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Look into the past - 1975

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My feeling has always been that Bill Bell originally had an entirely different "blueprint" for the Phillip/Jill storyline, and he changed his mind once he saw how pathetically engaging Jeanne Cooper's Kay Chancellor character was.   It's always appeared to me that Bill Bell originally intended to kill-off Kay Chancellor, have Phillip Chancellor marry Jill, and then Lorie Brooks would become "the other woman" in Phillip's life, just as Jill had been "the other woman" while Phillip was married to Kay.   But Jeanne Cooper just nailed the Kay Chancellor character from day one, and that seemed to necessitate changing the trajectory so that Phillip died in the storyline instead of Kay.    (The reason I believe this is because Bell had tried on several occasions to create a middle-aged, vain, selfish female character on Y&R whom the audience would sympathize with:  Jennifer Brooks and Regina Henderson both come to mind.  The audience never really seemed to have much patience with Jennifer and Regina's vanity and self-absorption, but the audience immediately felt sorry for Jeanne Cooper's Kay Chancellor, and while Regina and Jennifer were soon ditched from the canvas, Kay was saved in perpetuity.) 


Yes, Kay and Lorie interacted sparingly on several different occasions.  During the 1979 storyline when Kay "died" in the sanitarium fire, Kay secretly lived in the Foster house with Liz.  Meanwhile, Jill was living in the Brooks home with Stuart, and was about to bilk Stuart out of a huge divorce settlement.  Kay Chancellor called Lorie on the phone, revealed that she was alive, and instructed Lorie to tear-up the check.   


Kay and Lorie also interacted during the "royal wedding" storyline in the summer of 1981, although the interactions were fleeting.  (Kay Chancellor and Jerry Cashman joined Stuart and Liz in London, where Lorie, Leslie and Lance were also in attendance.)  


There was a bit more interaction just before Lorie Brooks left the show in 1982.   Lorie was becoming engaged to Victor Newman in an effort to retrieve her Prentiss Industries stock proxies from him.  Nikki, who had a crush on Victor, was extremely jealous of Lorie and confided in Kay Chancellor that she was afraid Lorie Brooks was up to no good and was going to take advantage of Victor financially.  When Kay learned that Lorie Brooks was in the picture, she darted her eyes from side to side, waved her jeweled talons in the air and said, "Dear God in Heaven, Nikki, I'm afraid you've met your match with Lorie Brooks!"     

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Yes that was rather random how Kay just crossed over into the Brooks event in 1981, but i still find it interesting in a way because kay, Liz, Stuart probably known each other for years along with jennifer so i looked at it like it's just older folks linking up for a special occasion.


I honestly think if there were scenes with Katherine and Vanessa that would have been explosive given the way both of them are, did Vanessa interact with any of the elders on the show? 

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APRIL 1975


New schedule beginning on Monday, April 21st 1975






11 :30 – 12 :00 am



Love Of Life


12 :00 – 12 :30 pm



The Young And The Restless


12 :30 – 1 :00 pm



Search For Tomorrow


1 :00 – 1 :30 pm


All My Children



1 :30 – 2 :00 pm



As The World Turns

Days Of Our Lives

2 :00 – 2 :30 pm



The Guiding Light

2 :30 – 3 :00 pm



The Edge of Night

The Doctors

3 :00 – 3 :30 pm


General Hospital


Another World

3 :30 – 4 :00 pm


One Life To Live


4 :00 – 4 :30 pm






All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Paul went to Anne to apologize for being so forceful in convincing her to give up Jamie Coles, and suddenly grabbed and kissed her. She responded passionately. Both were stunned and Paul left wordlessly. Neither seemed able to forget the kiss. When Anne’s mother, Phoebe, refused to heed Anne’s warning not to interfere in her life, Anne moved back to her apartment with Nick’s help. He noticed she was somehow different since Paul’s visit. Stacy Coles thanked Anne for helping her see what she was doing to Jamie.


Wyatt Coles visited Joe to find out more about COPE’s group therapy, not understanding what was involved or Stacy’s interest. Gently, Joe told Wyatt that Jamie wasn’t accident prone, but had been abused by Stacy. Wyatt admitted he suspected that but refused to acknowledge it because he had have to deal with it. Wyatt told Stacy about his discussion with Joe. Stacy steeled herself for his anger and hatred, but was surprised when he said it was their problem and he accepted some of the responsibility because he was unnecessarily neglected her and Jamie for his work. He said they had a chance to build a new life together. When Wyatt said things would be better, she honestly replied they already were. Stacy thanked Kitty for her help.


Hal Short went to see Joe about his flu symptoms and found he had infectious mononucleosis and was hospitalized. Talking with Jeff Martin, Hal asked if he knew Kitty Shea, and looked forward to seeing her when released because he was an old friend of hers. He asked Frank to get him a phone book so he could call Kitty, aware Kitty would be very surprised to see him.


Phoebe, determined to break her son Linc’s romance with Kitty, gained Kitty’s sympathy because of her separation from Charles and tried to intimate Kitty into ending the relationship because her background was so different from Linc’s. Linc got the story from Kitty, finally, and tried to reassure her by saying all he wanted was to marry Kitty and raise a family. Kitty told him she couldn’t marry him because pregnancy could be fatal to her. Linc finally won her over by saing, “Be my life, my family, my love,” and they could adopt children. Linc told Phoebe to stop her interference, but Phoebe was determined and snooped into Kitty’s medical files during an appointment with Dr. Clader, later telling everyone she learned of Kitty’s condition from Kate Martin. Phoebe begged Linc not to let the family name die, or worse, go to a child of questionable background. Linc said it didn’t matter. Charles confrontes Kate about discussing Kitty’s medical background, and when Kate denied it, Charles checked with Clader, who confirmed Phoebe was alone in his office for 10 minutes. Charles told Phoebe it was such tactics that had led to her having to hire companionship. Linc and Kitty planned a June wedding.


Mary Martin admitted to Jeff she tried to get pregnant before given the go-ahead and she was 2 months pregnant, confirmed by Dr. Clader.


Devious Claudette Montgomery used her knowledge of Paul’s visit to Anne and Margo’s secret facelift to keep Paul and Margo from pressuring her into findind a job. Ingratiating herself with Phoebe, Claudette accepted a job as Phoebe’s companion. Supposed to accompany Margo to New York on a buying trip, Claudette feigned illness, pressured Paul into taking her to lunch, then prepared a romantic dinner for them, subtly offering herself as dessert. Paul refused. Margo returned early and she and Claudette argued about the job with Phoebe, so Claudette toke a walk, ending at Phil Brent’s house. At Phoebe’s, Claudette met Anne and flaunted the fact that she lived with Paul – Anne’s ex-husband -, hinting they were very friendly. Upset, Anne had lunch with Nick to mend her fences with him. He was delighted. Margo pleaded with Paul to give her more time and affection and arranged for Claudette to move in with Kitty Shea.


Phil Brent, aware that little Phillip, was her son since Ruth broke down and told him, resented Chuck for living the life he wanted, and spent as much time as possible with little Phillip, convincing Chuck that Phil was after Tara. Phil was laid off from his job with the EPA, but refused Nick’s offer of a job at the Chateau. He did accept a loan from Joe. Phil received an offer from EPA in Dallas, but turned it down, saying he didn’t want to leave Erica and the house. Erica, who was pregnant with Phil’s child when they married, was emotionally unable to accept her subsequent miscarriage and was presently a patient at Oakhaven Sanitarium where despite excellent care her condition had not improved. Incensed, Chuck told Joe it was because of Tara and Joe determined to talk to Phil. Ruth warned Phillip he should take the job before everything blew up. Phil refused. Chuck’s suspicious caused a rift between Tara and him, so he went to confront Phillip. Phil said Tara wasn’t his reason for staying, and was about to spill the real reason, when Claudette arrived. Chuck, relieved, assumed Claudette was Phil’s reason for staying. Tara was upset at Chuck’s conclusions, and checked it out with Ruth, who said Tara would have to ask Phil his reasons. Phil accepted Nick’s job offer.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


The Matthews family and friends were shocked to learn that Mary Matthews died suddenly of heart failure while on an idyllic vacation at St. Croix. Dr. Russ Matthew flew to St. Croix to bring home his father, Jim and his Aunt Liz. Jim, deeply despondent and lost without Mary, refused to leave the house where they were so happy and seemed unable to snap out of his depression until he finally realized his son-in-law John was working late because of his absence in the office and his daughter Alice was delaying her departure for Australia to join her husband Steven Frame, there on business, because of worry over him. Jim, determined not to be a burder on his family, turned down his daughter Pat’s request that he live with them but made an effort and returned to his normal routine. However, he was determined to keep every item in the house intact, exactly as it was the afternoon they left for St. Croix.


Pat and John noticed their teenaged daughter Marianne had grown up since her grandmother’s death and were impressed with her continuing effort to be with and cheer up her grandfather. She was spending most of her afternoon running office errands for Jim but Pat began to realize part of Marianne’s motivation was the increased opportunity this gave her to see Willis Frame, Steve’s younger brother, who with Vic Hastings was running Frame Enterprises in Steve’s absence. Willis always made an effort to spend a few moments talking to Marianne and was taken aback when Angela Perrini, his steady girlfriend, insisted that Marianne had a crush on Willis and even casual conversation could easily be misconstrued by her as encouragement. Pat was upset to learn that Marianne’s assisting her grandfather was apparently interfering with her school work and admitted to John she feared Marianne’s interest in Willis because of the mistakes she herselft made at Marianne’s age. John promised to discuss it with their daughter.


Alice was assigned special duty with 10 year old Sally Spencer who was brought into emergency after a car crash. Sally and Alice developed immediate rapport and it was to Alice that Sally turned when she was finally told her parents were killed in the accident. Sally told police Lt. Gil McGowan her parents were Peter and Janet Spencer of New York, that she went to school in Vermont and that they were moving to California. However, Gil found that every lead was a dead end. There was absolutey no evidence of their existence in New York and so, as Dr. Dave Gilchrist asked, what happened to Sally when she was able to leave the hospital. Alice postponed plans to join Steve in Australia as her departure would be another loss to Sally right now. Afraid of having to leave the hospital and Alice, Sally secretly stopped taking her medication.


