Members JAS0N47 Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 Here is John Clarke's first scene as Mickey Horton from November 8, 1965. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Contessa Donatella Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 Last year someone posted "fake news" of his death, with an hour glass, a bust of his face, and birth and death dates. It was a terrible thing to do. Mike Wahl who posts in many Facebook groups spread the word that it was FAKE! I was grateful that Mike got that corrected info out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 Agree. My condolences to all his loved ones. DAYS has not been the same without him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JAS0N47 Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 I never even heard of that happening, so it never got to me thankfully. Hate when people do that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Contessa Donatella Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 Oh, Jason, I am glad you missed it! Yes, it was a hateful thing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JAS0N47 Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 Soap Opera Digest posted this statement from "Days of Our Lives": “It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of our dear friend and original cast member, John Clarke. A beloved member of the Days of our Lives family, John will always hold a special place in our hearts and the hearts of our fans. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JAS0N47 Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 MELINDA CLARKE ON HER FATHER JOHN CLARKE'S PASSING... "With much sadness I’m sharing that John Clarke my father my mentor passed as I sang to him. He is at peace. Death is as much a part life as birth. He is in peace." MAREE CHEATHAM COMMENTS... "I was very sorry to hear of John Clarke's passing. He played my Horton big brother on DAYS OF OUR LIVES. I lift his family up into the healing light of love!" Mickey marries Maggie... Episode # 2055 Air Date: Friday, January 25, 1974 ACT FOUR (FADE IN: INTERIOR FARMHOUSE PARLOR. OPEN ON TIGHT SHOT OF MAGGIE, WITH WEDDING VEIL. SHE IS BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL. UNDER, WE HEAR: SOUND OF SOFT ORGAN MUSIC. DO A SLOW PULL BACK TO SHOW MAGGIE ON STOOL, IN HER LONG DRESS, HER APPEARANCE ALMOST SPIRITUAL FRAMED AGAINST FLOWERS AND THE SOFT, FLICKERING CANDLES. CONTINUE TO PULL BACK AND SHOW MRS. JENNINGS AT ORGAN, AND THE REVEREND JENNINGS BEHIND THE FLOWER-BANKED ALTAR AREA, A TABLE WITH BIBLE, CANDELABRAS, ETC... HANK STANDS NEAR MAGGIE. NOW MICKEY WALKS THROUGH THE PARLOR DOOR, STOPS, REACTS TO THE SIGHT OF HIS BRIDE-TO-BE. THEN HE WALKS TO HER SIDE, SHE SMILES RADIANTLY AT HIM, HIS EYES ARE BRIGHT WITH LOVE AND ADMIRATION. THE MUSIC STOPS.) REV. JENNINGS: Dearly Beloved, we are gathered today to witness a wedding between Margaret Simmons and Marty Hanson. And as a wedding present to you, Marty, your bride-to-be has written the ceremony words. (MICKEY LOOKS AT MAGGIE, SHE SHYLY SMILES AT HIM. NOW, SOFTLY, UNDER THE WORDS, MRS. JENNINGS PLAYS "THE LILAC TREE" AND "I LOVE YOU TRULY", IF THERE IS TIME. AS THE MINISTER READS, WE DO A SERIES OF TAKES, DWELLING LOVINGLY ON CLOSE SHOTS OF MAGGIE, MICKEY, HANK. ALL REACT TO THE WORDS, THE SIMPLE BEAUTY OF THE OCCASION. HANK HAS TEARS IN HIS EYES. ALSO, INTERCUT TAKES OF REV. JENNINGS AND MRS. JENNINGS. IT WILL BE A FLOW SEQUENCE, AS WE SOFTLY SHIMMER & DISSOLVE FROM ONE FACE TO THE OTHER. AS A PRELUDE TO THE CEREMONY, MAGGIE SOFTLY SINGS) MAGGIE: "First love's like a lilac tree, with shy spring buds for all to see, a gentle hint of what will be at blossom time, on a wedding day." REV. JENNINGS: We are here in the sight of God and in the face of this company, and in the unseen presence of those who are ever close, to unite in holy matrimony two people who have chosen, from this day forward, to be one, together throughout time and eternity. As gentle rain falls to the earth, inviting the buds and blossoms of God's greenery to emerge, welcome, so have the gentle blessings from above fallen, to foster and future an enduring love to be shared by Maggie and Marty. From the darkness of yesterdays, the lonely pain of past and solitude has come a shimmering flame of hope to light the way for tomorrows without end, radiant with joy and happiness. To be a bird and soar in free ecstasy, to be a cloud and flat across the canvas of an endless sky, to walk together, to run together, to live together, to love together. This is the pattern of Heaven's tapestry, the gift He gives with the blessing of marriage. We ask not for chains or vows for they are not needed in this union. The simple clasp of hands will be shelter, one to the other, forever. (TIGHT SHOT OF MICKEY AND MAGGIE AS SHE HOLDS OUT HER HAND, HE TAKES IT, HOLDS IT TIGHTLY). REV. JENNINGS: Love is faith. Faith is hope. Hope is belief. And belief is love, in the golden ring of true constancy. Have you such a ring, Marty Hanson? (TAKE MICKEY AS HE TOUCHES HIS POCKET, BUT DOESN'T BRING RING OUT) MICKEY: I have. REV. JENNINGS: And you, Maggie Simmons? (TAKE MAGGIE AS SHE INDICATES A WEDDING BAND THAT RESTS WITHIN HER BRIDAL BOUQUET) MAGGIE: I have. REV. JENNINGS: Dear God, we who have so much can ask for nothing more, save Your divine favor and protection for the years they shall travel together, no longer alone, but one. (NOW MRS. JENNINGS AGAIN PICKS UP "LILAC TREE" AS MAGGIE STARTS TO SING) MAGGIE: "Last love's like an old oak tree, still strong and proud with majesty, its branches bent protectingly, a family tree, stately old oak tree." REV. JENNINGS: Into the holy estate of matrimony these two persons present ask now to be joined. If anyone can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace. (THERE IS A LONG DRAMATIC