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Supergirl: Discussion Thread


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Why, thank you!!!



That said...while a lot is going on so far (I'm up to tonight aka Episode 6), I am not feeling this season the same as last. Did love Episode 5's bombshell. Monel is hit or miss with me because I can't get the actor's arc as Kai on TVD out of my head and I HAAAATTTTTTTEDDDDDDDDD Kai.


And is Kara too whiny now?


There's lots that I like but I guess as a whole there's something missing.

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Some additions /stories I like in the new season...


Alex's questioning her sexuality. Now just hook Winn up with a boyfriend. I don't see Winn ever getting Kara.

Ian Gomez as Snapper Carr.

Sharon Leal...who I have enjoyed since GL, Boston Public,etc.

The alien bar, where they can de -compress after cases and have a personal life.


I'm still on the fence with Hoechlin, who I remember from Seventh Heaven. 

I wish we could get occasional phone calls or video calls from Kat

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  • 2 weeks later...
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So...last season it was about Myriad. This season it's about Medusa. lol.


Last episode was more like it with the twists.


But ugh at Monel liking Kara.


And finally it returned to the Dad arc from Season 1.


And I figured out what was missing. It's the fact that before this episode, the 'team' have not really been together. It is doing what Season 2 tend to do which results in a sophomore slump: having all your own characters in separate stories rather than in same stories which was done in Season 1. So much so that the show does not at all seem like it's about Supergirl. And it shows. But that scene at the beginning with the team at the alien bar...is how it should be.


And I believe Cat will be back by the end of the season.

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  • 2 months later...
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This was the show I liked best out of the four but I let it go after the first episode of this season.  They should have left Kara with her crush on James which could have eventually faded away or remained in a way that wasn't a focus.  The mistake was having him reciprocate and using Cat and Lucy to promote a romance between them which was ill advised and definitely premature.  So after all that build up and acknowledgment of their feelings over the entire season which ended with their date planning, they take all of a few seconds to blow the whole thing up.  Somewhere between her trying on outfits and getting a promotion, she has an epiphany that romance is a bad idea. 


I did not care about them being together but I hated how poorly their ending was written and how it was unnecessarily rapidly it came.  They could have at least taken part of that episode to show her having doubts and then had her tell him in the second episode.  I actually think they should stay away from romantic relationships unless they have someone who can write them better because The Flash is just as bad and I don't watch Arrow but I figure it's the same.

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