Mac and Rachel moved into their recently purchased home despite the fact that renovations were still going on. Mac was rapidly recovering from a serious polo accident but was still unable to walk. Mac pressed Rachel to learn to ride so they could ride together when he was well and, because Mac wanted it, Rachel arranged for lessons for her and her son Jamie with Phillip Wainwright. Phillip apologized for the crude pass he made to Rachel and at his repeated requests she agreed to forget, but she made it clear if he tried again she would tell Mac. Rachel turned out to be an instinctive horsewoman and made rapid progress in her lessons. Learning Rachel had visited Phillip’s house, Iris told Phillip to ask his girlfriend Clarice to move out but Phillip explained that unless Clarice was there, Rachel wouldn’t stop by and told Iris he would go on working on Rachel but he believed Rachel did not marry her father for his money and that the plan would ultimately fail. Iris warned Phillip – get results or his income would be over. Mac was indeed pleased at Rachel’s great progress in riding but was apparently jealous that Rachel and Jamie had visited Phillip’s house and when Rachel suggested that they had misjudged Phillip, Mac replied he had checked on him and found he was a wastrel. Rachel, however, replied that was how people have judged her in the past and maybe they should give Phillip the benefit of the doubt.


Hoping Phillip’s move to his own home would eliminate him as a bone of contention between her and Russ Matthews, Iris was chagrined that Phillip’s frequent dropping by continued to anger Russ who instinctively disliked Phillip from the first. When her housekeeper, Louise Goddard, pointed out to Iris she was risking her own future to wreck Rachel’s marriage, Iris realized this was true and when Russ next visited, Iris asked him to marry her. He replied he was about to ask her.


Mac and Rachel were pleasantly surprised when Liz Matthews visited to apologize for all things past, saying Mac’s death made her realize life was too short for grudges. Liz, who had hoped to marry Mac herself, deeply resented his marriage to Rachel. Liz and Rachel agreed to try to be friends. Realizing a housekeeper was a necessity in their large home, Mac and Rachel hired Beatrice Gordon who had impeccable references and was apparently very capable. The Corys were overjoyed when Dave told Mac his recovery was complete and he might begin to walk again. However Mac was upset to learn his New York associates had called an unscheduled Board of Directors meeting which looked like a proxy fight and they were circulating rumors that Mac would never be able to attend meetings again. Realizing Mac’s financial empirewas at stake, Dave gave Mac the go ahead to attend. Because of Jamie’s swim meet, Rachel was unable to accompany him.


Willis was intensely proud of his new position as a partner in Frame Enterprises and was hurt and resentful when business associates tended to consult Vic, who had long run Steven’s office, rather than come to him. Determined to prove that he was the partner and therefore the decision-maker, Willis rashly undertook a mailing campaign to bring in new business of any kind ignoring Vic’s insistence the jobs were too small for Frame Enterprises. Finally, chafing under Willis’ power plays, Vic placed a conference call to Steve who told them both that Vic was in charge, infuriating Willis. However, Barbara Weaver told Vic if he didn’t resent Willis so much, he would realized Willis’ tactics were out of insecurity and that he should try to help Willis build his self-confidence. Indeed Barbara’s advice worked. Vic soon found Willis could usually reach the logical conclusion if not made to feel inadequate. Willis began looking for an apartment of his own. On Angie’s practical advice, Willis accepted Neal Johnson’s – Robert Delaney’s associate architect – offer to share his apartment. They felt financially it was the smart thing to do.


Carol’s insidious sabotage of Lenore’s work in her husband Robert’s office had done more than discreet Lenore’s business competency. Indeed, not able to understand how she could make so many stupid errors in transcribing figures and losing papers, Lenore had come to believe that she was perhaps incapable of functioning in all facets of her life. This self doubt had made it even more difficult for Lenore to cope with Carol’s continuing investigation into the circumstances of the death of Lenore’s first husband, Walter. Lenore had vowed that nobody, particulary her son Walter Jr.; would ever know that his father was involved in swindling his best friend Steven and had himself committed the murder for which Lenore had stood trial. She had therefore virtually never mentioned Walter to their son. However Carol’s questions to the boy had instilled an interest in him about his father and Lenore found if extremely difficult to talk to him or anyone about Walter. Mary’s death proved another bad blow for Lenore and she had begun to have nightmares about losing everyone she loved as well as revival of nightmares about Walter which haunted her day and night. Her family and friends were increasingly worried about her but Lenore became very touchy on the subject of her mental health and resented any intrusions on her privacy.


Having learned that Carol tricked Robert into being his best man, Mac invited Lenore to the house to apolize for this, but found it hard to believe Lenore’s certainty that Carol did it deliberately to start trouble. He told her the question wasn’t whether she had reason to be jealous of Carol but if she had any reason not to trust Robert. Lenore and Robert were arguing more frequently about Carol as whenever Lenore tried to point out Carol’s behavior was an attempt to break up their marriage, Robert cut her off saying she was irrational on the subject. Vic, learning of Carol’s newspaper clipping file on the Curtin trial, found she made the file herself; it was not sent to her by friends as she claimed and confronted Carol making it clear if she tried to make trouble for Lenore she would have him to answer to. Robert witnessed the confrontation and was angry at Vic’s involvement in his personal life. Carol told Robert that Vic did this because of his personal feelings for Lenore. Indeed, Vic had very strong feelings for Lenore but, respecting her marriage and wanting her happiness, was content to be a good friend to her.


Carol blythly told Rachel that the Delaney marriage was in serious trouble and that very soon Lenore would have lost him and she, Carol, would be able to guide his architectural career to the great heights she knew it could achieve. Rachel however told Carol she realized that married love was a very precious thing and shouldn’t be destroyed, that Carol was using her feelings for Robert as an emotional excuse to damage Lenore’s marriage. When Rachel made it clear she wouldn’t help Carol in her scheme to take Robert from Lenore, Carol made it clear their friendship was over. Robert told Lenore he would have to give Steven an answer quickly on whether he would accept Steven’s offer to be the architect for the entire city Steven’s company was building in Australia. He explained that it was a fantastic career opportunity but Lenore said her life was here and she just couldn’t leave. When Robert mentioned he discussed the Australian project with Carol, Lenore angrily told him to make the decision with Carol, that Carol was intentionally coming between them. Robert replied she couldn’t do that if they wouldn’t let her and he tried to be romantic but she pulled away and he said that she hadn’t been near him for weeks. When Carol pressed Robert to go without Lenore, Robert repled that love was not that easy to find. Upset sufficiently by her nightmares and the arguments with Robert, Lenore agreed to see Dr. Richard Gavin. She reluctantly told him about the dreams but as soon as he asked direct questions about Walter, she walked out saying she couldn’t talk anymore. When Robert conferred on the phone with Richard about Lenore, Carol of course listened in.


Robert told Steven via transatlantic phone that Lenore would not go to Australia so, as he saw it, he couldn’t accept the position. However, Carol told Vic that Robert had decided to take the job but it was being kept quiet at the moment. Vic went to the Delaney home telling Lenore that Carol said Robert’s accepting the position but she could be lying or misinterpreting again. Vic took Lenore to lunch encouraging her to talk out the Australia problem with him, not to play into Carol’s hands. That evening, Lenore told Robert why Vic came. Robert angrily suggested that maybe Vic was lying, that he made it up. Before their heated words could become an argument, Robert suggested they work this out and reached for her gently, but she pulled away crying that sex was his usual ineffective way of dealing with the problems they had. Robert stormed out of the house and stayed overnight at the office noting Carol was keeping clothes there again, something he ordered her not to do. The following morning, he sought out Vic venting his anger at Vic’s closness with Lenore implying he was interfering with their marriage. Carol had done a good job – Robert was very jealous of Vic and accused him of lying about what he said Carol told him.


Meanwhile, Neal had told Lenore he deeply believed Rachel honestly wanted to prove she had changed and and had convinced Lenore to visit Rachel who was stunned at her arrival with Neal. After several uncomfortable moments, Lenore asked Rachel about Carol’s duplicity and fiding out this is why Rachel and Carol were no longer friends, Lenore began to see the change and whised Rachel happiness with Mac. Unfortunately, Carol walked in with architectural sketches for Rachel – hoping to end their estrangement – and finding Lenore there acidly commented Rachel’s switched sides.


Unable to reach Lenore by phone, Robert had been drinking at the office and when Carol arrived she capitalized on the situation. With the right combination of words and liquor, Carol managed to turn his depression to her advantage and they spent the night together. In the morning, Lenore called him saying she loved him. Robert, remorseful, told Carol the previous night never should have happened. Carol replied it should have happened long before.


As he apparently had his feelings for Lenore under control as a friendship, Vic had been seeing Barbara Weaver frequently. Barbara consulted Dave about her increasing severe headaches. She used to get them in law school whenever she had personal problems and admitted she was interested in a man who was not very interested in her. Barbara accepted a date with Dave and was pleased when Vic seemed jealous but was later annoyed when Vic canceled a lunch date to help a friend – Lenore.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Jennifer Hughes, unable to explain her feelings of restlessness to her husband Bob, asked for time. Jen told Bob, to his dismay, that she wanted to become a doctor. Her hopes were somewhat crushed when an appointment was cancelled on her and Nancy Hughes was not enthusiastic.


Jay offered Carol a job in his office, which she refused, but she did accept an invitation to dinner. After the date, as Carol was ready to bed, Jay returned, claiming he left his keys. He seduced her, despite her claims that it was wrong and the following morning, she couldn’t face him. Carol made immediate plans to move to New Yor to live with her father. Tom arrived just as she was leaving, alarmed by Nancy, who had called Carol and could tell something was wrong. Tom told Carol she meant a lot to him and he would be there is she ever needed him. Jay didn’t know where she was, but finally conned it out of Lisa. He then persuaded Natalie Bannon to obtain Carol’s father’s name from Tom, which Natalie did deviously.


Tom and his grandmother Nancy were at offs over his late hours. Natalie told Tom she didn’t see as much of his as she would have liked since he moved in with his grandparents. She seduced him. When Lisa asked Natalie, who had taken Carol’s job at the bookstore, if she had ever been married, Natalie took a long time to answer no.


