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Hollywood Sexual Harrasment/Assault Thread


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Most people in this thread have been citing reputable (or even passable) source in links but boy, some of y'all are linking to some questionable blogs and websites!


Lemme deconstruct one essential myth about Hollywood...it is NOT truly liberal.  I repeat, It is NOT TRULY LIBERAL.


Some of the actors may be Liberal.

Some of the directors may be Liberal.

Even some producers might be Liberal.

But the Studio Bosses and the Executives with the power to 'greenlight' movies and TV shows?


And they never were.


It's similar to the owners of NFL and NBA franchises. Some of their players might be liberal but the owners are DEFINITELY NOT.


Please learn how to make the distinction.


Nobody here is claiming that one side owns deviant behavior, so the linking to a dubious website is unnecessary, by the way.

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I know I have said this before, but it bears repeating...how did he get away with this for so long - both in Hollywood and London??? I feel even sicker and angrier about this than I did before, and that's saying something. 😠😠😠😠😠



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I hope Kevin's new co-workers at McDonald's, where USA Today is prominently sold, are giving him a REALLY hard time over that article.

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