Linda she – Maggie - was a whole woman then, and she probably stood the best chance of all the women in Mickey's life to win him because she didn’t have blonde hair. Mickey hated all women with blonde hair. - Meanwhile, Mike had been puzzled by past references made to blonde-haired children and women. He had gone to see Linda about it. - Mike walked in and demanded to know about all the references to blonde hair.


Linda told Mike that Mickey was confused about the number of children he had because she once told him Melissa was his. Mike was still not convinced. He confronted the nurse Mickey tried to strangle, who told him Mickey kept saying, "Laura." Mike sought out Mickey. Bill, meanwhile, decided to tell Mike he was his natural father. Mike overheard Mickey tell Barbara Randolph that his son wasn't his. Mike asked Mickey who his father was, as Bill came in. Bill told Mike he was his natural father, explaining how it happened. Mickey left. When Mike cast aspersions on Laura, Bill hit him.


When Laura found Mike, she told him what a joy he had been as a son. She explained why he wasn't told before - too young, Mickey's amnesia, commitment, and need for his son -. Laura told Mike she loved him. Mike replied, "I don't need you and I don't want you — you or Uncle Bill. I have my dad and that's all I need. And I don't ever want to look at your face again." Laura later told Bill, "We've lost our son."


Amanda survived her sugery, but there was no movement. The doctors feared brain damage and/or paralysis. Neil felt guilty about not pressing the surgery sooner. Phyl told Neil he was free to be with Amanda. He took her in his arms and told her that this was what love and marriage was. Neil told Greg he would walk out of Amanda life, if she was completely well. Phyl, secretly, offered to help with Amanda's bills.


In the aftermath of Amanda's surgery, Doug and Julie agreed to spend their future together. Kim, returning from an attempt to see Don Craig on a legal matter, told Doug she hoped he and Julie would be as happy as Mr. and Mrs. Brent Douglas once were. - When Doug was married to Kim his name was Brent Douglas. - David took the news quietly.


The Doctors


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Jeff Young


Stacy Wells had sent Rico a package at the hospital containing a piece of sculpture she had made of a mother and child which Rico angrily returned. She told him when he said that he did not want a reminder of what they had been to each other, "I can't give you myself, but I want to give you something I made — something of me." He told her that it would hurt to much to keep it and, distraught, she picked up a letter knife and attacked the work. Stacy returned to Dr. Paul Summers’ house after she and Mona visited to discuss the possibility of Mona's purchasing the place as a new home for the Aldrich family. She asked Dr. Summers to prescribe some tranquilizers but he told her she had to make an appointment for an examination – Stacy had been given some tranquilizers by Dr. Steven Aldrich at one time and Mona had to call Steve home when Stacey took them in combination with alcohol. - Later, at Hope Memorial, Stacy insisted that Paul examine her in any available room at the hospital so that she could get the tranquilizers. She told Summers whom she knew was anxious to sell his house: "If you say no to me I'll say no to my grandmother; I can keep her from buying your house."


Dr. Paul Summers had called Ann Larimer in Scott Conrad's presence and asked her to set up a dinner meeting with Mona Croft telling her that he was desperate for funds that the sale of his house would produce because his son had received threatening letters because he had been gambling on credit. Lawyer Scott Conrad was aware that the threats had been directed at Paul, but he was told that Ann would be more sympathetic to threats against his son than his own life. Ann wished the sale to go through for reasons of her own having to do with Steve and the Aldrich children's moving from the house where Carolee's presence was still felt - Carolee Aldrich had disappeared after finding her husband Steve and Dr. Ann Larimer together. - Ann told Paul that she has arranged the meeting but when she hung up she said to herself: "Oh, Paul. Such a liar!" and put in a call to Zurich, Switzerland where Paul's son was attending school.


Althea Davis, though a second set of x-rays ordered by Dr. Hank Iverson had shown no indications of organic trouble had been experiencing "greying out" and temporary periods of blindness. She talked with Dr. Kevin McIntyre and asked : "Is it happening to me because I want Scott and I can't have him? It looks as if I'm trying to makepeople care." She told him that Eleanor would be her best friend if she would let her and that Scott was not trying to make a go of his marriage.


Penny who was present when a flash of momentary blindness nearly caused Althea to have an accident was about to tell Nick about Scott Conrad's involvement in her mother's life when Althea arrived. When Nick tried to find out from Matt and Maggie what might be troubling Althea, they told him that they couldn’t give him information that Althea would not. Nick confronted Althea once more but when she ordered him to leave her alone he said: "You got it, Baby. Have a nice, lonely life, Althea." And slammed out. Nick left for the airport to return to Arizona after saying goodbye to Matt and Maggie but Maggie reached him telling him that Althea had called for help; her blindness was then total!


Eleanor had told Scott Conrad that she wanted to come to grips with the fact that Scott didn’t want her as a wife - Eleanor Conrad was not aware that her husband Scott and Dr. Althea Davis had been lovers. - She asked: "Why did you give me these pearls — and then ignore me from then on?" - Eleanor mistook the pearls, a present from Scott to Althea which she returned, for a welcome home present when she moved back into the Conrad apartment with Scott and her daughter Wendy after being hospitalized for 15 years as a mental patient. - She told Scott that it didnd’t make sense and "I need things to make sense." Scott mused that she had handled herself very well lately: "well enough to start taking care of yourself, wouldn't you say?" When Eleanor asked him "Scott, what are you asking me?", he was stopped from replying by a phone call from Dr. Paul Summers.


Paul informed Scott that Althea had been readmitted to the hospital and was told that Scott was coming directly over.


Penny told Scott Conrad that she wanted him to get out of the hospital and accused him of making her mother's life hell. Jerry Dancy and his mother were witness to the end of Penny's confrontation with Scott, and Jerry told that his chances of getting a much needed job with Conrad's law firm, remote to begin with, were then all but hopeless. Mrs. Dancey offered to try to do something to help Penny who was instrumental in saving her daughter Joan's life then being sustained with the aid of life support apparatus. She told Penny that they would be neighbors, having taken an apartment in the building in which Penny was living, and Penny, remembering Jerry's telling her how much a place for the Dancy Family to be together with a washer and dryer had been a modest dream for his mother who had worked away from home as a domestic servant for years, remarked that the building had, in the basement, a washer and a dryer. Jerry told her: "Hey, thanks for remembering that, Penny."


Further tests had shown that a deep blood clot was causing pressure on the optic nerve and if Nick didn’t perform risky and intricate surgery Althea would be permanently blind. Althea told Hank, Maggie, Matt and Nick that she had made up her mind. "On the whole my life has been pretty good to me and I'd be a fool to risk ending it." She said that she would learn to adjust to her handicap as others had done because, "life is very important to me." Matt said, "So be it" and wanted Althea to stay in the hospital so that she could prepare for her life as she had chosen it. Nick told Matt that Althea had not made a choice, "not yet." That she would begin to face her blindness only when she was at home. He said that he could operate with less time less risk than they believed because he had perfected a technique in other cases and that he "knows she's not going to take this helplessness." As they argued, Hank Iverson stepped in to say: "What she wants is the only thing. She is released."

After his examination of Stacy, Paul Summers pronounced her "sound as a dollar, physically" and went on to say that he "won't comment on the state of your head, not after that little threat of yours." She reminded him that her threat was "not so little." Grandma wants the house; Uncle Steve couldn't care less, but the kids hate the idea." Paul said: "Whoever he is, he really did a job on you." He asked her how heavily she was into drugs and she told him not at all but that she needed energy at the moment: "I want some speed." She followed up with the word that she hoped Paul "has a lot of buyers for that house of yours. Cause you have no idea how important Grandma's family is to her”. He gave her a prescription and she asked how she could get it refilled. He told her: "You can't without seeing me." She replied: “Oh yeah? Then I guess I'll be seeing you, Dr. Summers."


Jerry Dancy at Scott Conrad's office mistook Scott's daughter Wendy for a member of his office staff. When he realized his mistake he assumed he had blown his opportunity but Wendy asked him to wait and told her father that she believed he ought to hire Jerry. When she told Scott that Althea had chosen to live with her blindness he told her that he had more important things on his mind than Jerry Dancy but gave her the OK to tell the young man that he was hired before rushing off.


Before Dr. Paul Summers joined them at a restaurant for dinner, Mona confided to Ann that she was prepared to pay even a great deal more than Paul's asking price but "haggling for a price — that's good sport." Paul's asking price was $175,000 and Mona, when he joined them, offered $75,000. Paul insisted that he would not settle for less than $125,000 and, telling them that the check was already taken care of, prepared to leave. Ann told him to sit down and told Mona what he had told her about his son. After he did, Ann also told Mona that Paul's other son, Jonathan, was institutionalized, disabled physically and mentally. Mona agreed to give Paul the $125,000 in cash with Scott Conrad to draw up papers making the money a loan to Paul with his house as collateral.


After Mona left, Ann told Paul that she had gone to a great deal of trouble and expense to find out that Paul and not his son was the one in trouble. She told him that she didn’t want him to be found at the bottom of the harbor because "if anything happened to you you wouldn't be able to pay me back all the favors you owe me, now would you."


M.J. Match appeared at Toni and Mike's for dinner having been dismissed by Althea. - When M.J. threatened to pull rank and call Matt Powers, Nick backed Althea up saying: "Dr. Powers isn't the boss of this house, Althea is." Nick himself left sometime after. - Kevin McIntyre, M.J.'s date, was aware that the atmosphere was heavy with things other than concern for Althea and asked M.J. to clarify a remark about "water under the bridge." - Kevin McIntyre, a former schoolmate of Mike Powers was aware that Mike was dismissed from the hospital staff by Matt but not of M.J.'s involvement with Dr. Alan Stewart. Alan married Toni Powers when Mike was reported killed in an explosion at sea and raised Mike's son Michael Paul as his son. Alan left town after Toiy agreed to remarry Mike.-


Nick Bellini went to Matt and Maggie's house, telling them that he had deliberately left Althea alone with Penny because he wanted her to suffer, that Althea was behaving as if she "wants to learn the whole number in one night." He said that Althea had got to know what blindness really meant. He told them it was ironic that the very thing he was working on could be used to help Althea. Maggie said, "But you don't know that she's going to let you use it, do you?"