John Dixon had a bone graft on his ankle. The prognosis was good, but his wife Kim broke down, afraid to get her hopes up again. John sent Dan to comfort her and Jen saw them and realized there was something between them. Betsy planned a surprise party for her “cousin” Emmy. Kim and Susan agreed to attend. Susan had been missing work lately dur to her drinking. Several times, Mark Galloway walked out on her because of her drunkenness and lies. The day of the party, Dan reminded Susan of it. She arrived early, drunk, and made a shambles of the decorations and frightened Betsy. Kim took her home and ran into Chris Hughes in the hall. Dan visited Susan after the party, urging her to pull herself together because only she could do it. David told Dan he couldn’t cover for Susan anymore when Susan missed a skin graft. Kim asked John to speak with Susan. John told Kim that when Susan lost Emmy, she lost her last hold on Dan and that was killing her. John confronted Susan with the same idea – she no longer had Dan to love or to hate. John had more tests that showed the bone graft was taking. Overwhelmed it was almost over, Kim cried, then finally allowed Dan to kiss her. Susan returned to Dan’s office to retrieve papers. Seeing Dan and Kim kissing so unnerved her she couldn’t recall what she was doing from minute to minute. Jay Stallings “rescued” her from a bar.


Joyce Coleman, after seeing a list of the prosecution’s witnesses and denying she knew any of the names unfamiliar to Grant, called Chris Hughes. She bound him to the lawyer-client secrecy pact, then told hm things that would damage Grant’s case, but refused to tell Grant or let Chris tell him. In a moral dilemma, Chris consulted with Pa as to what to do, deciding he had to honor his word. Despite reassurances to the contrary, Joyce felt Lisa wanted to testify against her to hurt her. Lisa pleased with Dick Martin not to call her but he insisted he needed her testimony. Pa deduces from information from Nancy, who learned from Kim that she saw Chris outside Joyce’s apartment, that Joyce was the client Chris was worried about. Dick Martin used Lisa’s testimony, that Joyce still loved Grant and had hopes of winning him back, to establish motive. Grant had no choice but to try to discredit Lisa’s testimony in order to help Joyce. His efforts failed. The prosecution called Dolores Grave from San Francisco. Grant asked Joyce if she knew Dolores. Joyce said no, but as Dolores began to testify, Joyce panicked, said she did know her and asked Grant to stop the trial. Grant asked for a recess. When court reconvened, Lisa observed that Grant looked stunned. He sad impassively through Dolores Grove’s testimony that Joyce and Greg Paget, the man Joyce killed, had been having a hot affair for 2 years before Grant and Joyce broke up, and Joyce had asked Dolores to keep it all secret so she could get a big settlement. Grant didn’t cross-examine and disappeared after court, driving Lisa frantic. In his search for Grant, Tom Hughes went to Joyce’s where he told her, when asked, that he would quit her case. Joyce said Grant was her only hope.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: Betty Corday


Beginning on Monday, April 21st, the soap expanded to one hour, airing from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.


Determined to learn once and for all what hold her stepfather, Jack Clayton, had on her mother, Jeri, Trish goaded Jack calling him a wife beater until, furious, he called her a tramp just like her mother, handed her a clipping and walked out. She opened it and found Jeri’s picture and a story of her arrest for soliciting a vice cop. When Mike later returned to the apartment he platonically shared with Trish, he found her unable to speak, obviously in shock. He called his mother, Dr. Laura Horton, and his stepfather, Dr. Bill Horton, who rushed over and treated Trish. They called Jeri who went to wait for Trish to wake up. Mike meanwhile made disaparaging remarks to Laura and Bill about Jeri’s past. They tried to warn him not to prejudge people but he made it clar that Laura, unlike Jeri, would never fall off her pedestal. Laura and Bill said nothing but inwardly realized what would happen if Mike learned that Bill, not Laura’s first husband, Mickey, Bill’s brother, was Michael’s naturel father. When Trish awoke, Jeri tried to explain that she worked as a call girl for 3 months when Trish was an infant and Jeri, broke and sick, had no way to support her child and feared welfare would take her. Trish, bitter and disillusioned, made cutting remarks and told Jeri to leave her alone. Jack later went to the diner where Trish worked to plead Jeri’s case but Trish taunted him and refused to listen. Michael walked in and ordered Jack to stay away from Trish. Jack hit him and they fought on the floor. Trish became hysterical. Trish later rushed Mike, unconscious, to the clinic where he was found to have a concussion in the same area of his brain where he was hurt when hit by a truck several years ago.


Realizing Jeri’s planting a showdown with Jack, Laura went to Jeri’s apartment and refused to leave when Jack arrived. Laura warned Jack to pack and leave but he tried to explain Trish needled him into telling her. Jeri, livid, refused to listen and ordered him out. Trish told Jeri about the fight but made it clear she would rather not have Jeri at the hospital where the Hortons would be. Alice Horton, Michael’s grandmother, couldn’t make Trish see she had to have compassion for her mother, but Julie Anderson, Michael’s cousin, told her Jeri was about to tell her the truth herself and explained that she and her own mother Addie were estranged for many years until just before Addie’s death and she regretted the years they lost.


Mickey Horton, who had been suffering from amnesia and was known as Marty Hansen, learned of Mike’s accident and recalled Mike’s previous head injury. Realizing he had another memory from the past upset him badly and he told his wife Maggie, in the hospital doing therapy to regain the use of her legs, that he wanted to go back to their farm in Brookville where strangers didn’t make so many demands on them. From the fragments of memory he had, Marty blamed himself for Michael’s previous accident until Alice explained Michael saw Bill and Laura together and realized that was why she wanted the divorce. Crying, the boy ran into the street and was hit by a truck. Marty felt he had to understand Mickey and Laura’s marriage to figure out if his father Tom could be right when he asked if subconsciously Marty wanted Maggie to remain weak and dependent on him. Michael however passed the crisis and regained consciousness. Marty told Mike he realized when he heard about the accident that he cared about him as his son and hoped it was not too late. Michael answered it was not.


Jack came late at night to Trish’s apartment insisting he had to talk to her. She phoned Bill for help and he soon arrived, acidly telling Jack that Mike was okay but that he was taking Trish away so she wouldn’t be alone until Mike returned. Bill brought Trish to his father’s house and Alice assured Trish she was home. Tom, realizing Trish could easily believe that all men were like Jack, tried to explain that her lack of affection in her home during her childhood and Jack’s subconscious feared that Trish could turn out “like mother, like daughter” had deprived her of normal healthy affection and therefore explained her suspicions of Jack’s sudden affection and concern as she was a grown woman. This was why he terrified her. He tried to convince her not to fear all men, as not all men were not like Jack.


When Jack went to the diner and appealed to Trish, saying he loved Jeri and wanted her back, Trish answered he didn’t know what love was or what a family was, but added she was partially responsible because she always resented him. Jack then went to Mike’s hospital room and apologized, trying to explain that it was all his fault. Mike tried to be compassionate and when Tom met Jack there he gave him a chance to meet the situation with respect, suggesting he was willing to give Jack credit for an attempt to be responsible and mature about this and make sure no future incidents occurred.


Jim Phillips, who was running Mickey’s law office since Mickey’s amnesia, was stunned to find his ex-wife, Linda Patterson Phillips was in town. Linda told Jim she had grown up since the divorce and was planning to move to Salem so Jim could see his daughter, Melissa, who deserved to have both parents. Linda asked if Mickey had been located. Jim replied for all legal intents and purposes that Mickey was dead. Linda was therefore stunned to learn that Mickey was alive as Marty Hansen. When Linda was Mickey’s secretary, Mickey mistakenly believed Laura and Bill were having an affair and he subsequently had an affair with Linda. Linda hurried to the hospital to get a look at the new Mrs. Mickey Horton and introduced herself to Mickey explaining who she was and made it clear they had more than an affair, that he had asked her to marry himn, that she thought the child she was carrying was his, and that she only married Jim when she discovered Jim was the father. She added she had returned to Salem as all children had should know who they really belonged to. When Linda then ran into Laura, Linda asked if Marty knew that Michael was his son or didn’t Laura tell him yet. Jim made it clear to Linda that her decision to stay in Salem annoyed him because of her motives. He accused her of still being in love with Mickey. Linda insisted that she had no motives regarding Mickey and that he, Jim, still had the same anger and jealousy toward Mickey that destroyed their marriage. However Linda, who obviously still loved Mickey, encouraged him to turn to her for information about his past which annoyed Laura and Bill greatly. Marty was upset to realize he was remembering bits and pieces of the affair.


Amanda Howard visited Greg Peters’ office to apologize and he apologized too. She admitted her declaration to become a tramp was to spite her fiancé, Dr. Neil Curtis, and she realized it was dump. Deciding to channel her efforts constructively, Amanda began working at the clinic. She accepts a dinner date with Eric Peters, Greg’s brother, to celebrate her job and they ran into Greg and his wife, Susan. Susan was very resentful to learn that Greg forgot to tell her Amanda was working at the clinic as Susan herself funded this clinic. Over dinner, Susan admitted to Greg she might indeed need psychiatric help for her jealousy of Amanda and over her obsession with baby Ann. But as she laid her feelings open to him she realized he was looking past her, at Amanda, and hadn’t heard a word she had said. When Eric took Amanda home he explained his novel “In My Brother’s Shadow” meant just that, it was largely autobiographical. And as he was leaving, Eric told her one night soon he would ask to stay and he hoped she would say yes. Amanda was somewhat taken aback by his honesty. Susan saw Laura and at her suggestion returned to work at the clinic. She walked into Greg’s office to find him comforting a distraught Amanda following an accidental meeting with Neil and was stunned to see what affect Neil had on Amanda  whom Susan had only seen under the best circumstances. Susan told Greg she could begin to understand why he rushed to Amanda every time she called during during the past turbulent months. When Susan told Eric about Greg’s preoccupation with Amanda, Eric replied Amanda was not a husband stealer, if she and Greg weren’t making it, she shouldn’t use Amanda as an excuse.


