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B&B January 2020 Discussion Thread

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So I binged the week. A couple of observations:

1. The show felt completely different, in a good way, with so many cast members. 

2. "Toxic" describing Quinn has re-entered the vernacular. Remember when she first connected with Eric and it was literally used 3 or 4 times in the SAME episode

3. Knowing that B&B doesn't toss things out randomly, Brooke mentioning her 8-week 'alcoholism' as one of the 3 primary barriers for BRidge during her conversation with Eric leads me to believe they are revisiting that soon. 

4. Heather Tom can still command a scene. And Flo being brought to the 'altar of forgiveness' in front of the likes of $Bill, Katie, Justin, and to a lesser extent, Donna/Wyatt, was quite laughable considering the crimes they all have committed.   

5. Thursday's episode was solid and tight throughout and gave us an unexpected payoff at the end.  OC, we know we're now bound for endless, repetitive Quinn/Brooke/Eric/Shauna/Ridge scenes ad nauseam. 

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@rlj @Aback Right? How much longevity does Brooke v Quinn really have? Four weeks before Brad moves on? It's not like Brooke/Eric is going to be revisited. Brooke/Shauna/Ridge has better potential.  Quinn is being forced into this story simply because they can't figure out what to do with the wonderful RS. Katie's (latest) illness makes it highly unlikely that Brooke finding her way back to $B.  

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I only read recaps now - but what is the deal with Sally?  I read that Ridge and Steffy ambushed her basically saying her designs were terrible?  How did that happen...Steffy just 2 months ago or so said how great her designs were and now suddenly they're terrible?  What is it with the regular crapping on this character - she was a good actress and it's like they have no idea what to do with her.  When I was watching Wyatt and Flo were like watching paint dry and I read they're pairing them back up again?  Awful.  


I keep waiting to read that Thomas has raped Hope and she's pregnant - like he drunk raped Caroline and that's why Douglas is here but no one remembers that.    

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@Fevuh Yeah, I wasn't really surprised to see the 180 on Sally upon Flo's return: 1) Sally's designs are terrible, but the fab designs she submitted during the past two months ago can't be salvaged now. What?!!! 2) Suddenly, Sally is 'shaky' while drawing; and 3) Ridge/Steffy asking Sally if she's 'alright.'  


Since we know B&B is linear, it's not hard to predict where this is going. They have to create an artificial obstacle for Wyatt/Flo because there is absolutely no reason for them to reunite now that he's forgiven her.  


FYI - 1/23/2020 Episode posted on CBS.com and then pulled it a couple of hours later. Unreal!

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Lucky you in your market! CBS tagged as national pre-emption aka no online - so will be repeated once B&B airs again. 


@soapfan770 CH is a breath of fresh air in the cast. It’s about time she received some airtime. I’d like to see Sally and Hope ditch FC and form their own fashion house to go against FC. But they seem all-in on making Tope a thing, which just doesn’t resonate at all. 

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That would be fun, but the show is too creatively bankrupt to even try such a novel idea, especially since the show didn’t

put too much  effort in the Spectra revival that they dropped. 

Thomas and Hope are basically DOA, it’s as if Thudley wants his own version of either Adam & Sharon from Y&R or EJ & Sami from Days.



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The difference being the 2 pairings you mentioned not only had off-the-charts chemistry, but all helmed by strong actors who were successfully paired with others. I just don’t feel that at all.


These hate-mance pairings only work if the audience is begging for it. I don’t see any evidence of that. Bell really messed up by making Thomas so awful - the Douglas abuse and the still constant hammering that Hope needs to protect him is something that the audience can’t accept in a romantic lead. I mean really: Hope ‘I have to co-parent Douglas to protect him from Thomas, but I’m falling in love with Thomas.’ LOL. 

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Oh, it's so good to have Bill back with his not-so-subtle digs on Thomas and Hope.


As I mentioned, B&B is quite literal. So when Brooke 8-week brush with alcoholism was mentioned as one of the big barriers with Ridge, I knew it was coming. On today's episode after Eric left Quinn and she fuming about getting Brooke, a very obviously final camera shot of a several liquor bottle were framed in front Quinn.... Think Katie and that gun.

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