When M.J. arrived saying that she had to come back, Althea says that she is grateful that M.J. wants to help her and then says, "Tell me what you would do. Would you live in blind-ness like this or would you submit to the surgery — face death?"


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


Nicole Travis Drake is still having a reoccurrence of sharp pain in her hand. Also, she had experienced the same nightmare of a black native laughing and handling a machete. The dreams were worsening as there was blood seen in them.


When her husband Adam Drake questioned her about medical aid to this problem, she retorted that "a divorce would keep me healthy." - Adam assumed his wife dead after an explosion on their honeymoon yacht and had since became involved and engaged to Brandy Henderson. Upon her return from Paris, Nicole filed for divorce out of fairness to Adam to enable him to choose the woman he wanted and loved on even grounds. –


Adam rejected Nicole’s divorce petition despite her lawyer Warren Hubbell's comments that Adam was fighting a losing battle, the courts would not contest Nicole's case. On the other hand, Brandy was wearing Adam's ring by her own accord only, and admitted to Adam she missed him and wanted him back!


The mystery man following Nicole had been killed and his murder case given to Lieutenant Luke Chandler for investigation. When the solution seemed hopeless, Adam Drake found a breakthrough — Warren Hubbell had seen this man, Joe Randy in his office building elevator the very day Tiffany Whitney Douglas was found dead from a fall from Hubbell's tenth floor office window. He definitely identified him from a mug shot Adam had shown him. Police Chief Bill Marceau suggested Randy was a contract killer, perhaps hired by Noel Douglas - Tiffany's estranged husband -.


Another stranger began frequenting the New Moon, and Nicole was once again the key reason. He tried to pump information from Tracy, who worked as a waitress at her brother and husband's restaurant, mistaking her for Nicole. When he made a pass at Tracy, her possessive husband Danny met the stranger, named Van Rydell, at the front door and warned him to eat his dinners elsewhere. While slamming the man against the building, Danny felt a gun in the stranger's coatpocket.


The following evening after work, Nicole was followed by this man, but safely intervened by a policeman. At home, she began taking more pills than prescribed, and awoke with hallucinations of the same nightmare, only this time the native was attacking her from her bedroom door. Adam who had been talking to Geraldine downstairs, hearing Nicole's scream, ran to her and comforted her sobbing in his arms.


The following day, she was found unconscious and rushed to the hospital for an accidental and slight overdose of pills. Adam visited her and informed her he had asked Quentin Henderson to treat her. She was hesitant and made no commitments. When Adam left, Nicole again hallucinated the native holding the machete and fearfully cried out "okay, okay, I'll see the damned psychiatrist."


Upon Kevin’s suggestion, Police Chief Bill Marceau had prints taken from Warren Hubbell's office window, and confirming the suspicion about Joe Randy, his fingerprints were on the sill — he did kill Tiffany.


The governor had designated Mike Karr to head the task force organized to halt crime among high officials in government and law. His plan was to act completely undercover to prevent leakage to the offenders. Assistant District Attorney Draper Scott had been selected for Mike's committee, and had suggested to the police and Mike that the task force used Mike's son-in-law Johnny Dallas' restaurant, the New Moon, as a dropping place for information among the committee.


Unfortunately, the news media had discovered this information putting Mike's life in danger and confirming his wife's fears for his safety.


Mike went to the New Moon to ask Johnny Dallas for permission to use his restaurant as the "safe house" for the task force committee. Having lived through danger with the underground and nearly losing his life because of it, Johnny was not agreeable to this request.


After more prompting, Johnny agreed but only as a personal favor to Mike. They promised each other no one else was to know that the New Moon would be used for a "drop," especially their family.


Serena/Josie Faraday had been admitted to Greenhaven where she would undergo psychiatric care for her illness, a multiple personality syndrome. Since this insanity caused her to fatally shoot her husband, their young son Timmy was in temporary custody of lawyer Mike Karr and his wife Nancy. The Karrs had petitioned for legal guardianship of Tim, but their hopefulness wa shaken when a woman by the name of Josephine Travis Harper arrived from England.


She had affidavits proving her natural parentage to be the same as Serena's, which meant she was Serena's unknown sister, a surprise to all who had been involved with Serena.


The Karrs listened to her explanation for her sudden appearance. She told them that while her mother was pregnant with Serena, she was sent away to an aunt Charlotte to be raised, as her mother feared for her first daughter's safety because of her husband's irrational and violent insanity. She also did not know she had a sister - and a nephew - until she read about the recent trial in English magazines. As Nancy feared, the purpose of Josephine's trip to Monticello was to take over the custody of Timmy.


Josephine met Tim and was enthralled with her and her interest in him. She admitted to Nancy that she couldn’t have children of her own, and was hopeful the courts would favor her for custody as she was Tim's "flesh and blood," and the Karrs were not.


Since the death of her beloved daughter-in-law Tiffany, Geraldine Whitney had expressed her fear of loneliness to Dr. Lacey. She pleaded with him to tell Kevin Jamison - her chosen heir -, that she couldn’t have a future without him near her. Kevin, despite his new wife Phoebe's reservations, promised Geraldine he and Phoebe would continue to live in her home and would be there to watch Geraldine take her first steps. - After an attempt on her life by Noel Douglas, Geraldine fell down a flight of stairs and had since recovered from a comotose state but had not yet gained use of her legs.-


Geraldine thought Kevin’s career as a reporter for the Monitcello News had no great future for him and told Phoebe to try and convince Kevin to change his goals. Phoebe, who did not adhere to Geraldine's interference, told Geraldine quite bluntly to leave Kevin and his career alone! She told her boss Dr. Quentin Henderson, that Geraldine was like an octopus grabbing out at Kevin, and was using sympathy to maneuvre him.


As Danny and Tracy had reconciled, Danny was most anxious to start a family. Tracy, however, was not so eager. She feared for her child's protection because of the past life and reputation Tracy had had. Danny understood, and was determined to remove this obstacle from their lives. He built up all his courage and phoned Geraldine Whitney to make an appointment to talk to her. She agreed. Danny could hardly believe he had taken the first step. His next step was to get the documents that states Tracy's past, and once having possession of them, planned to burn them in the hopes of removing Tracy's fears for a future family.


Danny visited Geraldine. She allowed him to have the document and refused his offer to pay her for it. She was very moved by Danny's sincere love, concern and consideration of his wife. When he left, he told Geraldine she was a "classy broad", which despite her extreme sophisticated air, touched Geraldine's heart.


Brandy and Draper had become friends outside of their jobs in the District Attorney's office. Draper's interests were romantic towards Brandy, she did not conceal the fact her cares were for Adam alone. Draper's father, Ansel Scott, had called from New York and invited him to come to meet his new fiancée. Draper agreed to go, knowing well his father's request was completely impersonal.


General Hospital


Written by: Robert & Eileen Mason Pollock

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Audrey Hobart, RN, was still out of town on a leave of absence trying to recuperate from her deep depression after her suicide attempt. - Audrey took an overdose of pills after her third husband, Dr. Jim Hobart left her for a younger woman, but not before he accused her of being "all burned out as a woman" -.


In her motel room, she had visions of her friends Jessie Brewer, Diana Taylor and former husband, Dr. Steve Hardy telling her to quit the self-pity routine and return to a normal person again. She was shaken enough by all of this to call Steve and tell him she was on her way home and would accept his job offer as superintendent of student nurses.


Both Steve and Jessie doubted Audrey's sincerity in her new "cheerful" mood because she seemed to be overly so, and it had come over her too fast.


She had taken over her new position with great enthusiasm and dedication, and seemed on the surface, to be adjusting quite well.


Conflict still existed between psychiatrist Dr. Peter Taylor and his wife Diana over Peter's patient Pat Lambert. Pat had continually tried to break up their marriage with false evidence that she and Peter were having an affair. Peter saw no solution but to refer Pat to another doctor to completely get her out of their lives.


She accepted his news calmly, but to herself vowed she wouldn't let Diana force Peter out of her life — not when she was this close to getting him. So, while Peter and Diana were celebrating their renewed happiness at Terri's Place, Pat placed a suicidal threatening call to Peter. He rushed to her studio despite Diana's reminder that this could once again be one of Pat's false alarms.


Diana followed Peter to the studio and entered as Pat was trying to embrace Peter. Diana, infuriated by Pat's deceipt badgers her about her attempts to steal Peter from her. Peter ordered Diana to leave and told a sobbing Pat that he could no longer consul her, she, as many others did, thought she was in love with her psychiatrist.


Completely disillusioned by Diana's mistrust, Peter asked Lesley to consider him as a psychiatric consult to the clinic. She warned him it would take away his free time with Diana, but it seemed to be just what he wants.


Diana took the advice of her good friend Audrey Hobart, and apologized to Peter for all her mistrust and promised to never let her faith in Peter waver again.


She was still defensive about her sister Beth who had been the instigator of most of Peter and Diana's troubles. When Beth was caught in the act by Lesley treating the clinic patients very rudely, Lesley discussed Beth's attitude with Diana. Diana was shocked that Lesley would be so harsh toward Beth and once again took her sister's side on the issue before really having knowledge of the matter.


Peter’s first psychiatric patient at the clinic was a teenage tennis player by the name of Jimmy Crane. Lesley had described his medical complaints as a recurring pain in his arm, especially before a tennis match. There were no physical signs of distress, so their conclusion was an emotional problem. Peter talked to Jimmy and discovered that his problem was indeed psychosymatic. Jimmy's father was a tennis professional who could not compete and as a result had forced his son to take his place. Jimmy couldn’t handle the mental stress of meeting his dad's expectations and as a result had experienced extreme pain in his arm.


Peter’s true psychiatric skill was tested when an accident victim was admitted to General Hospital. Steve broke the news to a Joe Parsons that he hit a truck trailer that had jacknifed and the tragedy ended with his wife and two sons killed. His wife was a clinic patient of Lesley's and despite her attempts to convince him otherwise, he blamed himself for their deaths. While momentarily left alone in his room, he climbed out the window and threatened to jump from the ledge. Not Steve nor Lesley could talk this man into coming in. When Peter rushed to the scene, he went out on the ledge and through compassionate and understanding communication, pursuaded Joe Parsons to remain alive for his wife's memory, and he came back into the room safely.


