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Days: February 2020 Discussion Thread

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When has Will cared about Maggie? This is ridiculous.


Fat Sonny Bear and new guy have zero chemistry.


Will fantasy about Sonny....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  They need to end them for good. They are dull together.

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What's up with this Evan guy? He's totally awful and boring at the same time. He actually comes across very creepy. 


ETA: I just realized that Evan looks like a Caucasian version of Arturo from Y&R. Same rat-like features and body sans facial hair. That's probably why he seems familiar but unlikable.

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Or Hattie did it, and Will thought it was Marlena and was protecting her.  His actual connection to a character in that age bracket.


I would then have “Marlena” found out, sent to jail, and then over time Gina makes her move on John.  You know, a long term plan with legs to keep building on.  How soaps used to be written.

How these people have forgotten that the build to a payoff is what gets them an audience I just do not get it!


Even Ron’s ratings increases at GH were during a story (Robin is alive) that was only drawn out because she wasn’t on the show and would only return for limited runs.  These people do not know how to write soaps anymore.

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I think the Ben and Ciara pairing would be a lot more believable and acceptable if they had just taken their time with the story as a whole. Instead of destroying Will, Jordan and countless other characters, trying to turn Ben into a Bo-like hero and turning Ciara into nothing more than Ben’s cheerleader, they should’ve had their feelings for each other develop gradually over time, and also have them both torn between being together or being apart as opposed to it being Ben and Ciara against the world. It could’ve been a real character driven story built by that internal human conflict, but they just rushed into it headfirst.


Which is kind of the biggest problem on today’s soaps in general: some things move way too fast.

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