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General Hospital July 2014 Discussion

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Thats RC for you. Take a legacy character like Rafe (He is a Barrington and they were big on GH in the 80's) and make him a plot point while newbies connected to no one get front burner story

Its all [!@#$%^&*]!!!

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Legacy character....what an overrated term and especially in a case like this with Twat Boy

I think the reason why he started was obvious. Rafe explained it and it made sense. He felt alone and had no one. His mother dead. His father dead. Silas wasn't really paying him much attention. Molly rejected him. He had no friends. He had a lot of sh-t piled up on him. I remember on this board that people complained that he acted too perfect and should have been messed up given how messed up his life was. Well it is now and that's how it should have been from the start. The flaw is that they didn't show us him experimenting for the first time and getting hooked. He disappeared for months and comes back a druggie.
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The Barringtons weren't a main family and Rafe was conceived on Port Charles after 2000, so he isn't a legacy character like Tom Hardy Jr. (whose been forgotten not sure if this is a good or bad thing).

Rafe sounded like he was going to tell Molly that someone put him up to running the car off the road. That could be tied into him using as he owed money for drugs and the hit and run was to repay the debt or something.

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I think the best thing they could do with Patrick Drake is make him a dark, moody doctor a la Phil Brewer, Jim Hobart, Tony Jones...let him become a real bastard, then have someone [Robin's return or Sam] bring him back from the brink. Patrick [JT] looks so bored for the last year, give him some real material to work with, it's not like he can't handle it.

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Patrick is the Mary Ingalls of soaps. Never have I seen a character this tortured. Jonathan Jackson left for this very reason (thank God). He said it was too much and never ending.

ATP, I'd just like Patty to pack up Emma and leave. But right now, we have to watch him bond with Sam to fulfil JT's guarantees so that they don't get too far behind This thing with Sam is totally Twitter influenced. But whatever, when I watch, I ff it anyhow.

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Someone explains to me like Im five how Dr O can imagine anything having to do with Franco would be good publicity. Isnt there still a civil lawsuit against him brought up by his victims' family?

How would that persuade any one to fund anything involving franco?

The todd-ification of franco is now complete smh

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True but i was still holding out some sort of hope.

I cant imagine no one standing up and pointing out how absurd the whole story is at one point or another

Or is RC really running his writing staff like some sort of dictature?

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