Cameron Faulkner’s large Culligan business merger was about to close and a ball in Hong Kong had been planned for May 5. After Lesley had accepted to be the guest of honor, she learned of her daughter Laura's school play on the same date. Unable to disappoint Laura, Lesley agreed to attend the play. Cam hid his dejection when Laura came to his office to apologize for causing Lesley to miss the Hong Kong trip, but to his partner confided he would use strategy to get Laura out of the picture by getting Dr. Peter Taylor out of Lesley's life - He believed Peter's influence on Lesley had promoted her devoted relationship with Laura. –


Cam once again submitted to Lesley and attended the play with her. Later at Terri's Place he reacted very cool to all and when Lesley was absent, he warned Peter to stay away from Lesley.

As Peter had been accepted as the psychiatric consul for Lesley's clinic - The clinic was a gift to Lesley from Cameron - , Lesley was getting wound up in her medical career once again. Cameron had bought a home in the mountains and intended to spend all his weekends alone with Lesley there, as he felt his life with her during the week was too cramped by the clinic, her medical career, and her daughter Laura.


The last straw seemed to be when Lesley accepted Cam's generous news about the home in the mountains and before he could describe it to her she told him Laura would be spending the summer with them. He was very determined to get Laura out of their lives and tracked down the retired nurse, Barbara Clifford who had testified at Laura's custody trial that Lesley was her natural mother. In Detroit, Cam talked to her and pumped her for the true information of Laura's birth.


Barbara told him that what her friend Doris Roach confessed on her deathbed was the truth, that Laura was Lesley's natural daughter. Cam offered her $10,000 to reverse her statement. He wanted her to tell Lesley that upon hearing about Lesley and Cam's marriage, she saw an opportunity to share some of the Faulkner wealth, so she made up the story and brought it to Lesley. Before she could use her extortion, Doris died. Barbara was to explain her appearance by telling Lesley she saw Cam on television and was reminded of the deceit Doris was guilty of and decided to clear her conscience of the knowledge of it, and tell Lesley the truth about Laura's parentage - When Lesley gave birth to her daughter thirteen years ago, she was told that her daughter was stillborn, and the baby was presented to Barbara Vining who with her husband Jason, raised Laura from infancy, with only the knowledge that Laura was their natural child. Recently, Lesley came to find out that Laura was alive and was the child she gave birth to. Lesley pursued Laura's custody, and for two months Laura lived with Lesley and Cameron. At the end of this period, Laura herself was to make the decision which parents she would continue to be raised by. She went to the Vinings, but still intertwined in Lesley and Cam's life, much to Lesley's delight, and Cameron's distaste. –


As Cam’s plan of attack was planted, he secured it by visiting Steve Hardy and raising questions about Doris Roach's character. Steve was confused about this, Cam told him he had a visit from Mrs. Clifford while on business in Detroit.


Terri Arnett had been notified that her brother Dr. Rick Webber was not dead, but alive in Lamunda, Africa. Ten months ago his plane crashed while on route to a medical project. He had been held prisoner by the revolutionaries ever since and presumed dead by the American authorities. During an attack, the government troops found Rick thus rendering his freedom.


Four months after his presumed death, Rick's former lover, Monica, married his younger brother Jeff. From Africa, Rick had written a letter to Monica telling her he did not want to marry her and to find herself another guy, but on the plane to the States Rick confessed to a minister that his love for Monica was his only will to live while held prisoner. Monica had read this letter to Jeff but substituted the real comment for a marriage proposal. As Rick was alive and returning home, Monica was panicked because of her lie to Jeff, and was desperate to meet Rick's plane first to ask him to keep her lie a secret.


Before the plane landed, Monica visualized telling Rick of her lie and the reason being she wanted so much to stay and be a part of Jeff and Terri's family life so by telling them Rick had proposed, she thought they would keep her as close to them as she had been, even after Rick's death. In her vision, Rick accepted her reason and promised to keep it "their secret." In actuality, Rick did agree to Monica's request and promised to not let Terri or Jeff know that he had not proposed to Monica. As Rick confessed to the minister, he still loved Monica deeply but he coudn’t let her know that he really did want to make her his wife, especially as she was married to his kid brother.


At home in St. Charles, Rick was welcomed home by all. Steve had given him the offer as senior staff member but Rick seemed hesitant yet to accept it. He was not sure what his life ahead would be like - especially as he had lost Monica to his brother - . While conversing with Audrey Hobart, she noticed his hands shaking abnormally.


Jeff had noticed a change in his brother and asked Monica to give him space until the real Rick emerged again. Rick seemed to want his "old way of life" back, requesting Steve allow him to use his old office again.


Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen M. Potter


The fact that Barbara and Adam Thorpe both knew that Adam's son Roger was the natural father of Holly's infant Christina, had put a strain on their marriage.


Roger’s wife, Peggy, felt compassion for Barbara and Adam and tried to make them see past Roger's mistakes, to forgive him and give him the love he so desperately needed — as she had done also.


Adam wanted to find forgiveness for Roger but his conflict with Barbara and her stand that Roger had ruined Holly's life yet expected to have his own returned to normal, was holding him back.


Holly did realize that this problem between Barbara and Adam was her fault and told Adam he couldn’t put the blame on Roger alone. She told him Roger anonomously gave blood to infant Christina when she was so very ill. At one unexpected moment, Adam was holding Christina in his arms and later he lamented to Barbara that he had a granddaughter he couldn’t even acknowledge.


In an attempt to to bring the Thorpes together as a family, Peggy invited Barbara and Adam to dinner. Barbara accepted but at dinner did not speak a word making the atmosphere most uneasy. Immediately after dinner she asked Adam to take her home, excusing herself with another migrane headache. At home she broke down in tears sobbing to Adam that she couldn’t accept Roger for what he had done to Holly.


Feeling so rejected by everyone he had hurt, Roger wrote his letter of resignation as manager of the Metro Restaurant. Peggy found it and built Roger's confidence in himself by telling him he was not a quitter and they would do better by remaining in Springfield and fighting this out together. He agreed to stay.


Holly told Ed Bauer that her mother and Adam knew about Christina, Ed disliked the fact that more people had learned that he was not Christina's natural father, and swore to Holly that he and he alone would be the only father Christina would know as hers.


Despite Ed and Holly's divorce proceedings as a result of Christina not being Ed's child, Ed felt compelled to help Holly and her life raising Christina alone. He asked Dr. Steve Jackson to consider Holly for the job of secretary in his office, but asked also to remain anonymous to the suggestion. Steve hired Holly and she seemed to be adjusting to her new career well.


Ed took time to visit Christina and talked to Barbara while there. He told her he knew that Barbara had knowledge of Christina's being Roger's baby, and there was no chance for Holly and he to reconcile, they both wanted the divorce. When Barbara relaid to him that she couldn’t and would not forgive or forget what Roger had done, he wisely told her if she did forgive it would be better for everyone concerned!


Dr. Ed Bauer’s life had new meaning to it since Rita Stapleton had influenced his decision to specialize in neurology. They had been enjoying many evenings together and their friendship was warming rapidly. Because of this however, Rita had neglected Tim Ryan, who had proposed marriage to her.


Tim was persistent in pursuing Rita's affections, but she refused to get involved with him or let him continue to date her. As a result, Tim's efficiency in surgery had been affected causing Dr. Steve Jackson to warn Ed Bauer that Tim might not be qualified enough for the new position as senior resident. Ed took this to Tim as a warning, not realizing his recent failures were because of Rita's rejections. Tim accepted his defeat for the time being and returned to work putting his life and frustrations with Rita aside. His progress improved greatly, and Steve Jackson commended him once again to Ed, mentioning that Tim's work was at its best when Rita Stapleton was not on duty with him.


Dr. Joe Werner had been working a double load ever since he covered for Ed Bauer during his recuperation from the neuroma surgery. The stress and long hours had finally taken their toll on Joe, he experienced a bad pain in his chest while out to dinner with his wife Dr. Sara McIntyre.

He arranged for a thorough medical checkup at another hospital, and after a Master's Walking Test, EKG, and other tests, has found out his colesterol level as extremely high and he did have a coronary insufficiency.


As to not alarm Sara, he told her he had been tested, but did not tell her his condition was as much of a risk as it actually was. She did show concern, but her spirits were high at the time Joe told her about his exam because the adoption paper on T.J. was finalized that day.


Lawyer Mike Bauer and his client Ann Jeffers confronted Clint Pearson with questions about Ann and Clint's young son Jimmy. - Many years ago Ann deserted her husband, then named Spence Jeffers, and their son. She was tracing their whereabouts to gain custody of Jimmy. She and Mike had located Spence, finding out he was married and living under the name Clint Pearson in Redding, California. –


Realizing he could no longer deny his true identity, he admitted he had changed his name. He told Ann and Mike that Jimmy was dead. He died one and a half years ago while on a fishing trip with him in Alaska.


This news devastated Ann and she and Mike returned to Springfield. Mike however, felt that "Clint" had lied about his identity to hide something and did not believe his story of Jimmy being dead. He checked all records possible but there was no file about his death. This information had regained Ann's confidence that they would find her son.


Determined to get to the source of Clint's lies, Mike phoned him and threatened that if he did not tell the truth about Jimmy, Ann would file bigamy charges against him.


Fearing his new wife Mae would find out about his cloudy past, Clint arranged to fly to Springfield to talk further to Mike. She sensed his nervousness and when she questioned him on his recent drinking, he snapped at her angrily, not his usual self.


Clint had arrived in Springfield and after breaking into Ann's apartment, got a lead as to where she worked. He showed up at the Metro ready to face Ann.


He told Ann his story of how he worked so hard to make a life for he and Jimmy in Alaska. Not until he came to Redding, changed his name and married Mae did he know a better life. He suggested that they divorce and not bother about bigamy charges. He also told Ann if she did file for bigamy, she would never know the truth about Jimmy. She pursued this statement, reading into it that he did lie when he said Jimmy was dead. Spence denied this, telling her he did not report his death to the authorities because he was in the wilderness and there was no one around for days after he had searched for Jimmy's body. Ann still found this story unbelievable.


