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Bill Cosby

Marco Dane

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Of course it's one person... but every one of you were all foaming a the mouth to believe her, and when I said she had no credibility, you called me a slut shamer, etc... and acted like I thought strippers were worthy of rape. I just said that strippers in general have no credibility, and guess what? I was right. You all were just waiting with drool running down for Cosby to get arrested, and now it's not gonna happen. And like it or not, her being a fake will cast a pall over the rest of them.

Edited by alphanguy74
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So because one stripper lied, now all strippers are lying whores who deserve to be raped? You literally make it too easy.

I'm gonna have to bow out because my IQ is dropping just speaking to this troll.

As AMS said, sit your crusty ass down.

Also, please don't ruin "bloop" for us. Didn't you say you hated reality stars?

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He may be a judgmental troll but his judgment got him to the right conclusion however he arrived at it. I realize this is a forum where everyone is under pressure to always say the correct thing at all times, or at least the thing that sounds like the correct thing, but sometimes you need nothing more than your spider sense to tell you what's right and wrong and true or false. I think back when this thread began it was alphan who was going on about waiting and seeing and innocent until proven guilty and this is about race and some cpnservative claptrap being used to say some quasi racist BS via Cosby quotes on race or whatever. And I said something like "yes you wait and see, until you've seen enough and I've seen enough". I didn't have to pretend to give Cosby the benefit of the doubt because I didn't have a famous supermodel to cover for me. I think I said he was guilty from when this topic first started using the very scientific theory of where there's smoke there's fire.

Strippers: Some strippers are very nice people, but most people won't take a stripper as seriously as they would a nun. That's just a fact of life and if people are surprised by this they have to get out in this world and realize it isn't utopia. Whatever his rationale was she was dishonest so give the devil his due. Otherwise the posts here are really nothing more than

A) You're wrong sit down


B )You're right but we don't like you so sit down anyway

and then isn't that just echo chamber hivemind bullshit?

Sorry, this SON forum has a strong hivemind cliquish strain and that is always one of the things that annoys me about forums.

Edited by quartermainefan
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You what? What board are you on? When has what anyone on this board thinks about anything ever stopped me? I feel how I feel and I don't give a [!@#$%^&*] what anyone thinks.

What Bill Cosby did has nothing to do with this board, and how this board processes opinion has nothing to do with what Bill Cosby did. I'm not here to talk about this board, I'm here to talk about the 20+ women who all have the same story about Bill Cosby. Feel free to take your thesis about Internet forums to the Cocktail Lounge, otherwise stick to the subject.

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Yes, I know this, but I still don't think it's right or fair. The fact remains that people are individuals, and I think it's judgmental to dismiss an entire group of people for the sake of being the first one to be "right" about a particular individual. This goes beyond just this situation because alphan has a long history on this board of making baseless statements about things he knows absolutely nothing about, and it gets old.

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I covered the possibility of some of these women lying weeks ago.

The thing I find interesting about this particular case is that Cosby was able to refute it by showing that he wasn't in town at the time. Yet he hasn't done the same with any of the others.

Edited by marceline
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These comments defending Bill Cosby always seem to amount to:

- these women are liars/out for a buck/idiots who got what they deserved

- Bill Cosby is still popular (which we see via half-attended shows and social media comments full of bilge)

The comments also tend to have some strange nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah tone that treats the whole thing as a joke.

This is the most disgusting thread I can ever remember on this board, and yes, I do agree with qfan that sometimes there's a groupthink mentality on this board, but that shouldn't be used as justification for some of the bile strewn here over and over again.

I just wish it could be locked, but I guess it's too late at this point anyway.

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You are absolutely correct. And that's part of the reason this board is dying, just like the soaps. I'm only still here out of sheer stubbornness. It's like a group of bullies on a school playground who picks on the kid that doesn't fit in. Now that Brian and Max are essentially gone, they've turned their attention to me now. I KNOW I'm a judgemental person. And so what? People not being judgemental ENOUGH is what causes a ton of trouble in their life, it gets them into abusive relationships, etc. I do think you're correct about there being some type of fire, and I have vascillated back and forth at times... but it's entirely possible that these women screwed Cosby to get ahead in the business, and that didn't happen for them, then they now hurl accusations, people keep saying these women have nothing to gain...... but oh yes, they do. ATTENTION, RECOGNITION, and REVENGE. I simply refuse to believe that a total of almost 30 women, and not one of them knew how to dial 911.

Edited by alphanguy74
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Much of the bile, besides being due to the groupthink bullying, comes from others attributing things to me that I did NOT say. A few posts ago, I told Mr. Vixen to SHOW ME where I said strippers deserved to be raped, and guess what? SILENCE. Although he clearly stated I said it. People still holding things against me that I said in the Trayvon Martin thread well over a year ago that I DIDN'T SAY once again. I've seen this time and time again when a group of bullies want someone gone, they fabricate and exaggerate and goad in order to try and get what they want. Well, this group will NOT get what it wants, so everyone is just gonna have to suck it up and deal.

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