Neil, meanwhile, near financial ruin due to disastrous investments, had decided his only out was marriage to Phyllis Anderson and her generous divorce settlement. However, learning from Phyllis that Julie was divorcing Bob, Phyllis’ ex, and Phyllis has had hopes of remarriage to Bob, Neil he had to reconcile Bob and Julie to clear the way with Phyllis. He therefore ignored medical ethics – he was Julie’s doctor – and told Doug Williams whom he had guessed Julie intended to marry that Julie was pregnant with Bob’s child and was planning an abortion. As Neil had assumed he would, Doug broke with Julie telling her their relationship wouldn’t work, suggesting she return to her husband. This devastated Julie. She had placed all her trust in their love. She confronted him again insisting he couldn’t mean it, but convinced Julie had to not have this abortion for her sake, he insisted that he didn’t mean it, that he did not love her, which tore her apart. Sure Doug did not know about her pregnancy, Julie could only surmise that the memory of her mother Addie who was married to Doug until her death the previous year was still the factor between them. Feeling abandoned and alone, Julie was bruised further when Phyllis spoke glowingly of the future she and Bob would have and flaunted the shop lease for the boutique she planned to open, exclaiming it was a gift from Bob. Julie finally exploded when Phyllis flaunted her other woman status, coldly announcing that she, Julie, was never the other woman during Bob’s marriage to Phyllis. Learning that Julie was still going ahead with he abortion, Neil took the only available step; he told Bob that Julie was pregnant. Bob therefore sought Julie out and asked her not to do anything to make it impossible for a reconciliation. He told Julie he loved her more than ever. Julie admitted she needed someone but wouldn’t trap him by saying it was him. Julie well realized that she would have emotional problems as a result of the abortion but had decided it was the only way out. Ironically, the nights before her scheduled surgery, Doug wondered if he should go to Julie and told her he wanted her and the child. But when he called her lake house, there was no answer. She was staying at her grandmother Alice’s.


Julie checked into Doctor’s Hospital in despair of loneliness and emptiness. Alice arrived to be with her giving her comfort. But Julie couldn’t believe Alice’s assurances that there would be other babies with the man she loved. Doug, suddenly realizing that he had driven Julie to this by omission, rushed to Salem Hospital to claim her and her child only to find she was at Doctor’s Hospital Neil, perhaps suffering pangs of conscience, speeded Doug to Julie and called to delay the surgery realizing he might have blown his chance if Julie got Doug, Phyllis would get Bob. Bob, meanwhile, learning Julie was going through with the surgery was cheered by Phyllis’ surprise visit and told her he wondered if their divorce wasn’t a big mistake. As Doug arrived, Dr. Turner told him that Julie must have had changed her mind – she had disappeared from the room. Julie had gone to to Alice’s where she held her half-sister, Hope, Doug’s daughter. She told her grandmother she remembered how much her mother sacrificed to have this baby. Julie then met with Bob telling him she was pregnant and realized she should have told him as soon as she found out. She then asked for the reconciliation he suggested. Julie was stunned when Bob coldly asked if it was a reconciliation she wanted or a father for her child, pointedly implying he had doubts if the child was his. Julie, hurt to the core, assured him there was no possibility the child was not his and he realized she was telling the truth. He asked for time to think and she returned home.


Bob arrived for a previously arranged dinner at Phyllis’ unaware she was sure he was going to commit himself to a future with her. When Bob told Phyllis he was reconciling with Julie, she put on a brave front insisting she was happy for him but upon learning Julie was pregnant, Phyllis was devastated. Hastening his departure, Phyllis, alone, softly said: “Maybe Julie will give you the son you had always wanted Bob,” before she collapsed in wracking sobs.


Doug realizing Julie was probably back with Bob proceeded to get drunk requiring Bill to escort him from Doug’s Place before the customers noticed. Doug poured it out to Bill asking why he and Julie always had to be punished.


Bob meanwhile returned home telling Julie he wanted her back on any terms, he had never stopped wanting her. He added he wanted the baby because of her and he had always wanted a son. Julie promised she would try to make him happy. Neil, learning the latest, showed up on Phyllis’s doorstep to console her.


The Doctors


Written by: Eileen & Robert Mason Pollock

Produced by: Joseph Stuart


The first anniversary of Michael’s death at sea while working as ship’s surgeon on the Pacific Queen dredged up painful memoried for Toni Stewart. Dr. Alan Stewart sympathetically comforted his new bride over the loss of her former husband, the father of her baby son. The baby, after surviving the horrendous ordeal of Toni’s toxemia pregnancy, was delivered prematurely and named for Mike. Biter accusations flared when 13 year old Greta Powers, Mike’s step-sister, stubbornly refused to continue psychotherapy and persisted in her conviction that her brother’s spirit was still alive in another man’s body because of a brief meeting in the hospital with a limping stranger who spoke to her with a voice exactly like her dead brother’s – Mike’s face was totally destroyed by the ship explostion and he was reluctant to notify his family because he feared the disfigurement would be permanent. Dr. Lee Chaing, assisted by the devoted British nurse Dawn Eddington, performed successful facial restorations giving Mike both a new face, and a new lease on life. Mike pleased with his new face, made the long journey home to tell Toni and his parents, Drs. Matt and Maggie Powers, of his remarkable escape only to find Toni on the verge of marrying his cousin Alan. Believing Tony no longer loved him, Mike, like in the poem of Tennyson’s about a self-sacrificing seamon, “Enoch Ardon”, returned to Singapore, just missing Greta’s attempt to trace him down at the Madison Hotel. – Rev. Joe Turner, accompanied by Maggie to prove to her distraught daughter once and for all that Mike didn’t stay at the hotel on November 15th, found out form the regular check that he wasn’t the one of duty that day because of illness. A barman who no longer worked for the hotel registered a man using Mike’s name including his medical title and the address where he and Toni had formerly lived! Everyone was stunned by this eerie turn of events. Alan fearing he might lose Toni to a phantom, finally tracked down the elusive barman and learned that the mysterious man didn’t resemble Matt’s photo of Mike, but he did have something to do with the sea, and somehow must have known about Toni’s plans to remarry because of his references to “Enoch Ardon.”


Mike, recently returned from a medial trip to the countryside near Singapore, proclaimed his new found love for Dawn. His dreams of finally finding happiness with Dawn were suddenly shattered when Capt. Zeb, Mike’s former superior officer on the ill-fated ship, arrived for a social visit with his old friend, Dr. Chaing. Capt. Zeb, finally convinced that the stranger before him was really Mike, told Mike of Toni’s delayed remarriage. More importantly, he told Mike that he was the father of a son. Mike reassured Dawn that his love for her hadn’t changed, but he was impatient to gain legal guardianship of his son, and considered lawyer Jeremy Hobson’s advice to go back to Toni and confront her with the bargain on a legal divorce so she could remarry Alan in trade for his custody of his son.


Rex Everlee, faith-healer, continued to undermine Dr. Althea Davis’ attempts to diagnose and cure the dangerously ill Iris Fontenye, whom she and Dr. Tom Barrett rescued and hospitalized when Iris collapsed at the posh Chanticler Room. After extensive testing, Matt discovered an undiagnosed case of TB, contracted in Africa while Iris lived there with her late husband, Brandon. Iris had been left with a critically restricted blood flow which could only be restored surgically by chipping away the calcium deposits from the lining of the heart.  Terrified by an unusual fear of dying under anesthesia, Iris refused the life saving operation. Althea, determined to save Iris’ life, pleaded with Everlee, Iris’ finace, to help persuade Iris to allow Matt to operate, but Everlee’s hostile attitude toward the medical profession flared and he knowledgeably pointed out the riskes of such an operation. Everlee forced Althea to release Iris, which exarcebated Althea’s fears for Iris’s survival. Suddenly, it all became clear to Althea. Everlee must have been a medial doctor at one time, and he actually desired Iris’ death to gain control of her fortunes for his own greedy purposes. Althea quarrelled and ended her friendship with Tom when she insisted she alone would discover where Everlee was licensed so she could prove conclusively Everlee’s evil deception and break his murderous spell over Iris. Picking up on a medical cliché Rex used, Althea began to concentrate of Miseracordia hospitals and found Rex was dismissed as an intern for selling drugs in the early 50s’. Armed with his, Althea went to Iris’ where she found Rex packing for Africa. He told Althea that Iris wasn’t there, but she was resting n the bedroom and heard Althea’s revelation of Rex’s background. As Rex too Althea out to the mountain cabin where he said Iris was resting, Iris struggled to reach them and couldn’t but managed to get the operator on the phone before fainting. She was rescued, but, unconscious, she was unable to warn anyone of Althea’s danger. At the cabin, Rex tied Althea and started a fire in the basement. Tom, having finally got the warning from Iris, burst in and rescued Althea after knocking Rex down. Tom took Althea to his apartment because she had lost her keys and joyfully agreed to let her spend the night. Her smokey clothes caused restlessness, so Tom undressed the sedated Althea and put her in his bed. In the morning, Althea asked what happened and was chagrined when Tom gave only accounts of his rescue of her. She finally asked if he was avoiding discussing it because she made love so badly. Angry she could think he would take advantage of her, Tom told her they would be together, but when it was right and not before.


Carolee visited Baldwin College just in time to prevent the vulnerable Stacy Wells, Steve’s step-nieve, from taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Warm-harted Carolee won the confidence of the troubled student and learned her art teacher, Peter Terrell, beguiled and decied the innocent girl until he was finally exposed by his long-suffering, but devoted wife, Linda, who had been through these little flings with her errant husband many times before. Carolee convinced Stacy to arrange a transfer to live with them temporarily. Carolee introduced Stacy to Andy Anderson. While Carolee was out of town, Karen seized the opportunity to become closer her young son, Erich, furthering her plan to finally tell him she was his real mother.


Dr. Jim Clayburn told Ann Larimer that her tests showed her lungs hadn’t improved, but she might return to the East and her practice provided she took it easy. Ann chaffed at the iead of slowing down and her doubts about Nick returned as she wondered why he wanted her and not a complete woman. She told Nick she refused to accept life on someone else’s terms and returned his ring, stunning Nick.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


Mike Karr and his law partner Adam Drake, accepting a difficult plagiarism suit against Capitol City Adelphi Publishers, found valuable help in ending the case from Serena Faraday. Adam, curious about Serena, cousin of his deceased wife Nicole, was caught between Serena and her husband Mark’s personal problems resulting from their recent acrimonious divorce. Mark explained his ambivalent feelings for the woman who gained custody of their son. Serena secretive about her early vagabond life as a child appeared to be privately tormented and reluctant to become too friendly with Adam. Adam returned home after wrapping up the law suit expecting never to hear from either Faraday again only to discover Mark had sent him Serena’s oil portrait for a gift and a distraught Serena phoned pleading for Adam’s much needed help because Mark had virtually kidnapped their son Timmy from his boarding school and refused to relinquish the 7 year old to Serena. Mark charged Serena openly of being an unfit mother because of repeated affairs, which she vehemently denied, and accused Adam of being blind to the type of woman she was because Adam had fallen in love with her.