Mike Bauer and his wife Leslie had decided they both wanted to try to have a child of their own. Leslie had returned to school and was enthusiastic about a new career, but during Mike's absence on the Ann Jeffers' case, had come to realize that her family and life with Mike were more important.


While out for a romantic evening of dinner and dancing, Mike suggested to Leslie that they take an exotic vacation together. She responded delighted, then he told her he had been considered for the position of County Prosecutor. Leslie felt like she was the happiest and luckiest woman on earth, and all because she belonged to Mike.


Mike’s client, Ben McFarren who was recently exonerated from a prison term had started a job bussing at Cedar's Hospital. This would hold him over until he began a professorship at the College in the summer. Since he had been embittered by life in prison, these new job opportunities had helped him immensely, although he admitted to Mike's daughter Hope that he was still afraid that something unfair and wrong would happen to him — a result of living hell in prison for 15 months.


Hope accepted a date with Ben. They went to the Metro and later to his apartment where he sketched her. He told her she was naive and innocent, but Hope wanted him to think otherwise.


Love Of Life


Written by: Paul & Margaret Schneider

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


When Rick Latimer, owner and operator of Beaver Ridge, told his benefactor, Meg Hart, that they had to show a sizable amount of money to get backing for Skylar Mountain, a ski resort that they wanted to run in conjunction with Beaver Ridge, she was feeling so much self pity because of the mess her son, Ben Harper, was in, that she was determined to get drunk. She managed to get Rick drunk too when she said she didn't want to put her money in Skylar Mountain any longer. Meg reminded him of all that they once meant to each other and renewed that feeling in Rick. After an intimate night Meg changed her mind and decided to begin the planning of Skylar Mountain. Rick explained that he still loved Cal Aleata, Meg's daughter, and that their relationship had to be strictly business from that moment.


Meg asked Edouard Aleata, one of her former husbands, to make a place for Ben on his yacht when it sailed so he couldn’t be found in case Betsy Crawford should prefer charges against him. - Ben married Arlene Lovett, a nightclub singer and pianist. Later Ben was told that if he married Betsy, a sensible hometown girl who was to calm him down, he would be given five hundred thousand dollars on his wedding day by his mother, Meg. Rick knew that Ben was married and told Meg that she should wait six months to be sure Ben stayed married, hoping to discourage the fraud. Ben married Betsy and during the six months he fell in love with her, but lawyer Jamie Rollins began to put things together and was going to expose Ben and Arlene. They started to run away, but Ben came back to face the music — only to have Arlene and the letter of goodbye to Betsy expose him. –


Jamie Rollins took the story to district attorney Bob Howard who said he would investigate, but it would be much easier if one of the wives filed a complaint. Jamie didn't bring this to Mr. Howard's attention sooner because he was unwilling to endanger Betsy's health during her pregnancy.


Betsy had continued to stay with her best friend, Cal Aleata, who had managed to keep Ben from reaching Betsy. Finally Ben used a flower delivery boy to gain entrance to the apartment so that he could tell Betsy that he had moved out of his mother's house and was working for his grandmother. When Betsy refused to listen, he asked Cal's help in getting Betsy and his baby back. Cal said that although she was sure he had changed it was too late.


Jamie knew that Betsy was upset by Ben's attempts to see her. He contacted David Hart, a client in a mental hospital - Meg's step-son - and got permission for Betsy to stay at the Riverhouse that he owned. Betsy was determined to get a job and be on her own as she had decided that she would keep the baby. - Betsy was so humiliated that she considered getting an abortion, but Dr. Albertson convinced her that to destroy her baby she would eventually destroy herself. - Jamie gave her a job clerking in his law office.


When Jamie told Diana Lamont, the woman that he loved, about Betsy's situation she said that it was best that he would have someone else and the baby to love as she was no longer able to have children. - Diana was still mourning the loss of her child and had refused to marry Jamie since he was free. -


Eddie found Ben sitting on a park bench where they talked about how they both wished their relationship when Eddie was Ben's step-father, had been. Ben asked what he should do, but Eddie said that it was time he thought for himself.


Ben’s uncle and mayor of Rosehill, Bruce Sterling, was telling Betsy that the district attorney was looking for solid evidence - written proof - and if none turned up Ben would be free when Betsy mentioned the letter Ben wrote to say goodbye. As Bruce knew about it he had to turn the letter over to the district attorney. Meg was furious when she found out that her brother-in-law was the one who found the evidence against Ben.


Arlene was served with a subpoena asking her to appear for questioning at the preliminary hearing. Arlene was told she could get out of being charged by swearing out a complaint against Ben for bigamy, but instead she tried to bluff her way out by saying they were divorced in 1974, but she didn’t remember where. She was about to swear that she and Ben were legally divorced when Betsy walked in refuting this claim. The district attorney told Arlene that he had a letter written by Ben admitting to marriage to both women. Meg showed up with a lawyer, Hugh Cabot, to protect Ben's interests.


Ben came in saying he would sign a confession admitting to everything. He had a long way to go to make up for what he had done and this was as good a time as any to start. The district attorney's office charged him with fraud and conspiracy.


Arlene was being charged and Carrie, Arlene's mother and Meg's housekeeper, was pleading for her. Meg wanted to see Arlene charged and said she would implicate her until Carrie said she would testify to everything she knew to be the truth if Meg said anything. Arlene was terrified at the thought of jail and as she was taken into custody Carrie had an attack.


Impatient for news of her mother, Arlene agreed to see a visitor. Ray Slater, owner of the local gambling establishment, said he could get the six hundred thousand dollars for bail, but she was not willing enough. He finally agreed to get her a bail bondsman, a lawyer and a call to the hospital. Arlene tried to reassure Carrie that everything would be all right and she would be there to see her soon.


Ray told the bondsman that he would be Arlene's collateral, but then took him aside, telling him that he wanted it to take a while for Arlene to get out so she would be grateful. They put on a good show for Arlene's sake.


Meg had put up bail for Ben and when he couldn’t find Betsy at Cal's he figured she was at the Riverhouse. He explained that he could probably get off, but Betsy made it clear that she felt that this was the worst thing that he could do. Ben told Cal that he would do anything to get Betsy back. Meg walked in as Cal told Ben that she and Rick were engaged even though Rick had asked her not to tell anyone. Meg said that Rick, who had had many affairs, was wrong for Cal and she was acting like a school girl. Meg wanted to continue, but Cal feflt that until then they had been getting along very well because of their concern over Ben and she wanted to preserve that. Cal told Rick that her mother knew about their engagement.


Meg was furious because she didn't know Cal was this seriously involved. Rick was serious about marrying Cal and although he hdsn't been monogomous in the past, he was sure that he could be since he was ready to settle down. Meg threatened to tell Cal everything, including their latest intimacy if he didn't break off with Cal immediately. Cal tried to straighten things out with Meg, who refused to listen until Cal broke her engagement.


Ben asked his Aunt Van to have Betsy talk to him about the welfare of their child and his providing for them by working at the flower shop. Betsy agreed, but during his visit she almost fell off the small stool and found herself in Ben's arms. She ordered him out of the house, never wanting to see him again.


Ben showed up at Dr. Albertson's office when Betsy went in for her check up and was asked by the doctor to fill her vitamin prescription. Hugh Cabot paid Betsy a visit, asking her to testify on Ben's behalf. It was true that Ben had offered to marry her and Mr. Cabot was sure that Mrs. Hart would reward her financially. Ben arrived with the vitamins to find that Betsy thought the only reason he had been nice to her was so that she wouldn’t testify against him. Ben told Cabot and his mother that they had ruined everything.


Arlene was questioned by Mrs. Holland, the court officer who prepared the report for the court. Arlene was very bitter because she felt that the Ben Harpers always got away with things because there was someone with money standing behind them and that she would take the rap because that was the way life was. Mrs. Hol-land picked up on the information Arlene let slip about the forged divorce papers. Ray Slater tried to brush over this since he obtained them for Ben.


Arlene visited her mother, but they hadn't had any news on her condition. The morning of the sentencing, Arlene cornered Dr. Joe Cusack and demanded to know why her mother was having pains and was so tired. Joe said they were still testing her but her condition was precarious. This wasn't good enough for Arlene so Joe told her that they suspected a thoracic aneurysm and in the right spot this could be very dangerous, but then any heart condition was. Arlene didn't want to leave her mother, but Ray insisted that the court wouldn’t wait.


The whole family attended court with Ben, including Eddie. Hugh Cabot told Meg that from his experience he was sure Ben would get probation and a reprimand. Judge Brill had considered the reports prepared by the officers and was ready to sentence the defendents since they had pleaded guilty. Arlene said that a statement from her would make no difference and Mr. Cabot declined on behalf of his client, but Ben interrupted to say a few words.


Ben told the judge that he was responsible for all the schemes that he and Arlene had been charged with. He said that Arlene's only crime was in loving him too much. Judge Brill said that in looking over all the reports and considering Ben's statement he would put Arlene on probation for six months. When sentencing Ben he had to take into consideration new evidence that had been presented and had to sentence him to one to four years in prison starting one week from this day. Ben asked that the time be waived and that he be allowed to start his sentence.


Meg have Rick twenty-four hours to call off his engagement before she told Cal herself.


Tom Crawford, Betsy’s brother, called to say he would be coming to Rosehill because every baby needed an uncle.


Dr. Joe Cusack and Cal were very interested in the welfare of their sixteen year old alcoholic at the clinic, Lynn Henderson. Cal commented that she could see how much Lynn missed her mother and when she left the room Lynn placed a call to a New York magazine for Janet Spires, but was told she was not available.


Felicia Lamont finally broke under the strain of caring for her invalid husband, Charles, by herself. Dr. Cusack insisted that Felicia hire a nurse for Charles so that she could get out more often, but Charles enjoyed being catered to and refused to let anyone else touch him. Finally he suggested that a change might be good. She could take him to visit friends once a week because the outing would do them good.


