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'Big Brother' 21: Discussion Thread

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I just read what happened and I really can't say that I'm surprised. The thing is, they used to be able to sweep these things under the rug easier because only .1% of fans had live feeds and those who didn't could be easily fooled by whatever anodyne edit they are trying to sell (I actually really disagree with Audrey that Grodner has any bad intentions. Rather, she is just extraordinarily lazy and inept at her job.) With the advent of social media it is not so easy to cover these things up anymore.


They used to not let people lie... I remember when Frankie kept saying he was 28 in the pre-season interviews and the subtitle said, "Frankie, 32" the entire time.

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She's not really exposing what we don't know but it's nice to see someone saying it. 


I keep up with the show too out of habit but I saw the writing on the wall and this season is the pits. Camp Segregation is a bust and the cast, minus one or two, sucks.


Robin and Alison clearly have the hots for pigs like Jack and Jackson and past pigs like Mr. Pectacular, etc. I used to be able to brush some things under the rug but this season is the pits. Grodner's been the problem since Season 8. It's been a downhill slide since then. BB10 was the exception. And agreed with social media it's all over Twitter and everywhere. TMZ seemed to enjoy pointing out anything they could but no one really paid attention (and I don't think they seem to have any interest in this season, but they're all over it if a finger goes in the butthole, but they won't point out the racists ...). It never changes anything. I'm glad Audrey's speaking out but it won't do anything. And to be fair, Audrey has had actual interaction with Grodner, we haven't. I can believe she's inept, lazy and also vengeful. She knows what fans want and she does the opposite. The house is always decorated like recycled trash. It's really time to cancel the summer season or get rid of Grodner and Kassting.


Ratings aren't great.


And CBS being misogynistic and racist sadly isn't anything new. 


What I don't get is why, each season, do we have casts of losers who worship the assholes? I mean, I just don't get it. It's like they all trip over themselves for Jack and Jackson and I just ... why? How? What's the allure? I truly do NOT get it. And holy cow, even the 'superfans' are dumbasses. No one really plays the game anymore. It's all about being a popularity contest, hooking up, and collecting a check. The "Celebrity" edition is far better, because it isn't about hooking up and playing summer camp, it's actually about playing the game.


It's kind of ironic CBS launched Love Island because that's what they've been trying to turn BB into for the longest time. And they share Kassting

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 yet so does Canada and they still have better casts, even when douchebag men run the season they're STILL more appealing than the trash we get on CBS. Grodner and CBS have final say in casting.

Edited by KMan101
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I gave up on BB Canada a few years ago so I'll have to take your word for it, but the casting for BB is just too much for me to accept anymore. I've always accepted that BB is a conservative show, and I know that there has been racism and bigotry from the earliest days - I had live feeds for season 2 so I saw it firsthand -  but I truly do not remember the level of segregation we have seen over the last 5-6 years. It's just dispiriting. The structure of the show and the choice to always only cast a few tokens means that this will happen again and again and again. 


It's time to either cast a majority minority cast, or stop casting minorities altogether. 


I saw Robin Kass "clapping back" with people on Twitter who were complaining about the racism. Some of the fans were just plain virulent in response. I don't approve of harassing crew members or cast, but the people who run this show seem extremely arrogant and out of touch.  

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Canada's been slipping. I've been slowly losing interest (at least their host is a true fan, and engages with fans on Twitter and truly deserves the support she gets) but even their douchebag alpha males are like 1000x more tolerable. And their house isn't always plagued by racists. I still enjoyed BBCAN1 and BBCAN2 far more than the more recent outings though. But I'll take a 'bad' BBCAN season over the last 11 seasons of BBUS. EDIT: Sadly though, this last season kind of lost me because it was run by alpha males all summer and everyone fell over themselves to cater to them. It was eerily similar to the recent trend on BBUS and I just can't stomach BBCAN turning into what we have to sit through. It brought back memories of BB12 and they were not good memories.


I agree on those who run the show being arrogant and out of touch. Really sums it up, honestly. 


Agreed on the minorities. Most are often targeted first. The boot history speaks for itself.


The only thing I ever see them doing to 'address' any of this is end the live feeds. But with ratings this summer so blah ... I feel like the clock is ticking on BB. They need a massive overhaul, but I've been begging for that for years and years now. Grodner HAS to go. And they need fresh casting.


And everytime I check on the live feeds it's all drama about who's kissing who, etc. and I mean ... what the [!@#$%^&*] happened to Big Brother? All they care about is hooking up and who likes who. It's gotten worse over the years but this season is really taking the cake.


I miss the days when showmances were targeted, not catered to and carried through the game or considered a "requirement"

Edited by KMan101
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@KMan101, I think BB has tons of life in it; however, I think the show needs to leave CBS. CBS has too many racial issues going on behind the scenes from the top for us to even think that there will be change on this show. 


Honestly, I'd prefer for ABC or even NBC to get this show. Hell, even FOX or Netflix. I think they'd at least be more firm with the race issues than CBS. 


I do think that the low ratings this season will have to result in change behind the scenes. Possibly, getting rid of Grodner and Meehan will lead to change. I'd only prefer Trevor Boris (Producer of BBCAN) to take over on BBUS. 


In regards to BBCAN, the show climaxed at BBCAN5 and hasn't been able to recapture what that season provided. 

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Agreed on EVERYTHING! Agreed on it needing to leave CBS.


I do think they should do a regime change. The ratings are sinking and fans have been bitching for years and years now. It's time they listen to us.


I agree on BBCAN. But I wasn't as big of a fan of BBCAN5 as some were.

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The finale has aired...


I was delighted that Nicole won America's Favourite Player - I hope she has a happy life ahead of her!


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"You're definitely a butterfly, lady" - said Julie to Nicole. Loved that. 


It was rather delicious to see how miserable Michie was after getting the lightest grilling from Kemie and David and Ovi. He could have been dragged WAY harder. Twitter has had plenty to say about his mental health all season long, among LOTS of other things, and it seems to me that once anything less than flattering was raised, Michie's ego imploded. He's the most miserable looking winner I've ever seen.



Julie seemed to have barely concealed hatred for him when she said "You wanted confetti, you got your confetti, so why the long face?"

Edited by DaytimeFan
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Jackson finally saw what America saw & it godsmacked him


Look as for Julie I am sorry but not sorry to say this but As someone still married to a rapist preadator  she can take 50000 seats when calling out Jackson or anyone this season STFU

Edited by John
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I personally liked the shade as Michie realized his mother and father were there as he was confronted with the kind of person he is. Years of therapy may fix him, but how he acted in that house where all the world could see will follow him for the rest of his life.


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