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GH: Actress OUT

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Rumor has it, Fish Face declined a pay cut upon renewal. If that's the case, Alderson gets a kudos from me. Why should she take a pay cut so Staff, Miller and Clown Howarth can keep their salaries, especially when 2/3 can't be bothered to fully commit to the show? The downside for KA is that she has no talent and does not possess THE look to compensate. Not many Uncle Franks out there to accommodate her.

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This is the most bizarre speculation. KM LOOKED like she belonged when she did those fashion shoots/remotes - unlike many, many soap actors - who 'tried' to be 'soap models.' I think Bell learned his lesson with the first Bridget recast after JF, which was a disaster. No way, they rush recasting Hope, who someone like KA - even if she did have the acting chops. I just don't see KA on any soap in the next few months. Y&R - no way while they are still trying to pair CG as an adult character. DAYS - maybe, but that wouldn't be for months anyway based on production schedule.

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Erika Slezak took a cut, Tony Geary took a cut. Kristen's extraneous ass could've taken the cut. She was only there by the grace of Uncle Frank.

In other news, JONNY's incredibly obvious and desperate attempts at trolling have finally made me use the Ignore feature. I can take crazies and idiots, but desperation for attention just looks sad at that age.

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It'll be interesting to hear what she has to say once she finally comments on this. She hasn't said anything yet on Twitter; however, she DID say she was at Michael Fairman's birthday party last night (which..yeah, not surprised), which makes me wonder what was said there (the first farewell interview?).

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You know what, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: As a child, she was cute and talented. As an adult? That's just not the "look" soaps go for. She lucked out in keeping her job all throughout her child, tween, and teen years. She grew up on the show, so the OLTL fans appreciate that. Just like Erin Torpey. Great child actress; grew up onscreen before our very eyes. But as an adult, just doesn't have the look.

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Sometimes I forget what a bubble SON is. I went over to DC yesterday and most of the people were upset because Ava needs her on the show (to be honest Ava feels largely irrelevant to me, and you can tell Ron has already moved on to new tricks), and were insisting she should be cast on DAYS as a new Paige, or blaming it all on Prospect Park because they made it where GH couldn't have Starr.

The whole thing with her refusing a pay cut, if true, reminds me of when she gave that interview which suggested she saw herself as a longtime veteran of GH. I guess she really did. It's crazy.

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I think she saw herself as a longtime vet of Ron and Frank, which she is (and which is still a foolish thing to vocalize, IMO). But this whole effort to save their OLTL stars (on top of pushing Michelle Stafford and Billy Miller, who could not have come without cost) has vastly overextended their reach IMO. And with them plus an overinflated cast and a host of off-contract players, ME and KA (and Kelly Thiebaud, and surely more to come) are the low people on the totem pole. I think they'll cling to Roger Howarth til their dying day at this point, unless ABC puts a stop to it.

There are claims that the current management on ABC also wanted Kristen gone and they shielded her for this long, but I don't know how true that is. Brian Frons's regime was very high on Kristen at OLTL.

I used to think Ron was done with MW, but they seem to have doubled back in the last few months. If she was just done they could've had her die in childbirth, they could've sent her to a prison out of state. Instead we've followed her into coed Pentonville like everyone else. I'm not sure what's going on there.

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