Felicia tried to relax through her sketching and painting, but found that it was Eddie Aleata's face that appeared on her canvas. She tried a self portrait, but this reminded her that she was at her best and could only get worse. She told herself that she had to concentrate on Charles and that being a prisoner in this house is her punishment - Felicia remained a virgin after her marriage to Charles and the day on which she had decided she was ready to become a wife to Charles she was attacked by Arnie Logan. She escaped, but upon hearing the footsteps she fired her gun, believing it to be Arnie, but it was Charles, who now has a bullet lodged against his spine in an inoperable position. -


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


Victor Lord had suffered a stroke following his confrontation with Dr. Dorian Cramer Lord and her admission that she knew and withheld from Victor the fact that Tony Lord was his son, because Tony was a threat to her determination, after she was dismissed from the hospital staff, to get control in Llanview by means of Victor's money and the power represented by the Lord name. Jim Craig had told Viki Lord Riley that she had to face the possibility that her father might never move or speak again. Viki was struck by the thought that it was so awful for him to be caged up inside of his own body, "so helpless." Dorian assured Viki that she would "devote my life to your father. If it's possible to bring him back, I will."


When she was alone in the room with Victor at the hospital she said: "I know you can hear me, I can see it in your eyes." She told him she was wrong: that she was hurt and confused, "that's why I said the things I did." She told him that Tony was lying: that he wanted all of Victor's estate to pay Victor back for abandoning him as a child. She tried to make Victor believe that the reason she knew about Tony was that he told her so himself but she "didn't keep it from you. I was the one who told you who I was." She went on to say: “I know that you need me and I promise you that I'm going to protect you."

Dorian told Tony : "I hope you're satisfied, Tony. You may very well have killed your father." When Tony, upset, said to Viki, "I suppose you're gonna hold me responsible for father's stroke," Viki replied: "Please remember, I'm not Dorian." Tony went on to say that Dorian would do everything she could to convince everybody that he was indeed responsible. Joe and Viki learned that Victor called his lawyer and Joe Riley and Matt McAllister after seeing Tony and before he saw Dorian. Tony repeated that Victor: "made three calls after I left. Now a man who'd had a stroke couldn't do that." He insisted that the day he went to Llanfair, Victor was glad to see him. He told Viki, "You know if Dorian has her way I'll never see my father —ever." He warned Viki that Dorian "wants to be the lady of the Manor at the expense of father's life." Viki said that she couldn’t agree with him on that but said that she would talk to Dr. Jim Craig. Tony persisted in saying that they had to make certain that Victor stayed in the hospital. "I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but the moment Dorian gets him back to Llanfair he becomes her prisoner again."


Later, Dorian insisted that Jim release Victor to her care, to return to Llanfair and with Dorian's assurance that he would have any necessary equipment and a full time nurse and therapy when the time came. Jim who was aware that Victor had always hated hospitals and fretted when he was confined to them, agreed.


Cathy Craig and Tony had reconciled, causing a certain amount of embarrassment to Wanda who was witness to Cathy's early morning appearance in her robe at the head of the stairs between Tony's unfinished apartment and the public rooms of Tony's Place. Tony had again asked Cathy to marry him but he had had to be satisfied with Cathy's "wait and see attitude.” Wanda appologized to Tony for coming to work early and insisted "I'm not shocked or anything." Tony laughed gently and said, "you're shocked, aren't you?" Wanda answers that she might be a little bit old fashioned and Tony said, ruefully, "You ain't the only one."


Anna had told Cathy that she had a feeling that what Cathy wanted out of her relationship with Tony and what Tony wanted were two different things, that she was not being honest with herself or with him. Cathy replied that she had been honest in the past and it hadn’t got her anywhere: "This time it's gonna be different."


Brian Kendall had told his mother that he didn’t think Cathy was very nice. Pat told him: "I know you think she's indifferent. I just think it's difficult for Cathy to be with children because it reminds her of her baby." She told Brian that Cathy did a very brave thing by refusing to marry her baby's father -- Joe Riley was the father of Cathy Craig's daughter Megan, who died as Viki was rushing her to the hospital. Neither Cathy nor Joe knew that Megan was the victim of a serious heart ailment inherited from Joe and would not have survived childhood because of it. Cathy has never forgiven Viki for the accident believing that Viki resented Megan and was then pregnant with Joe's child in order to wipe away Megan's memory. The sight of Viki in her first maternity dress of the pregnancy had brought all Cathy's feelings of hatred for Viki to the fore again. –


Later, Pat already feeling ill and upset at hearing of Tony's reconcilliation with Cathy broke down and told Viki that Brian was Tony's son; that Pat married Paul Kendall who was in love with her after Tony left her. Viki told Pat that she had to tell Tony that Brian was his son and pointed out to her that Cathy did not seem to be interested in marrying Tony. She told Pat to think of how happy Victor would be to learn that he had a grandson and Pat admitted that she thought of that many times and tried to encourage a reconcilliation between Tony and Victor. Viki urged Pat to fight for Tony if she still loved him and give her son the father he was entitled to. - Tony and Brian had become good friends.-


Cathy had remarked that Pat and Tony spent an inordinate amount of time together. She asked Tony bluntly: "Did you or did you not have an affair" - with Pat - ? Tony asked her what was the point of discussion something that happened eleven years ago. He admitted to a little romance — "no big deal major love affair.- Cathy said she seemed to have married the first man she met and that it was possible that she married Paul Kendall on the rebound, but Tony insisted that they knew each other before he knew Pat: that Paul was in love with Pat when they were in the Peace Corps. He spoke of it being ten years ago and Cathy quickly asked: "Wasn't it eleven"? Tony asked why she should be so preoccupied with that period of time. When he asked what was going on, Cathy told him that she was doing a piece about an establishment renegade and Paul Kendall fit the mold - Paul Kendall had been killed on a police siege. –


When Cathy showed Pat the manuscript of the novel she had written she exclaimed at Pat's hesitancy to talk about it: "Pat! You didn't like it." Pat said in reply. "If and when this book is published everyone in town is going to know who the character of Valerie is: that it is Victoria Lord, thinly disguised”. Cathy bridled and told Pat that perhaps il would be better if she didn't finish it: that she could read it after it was published.


Jenny Wolek had resisted any further attempts to get her to socialize or return to work, but she was moved to laugh when Dr. Peter Janssen told her that he had bought his first American used car, a real, uh .. Cream puff? Jenny told him she was sure it was driven by a little old lady only to church and back and while Jenny was amused at Peter's participation in a classic piece of American life Peter again asked her to come down for some time to the Free Clinic. He told her they really needed a full time nurse but any thing she could do to help was desperately needed. Jenny, evasive, said that she didn't know what she wanted to do permanently and was thinking about going back home to Oklahoma to live with her parents. She agreed with Peter's suggestion to take it one day at a time and began by reporting to the clinic.


Tony told Wanda that Dorian's appearance interrupted Viki's reading a letter to Victor at Llanfair. Dorian attributed his being agitated to the point where Victor needed medication to calm him to Tony's letter, though Viki's impression was that he was fine 'til Dorian walked in. Wanda advised him that the way to deal with Dorian was to make the most of his charm. She said that he should "act like he respects Dorian." He replied that he was not capable of that much chicanery, "the first wrong thing she says I'll go for the jugular vein."


When Tony tried to call Dorian and followed up her dismissal of him with a visit, she told him that she was tired of having to defend her medical opinions. When she cried: "What is the matter with you that you have absolutely no regard for my feelings and that you can't understand what I'm going through?" Tony's answer was that she had given a wonderful performance, but that she "really should not waste this on me. You should save this for someone that might be convinced by it."


Dorian had received a phone call from a Mr. Willoughby referring to an "offer," and told him that she would have the "authority to sign those papers in the next few days." - Dorian had been approached by one of Victor's lawyers who informed her that for the good of Lord Enterprises, Victor's attorneys had arranged a court appearance whereby Dorian, as Victor's wife, would be granted temporary Power of Attorney. –


When Viki told Tony she would be with her father that day during Dorian's court appearance, Tony, incredulous. asked "Why is everyone giving this woman all this power?" Viki replied that it was her legal right and for Joe or herself to contest it would be an open declaration that they didn’t trust her. She said that her father trusted Dorian and Tony answered, "No, he doesn't, not any more.” Viki asked how much harm could Dorian do and ennumerated a group of people who were concerned with looking out for Victor. Tony replied, "That's true, Viki, but none of those people live at Llanfair."


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


Using the key to her brother's apartment Jillian Coleridge walked in on Roger Coleridge and Delia Ryan. She delivered a tirade on Roger's perfidy and Delia's unfaithfulness and stormed out. - Delia was the wife of New York City Councilman Frank Ryan, whose three year affair with Jillian Coleridge, his former law professor, was the basis of a blackmail attempt by Roger, Jill's brother. Delia saved Frank's career by her appeal to the Party leaders, but Frank had not forgiven Dee for causing his accident when she pushed him down some stairs at Riverside hospital during an argument over Jill. Frank and Delia had just recently reconciled after an accident to their son, little John. –


Delia went to Jillian's office to plead with her not to tell Frank. Jill told her that if she did not, it would be because of Frank, little John and the Ryan family, but refused to give her an answer as to what she intended to do.


On Mother’s Day at Ryan's Place, Jillian talked with Maeve Ryan, Frank's mother. She said: “Some people can yearn for something with all their hearts," and then, "do everything they can to get in the way of it happening." Maeve talked about her family, Mary's wedding plans, her other daughters and Frank; "running for Congress 10 years before he planned." She talked about Frank's fine, healthy child and how his marriage had mended and added fondly that it was "due to your love and generosity that it could have happened;" that it was the "greatest gift you could have given me or Frank." Jillian talked that day with Frank who recalled that she told him once that he could make things easier by not reminding her that things could be better between them: "If you and I had to give each other up over my marriage then the marriage should be worth it." Jillian left, warning Delia that she'd better not learn that Roger and Delia were seeing each other again.