Dr. Quentin Henderson set up his psychiatric practice with the assistance of his newly hired secretary Phoebe Smith and his sister, Brandy, the Assistant D.A. Quentin showed more than brotherly concern for Brandy’s depressed state since her breakup with Adam. Phoebe was delighted when she and Kevin Jamison, recently returned from his European journalism trip, set their wedding date for June 6, the 3 month deadline Phoebe had promised Geraldine Whitney she would waig because of the threat to disinherit Kevin. Geraldine showed interest in the fact that Phoebe’s new employer was young, handsome and single.


The crite rate still soared in Monticello even with Morlock’s capture and the police feared they hadn’t got the hidden man at the top. Unspected syndicate leader, Walter LePage had to answer to his superiors for Johnny Dallas’, once a part of the mob, undercover spying for the police. Kincaid, sent by the mob, checked on John at the New Moon Café and warned him his “business partner” would not tolerate further police association. John, puzzled by a slip of the tongue made by LePage, wondered why he later denied telling John that son-in-law Vic Lamont, killed while saving John(s life, had mentioned John‘s undercover work before it became public knowledge.


Laurie Dallas was depressed when she miscarried her baby. She worried everyone when she couldn’t cry and claimed she had killed Vic twice since she felt completely at fault over his tragic death and for losing the child they were to name for him.


Tiffany Whitney Douglas and her new husband returned early from their 2 week honeymoon because of Noel’s pressing business affairs. Unknown to Tiffany, Noel who had control of her considerable fortune set Tracy Dallas in a luxury apartment for his private entertainment. Tracy who had quit her waitress job at the New Moon lied about having a new high paying fashion job making Danny Michelli fear he might be losing her permanently to this glamorous new life.


General Hospital


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Jim Hobart relieved his foggy memories of that fateful night Phil Brewer was murdered and recalled everything. He found Phil dead. Someone else, not the imprisoned Diana Taylor came to that office between the time Peter Taylor quarrelled with Phil and Jim’s visit which was before Diana discovered the body. Jim pictured another person who went the corridor – Augusta McLeod ! When lawyer Lee Baldwin discouvered that Augusta didn’t answer a patient’s call twice, as she claimed, but only once, which made Augusta’s alibi questionable, the pieces fell into place. After an unsuccessful attempt by Lesley Williams to draw out Augusta, Peter, who was the secret father of the child Augusta was carrying, pressured the already overwrought woman into a confession. She killed Phil in self-defense because she feared his vicious blows might harm her baby. As Phil laid dead, Augusta removed and later destroyed the incriminating letter she sent Phil which lured Phil back from Nairobi, Kenya. The letter Augusta secretly penned to Phil, who was working in the jungles of Africa, told of Peter and Diana’s divorce proceedings and that Diana was on her own. AS further enticement, Augusta described how adorable little Martha, Phil’s natural daughter, had become, in hopes that if Phil returned, he would win Diana’s affections and permanently remove Augusta’s competition for Peter’s love. Phil, aware that baby Martha was his child and not Diana’s husband Peter’s, had a will drawn up naming Martha as his sole beneficiary. After Augusta was arrested, Jane Dawson decided to stand by her friend, despite the fact that Augusta was scorned by all who despised the anguish she put Jessie Brewer and Diana through.


Audrey Hobart agreed to Lee’s offer to arrange a private AL-ANON meeting in his home where she learned that she had to accept the reality that she couldn’t alter her husband’s drinking problem – only he could. The meeting proved to be a great solace to the deeply troubled woman. A rapidly deteriorating Jim, once a highly respected cardiac surgeon, found it necessary to pawn personal items in order to buy drinks.


Joe Stratton’s physical checkup disclosed, what he already feared, an irregularity in his heart beat. Because of definite hereditary factors, Joel feared for his future. When divorcee Margaret Colson, a former girlfriend from Boston, arrived to assume the duties of assistant hospital administrator, she made several overt attempts towards Joel to rekindle their relationship. He scorned her overtures telling her what they had was never that serious. Lesley, having forced Cameron Faulkner to destroy all of his investigation records about Joel, was upset that Cameron appeared to know more about Margaret and Joel that just a simple introduction would have disclosed. Lesley, deeply in love, believed Joel was close to making a life-long commitment. Joel examined and dismissed a patient, Salvadore Piazzara, complaining of chest pains as possible indigestion after preliminary tests completed were negative. Pizzara was later rushed back to the hospital with a fatal heart seizure and his hysterical wife blamed Joel for not having done everything he could have to save her husband.


Kira Faulkner confided in Steve Hardy about the tragic loss of their third child at birth while her husband Cameron was philandering. Steve, drawn to the attractive newscaster, proposed marriage to Kira in the TV studio.


The Guiding Light


Written by: Robert Cenedella

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


Peggy Fletcher hesitantly accepted a dinner invitation from Tim Ryan when he pointed out they had both come through the mill and should celebrate together. Peggy’s divorce from John Fletcher had just been granted and Tim had narrowly avoided dismissal from Cedars Hospital as a result of disobeying direct orders in the case of Pam Chandler’s delivery. Peggy’s son, Billy, who resented her for no longer dating Roger Thorpe, was abrupt and rude to Tim who assured Peggy he didn’t resent this as he and Peggy were dating because they both had problems; not because they were looking for romantic involvement. Reliazing Billy felt excluded as Roger always made such a fuss over him, Peggy promised him that her friends would always be his friends too. When Roger accidentally ran into Billy he tried to assure him he still cared about him but had to tell Billy there was nothing he could do about Peggy’s new friend, Dr. Ryan. Roger however confronted Peggy about Tim and she angrily replied he had no right to an opinion on whom she saw. He insisted he loved her. Peggy later admitted to Leslie she didn’t mean it inside when she told Roger he was out of her life and she was sure he knew it – Peggy broke with Roger when he inadvertently put her life and Billy’s in danger by becoming involved with loan sharks.


Tim thanked Pam for caring enough to testify at his hearing but told her he felts this cloused the issue – he wanted the case judged on its own merit. Pam was upset to see Tim resented the 6 month probation and begged him to bend a little and accept the rule reminding him that he had given her the most wonderful gift of her life by saving her baby Samantha. She added the rose colored glasses were off. She was aware of the responsibility of being a parent alone. Samantha was finally released from the premature nursery and Pam at last got to hold her child. While Tim and Pam apparently and consciously believed their relationship was a cordial doctor-patient relationship, Tim’s roommate insisted that Tim was emotionally involved with Pam which Tim adamantly denied and Pam was taken aback when Leslie Bauer commented that Pam got a funny look on her face when she talked about Tom, similar to the look Peggy got when she talked about Roger.


Upon learning that his wife Holly’s brother, Ken Norris, had attempted suicide, Ed Bauer cut short his San Francisco trip and rushed home to Holly’s side. He was elater that their marriage which appeared hopeless only a few months ago suddenly seemed to have a solid foundation enhanced by Holly’s pregnancy. Ed was totally unaware that Roger, not he, was the father of Holly’s expected child and that during his recent absence, Holly tried again to pick up the pieces of her relationship with Roger. Roger however was still deeply in love with Peggy and while indebted to Holly for the money with which he paid off the loan sharks was determined not to resume the relationship with her.


Sara McIntyre Werne was deeply afraid she had subjected young T.J. to yet another rejection by pressing him to leave the hospital with the Coopers to whom he had been assigned as a foster child. Found by the police in an abandoned building and brought to Cedars for treatment of malnutrition and ulcerated legs, T.J. had admitted to being emotionally battered by his mother and eventually abandoned by her. Upset by T.J.’s withdrawn manner when he left with the Coopers, Sara arranged to visit him and his attitude was totally defeated and noncommunicative. Sara tried to convince him to give it time but was shocked when social worker Louise Johnson later called her to say T.J. never returned from school and was missing. Sara believed the failure was totally hers.


Ken was elated, sure his carefully conceived plan to compel his estranged wife Janet to take him back was proceeding on course. His meticulously arranged “suicide attempt” was discovered and accepted just as he knew it would be and home again at his mother Barbara and her husband Adam Thorpe’s home, his refusal to see Janet coupled with carefully placed remarks implying her refusal had made his life not worth living had planted the ompression he intended and Janet indeed was feeling quite guilty. Ken who was concealing the recovery of his vision feeling that the belief he was still totally blind was another point in his favor refused to allow Ed to examine him for fear Ed could see the difference in his eyes. At first Ken refused to see Janet feeling she should stew a little longer and dwell in her guilt and he visualized her begging for forgiveness so he could magnanimously take her back. However when Janet saw Ken, she told him she was sorry and wanted to help but made it clear she couldn’t take him back. Furious he ordered her out and never to come back causing her to leave in tears. Ed meanwhile had been waiting to examine Ken and seeing Janet run out and hearing Ken’s yelling went to her to comfort her and assist her to the living room unaware that Ken in the doorway could see him walking out with janet. This was the last straw for Ken who had never been able to overcome his neurotic jealousy of the relationship Ed and Janet had before Janet’s marriage to Ken and Ed’s marriage to Holly. Convinced suddenly that his blindess had given Ed and Janet an opportunity to resume their affair, Ken during the night slipped out of the window and was hiding out at a cheap motel. Barbara and Holly were convinced Ken would try suicide again and the police were called in and they were baffled how a blind man could steal away so silently and vanish without a trace. Trey did after several days decide that if he had done this to kill himself they would have found his body. Ken meanwhile had got a gun in trade for his watch and ring int the pawn shop and was determined to have a confrontation with Ed, accuse him of having an affair with Janet and kill him. He therefore waited outside Janet’s apartment building for Janet and Ed to arrive. Ironically, Janet had fainted at her desk at the hospital and, unable to reach Steve, the duty nurse had called Ed to take Janet home. Ken followed them to the door of Janet’s apartement. Ken steps into view proclaiming his ability to see and made his accusations. As Ed stepped forward to reason with him, Ken shot Ed in the chest. Ed and Janet were rushed to Cedars. After calling the Bauers and the Thorpes, Janet collapsed and was sedated. Ed, with massive internal bleeding, was critical and Joe Warner rushed him to surgery. Joe was horrified to see Ed’s pulmonary vein had been severed and the surgical team’s efforts to stop the bleeding weren’t working. As the worked feverishly over him, Ed’s blood pressude continued to fall and they knew he was dying.


