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Vetsoapfan's Treasure Trove: Vintage Soap Material

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My memory is not perfect, of course, so I could have forgotten, but I do not remember Chris having an abortion at all.


Where did you find such a summary? (In the recap of the Chris/Snapper storyline posted above, from Daily TV Serials, it refers to Chris' miscarriage, not abortion.)


I must say, I have read many, many soap reports and summaries over the decades which have played fast and loose with the facts and gotten many things wrong. 


That being said, I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying the articles.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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On Page 3 of this thread. The post you have of Daily TV Serials Anniversary Issues that did a recap of Y&R. It states Chris discovered the truth about Chuckie's paternity when he was sick with pneumonia and shortly after discovered she was pregnant. The line about her abortion is below. 


It is on the page that has Story Highlights of the Year at the top of it, which is the second page scanned under the photo you provided.


"But Chris tortured with thoughts of Sally and Snapper, aborted. Realizing she had to find her way into the real world"


Yeah it does feel like sometimes they just assumed certain things to fill in gaps, so maybe this isn't correct.

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True, thanks for the clarification and again for all the hard work you have put into posting all these magazines. Even for soaps I was never into, it is interesting to see the soap landscape and what was going on.


I also find the 70's is the one decade where I can find something to like in most of the soaps, roughly 68 - 83 I am interested in all soaps in some way, even if just smaller periods of time. So these articles are greatly appreciated.

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@vetsoapfan thank you for all these articles. That Georgianne LaPierre letter was just plain nuts, yet that type of invasive obsessiveness and judgment is something you see all the time now online. 


Love the Eileen columns. She loved to roast her "haters" before it was popular. I would have gotten a kick out of Eileen Fulton in the social media era. 


I was hoping that Another Life article would talk about the early episodes that are literally impossible to find, but still a good read, with some insights. The part about wanting to portray real violence in spite of objections was interesting to me, as I wish we had that type of approach more often. If memory serves they also tried to portray a rape and its aftermath realistically around this time. I can't remember how long they lasted on the show. 


Do you have Harding Lemay's 1971 TV Guide interview? I do. I wasn't going to post it if you already have it though.

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There are a lot of letters to the editors in these vintage magazines, which prove certain soap viewers lived in a murky world between reality and delusion. It's sad to see the same affliction among audience members today, particularly on social media where they can flaunt their mental issues more openly.


Fulton was a pip, and I enjoyed how sassy and saucy she could be. Unfortunately, her columns disappeared suddenly from Rona Barrett's Daytimers without warning or explanation. The mag switched owners and publishing houses, Rona Barrett was no longer involved, and the quality of the publication plunged noticeably. It was a shame, because when it first came out, RBD was a great, juicy read.


No, I do NOT have Harding Lemay's 1971 interview from TV Guide. Please feel to post it and ANYTHING ELSE you find worthy of sharing. All vintage articles are welcomed here. I can't wait to see if Lemay was as condescending and bitchy in TV Guide as he was everywhere else, LOL.

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