Roger continued to keep after Delia and one day, upset, she asked Frank if they could leave their quarters at Ryan's and return to their apartment as Frank was recovered. She told him that she had no privacy and if she was bothered by "Sheila's" phone calls at home, she could chose not to answer the phone. Frank agreed to see about moving in a few weeks time, but when a huge, extravagant bouquet arrived and Delia was trembling, he insisted on knowing what was troubling her. She told him that a man in her cooking class had been pestering her. He said that he would handle it and Delia told Frank, who proposed to trace the sender through the florist, that she would get the young man's number the following day and he could call him.


Furious, Delia called Roger who said he refused to discuss anything on the phone and hung up. When she went to Roger's apartment he told her that he was going to give her a better life, a better home. Their lives were finished here in Riverside and that he was not going to give her up. He told her that he would go to Frank if he had to and tell him the truth: "What have I got to lose?" Delia accused him of blackmailing her. When she cried, "What am I gonna do?" Roger answered, "Very simple, Dee. Just love me. Just keep on loving me."


Faith Coleridge, able to face the fact of the death of her father was determined to see Kenneth Castle so that she could get past her fear of him which continued to plague her; "no matter who tells me" that Kennth was just a "sick, sad, harmless person." With Pat Ryan and Bob Reid in the room, Faith saw Kenneth who mistook her for his mother. He refered to Faith's destroyer - meaning Pat Ryan - but couldn’t remember just who it was. Mixing up Pat and his father in his mind, Kenneth said to his mother/ Faith: "I didn't want to hurt him but he did so many awful, awful things to you." Later, talking about her future as a doctor with Dr. Seneca Beaulac, Faith said she had put her fear of Kenneth behind her. To her, he was just a sad small boy looking for his mother.


Mary Ryan had learned from her brother Frank that the financial records of Gilcrest Manor Nursing home had been lifted from the city files but Dr. Bucky Carter's family lawyers had been able to reconstruct them revealing that the owner of Gilcrest was a corporation owned by Nick Szabo. Bucky had been seeing Nick's daughter Renee.


At Gilcrest Manor, manager Hugh Sharpe had contacted Szabo about Hector an elderly patient who was on the verge of giving Mary Ryan an interview regarding the conditions of Gilcrest. Nick suggested that Hector be transferred to another Nursing Home in Philadelphia, part of the chain. When Hector heard that he was to be transferred, he attempted suicide with some pills he had been saving up and left a note to the effect that he had chosen this method to draw attention to the repressions and dangers he and his friends had been subject to.


In the confusion over Miss Mills' discovery of Hector's unconcious body, she was able to contact Mary Ryan and she and Bob Reid took Miss Mills from the home over the objections of Hugh Sharpe. Miss Mills gave Mary the taped television interview she had been seeking at Channel R and Mary and Sam Crowell agreed to keep the fact that they had made a connection between Gilcrest Manor and Nick Szabo from Renee for the present.


Mary’s fiancee, reporter Jack Fenelli, had aroused the anger of Maeve Ryan when he presented her with a book of Irish History and read aloud some stereotyped, defamatory passages about "typical Irishmen." Kevin, Bob and Pat were present, and after telling Jack off, she extracted a promise in the Ryan kitchen that they would say nothing of what had happened to Johnny Ryan, Mary's father who overheard enough to demand that he be told what was going on. After promising Maeve to control his temper, Johnny told Jack that he was through fighting with him, that he would make a show of welcoming Jack into the family but that he would mean nothing of what he said.


Jack was alone in Frank Ryan's office when an attractive young woman entered and asked if he would be Frank Ryan, "the — uh —Lion of Riverside." Jack's comeback was that he was "Jack Fenelli — the Lion of Lower Manhattan," and she introduced herself as Martha McKee of the Village Banner; a fellow political reporter, who hoped some day to be considered his competition. Jack resisted her efforts to interview him in Frank's absence but told her that he would be glad to fill her in on Frank later if she found that she was short in her material. She told him he could call her anytime after seven, that there was just "me and the parakeet. If you feel like talking why don't you give me a call"? Later he called her back from Ryan's Place after Maeve told Jack and Mary that they should be moving on their plans for a June wedding.


After Jillian’s attempts to discredit the objectivity of her brother Roger's testimony against Dr. Seneca Beaulac on the witness stand, Roger was confronted by Seneca in the courtroom and accused of lying in referring to Nell as his friend. Roger told Seneca that he could describe Nell's room, that they had many close, good times together. Seneca lunged for Roger who cried out that Seneca and Jillian were "meant for each other — intimidating and bullying are all you know."


Jillian told Seneca "that wasn't very smart," and asked about a scheduled prosecution witness, Elizabeth Lovitt, Seneca's former secretary at Mt. Royal. "Seneca, could she say anything about you and Harriet Hill?" - Dr. Harriet Hill was a fellow Neurologist of Seneca's whom he escorted to concerts and with whom he shared dinner and even a suite at a convention during the period when his marriage to Nell was especially troubled. Jillian had dealt as effectively as she could with testimony by Nell's sister Diana with regard to Nell and Seneca's stormy relationship but her request for a trial order of acquital was turned down by the presiding judge. –


After Elizabeth Lovett’s testimony, Jillian expressed the opinion that she believed that "most of them - the jurors - wound up thinking the worst." She asked Seneca if he can "swear you were just colleagues and nothing more" and told Seneca that she intended to call Harriet Hill, long distance and put her on the stand.


When Mary told Nick that she intended to ask him to make a statement as the primary owner of Gilcrest Manor, he told her that he was surprised and disappointed that Channel R had to scrounge around for such stories and refered to "third rate journalism." While the tape was going, he said that Gilcrest Manor was one of many properties owned by his Corporation, that he relied mainly on the expertise of his management - Hugh Sharpe - backed by the "highest credentials" that Gilcrest Manor had had an excellent reputation for 25 years and if recently there had been any downgrading of conditions, he would endeavor to correct the situation as he had been made aware of it. He ended by sending his warmest personal regards to any residents of Gilcrest Manor who miht be listening.


As Mary turned off the tape, she breathed the word "incredible."


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Amy Kaslo came through the surgery beautifully after being a bone marrow donor for her brother, Steve. Amy's new baby daughter Victoria had put on weight and not suffered at all being taken early by cesarean section. Finally Amy and the baby were ready to go home.


The Collinses, Liza’s mother and step-father, asked Amy and Victoria to stay with them. They had a fifty-five room house that belonged to Wade's family and assured Amy that she and the baby wouldn’t disturb them at all. Danny Collins, an active four year old, was very taken by Amy and "Torie," as she was called. Amy thought she was a very modern woman - a doctor who decided to have her baby out of wedlock rather than marry a man who didn't love her -, but found that she was raising her child in a very traditional manner.


Bruce Carson, Victoria’s father, had asked Amy once again to marry him. Amy was still not sure she could live with a man knowing that he wasn't bringing as much to their relationship as she was. Amy asked advice, but knew that she had to make the decision.


Steve Kaslo’s condition had had improved. Dr. Luria and Dr. Gary Walton had warned Steve and his wife Liza that Steve's body could reject Amy's bone marrow even though it was a good match and then he would have no chance for survival. Steve was well enough to be taken out of isolation and put in a private room.


As Steve was recovering, Liza told him some of the fears she had while waiting to find out if he would live. She thought Amy's baby was her own for awhile because she had wanted a child for so long. Liza suggested that they can start a family when he got home, but Steve said he couldn’t consider it for at least five years because the doctors wouldn’t give him a clean bill of health after an acute case of leukemia.


Scott Phillips was staying home with his step-son, Eric Leshinsky, who was becoming dependent upon Scott since his accident. - Eric fell from his treehouse breaking both his legs. When Amy, Eric's babysitter, could no longer stay with him because she was undergoing surgery, Eric refused to have a nurse care for him. Scott had resigned from the prosecutor's office and had not found a job yet. –


Scott installed an intercom in Eric's room and in his and Kathy's bedroom, but when Eric abused the privilege of having Scott come when he called, Scott turned off the intercom. Things were much better between Scott and Kathy once Scott decided that the protection he was giving Eric wais damaging to all of them. Although Eric rebelled, Scott left him with a sitter while he looked for a job. He found a position with the Anderson Law Firm because of his background in the prosecutor's office.


Eric accepted the fact that he couldn’t dominate Scott's life. His friends still visited him even though it had been several months since his accident. He missed all the attention he had received, but was managing nicely.


Stu Bergman realized that Ellie Harper was more to him than a business employee and friend. He cared very much for her and Connie Schultz, who came between them, meant nothing to him. Stu asked Bruce Carson, newspaper reporter, to help him locate Ellie. One evening Ellie called for Jo Vincente, but when she heard Stu and Connie talking at the bar she hung up. Ellie called again reaching Connie. She gave Connie her phone number and asked her to have Jo call. Worried that Stu might try to contact Ellie, Connie tore up the number and threw it in the fireplace.


Eunice Wyatt was mad at her sister Jo because she didn't tell Eunice that John was staying at Hartford House since Eunice asked him to leave their home. Jo defended herself by saying that she was on no one's side.


After bartender David Sloane, bodyguard for the mysterious Christopher Miller, was told by Stephanie Collins that a man had come to Henderson with a picture of Mr. Miller and had traced him to Hartford House, he ordered Chris to stay in his room with the door locked. Since they were leaving early in the morning, Chris took a chance on going down the hall to Jo Vincente's room to tell her that he was a hunted man, but not a criminal and as soon as everything was cleared up he would be back to see her.


David searched the grounds, lake and the Inn when he found Chris' room empty assuming that he had been found. As a last resort he tried Jo's suite and chastised Chris for endangering Jo's life. He sent Chris to his room. Chris thought David was checking on him when the phone rang, but it was Jo to say she was coming to his room. Mr. Rayburn used David's code knock  - after observing from the shadows - and Chris opened the door to find a gun pointed at him. Jo arrived to see Chris and the gunman struggling. Suddenly the gun went off and Jo was shot. A second shot from David's gun hit the gunman in the arm. David Sloane was really David Sutton, a United States Marshall, who had been assigned to protect Christopher Miller, a journalist, who gathered information on a big time mobster.


