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Bill Cosby

Marco Dane

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Agreed. I have no problem understanding why someone wouldn't come forward especially in the age of social media.

One of the assertions I find most nauseating by Cosby's apologists is the whole "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" line of thinking. I suspect that most of Cosby accusers/victims would've loved to have had their day in court but a lot of people worked very hard to make sure that would never happen. Even the prosecutor who chose not to file charges has gone on record saying that he believed the accusations but didn't think he could win a trial. That doesn't mean I'm letting him off the hook. His cowardice made it possible for Cosby to go on raping. But you can't blame the women for not coming forward because they did, but the prosecutor and Cosby's people made sure the charges would never see a courtroom.

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That's because the stupid bitch waited a year to go to the cops with it, there was no evidence at that time, she couldn't be tested for drugs in her system, etc. If you snooze, you lose! I don't blame the prosecutor for not wasting taxpayer's money. If you don't have the effing GUTS to go the police when the incident happens, then you just damn well have to live with the consequences. Mealy mouthed excuses be damned. So what if your'e ashamed? You do what has to be done, or you live with it. Put up or shut up. Now, if you DO go to the cops in a timely manner, and then don't get justice... THEN is the time to get pissed. If your'e smart, Like Monica Lewinsky, you KEEP THOSE RECIEPTS.

Edited by alphanguy74
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I watched the interview the other day & one of the victims said it happened again when she went back. Then I thought how stupid are you? However, I quickly erased that and said I dont know what her situation was all those decades ago. Maybe she had no choice. Either way if she did or did not or went back one or 100 more times the thing is Cosby doesnt value women as anything more than objects he can play with and he needs to pay for that. No woman ever deserves to be treated that way. No one.

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Your first thought was the right one, honey. Unless you are physcially abducted, you don't EVER need to go back if you don't want to. You ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE.

If somebody steals your damn car, go to the cops a YEAR later and report it, and see how far you get!

Edited by alphanguy74
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With the exception of possibly 1, we're talking about grown ass women here. Adults should have judgement at that point, and considering a few of these women were playboy bunnies, they're not exactly ingenues. And like I mentioned earlier, Dottie West WAS raped by her father when she was a teenager, and she told her principal at school, he then went to the sherriff, and her father was arrested and spent the rest of his life in jail. So this idea that cops will never believe someone is bullshit, if a teenage girl from rural McMinnville, Tennessee can do it, these WOMEN can't muster the courage? But you have to GO TO THEM within a reasonable amount of time. I even understand if a woman or even a few don't go to the police right away. BUT ALL OF THEM? REALLY?

Edited by alphanguy74
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There were lots of bad decisions made by many of the women Cosby assaulted that doesn't make him less of a rapist. Clearly Cosby got a thrill out of rendering women helpless then having sex with them. It's obviously a power fetish since he had plenty of consensual sex on the side yet still felt driven to act out this particular scenario. There are plenty of people who probably would've indulged this fetish with him if he'd asked. Granted there was no internet back then but he was friends with Hugh Hefner of all people. Are you telling me Hef couldn't have hooked him up with someone willing to indulge in that form of sexplay for fun or for a price? But apparently consent takes all the fun out of it for Bill.

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It's not ignorant, it's just basic cause and effect. In life, everyone has choices. If you don't have the guts to go to the police when a crime occurs, then you need to be prepared for the perp to get away with it. If a person is raped you can:

1: Say nothing, and live with that choice.

2: Go to the police, and at least have the knowledge in your mind that you did something, even if things don't work out to your advantage for whatever reason.

I'm not saying that I know how other people should respond. I'm saying I know how other people should respond IF THEY WANT JUSTICE.

Edited by alphanguy74
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