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Y&R May Sweeps

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I agree with you (so true about Sharon written into the ground to redeem Adam). I don't think they're the loves of each other lives. I think Griffith is probably going to play around with all of them. He doesn't seem very committal towards anything so far (I think why most of us are considering him a 'stopgap').


Agreed on CBS/Sony. I imagine it's dictated by them ... it's still fairly early into his run (however long it lasts) so we'll see. I could care less about most of these couples, to be quite honest 

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I wonder if Josh may consider having Adam interact romantically with a younger woman who is younger than the group he has interacted with in the past. Though, that could be a little bit of a challenge for them as he is related to multiple people who are closer to his age (like Abby, Summer.  After looking at him on Monday's episode, he does come across somewhat younger than Sharon, not immature, but younger.


I think he could have been accepted by a lot of people (though he maybe still will be), if this were the first time that an adult Adam had been introduced. He looks he could be Nick's younger, troublemaker-ish brother. I think he looks more like Nick and Victor than the last Adams and he is closer to age than Adam would be were he not Sorased, (Though still like 8 years older than that.)


I have never really liked the character of Adam in general, and don't think he's necessary. But I did like what I saw of New Adam on Monday's episode.

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I haven't seen him on-screen yet. I saw a screencap and I do think he reads younger on-screen than he did in his photos with Case. I agree with your assessment just based on the screencap I saw, lol, so I'm curious how I feel when I watch (if I watch, I guess).


I've never cared for Adam (but that started with MAB's trash writing - and I never liked skeevy Muhney, personally; I was in and out during Hartley's time and I assumed most liked Adam because they liked Hartley) but I'd actually like to ... I'm sort of also on Newman burnout. 


I actually liked Mal dumped Chelsea and ignored Adam, but it also made no sense not to play it and I'm not surprised they pulled that card out now. I just wish I cared more ... LOL


EDIT: Also, I'm very glad they casted younger, and more in line with where he should be - when you add in a "normal" SORAS (Muhney made him a 40 year old and Hartley's not a young buck anymore, as hot as he is; Chris Engen was right casting in terms of looks and being younger but maybe even then they aged Adam too much)

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I was surprised at how much I liked him so far, lol. He looked/came across much better on screen than he did in the original photos we saw of him that were posted in the thread announcing he was cast. And there is a naturalness about him that I liked. I've never really liked Adam for the most part. I briefly thought Chris Engen's Adam was okay, and I am a fan of Justin Hartley but overall I have never really liked Adam's character much. No matter who was playing him. And he has done some vile things. I wonder how his character will fare going forward and what type of writing he will get. 

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All true! I liked Chris Engen's Adam (well, I liked Engen and but I don't recall him in the role long before they started the trash and I know he got flack for leaving when he did over why he maybe did but I'm guessing he saw the trash writing on the wall ...). Never cared for Muhney. I love Hartley but Adam's always been a mess of a character. It's hard to get past the vile things he did.


Good to know Grossman left a good impression on you. Hope he ends up being a good find like Michael Mealor was (and Zach Tinker, but poor guy still isn't taping again, is he? Even though I see fans all the time on Twitter wanting him back - I still think Fen should be gay, but I'd rather Y&R not bother with that ... look at zzzzz Teriah).

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Hopefully Mark Grossman is a good find. Especially if he's going to be featured a lot. (Which I think he will be) I would like to see how his Adam plays against Nick, the rest of his siblings and other residents in GC. If plays well off of them that would be a nice and one of the few bright spots on this show right now. The casting department has been doing a nice job with the young men they have been hiring. (Michael, Zach, Sean (the New Nate) and now possibly Mark.


Also, unfortunately, it looks Zach Tinker is still not taping. The Y&R twitter account wished him a Happy Birthday the other day and that was it. I wish he would come back and go back to interacting with the young set, including Ana. He could help rescue her from the storyline with Mariah and Tessa, lol.


But it looks like they still aren't interested in bringing him back/writing for him right now. Yet, they brought Kevin back. Here is a picture Christina LeBlanc tweeted of Greg Rikkart back on set as Kevin with Michael, Lauren and Paul:




I would rather they brought back Fen than Kevin. I did read somewhere that someone said that Christian was told by Josh Griffith to be prepared to be busy. Because Josh was going to use the Baldwin family quite a bit. But I don't think that Fen factors into that plan, at least not right now.


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Which Theo? The one they have now or the recast one that is coming on June 3rd?


I actually do kind of like the Theo they have now. I think he's really young looking but I like his laid back attitude. The other one that is coming on June 3rd, looks older/more mature. I think they cast him because they decided they wanted to have him as a longer term love interest for Summer. I think they felt the 2nd Theo would be a better fit for Summer. The first one is romantically interested in her and I believe that will continue when the 2nd one shows up.


They need to free Summer from the Kyle/Lola triangle. This triangle is not working. It stopped being viable when they had Kyle decide to abruptly dump Summer and have him flaunt his affair with Lola in front of her face and others. Kyle is treating Summer poorly and isn't showing any regard for her feelings. He's not acting like someone who claimed to be her friend/care about her. He's trying to deliberately hurt her/rub his affair in her face. IMO, Kyle and Lola are toxic together, and I want to see Summer removed from their orbit romantically. Then their relationship can tank, without her being blamed for it.


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Yeah and you can see you a big difference in them in these pics someone posted on Twitter. One looks much younger than the other one. The first one looks young, the 2nd one looks older and like he will steal someone's lady from them easily, lol. I do like the first one's personality, (and he has some chemistry with Summer) but I can see why they went with the recast.






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I'm not sure. I'm thinking mainly they wanted someone who would come across as a tougher rival for Kyle. I think that may be a big reason why they went for the more mature, more manly looking guy.


Also, I heard somewhere that Tyler Johnson is like 36 or 37 years old in real life. Somebody on another site said he was born in 1982. That's interesting. The Theo right now on the show is supposed to be around Kyle and Summer's age. I wonder if they will say that Theo #2 is around that age, or portray him as older. I guess it could also depend on how he translates on screen, (if he translates as younger/closer to their age, or if he looks/seems more like his real life age).

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