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Dallas: Discussion Thread


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One thing's for sure: Pam's exit was pretty much the end of the series' original "Romeo vs. Juliet/Ewing vs. Barnes" concept, if the concept hadn't already been abandoned before then.  DALLAS seriously needed to reboot itself, because Cliff alone was simply no match for J.R., and J.R.'s dominance over everyone in the Ewing clan, including Bobby, just made the whole show look lopsided.

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Agreed 100%. I wonder what they could have done, because they tried to do the same show, just one with a giant Pam-sized hole in it.

I’ve seen others suggest that Pam’s mysterious disappearance could have powered the show for another season, though I don’t know how satisfying that would have been knowing she wouldn’t be back.  If Dallas were more of a gothic show, I would have had Pam disappear at the end of 1986-87, and 87-88 picks up six months later, with Bobby hiring a nanny for Christopher, and who tries to figure out why nobody wants to talk about the mysterious Mrs. Ewing. And the new nanny essentially plays the “outsider” role that Pam played. Maybe she eventually winds up with Bobby, too. Not sure it would have worked but I think it would have been better than what we got.

And at the same time, you introduce a new business rival for JR - maybe Sue Ellen, an idea that had been floated for the following season. Or maybe it’s someone entirely different, but whoever it was needed to be intertwined with the family beyond just JR.

Edited by Chris 2
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It makes a lot of sense, especially since the lady veterans were replaced with sweet young things, while the men stayed the same age. Dallas and Knots were lucky that most of the women chosen for these roles worked out. If they hadn't then the shows would have collapsed even more quickly.

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It's possible that a long-lost daughter of Digger's could have emerged, going toe-to-toe with J.R. while gradually falling in love with Bobby, thereby keeping the Ewing vs. Barnes concept intact.  But I don't know how successful that would have been.

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Knots should have ended in 1989.  If you looked at ratings, they were still healthy up till then.  Season 10 seemed like a wrap up...and I think season 11 was shaky because the writers had to figure out new obstacles, or start new stories.

Dallas lost it's luster by 1987 and maybe had they opted to end the show in 1988..they could have convinced VP to stay on an extra season.


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When I say long-time female cast members, I'm referring to those who were part of the original cast or introduced during the first two seasons.

Let's break down all three shows.

Dallas: Spring 1987, Susan Howard written off due to lack of storyline and Victoria Principal leaves by her own choice. Spring 1989, Linda Gray leaves by her own choice. Spring 1990, Barbara Bel Geddes retires due to health and Charlene Tilton written off due to lack of storyline. I suspect Susan Howard, Barbara Bel Geddes, Charlene Tilton were salary dumped. Dallas was always the more male-focused show so I don't think the new young females that were introduced Fall 1988 onward (the off the rails plus budget mode years) would be considered front-burner leads.

Knots Landing: Fall 1987, Constance McCashin and Julie Harris are salary dumped and this has been documented. Spring 1989, Donna Mills leaves by her own choice. Fall 1992, Joan Van Ark leaves by her own choice and Michele Lee takes a pay cut to appear in all episodes of the final season (I believe Michele herself confirmed this). While all this is going down, Nicollette Sheridan becomes a front-burner lead.

Falcon Crest: Fall 1988, Ana-Alicia is salary dumped but it went wrong (Ana-Alicia pretty much says this in a YT video posted in the Falcon Crest thread). Fall 1989, Susan Sullivan supposedly leaves by her own choice, Jane Wyman absent most of the season due to health, Margaret Ladd written off halfway through the season. I suspect Susan Sullivan was salary dumped (I spotted her in two promos for CBS's Fall 1989 lineup and I don't think she would've appeared in them if she was on her way out by her own choice; they are posted in the Falcon Crest thread), and so was Margaret Ladd. I also think Jane Wyman's episodes being cut was a budget mode move. While all this is going down, Kristian Alfonso becomes a front-burner lead.

Looking at all this, yeah, there's a pattern.



Edited by kalbir
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Barbara Bel Geddes and Howard Keel were each offered a 4-episode deal for what turned out to be Dallas’ final season. Keel accepted, but Bel Geddes declined.

And I totally believe that Susan Sullivan was let go - that promo is the smoking gun. Nice find.

Edited by Chris 2
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I saw not 2 weeks ago where it has come out that Susan Sullivan was definitely let go to come up with money to hire someone they pinned great hopes on & then they killed her off in that atrocious way, to boot. I'm thinking there was something of a personal reason for the cut-back to Wyman. Sorry, I just don't remember. Maybe it was just being sick.

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I believe it, too.  Same goes for the others that @kalbir mentioned.  But I think Sullivan and others have said otherwise because they thought it looked better than admitting they were fired or let go.

Let's not forget, too, that Susan Howard was a vocal supporter of EP Philip Capice, whom Hagman blamed for the show's falling ratings during the "dream season," making it clear he wouldn't return unless Capice was gone.

Let's be honest: most of the females hired on DALLAS from 1988 onward were little more than bimbos with marginal talent but who could, at that point in their careers, work for cheap.

In retrospect, Donna Mills was smart to leave KL when she did.  Between the salary and budget issues and the increasingly off-key writing for Abby, she could see the writing on the walls.

Edited by Khan
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This was posted almost a year ago on another board...

After many years of speculation Warner Brothers are currently re-scanning Dallas from the original 35mm masters for a complete HD restoration. The project has been on going for several months. Seasons 10-13 are being reconstructed from the original elements as they only currently exist in one inch video SD master tape.

The project will take quite some time to complete but the plans are to have Dallas stream on HBO Max and eventually stream globally with an eventual Blu Ray release (possibly in time for the 45th anniversary in 2023) . Warner are also looking at restorations for Knots Landing and Falcon Crest. It's just going to take time!

Edited by Soapsuds
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