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2019: The Directors and Writers Thread

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Sara Bibel was in the script editor slot on YR title cards today in place of Matt Clifford.  His name has been absent from the credits in the past for a few episodes and Ferri Esser was put in his place. Maybe he's on vacation barfing from the horrible scripts he's asked to edit.  Thought it was interesting that Beall, who's been associate headwriter since first week of June, wrote a script last week for the first time since May 31. Since she moved to the AHW position, they hadn't replaced her with a fifth script writer. The other four have been rotating turns getting an extra script a week.  I feel writing changes coming to support failing Griffith.....

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Im actually wondering if Sally and Josh could balance eachother out? You know, it's really funny cause I remember back in the day when everyone was saying OLTL fell apart once Griffith left his post as CO-HW! Almost makes me feel like Malone would be a perfect fit at YR with his stories and pacing imo!? If only Sally would have made Alden her CO-Head.........

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I think the next writer reshuffle will involve current staff promotions. Seems to me Amanda Beall is on the rise.  Sara Bibel was trained by Kay Alden but I don't think she has what it takes (to continue to ruin the show LOL).   I think Josh will last through the end of his one year in December.  But the execs must be head writer shopping. I think he'd be tossed before Morina.  

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My best guess is that Mulcahey is getting closer to retirement and accepted a paycut. I always thought that the storyliner credit was more about money than actual influence. He only ever did an interview on his initial joining of B&B and that he gave the idea for Stephanie’s faked heart attack.

one of the last really EPIC B&B stories, IMO. Hardly any interviews ever since or any story that really screamed Mulcahey.

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