Jo was rushed to the hospital and taken to surgery. She was shot in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen and her blood pressure was very low. Gary Walton and Bob Rogers, an old friend of Jo's, were called in on the case. It was touch and go during the surgery, but Jo survived. Only time could tell.


John heard the commotion at the Inn and called Eunice to tell her that Jo was going into surgery after being shot. John offered to take care of Suzi, their daughter, while Eunice waited for word about Jo's condition.


When Eunice went to John's office to pick up Suzi, she found that Jennifer Phillips was in his office. She was furious and again refused to speak to John - When Eunice couldn't respond to John physically, but could not explain why her feelings had cooled, John felt rejected and turned to Jennifer. Eunice felt that she had been made a fool of because she was the last one to know. –


Jennifer called John at his office saying that a man broke into her apartment and attacked her. John hurried to her apartment where he listened to her story about a man who held his hand over her mouth while ripping off her clothes. She said that the ringing of the phone scared him away. John called the police and Jennifer was annoyed at all the questions that they asked. Jennifer was afraid to stay alone in her apartment and claimed that there was no one she could stay with. John finally gave in and spent the night. He assured her that he would sleep on the couch, but she reminded him that he could always change his mind. John called the Inn leaving Jennifer's number for a particular client and asked that they give it to no one else.


Stu convinced Eunice that she needed John and should give him a chance to explain. She called the Inn and after identifying herself as Mrs. John Wyatt was given a number where John could be reached. She called and Jennifer answered. Jennifer suggested that it was her attacker. John realized that it might be Eunice with news about Jo, but only ended Eunice's doubt that John was somewhere other than at Jennifer's.


Jennifer was very pleased with herself after John spent the night. A police officer arrived in the morning to ask her some more questions about her assault. John saw no harm in it because they were only trying to protect her and Jennifer had said that she was frightened that he would come back when he knew that she was alone. As the questions progressed Jennifer contradicted the statement that she made at the police station.


The following night, Jennifer came to the Inn, but John got her a room at the Henderson Hotel. Jennifer was disappointed, but John said she would be safe there and he couldn’t take a chance on Eunice hearing that she spent the night at Hartford House. John went to see Eunice to explain why he was at Jennifer's when she called him, but Eunice didn’t believe John's story. He told her to get a divorce or separation, but she was not sure that she wanted one.


Bruce arrived at the hospital to do a story on the shooting and found that Jo, his guardian, was the victim. He blamed Chris, whom he had mistrusted from the beginning, and refused to listen to David at first. David told Bruce that he would write the story as an accident without mentioning Mr. Rayburn's - AKA Abbot - name to protect Jo, Chris and their case in California.


David convinced Abbot to testify against big time hood Lennox. They could give him a new identity after he served his time. The district attorney might go easier on him also. Chris thought that because Abbot could testify that he could stay in Henderson with Jo, but it was Chris' testimony that could allow them to arrest Lennox.


Ellie called again and told the bartender that she talked to Mrs. Schultz the last time that she called and left a number for Jo. Stu was furious. Connie took a long time to remember that she threw the number in the fireplace. Luckily for Stu the weather had been warm and the paper was still there. When Stu called, he found that Ellie had checked out. The manager checked her room for them and found a bus schedule with a trip to California circled. Bruce found out all the stops between Indianapolis and California and left messages for Ellie to call Stu. She got the message while in Jasper, Arizona, but had to wait out an electrical storm. When she heard that Jo was hurt, she returned to Henderson immediately.


When Ellie arrived, she was the only one who was civil to Chris Miller. Everyone else blamed him for Jo's accident. She knew how much Jo loved him and how much Chris loved Jo in return.


At night while the family was gone, Chris sneaked in to the intensive care room and sat by Jo. He didn't remember what he said, but Jo opened her eyes. Bob Rogers checked on her and asked Chris to call the family to report that she was coming out of the coma. Bob said that very often it took someone who was very close to a patient to give them the will to live. Jo called for Chris in her sleep.


Jo found that she had no feeling in her legs and couldn’t move them.




Written by: A.J. Russell

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Friends of Carrie Wheeler, girlfriend of the murdered Register Reporter Greg Mercer, were very concerned about her. Since Greg's death, Carrie hadn't cried, trying to believe that was the way Greg would have wanted it, even at the funeral. Immediately after the funeral, Carrie returned to work on the arson story Greg was covering. She had his notes and waited daily outside the room of David Gammidge, an arsonist left for dead in a fire by his accomplice. Gammidge was dying of burns. He regained consciousness to tell his wife he did it for $300, to help his family — wife and four children. Gammidge was jobless when approached by Barney Bailey to help. Gammidge returned to unconsciousness.


Twenty minutes before he died, Gammidge roused sufficiently to dictate the whole story to Carrie. She asked publisher Dan Brisken and editor Julian Cannell for permission to put Greg's by-line with hers on the story. They agreed. Still Carrie hadn't grieved. Dan and Julian worried about the effect on her when they replaced Greg, as they had to. The police broke up the arson ring.


Vicky Paisley, - with brother Ned - of Paisley's department store, the paper's largest advertiser, contacted Dan. Desiring to remain anonymous, Vicky gave Dan a large check, to be matched by Dan, and to be used towards a scholarship for aspiring young writers, in Greg's name. She didn’t want Julian to know she was behind it, because she feared he would interpret it as a play for his attentions.  - Vicky wanted Julian, whom she considered to be the only real man in Somerset. Julian had re-buffed her constantly, claiming her frivolity put him off. - Carrie told Julian not to waste time, to grasp love — before it was taken away, a reference to Greg and her. Julian thought about it.


Greg’s half-sister, Heather Kane, was asked by lawyer Tom Conway to go through Greg's apartment for papers and other things necessary to settle his estate. Jerry Kane, Heather's surgeon husband, refused to let his pregnant wife subject herself to such an emotional trauma. Jill Farmer, Tom's secretary and Heather and Carrie's friend, volunteered to do it. Heather agreed and Tom gave her the key. Jill's mother, Ellen Grant, agreed to accompany Jill. At the apartment Jill shared with Carrie, Carrie asked to do it, saying she would like a chance to say good-bye to Greg.


Carrie was interrupted by Tony Cooper, Greg's roommate, who had returned for his belongings. Tony didn’t like the idea of Carrie's being there alone, but she sent him away. After Tony left, Carrie finally broke down. Still concerned, Tony later returned and took her home, where she was sedated.


Julian hired Steve Slade to take Greg Mercer's place. Carrie didn’t like Slade.


Tony Cooper, estranged from his wife Ginger and son Joey, because he had had an affair with Vicky, was being pressured by his father, Rex Cooper, to return to his wife and son. Getting nowhere with Tony, Rex tried to “talk some sense” into Ginger. Rex only succeeded in making Ginger very uneasy about his intentions about Joey — Rex's "only grandchild — grandson."


Ginger expressed her concern over Rex's possessiveness to her uncle, Dr. Stan Kurtz. Stan reassured Ginger Rex couldn't take Joey away. Rex next threatened to disinherit Tony, unless there was a reconciliation. Tony ascertained his full financial position from Tom and found, without his income from his trust fund, he would be badly off, financially. Tony still refused to bow to Rex, but did agree to ask Ginger about a family meeting. When Ginger found out about the blackmail, she was angry, but after reassurances from Tony that he wasn’t worried, she refused the meeting.


Unhappy wuth the lack of cooperation from the two young people, Rex tricked them into a meeting with him. Both admitted they contributed to the break-up. Ginger was a nag; Tony had an affair. Some of the air cleared, Tony and Ginger reminisced, but it meant more to Tony than to Ginger. Tony appeared to want a reconciliation. Ginger accepted a date with a new resident at the hospital, Angus Duncan.


Ginger told Julian reconciliation with Tony wasn't her decision. Tony began to visit often — to play with Joey. Tony told his secretary he saw things his father's way - Ginger, Joey, and him together -, but it would take time.


Ellen Grant, to help forget former fiance, Dale Robinson, threw all her energy into aid for the Gammidges, especially for young Brian, who had been unable to speak since age two. Physical examinations showed no physiological reason for Brian's plight, so the doctors recommended a speech, therapist and a child psychiatrist. The hospital's funds, however, were not sufficient to pay for all the therapy, so Ellen decided to start a fund herself, getting matching funds from Dan Brisken.


Brian had displayed talent for wood-carving, so Ellen took him to a museum to see sculpture. They were accosted by dynamic sculptor, Luke McKenzie, who took an immediate liking to them both. Luke and Brian managed to communicate to each other, prompting Luke to observe that the reason Brian didn’t talk was he had nothing to talk about. Luke gave them a tour of his studio, where he gave Ellen a necklace from Greece. He met her later for drinks. Observing Ellen seemed a proper lady, he tried to find out if she was as "proper" as she seemed. He suggested they go away together in his camper to fish, threatening to walk out and/or make a scene if she refused. Amused, Ellen refused; Luke walked.


Taking Carrie’s words about love to heart, Julian began to soften his attitude towards Vicky. He was puzzled when their next business meeting was scheduled for her office, rather than his. When he arrived, Vicky told him they have a strictly business relationship. Bemused, Julian agreed, but did try to reach her throughout the day to arrange for dinner. Vicky refused his calls. He ran into her at the Hayloft. She told him, " 'Hell hath no fury like a woman' kicked in the teeth." He suggested they be friends and Vicky replied that she hadn't had "male friends since I became a woman." As he left, Vicky told him, "Have a nice evening. Have a nice life."


Vicky Paisley confounded Julian by suddenly putting their relationship on a strictly business basis, refusing all his requests for dates. She even asked him to put someone else on her account. Dan told Julian to straighten that out. Dan then asked Vickie what was going on. She admitted it was a new tack to win Julian. When Julian asked that they resumed their old friendly working relationship, Vicky refused, saying she was no longer going to play those games. She agreed to let Julian handle the ad account —with George Powers, her assistant.


Tom Conway began collecting powers of attorney over clients' stock.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Bill Foster was trying to help Mrs. Kay Chancellor stop smoking and drinking. He didn’t want this to be on Jill's conscience later when she saw how wrong she was to want revenge. Jill did see the error of her ways and wanted to help her former employer.