How To Survive A Marriage


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Peter Engel


Larry Kirby arrived home from work to find Chris drunk and Lori with a serious cut on her hand. He refused to let Chris accompany them to the hospital. Max Cooper whom Chris had had presence of mind to call after the accident arrived with Maria McGhee in tow. Chris realized, as she sobered up, that she might have done irreparable harm to her relationship with Larry and Lori. Maria informed Chris that Larry had been helping her, not playing around with Sandra and Chris’ negativism and selfishness drove Larry away. Chris agreed. Afraid to go home, Lori persuaded Larry to take her Monica’s to recuperate. After Monica became aware of the whole situation, she invited Larry to stay, too. Larry called Chris to tell her where they were and that he was not coming own – she was on her own. When Chris told Fran the story, hoping for sympathy Fran told her all her actions belied her many words about loving her family, and the only way to win back her family was to do something. Larry, meanwhile, was making plans to raise Lori alone. Chris asked Joan and Max for advice, but was told if she really loved her family, she would figure it out. Chris went to Monica to retrieve Lori and was devastated when Lori ran from her, screaming, and locked herself in a room, calling for Larry. In a state of shock, Chris wandered into Noah’s Ark for a drink, but when she picked up the glass, she couldn’t drink it. She stumbled into Joan’s where Max was visiting. He sedated her. Larry told Joan that he and Lori could never trust Chris again. At work the following morning, Chris told Mac she’d had it with herself and blakmed herself for the alienation of Larry and Lori. Max offered no sympathy. Chris admitted to Max she used her job as his receptionist as an insurance police and enjoyed holding it over Larry’s head as a constant warning and irritant. Monica found Larry still loved Chris and realized Chris was very lucky. Monica said she was aware of her responsibility in Chris’ dilemma and asked to help with Lori. Larry sensed her sincerity and agreed. Chris set up appointments with employment agencies, quit her job and was on her way to being able to reenter their lives. They were pleased.


Joan was enormously relieved and excited to find Joyelle had passed all her tests and could lead a thoroughly normal life.


When Maria McGhee realized the $100 tip Johnny received the day after Christmas was counterfeit because it had the next serial number after the bill in the blowup of Johnny and the man he accidentally killed in self-defense, she went to Johnny and learned the location of the warehouse where Johnny went. Max forbade Maria to locate the building. They waited for Peter to return from a business trip to figure out how to let the police in on it all. When Peter’s plane was late and he also got tied up in traffic, Maria decided to go on her own. Sandra, who sneaked out with Maria, had a plan to seduce Jerry Nelson into telling them what they wanted. On their way to the warehouse, Sandra stopped by Noah’s Ark and quit, infuriating J.B. She asked J.B. to tell Max, if he called, she had a job on the South Side. When J.B. called Jerry to warn him things were not going well, Jerry replied there was nothing to connect him to the murder and counterfeiting and hung up. Sandra walked in and managed to turn Jerry on, but as she tried to cool it, to get out and call the police, Maria walked in. Afraid for Maria, Sandra showed Jerry the counterfeit bill and demanded to be let in on the scheme. He was suspicious, so they told him the had friends outside, but that as all he needed to become really suspicious and he pulled a gun. After Maria and Sandra disappeared from Joan’s, Max called J.B. and got Sandra’s stange message for Bowling giving the location of the warehouse. Sandra and Maria confirmed Jerry’s part in the counterfeiting scheme, even causing him to show them the counterfeit plates. Sandra told Jerry she and Maria left Noah’s Ark as J.B.  was spilling to the cops. Jerry called J.B. as Lt. Bowling was there to try to find Max. Jerry thought J.B.’s weird answers confirmed their story, but at that moment Max arrived and in his concern afor Maria he used her last name. As Jerry was about to shoot, Sandra moved in front of Maria and said no matter who he shot first, either she or Max would get him. Bowling came in. Sandra clued him in about what they had got so far. Bowling said J.B. was spilling his guts, saying Jerry killed the dead man, not Johnny. To defend himself, Jerry told the true story – Johnny killed the man in self-defense and J.B. took the knife and planted the photo. Again Jerry called J.B. who hung up on him and prepared to leave, but Bowling had planted a man there who detained him. With his easy-going manner and a promise of a deal, Bowling got the gun from Jerry. As Johnny was being released the following morning, J.B. was put in the same cell. J.B. gave Johnny the deed to Noah’s Ark, partly to ease his way with the judge and to ease his conscience. J.B. finally convinced Johnny to accept the deed and Johnny decided to keep Noah’s Ark.


The soap last aired on Friday, April 18th.


Love Of Life


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer / Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Jean Arley


Cal Aleata had decided to take Rick Latimer up on his offer to let her rent the granary so that David Hart, mental patient under Dr. Bryson’s care since he shot his father, would have a home after he was released. Meg Hart had asked Rick to offer Cal the granary hoping it would keep Meg’s sister, Van, from influencing her, but her plan backfried when Rick took an interest in Cal’s welfare as she was living alone just up the road from the Club Victoria. A jealous Meg visited David changing her plan of trying to keep David and Cal separated telling David how depressed, lonely and under stress Cal was with him in the hospital. David told Dr. Bryson he was well enough to leave and Cal needed him, but when Dr. Bryson disagreed, David asked Meg for help. Meg called David from Jamie Rollins’ law office to let him know that legally he could leave since he entered voluntarily saying he should “sleep on it since Cal wouldn’t desert him overnight,” but not saying he should have his doctor’s consent. When David confronted Dr. Bryson with his “rights” he was remined that he made a commitment. Anguished David called the granary but when Rick answered because Cal was busy, David became distressed and began packing. The nurse tried to dissuade him and went to get Dr. Bryson, but when they returned David had already gone. David got to the granary just as Cal was telling Rick how terrific he was and he accused Cal of not loving him anymore since she tried to convince he should go back to the hospital until he was well when she found out he wasn’t released. Dr. Bryson said it wasn’t fair to either of them for David to be an out-patient at this time, but David insisted that he had to fight for Cal and would just walk out if she wouldn’t let him stay at the granary. Because Meg was so jealous, she told David that he had to show everyone he was capable of getting well. Van talked to Cal and then Jamie about committing David since he seemed worse if this was the only way. David found out that Cal was only paying $125 rent and when she insisted that Rick wouldn’t take more because he only wanted good tenants who would care for the granary. David claimed she didn’t love him.


Diana Lamont and Jamie Rollins moved to a new apartment and Jamie gave her an antique cradle to assure her that he was not against her having his baby before they were able to get married. Vivian Carlson, pillar of the community, asked Jamie to be the counsellor for the Parks Commission unless the rumor that he was living with Diana was true. When he said they were, Vivian also criticized Bruce for appointing Diana Director of Child and Family Service. Diana told Bruce that if it would be better for the Service, she would give up the post, but Bruce and Van agreed she was right for it. Vivan was upset that Bruce had escorted Diana to the luncheon where her appointment was announced and was going to make sure that the public knew about Diana’s private life since the service was supported by public funds. Henry Carlson also approached Bruce about taking back Diana’s appointment, but Bruce stood firm because he felt he made the right decision.


Van’s mother, Sarah, was upset with her when Van admitted she was jealous of Diana since she rarely saw Bruce as he was mayor and she had no fulfilling job.


After talking to Bruce about his feelings for Felicia Fleming, Charles Lamont told Felicia he would discontinue their relationship if she refused to get professional help even though he might lose her because Dr. Bryson might feel their relationship destructive, since he couldn’t provide the help she needed. Felicia promised Dr. Bryson she would not run away from therapy this time. Johnny, Charles’ orphaned grandson, witnessed the touching scene when Felicia told Charles and was upset at the prospect of his grandfather marrying his teacher. In therapy, Felicia told Dr. Bryson that Charles was becoming demanding as her father was and this made her angry because she always gave in to make them happy. She finally admitted she sat by and watched her father die. Dr. Bryson made more time for Felicia because he felt she was in serious trouble. Awakening from a nightmare in which she sat and watched a man drown while Dr. Bryson told her she could help, Felicia called Charles who brought strawberries and sympathy to soothe her. While discussing reluctantly with Charles her nightmare, she discovered that the man was her father but he sometimes had Charles’ face. She was terrified that something would happen to Charles even though he assured her it was only a nightmare.


Betsy Crawford and Ben started to make wedding plans even though he had promised Arlene, his secret wife, that he would come by her apartment, he spent the time with Betsy. Arlene was mad at being stood up that Ben took the afternoon off to spend with her, but Meg had seen them in a heated discussion and being suspicious anyhow decided to visit Arlene, catching Ben inside the apartment. Ben retreated to the bathroom and Arlene admitted Meg who inspected the closets and tried to take her mind off the searching by talking about how badly Meg had treated her. Arlene was frantic when Meg decided to check the bathroom and couldn’t believe her eyes when they found it empty. Ben then appeared at they front door saying he had come to store Arlene’s trunks as promised after visiting a tennis pro in the building knowing Meg had seen his car. Afterwards he explained to Arlene that it was only an 18 foot drop to the street. Arlene was jealouse of Betsy’s background and loving parents, but Rick cautioned her to remain calm until she had the $500.000 Meg had promised Ben on his wedding day. Betsy’s parents arrived, but would go back to Europe after the wedding because the Professor had been offered a chair for another year at the university. Arlene could hardly contain herself when they all showed up for lunch at the Club and Ben got nervous when the Crawfords had misgivings about the $500.000. When Meg took them all to lunch, the Professor told Ben how special Betsy was to him and that he hoped that Ben was not a wanderer because Betsy couldn’t take that and Arlene kept throwing jabs at him. Ben took a bottle of scotch to soothe his guilty conscience and left the club. Later, Rick tracked him down by phone and offered $50 to the bartended to keep him there so he could pick him up so that he didn’t start talking. When Rick got there, Ben had already left, leaving Arlene frantic because she felt he might talk to someone, but when neither could find him, Rick went to Meg’s to be sure he didn’t try confessing to her. Sufering from a guilty conscience, Ben went to see his grandmother, Sarah Caldwell, telling her that he was about to do something he didn’t want to, but he had no choice since Meg had forced him into it. Sarah told Van that she was worried about him, but couldn’t figure out what it was he felt guilty about. Ben showed up stoned at Arlene’s and after standing him in the shower and making him drink strong black coffee, she questioned him on his whereabouts and what he said to whom. Ben claimed he only walked around and didn’t say anything to anyone.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


Victor Lord, powerful financier, recovered from his heart attack under the watchful eyes of Dr. Dorian Cramer. Matt McAllister, Victor’s trusted protégé, and Dorian successfully schemed to have Victor convalesce at his palatial home Llanfair. Victor, feeling an allegiance with Dorian because they were both unable to practice their chosen profession as intensely as they once did, asked the attractive young woman to join him not only as his doctor in residence but as his friend and companion. Victor, moved by Dorian’s devotion to her mentally ill sister, Melinda insisted on moving Melinda from a State institution to a private sanitarium and paying for all her treatments as repayment for Dorian’s quick actions in saving his life.