PAUSE, THEN REV. JENNINGS CONTINUES) REV. JENNINGS: The rings? (MICKEY PLACES HIS RING ON MAGGIE'S FINGER. SHE PLACES HER RING ON HIS) REV. JENNINGS: With this simple act, and by virtue of the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. And let no one put asunder those who have thus been joined together in the presence of God and his company. (NOW THE ORGAN SWELLS IN THE TRADITIONAL WEDDING SONG. MICKEY GENTLY REMOVES THE VEIL FROM MAGGIE'S RADIANT FACE. HE BENDS AND SOFTLY KISSES HER. DISSOLVE TO: EXTERIOR FARMHOUSE BACK PORCH. JAY APPROACHES, REACTS TO THE ORGAN MUSIC. CUT BACK TO PARLOR AS HANK KISSES THE BRIDE, THEN SHAKES HANDS WITH MICKEY. MR. AND MRS. JENNINGS GO TO THE HAPPY COUPLE, EXTENDING THEIR BEST WISHES. BRING JAY TO THE PARLOR DOOR, UNSEEN BY ANYONE. HE REACTS TO MAGGIE IN HER WEDDING GOWN. IT IS OBVIOUS TO HIM WHAT'S JUST HAPPENED. AND ON HIS REACTION: FADE TO BLACK) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wendy Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Bright Eyes Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 Girl, look before you post. This was already posted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wendy Posted October 22, 2019 Members Share Posted October 22, 2019 I did, didn't see it. Apologies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Contessa Donatella Posted October 23, 2019 Members Share Posted October 23, 2019 Here is the awful "fake death news" that was posted about him last April. Fans had to go around & spread the word that it was FAKE! Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DaytimeFan Posted October 23, 2019 Members Share Posted October 23, 2019 He had a quiet dignity about him. It spoke volumes about who he was that he asked to be let go, in the place of Suzanne Rogers, because he did not want her to lose her job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Gray Bunny Posted October 23, 2019 Members Share Posted October 23, 2019 So sad to hear the news... we had just been wondering how he was doing when news broke of Frank Parker and Peggy McCay. I vaguely remember hearing he had a stroke in 2007. RIP to a fine gentleman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
victoria foxton Posted October 23, 2019 Share Posted October 23, 2019 Always liked him as Mickey. RIP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Contessa Donatella Posted October 25, 2019 Members Share Posted October 25, 2019 DAYS Stars Remember John Clarke October 23, 2019 10:52AM Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Opens in a new Window. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Opens in a new Window. Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Opens in a new Window. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Opens in a new Window. 0 comments Salem alums took to Twitter to acknowledge the passing of John Clarke (ex-Mickey). “Rest in peace #JohnClark!” tweeted Wesley Eure, who played Mickey’s son, Michael, from 1974-81. “John was a great television dad when I played #MikeHorton on #DaysOfOurLives. In one scene I kept flinching when he was supposed to hit me so for the final take he hauled off and hit me really hard. I was reeling. He could not stop apologizing! Ooxx.” Alison Sweeney (ex-Sami) tweeted, “I was so sorry to hear of the passing of John Clarke. He was such a talented actor, and as an original cast member of @nbcdays, he’s forever a part of the show’s rich history.” Maree Cheatham (ex-Marie) posted, “I was very sorry to hear of John Clarke’s passing. He played my Horton big brother on DAYS OF OUR LIVES. I lift his family up into the healing light of love!” Christie Clark (ex-Carrie) tweeted, “RIP Mr.John Clarke. You were always kind to me. We shared our love for our family, @nbcdays, OC living and cool last names. Thanks for always having time to check in and connect. Big kisses to Mindy Clarke and family.” Wally Kurth added, “As a fellow UCLA theater grad, we had a good start to our friendship. I didn’t work w him as much as I would have liked. Sadly. He was a pro and he will be missed. RIP John.” DAYS Stars Remember John Clarke October 23, 2019 10:52AM Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Opens in a new Window. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Opens in a new Window. Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Opens in a new Window. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Opens in a new Window. 0 comments Salem alums took to Twitter to acknowledge the passing of John Clarke (ex-Mickey). “Rest in peace #JohnClark!” tweeted Wesley Eure, who played Mickey’s son, Michael, from 1974-81. “John was a great television dad when I played #MikeHorton on #DaysOfOurLives. In one scene I kept flinching when he was supposed to hit me so for the final take he hauled off and hit me really hard. I was reeling. He could not stop apologizing! Ooxx.” Alison Sweeney (ex-Sami) tweeted, “I was so sorry to hear of the passing of John Clarke. He was such a talented actor, and as an original cast member of @nbcdays, he’s forever a part of the show’s rich history.” Maree Cheatham (ex-Marie) posted, “I was very sorry to hear of John Clarke’s passing. He played my Horton big brother on DAYS OF OUR LIVES. I lift his family up into the healing light of love!” Christie Clark (ex-Carrie) tweeted, “RIP Mr.John Clarke. You were always kind to me. We shared our love for our family, @nbcdays, OC living and cool last names. Thanks for always having time to check in and connect. Big kisses to Mindy Clarke and family.” Wally Kurth added, “As a fellow UCLA theater grad, we had a good start to our friendship. I didn’t work w him as much as I would have liked. Sadly. He was a pro and he will be missed. RIP John.” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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