Bill still loved his wife, Liz, very much, but Liz had refused to let him move back into their bedroom. Bill asked his daughter-in-law, Chris, for some advice. Chris said that although they were still married, Liz had had him declared legally dead after he had been gone nine years. His name and marriage were restored, but to her the marriage had ended.


Bill went to the Chancellor estate where Liz was still working as cook and housekeeper and asked her to marry him in front of Mrs. Chancellor. Liz was embarrassed and couldn’t give an answer just then.


Sam Powers, the man in Liz's life before Bill's return, was in town and had asked to see Liz. He told her that he was living in the house they picked out in Hutchison, Kansas and was seeing a widow there. He didn’t intend to spend the rest of his life alone, but he couldn’t continue with his plans until he was sure that Liz wouldn’t marry him. He was still in love with her and was asking her one more time to marry him.


Bill talked to Sam who said that he had been told that things were the same between Bill and Liz and he had no idea that Bill had proposed. Bill decided to step aside and said he would help Liz get a quick divorce. When Sam started telling Liz of his plans for a June wedding and their life in Hutchison Liz stopped him. She was going to stay with Bill because he had changed and she had fallen in love all over again with him.


Liz and Bill told Jill and Snapper that they were getting married and Liz was talked into getting married the following evening. Greg couldn’t attend the wedding because he was out of town on a legal case, but the small traditional wedding was very romantic. After the ceremony Chris got a call from her father and took Jill upstairs. The Brookses arrived with a gift for the newlyweds; an envelope containing airline tickets to Hawaii —leaving in an hour. Jill and Chris came downstairs with the suitcases packed and ready to go.


Although Lance Prentiss and Lorie Brooks seemed to be getting along very well, they couldn't resist little jabs at each others' characters occasionally. One night Lance warned Lorie about drinking too many margaritas, but Lorie was sure that he posed no threat should she become intoxicated. The following morning, Lorie awoke in Lance's suite and couldn't locate her clothing. Lance came back from a walk and described for her how she started flinging her clothes from the balcony and after standing on a chair and commenting on her book, “Naked At Dawn”, she then passed out. Lance told her to wait in the bedroom while he had a business conference, but the knock on the door was only servant Manuello with Lorie's clothes, cleaned and pressed, but minus one shoe. Lance said, "That's all right because she usually has one foot in her mouth!"


After Lance and Lorie left Mexico City, Leslie Eliot saw no reason to be cheerful. The Maestro saw how unhappy Leslie was and tried to help her. She told him that her husband Brad lived a completely different life style before and then she was sure that he had gone back to Chicago to take up his former life. - Brad was a neurosurgeon in Chicago, but gave it up after he lost a child he found to be his own. Believed by many to be dead, he worked for Stuart Brooks on the Genoa City news-paper and very few people knew of his past. –


Brad was undergoing tests by Dr. London to determine why he was going blind and had such terrible headaches. His old fiancee, Barbara Anderson, was still a nurse there and he had to explain to her why he was there. She wished him well on his marriage to Leslie and said she would stop to check on him while he was there. Barbara asked why Leslie wasn't with him and finally realized that she knew nothing of Brad's illness. He explained that he had worked very hard to give Leslie the confidence to return to the concert stage as a pianist and he wouldn’t have her give up a concert for him. She thought he should tell Leslie. Brad's eyesight wasn't very good and when Barbara found out that Brad was going out of the hospital she realized that he was going to the cemetary to see their son's grave and asked to go along.


When Leslie’s concerts were over, she told the Maestro that she wouldn't be leaving until morning because Brad would want to be home before her. She had to trust him and understand that whatever he was doing he had a reason for it.


Brad told Barbara that he had to go home no matter what the tests showed because concerts were over. Dr. London told him that all the tests were negative and they could find no reason for his blindness. He could come back in a couple of months and they could give him the tests again. Barbara wanted to take Brad home, but Brad insisted that he had to do it himself. When he refused to stay and let her care for him because Leslie was his whole life, Barbara pleaded with him to tell Leslie.


When Brad returned home, Barbara called him to make sure that he made the trip safely by himself. The Maestro paid Brad a visit to let him know that Leslie iwas aware that he did not spend his time nursing his sick mother as he had said. Leslie felt that she had to trust him and it would degrade their marriage if she asked him where he was. The Maestro said that it was all up to Brad then.


Brad found that he couldn't bring himself to tell Leslie what was wrong, but she noticed that he had a difficult time leaving the room.


Chris Foster was at Legal Aid when Mrs. Nancy Becker and her daughter Karen arrived asking for help. Her husband had been arrested and she had no money for bail or food. They applied for welfare, but it took several weeks before they could receive any money. Chris told Nancy that she would have Greg Foster get in touch with her. Her husband Ron was arrested for rape, but she was sure that he was innocent. Chris noticed that Mrs. Becker didn't look well just before she passed out.


Chris and Karen went to the hospital to wait for news and were told by Chris' husband, Dr. Snapper Foster, that Mrs. Becker was in a diabetic coma and might be in the hospital for several weeks. Chris took Karen to her mother's, asking Jennifer to take care of her until she could locate some of the Beckers' relatives. Knowing that this would be hard she visited Ron Becker at the jail and was told he doesn't know where his parents were and was sure that Nancy's wouldn’t help. He gave her their last address in Springfield, Missouri. He asked her for legal help, but she said he was talking to the wrong person since she was once raped herself.


Chris contacted Nancy’s home and was told that her father died a year ago and her mother had been ill ever since. Chris told Nancy this and even though Mrs. Brooks had agreed to care for Karen, Nancy was still upset over Ron's being in jail when she was sure he was innocent. Snapper told Chris to forget it because they all claimed they were innocent and because rape laws favored the attacker most rapists went free as did the one who attacked Chris.


Nevertheless, Chris decided to try once more for Nancy's sake, to see Ron. The more he insisted he was innocent, the more he looked like her attacker. Finally she screamed for them to take him away.


The Brookses let Karen talk to her mother before putting her to bed. It had been a long day and Karen had neither spoken nor eaten very much. When Chris came to find out how Karen was, she told her parents about her visit with Ron Becker. She was sure he was guilty. Nancy called to say that Ron had been released and would be picking Karen up. When he arrived, Chris was against his taking Karen home. Ron had lost his job because of being arrested and had to look for a new one. Jennifer offered to watch Karen during the day. Chris was curious as to why Ron was released. He said that he had told them he had been elsewhere at the time of the assault and the police finally found some people who could swear that they had seen him. Chris told her parents that her intuition as a rape victim told her that he was guilty.


Brock Reynolds had told Joann Curtznski that he would get her a loan to go back to school and she should tell her husband, John - Jack Curtis -. Brock convinced his mother, Kay Chancellor, that she would feel much better if she tried to help someone. Kay agreed to loan Joann the money. Brock would bring her over sometime that afternoon.


When Joann arrived at the university to tell Johnny that she was going back to school, she heard Johnny telling Peggy Brooks how much he loved her and that after he helped Joann lose weight he could divorce her and marry Peggy.


Joann went home and started eating, but all she could find was lettuce and cheese. She had a terrible headache and decided to give up by taking a whole bottle of medication.


Peggy had tried to give Jack up, but she had found she loved him too much. They decided to go out in public this once to celebrate. Jack left a message at the Allegro where Joann worked as a waitress saying that he would be home late.


By coincidence, Peggy and Jack went to the same restaurant as the Brookses and Peggy suggested they join her parents. Jack danced with Peggy's mother, Jennifer, while Peggy explained to her father how she and Jack felt about each other and they wouldn't make a habit of being seen together while Jack was married.


Brock found Joann passed out and rushed her to the hospital with the medication bottle where Snapper cared for her. When Joann came around, she told Brock that she was going to give Johnny a divorce and explained how she knew he wanted one. Brock asked if Johnny had ever mentioned a divorce to her.


Stuart Brooks got a call from the night editor at his paper about Joann, but Stuart killed the story before going to see Joann. She said that she had nothing to live for because Johnny didn’t like her fat, and as soon as she losed the weight he would ask for a divorce. She didn’t want him to know what she had done.


Peggy was mad when she found that her parents were waiting up and didn't give Stuart a chance to defend himself. As she was going upstairs he blurted out that Joann tried to kill herself. He asked Peggy if she could continue her relationship with Jack knowing the damage it had done.


When Peggy visited Joann at the hospital, Peggy suggested that this was an attempt to hold on to Jack, but Joann said she didn’t want him to know and that Peggy had won. She didn’t want Jack to stay with her out of pity. Then she took it all back when she hit on the idea that Johnny did care for her because he had never mentioned divorce to her. She told Peggy she would fight for what was hers.


She asked Peggy for a ride home so that Johnny wouldn’t know that she attempted suicide. She blamed her lateness and tiredness on extra hours at the Allegro. Johnny was very concerned for her health and told her that she had to cut back on her hours if they effected her this much. She told Johnny that she was going to change and she would fight for the things in life that she really wanted.


After Snapper told Chris about Joann, Chris asked Brock if he knew why Joann tried to commit suicide. Chris knew that Peggy had been involved with Jack Curtis, Joanne's husband, but had supposedly broken up with him when she found out he was married. Chris had a talk with Peggy, but Peggy had already thought things out. If she gave Jack up then, he would want to know why and find out about Joann. Since Joann didn't want him to know, she would have to let him go gradually.


Joann was surprised when Peggy took her shopping and spent many hours finding just the right dress for Joann. When they found the right dress, it was too expensive for Joann, but Peggy insisted on buying it. Peggy convinced Joanne that although she was overweight, her face and hair were very pretty.


Nancy Becker told Chris that she was glad that the police finally proved that Ron was innocent and asked why Chris didn't believe in him. She had to tell Nancy that she was once raped. Nancy decided not to tell Chris about the time Ron spent in prison.


Jack asked Peggy to go dancing. Peggy stopped to see what Joann was doing to save her marriage and found Joann and the apartment in a mess. Peggy bawled her out and then told her to put on one of her new dresses. Peggy called Jack to say she couldn’t go out and Jack turned to Joann who seemed more attractive to him that she had appeared in months.

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