Cathy Craig was forced to allow her tiny daughter Megan to undergo heart surgery to correct the hereditary defect which she inherited from her natural father, Joe Riley. Dr. Larry Walek had the tragic duty to tell Viki Riley that Megan whould only live to adolescence and Viki and Joe had to refrain from having children. Viki, fearing what Joe’s reaction might be to this, secretly decided not to tell him but to avoid getting pregnant for the present.


Ed Hall, Vinnie Wolek’s closest friend and fellow police officer, reluctantly told Vinnie the city had to lay off all of the men on the force who didn’t have enough seniority. Wanda who had quit her job at the diner, feared privately more about her husband’s state of mind if he didn’t find a job soon than about financial problems. Wanda encouraged Vinnie to check with his former partner about getting his old truck driving job back again. Larry, Vinnie’s brother, obtained a loan to pay back the money he gave him while Larry was on trial for Rachel Wilson’s death.


Susan Barry felt suddenly cut of of Larry’s future when he refused her offer of assistance with money or help in planning his new private practice for sometime in June. Tim Siegel assured Susan he wouldn’t tell Larry about their brief affair long ago but became angry over Larry’s involved with Susan when he found her constrantly telling confliciting stories and had observed her drinking in a bar with a strange man.


Tim, who had become known around the hospital as quite the charmer with the young nursed, was impressed with the sweet, dedicated novice nun Jenny Wolek, who had begun nursing as a step to her future missionary work in the Amazon. Jenny had involved the cynical Tim in her worthwhile crusade to improve conditions in the nursing homes for the elderly. Tim’s carefree attitude toward Jenny was reversed when he saw her in her nun’s habit for the first time.


Eileen Siegel was prevented by her daughter Julie’s secretive actions from reading an important reconciliation letter from her lover Ben Farmer who left Llanview not knowing Eileen still cared deeply for him. Eileen, learning Ben’s forwarding address, decided to go to New York and confronted him. Tim was worried about his sister’s constant preoccupation over the whereabouts of her fugitive husband, Mark Toland. Mark who fled the country after Rachel’s death found living in Central America intolerable because he couldn’t practice medicine. Succeeding in winning a stake and obtaining a hand fun, Mark reentered the States illegally. Bearing mysterious documents, Mark went to Victor Lord’s house where he was intercepted by a stunned Dorian!


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Ann Marcus / Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


The Collins family had Steve, Liza’s new boyfriend, to dinner. They were shocked at the ideas he revealed. His family was mostly coal miners and he worked for the White Construction Company which was a subsidiary of the Collins Corporation. He went through college on a football scholarship, but was hurt in his sernior year, and was unable to play and not having learned anything, he dropped out. He planned to take one day at a time and money wasn’t important. After this disastrous dinner, nothing went right. The Collinses felt Steve had no sense of direction and was using Liza. Steve was upset because he felt Liza was displaying him. Liza wanted to move in with Steve and Janet said if Steve was going to leave it was better that he did so before they became involved but Liza said it was already too late because she had fallen in love. Since Liza had been avoiding Steve, he confronted her on campus where she told him she didn’t know how to hang loose so it was all or nothing and Steve decided he would not be pushed so it was nothing. Steve told Dave Wilkins that he might be leaving town soon.


The reading of Wade Collins’ father’s will was to be in Henderson and his brother, Clay, was flying in from London. While Janet and Wade were waiting on the private plane flying Clay into Henderson, it crashed on the runaway when hit by a smaller plane. The pilot was killed and Clay was rushed to the hospital. Dr. Bob Rogers wanted to operate immediately, but the only available surgon was Shafner who Wade wouldn’t let do the surgery because he was inexperienced and not a neurosurgeon. Against Bob Roger’s wishes, Wade called Tony Vincente, who was recuperating from a serious heart attack. After examining Clay, Tony said he had to operate immediately or Clay could be permantenly paralyzed even though Tony had been warned that he whould not be doing surgery yet. Jo told Wade how dangerous it was for both Clay and Tony if Tony went through the operation, but when Wade sent the request to stop Tony from operating, it was too late. During the operation, Tony became dizzy and had to take oxygen, but finished and they both came out in good shape. Tony had the confidence he needed to continue but in the day following Jo became distressed because he had become over-confident and was talking on too much tiring work. When Tony complained about Clay being a bad patient and not taking his advice, Jo and Bob could only laugh. Clay was running hic business from his bed and upsetting the whole hospital system. Wade told Janet how Clay had always hated him because Clay felt their parents loved him more than Clay.


Stephanie Wilkins had decided to take a job in Switzerland, but when Dave, her ex-husband, found out, he went to Kathy Phillips and asked her to help stop Stephanie from taking their daughter, Wendy, out of the country. She told him that because he hadn’t kept up his child support he probably wouldn’t win the case, but it would delay her for awhile. Stephanie had told Wendy they were leaving when the legal papers were served. She went to Dave telling him he didn’t have a leg to stand on as he didn’t attend the divorce hearing.


The superintendent of the women’s prison announced she had found out about the grievance committee and those involved would be disciplined. Brie, an inma,e had decided that Jennifer Pace told and she had to be punished. Brie locked her in the walk-in freezer and turned the thermostat down. Brie bound and gagged Jennifer’s friend, Marie so that Mrs. Johnson couldn’t be alerted until it was too late. At bed check marie caused a commotion. Jennifer was found and she and the baby were all right. Brie was in solitary; Marie was on the improvement committee and Jennifer went before the parole board. After a long period of questioning, Jennifer’s parole was granted. The following day, Scot and Jennifer were married in a minister’s home and they spent a week in small quaint motel. Eric, Scott’s stepson, had been staying with Kathy and they were both rather depressed. Ellie was babysitting Eric when Scott and Jennifer got home because Kathy had night court. Jennifer got off to a bad start with Eric and the situation only got worse during the following week. She tried to please him, but Eric ended up begging Kathy to stay with her. Kathy called Scott telling Eric she was sorry, but this was the way it had to be. After a talk with Scott, Eunice tried very hard to accept his marriage by asking Scott and Jennifer to dinner.


Sam Hunter, the assistant D.A. was approached by shady Mr. McCredy telling him the D.A. was resigning and if he wanted to be D.A., they could help him get there. Everyone needed help of some kind including them. Fred McCredy called Sam and when asked if he had decided, Sam said he wanted to be D.A. but he couldn’t figure how they knew the D.A. would resign and had suggested the other assistant D.A., Glover, be appointed. Late one night, McCredy took Sam to see Mr. Billings who explained that Sam hadn’t got anywhere because he was not liked and he wouldn’t see his goal of Congress and governorship if he didn’t take them up on this. After a week had gone by Sam began to doubt their power, but then D.A. Arnold told him Glover had taken a cushy job for a salary in six figures with a law firm and he was offering Sam the appointment and it was only Sam’s smooth talk that irritated him.




Written by: Don Appell, Doris Frankel & Frank Salisbury

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Ned Paisley wanted Tony Cooper as an advertising executive and Tony wanted the job, but he felt he owed it to his father Rex to tell him face to face. Ned pressured Tony by telling him he had another prospect, so Tony took the job then called Rex long distance. Ginger was upset that Ned pressured Tony.


Ned asked Eve to move in with him but she refused. Ned told Eve he was ready for a commitment to her, any kind of relationship she wanted. Eve put him off and he finally offered marriage, whiwh they planned to discuss at dinner. Ned’s sister, Victoria, also unattached, was returned to Somerset from Europe.


Afraid Eve might tell Julian about her keeping the penthouse apartment, Kate Cannell told Julian about it. He was angry, not so much because it was a needless extravangance as because she did not tell him about it. Kate was increasingly worried about having Julian’s baby through Tom Conway’s sarcasm because she wanted to continue her job as publisher but Julian wanted her to be a full time mother. Tom enjoyed pointing out the drudgery of diapers for Kate versus the exciting life Julian would continue to lead. Kate told Tom not to tell anyone about her pregnancy for 3 months. To silence him, Kate told Tom that Julian adored her and after the baby came, she would be able to use that to get her way. Kate invited Tom to lunch and asked him to stop taunting her about the baby and her marriage. Tom told her he had loved her ever since the weekend they spent together prior to her marriage and had hoped to win her, but he would back off as he saw her marriage was strong.


After realizing that woever was breaking into Jerry and Heather Kane’s cabin was doing so with their dog Muffin inside, Lt. Price had Muffin checked for tranquilizers, to no avail. Greg Mercer, Heather’s half-brother, and Julian wondered how the person knew so much about them because the phone calls and the break-ins had come at the worst possible time. They were unaware of the voice-activated tape recorder hidden in the cabin. Vic Kirby, still a suspect, had an alibi for the night Heather’s dress was destroyed. Lt. Price advised they move out of the cabin. They returned from work to find Muffin missing. Jerry told Heather he was sure that Muffin was still alive because otherwise they would have found him, dead or alive near the cabin. Muffin was indeed alive and safe somewhere. Eve, Heather’s mother, had been furnishing an apartment for the Kanes at the Dover House, an apartment building with good security. Ellen Grant convinced Eve that giving the apartment as a surprise gift at the wedding reception for them would be embarrassing, and Jerry and Heather needed a place to move to. Ellen and Eve drove to the cabin when they head Muffin was missing and Eve told them about the apartment. Jerry and Heather made ic clear they did not want to move, but under the circumstances they would accept the apartment. Eve was upset at their reaction to the apartment, which was furnished in modern décor, a far cry from the rustic simplicity of the cabin. Eve arranged with Ned for them to be able to exchange any furniture they wanted. Reluctantly, with the help of Eve, Greg and Jill, they packed to move to the apartment. Eve was supposed to meet Ned for dinner, but when her car wouldn’t start, Heather gave Eve her car. On her way down the mountain, Eve had an accident that totaled the car. She was unconscious and Stan and Jerry agreed that the longer she was comatose, the greated the chance for permanent brain damage. They were particularly concerned about her vision.


Ned, waiting for Eve at the Hayloft, received the news there and relayed it to Kate and Julian, who were dining there. They all went to the hospital, where Kate was upset by Julian’s obvious concern for Eve. Julian sent Greg out to find more information for the paper. Greg found the brake cylinders were punctured, making the charge attempted murder. As Eve came out of the coma gradually, she mistook Ned for Julian and told him that Julian was the love of her life. Ned was in shock as he left the hospital. As predicted, Eve’s sight was impaired but Stan and Jerry felt it would improve. Worried because Ned hadn’t been to see her, Eve prodded Heather into calling him from her bedside. Ned, politely and coolly, told Heather that he couldn’t find time to visit, Eve, puzzling Heather, who told Eve that Ned sent his love and would visit when he could, relieving Eve.


Moved by a sudden outburst of tears from cub reporter, Carrie Wheeler, Greg made an effort to make friends. Carrie told him she wanted to be a top journalist, but since she was a woman she would have to work had and would not be able to make any personal commitments ever. Carrie revelaled to Ginger that she hated her own father. Greg was in love with Jill, but Jill repelled his advances kindly.


When Heather was told the wreck wasn’t an accident, she recalled seeing Vic Kirby near the cabin the night before. Vic denied he had anything to do with the wreck and told Jerry and Lt. Price he no longer thought Jerry was decent and honorable, puzzling Price.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy


Jennifer Brooks knew that her daughters think she was wrong for wanting to divroce their father for another man, but as Stuart Brooks had a heart attack before she could tell him, she was only concerned that he get well. Peggy, Jennifer’s youngest daughter didn’t want to stay with her mother but Brad, her brother-in-law, said she should because Stuart had asked that Dr. Bruce Henderson, his friend and Jennifer’s lover, be called as a consultant. After seeing Stuart, Bruce told Jennifer that they had to not see each other until Stuart was well because his heart couldn’t stand the strain they had to not be responsible for another heart attack. Stuart took Bruce’s leaving as a sign that he was in good hands and told Brad that he had so much to live for. But after awhile Peggy’s prediction that Stuart would be able to see a change in Jennifer came to pass. Stuart feared the change had to do with Jennifer thinking about how their intimate relationship would change because of his heart attack, but Jennifer managed to reassure him. Peggy had been having a rough time dealing with the upheaval in her life and when Mark Henderson, Bruce’s son, and Peggy’s date before all this, called and went to see her, he found her trying to be seducting wearing Lorie’s dress and manner stating this had to be how to get what you wanted out of life. She tried to seduce him, but he blamed their parents and left. Brad found Peggy in Lorie’s outfit at a campus hang-out made up and making out. Brad tried to convince her that this was not the real Peggy, but Peggy was hurt and claimed this was the way everyone else got what they wanted and went back to show Brad that she could act like Lorie and her mother.


When Greg Foster told Brad about the letter from his father and that Chris thought it was from the Regis Hotel in Chicago, Brad said the Regent got confused with the Regis. As Greg prapred to go to Chicago, Chris’ memory was jogged by a letter from the Board of Regents, but promised her husband, Snapper, she wouldn’t tell Greg because Snapper feared that a “visit” from her husband who had been absent 9 years would only hurt his mother. Sam Powers told Greg that he was planning to ask Liz Foster to marry him, but promised Greg he would wait for his return. Greg found nothing in the registration cards, but saw a memo of supplies that Bill Foster “Logan” the janitor had left on the desk and sought out his father in the basement. After telling him what had become of everyone, Greg said he would tell Jill and then think about asking him for a visit. Snapper found out Greg had gone to Chicago, blamed hris for telling Greg and had to apologize when he found out she kept her promise, but told Sam to go ahead and ask Liz to marry him. When Greg got home, he was convinced by his mother’s happiness that he shouldn’t tell her until he remembered that if she married Sam believing Bill was dead, she would be guilty of bigamy and he could be disbarred for knowing. He told Snapper she had to be told and the $1000 repaid to the insurance company. Greg told Liz that his fater was alive and wanted to come home for a visit upsetting Liz because he had been declared dead and she had made up her mind to marry Sam. She would have preferred Greg had not said anything. Greg said that since he knew he had to tell her or she would have been guilty of bigamy if she married Sam unless she got a divorce. After thinking about it, she began to sway when she told Snapper what Greg said and might let him come for a visit. Snapper was sure Sam would understand if she had to get a divorce first.


In order to get Jill Foster away from her husband Phillip, Kay Chancellor told Jill she’d send her to college and when Jill said it had been too long since she had been to school, Kay visited Jill’s family telling them of her offer, Jill’s refusal and that she hoped they could change her mind. At dinner that night, Phillip gave Jill a large solitaire engagement ring to wear on a chain. Greg guessed who Jill was in love with when he put everything together, but Jill said she would move out if Greg told Snapper because she deserved some happiness and was going to marry Phillip. Kay told Jill that if she ever intended to marry a man of background and means she had to attend college so that she wouldn’t feel inferior. The more Kay, an alcoholic, recovered from her drinking problem the sorried Jill felt about hurting her, but told herself the marriage was over long before Phillip fell in love with her. Jill was so distraught that when Phillip intercepted her and took her to the cabin in the woods, they had no intention of being intimate, but it seemed right and it happened. Kay saw them and rushed to the phone and ordere a case of vodka, but her son Brock’s singing and her reading of the 23rd Psalm got her through this trying time and she cancelled the order because as long as he didn’t leave her, she didn’t care if he slept with Jill. She had Brock deliver a dress to Jill for the ladies luncheon to be the following day. While waiting for the women to arrive, Kay became distressed when she remembered Phillip and Jill together, but after Brock again calmed her with his singing she was the gracious hostess she once was showing Jill that it took a special kind of woman to be Phillip’s wife. When Phillip came home, Jill told him that she was not good enough, but Brock saw Phillip try to kiss away Jill’s doubts and tell her he would ask for his divorce as soon as she left Kay’s employ. Kay told Brock that Jill had doubts about marrying this secret man she refused to talk about, but was sure he would persuade her. She offered Brock access to the family money if he would marry Jill to save her from this situation. Brock took Jill to his “quiet place”and told her thay they were both searching for something and would do well together. She accepted his proposal and after meditating they pledge their honesty and Brock asked God to accept their vows. Jill’s family was shocked when they found out she had married Brock, but she said she would explain later. They told Kay who was happy for them, but when Phillip came in and Jill had to tell him he was almost beside himself. Because they had no place to go, Kay offered them Brock’s father’s cabin in the woods knowing what memories it would hold for Jill.

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Re Vanessa mixing it up with other GC peers, I think Bill Bell was experienced and smart enough to keep some characters apart so that there was room for plots to unfold without things getting too complicated and interlinked. 

It also gave him stuff to play in the future if he wanted.

Think how later on,it took a long time for Victor and Nikki to meet and Paul to interact with Lauren and the Newman and Abbotts to become entwined.

I think at one point Vanessa and Stuart were teased or was it the Maestro and Vanessa?


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I am loving how complicated the Jill/Phillip/Kay/Brock story is and how juicy for Kay to goad her son into marrying her enemy and then send them to the cabin. I almost hate that this was not more of an ongoing story I feel like there could have been a lot of drama milked out of that. But they never even slept together did they since they were "siblings" years later?

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You got that right! Haha I almost feel as if if someone like Katherine, Jill, or later Victor were to meet Vanessa they possibly  could have steamrolled over her. We saw this later on when Katherine fought with that nasty old hag Alison Bancroft. 

1975 was such a banner year for Love of Life it seems they actually did quite well in the ratings too. A shame the following writers were so weak after Labine left.


Chris Hughes getting used by Joyce Colman? LOL. 

Thanks for that schedule @FrenchFan! Interesting to note that even though Y&R at 12PM Eastern Time I’ve seen a lot of schedules from the late 70’s where stations would bump the show to that empty 1PM slot so they could air news at noontime. 




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Be interesting to know. I’ve read that DePriest pretty much used and coasted off of Labine’s success and material for the year that she was there, after that it was a very slippery slope downward. 

I find it fascinating at least that both the heroine soaps LOL and SFT had some nice revivals in the mid-70’s with LOL bringing in Tudi Wiggins as Meg and SFT bringing in Maree Cheatham as Stephanie. 

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I agree. Peggy is probably the Brooks sister Bill Bell made less of. 
I loved seeing Lorie involved with the Chancellor. She will be more on May but I have only started working on them

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 as I go back to work on Tuesday, it might be a bit longer but I will do my best to keep it posted for as long as you are interested.

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CBS’s schedule had been historically unchanged since the 50’s at this point. SFT at 12:30 since 1951, no programming in the 1:00 hour, ATWT at 1:30 etc. It made sense that ABC would air their shows at different times to allow them to achieve their own success, especially given how all NBC’s failed soaps in the 50’s served a lesson to be learned. 

Not to mention P&G forced CBS to

moved Edge because it didn’t allow its soaps to compete against each other, a rule that would be quickly disposed of by the end of 1975 and long forgotten by 1980.

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It's interesting to see so many soaps on CBS and NBC. I know at one point, the number of soaps on daytime were in the teens but when it's on a grid like that it really gave me a better perspective of how heavily populated the daytime schedules were with soaps at one point. NBC having 4 soaps is odd as I have always remembered there only being 2, well vaguely remember 3 with AW, DAYS and SuBe.


I will give it to NBC, they really did try up until the late 90s to get their schedule right and attempted through the years to experiment with new soaps and programming ...unfortunately at times, these experiments were at the expense of other soaps on their schedule. I believe NBC had the most soaps premeire on its network - I guess in an attempt to compete with ABC and CBS over the decades. However, I think expanding DAYS to an hour is what ends up hurting it's performance in the late 70s, especially once it starts going up against the highly rated ATWT at the time. 

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Yes i did read in 1980 she was starting to feel Stuart but then Stuart burst her bubble by saying he wanted Liz and i guess Vanessa just dropped that possibility lol


Thank you soo much for posting these im soo happy during this quarantine to read them, also your right i noticed a lot of people under bill bell arrangement didn't interact or it took some time until they did which makes it unique depending on the storyline.



Wow i never knew Peggy started acting like Lorie and jennifer or so what she thought she was doing lol, i wonder what made bell create a newer Brad later on after writting out the first Brad from the 70's

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