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Big Brother 16 Live Feeds/Spoilers Thread

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True about Emmett/Jillian. Talk about overrated TBH.

The casting, overall, is just better with Canada. I don't think they're necessarily fairer to women, I just think they cast them a little better.

Grodner clearly hates women, and has bad taste in the men she seems to worship. She's ruined BB over the years and this season and especially last season, were the tipping point.

The other problem is that the women target each other. That's a big part of the problem.

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IMO, we need an America's HoH every season to ensure a power shift. Hell, CBS just needs to hire BBCAN's entire production team. At least they listen to their audience 95% of the time.

I can remember season one when Emmett [and a few others] cheated during an HoH that he won and when the fans brought it up on Twitter, the production team was quick to check the tapes and dethrone him. That would never happen on BBUSA. Only times someone has been dethroned on BBUSA was season 7 and they did that to save Janelle, who was in threat, and this season where Cody actually did fall and Devin won.

BBCAN is always on point IMO. They'll allow a power alliance to control the first 4 weeks but they'll quickly throw a wrench in the plans week 4 or 5, which I love. Season one, they had the audience save Suzanne [when she was supposed to go home] & last season was the Canada's HoH that flipped the game for the remainder of the season, ending well. Plus, feeds are good up to the very last day on BBCAN. Production is always doing something to keep the drama alive between the hamsters.

Look at BB16 now. There's no drama at all. Frankie has ALL the power. Though he's going to be dethroned on Wednesday, I truly believe at this point, the comps are going to be something to ensure Frankie is safe and we get a Victoria or Cody boot. In my mind, I'm prepping for a Frankie/Caleb final two with Caleb winning by a landslide.

I'm ready for February to get here already.

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I have mixed feelings about their casting (I appreciate the diversity but I don't think the casts gel that well, especially in the first season), but I do think they're more willing to cast women who don't fit a "type." Someone like Neda would never be cast on BBUS.

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Apparently the Canada HOH was planned pre-season, so they had no idea it would cause a power shift. Their twists actually hindered power shifts otherwise (Alison coming in saved Heather, but also meant the "First Five" had a lapdog; the secret veto would have been used to make Alison/Arlie/Rachelle/Sabrina strong if they'd had a brain in their head), which is why I'm wary of praising their production too much.

The only time I really remember fans complaining about cheating in a BBUS comp was last season, the HOH Jeremy/Aaryn won. There was huge backlash against that comp win online and the show didn't seem to care.

I think Grodner is just too scared to involve the fans in a way that matters. And when she does it's for the worse. Like Team America. This was clearly supposed to be a fun idea that would also help Frankie, back when production loved him. Instead it has been boring, it stunted the house, it meant that Donny was more frightened to make a move against Frankie or Derrick when he had the chance, and it allowed Frankie to scapegoat Zach to the house. I have a feeling the show cast Zach with this type of thing in mind, assuming he would be the villain and Frankie/Donny/etc. would be the good guys keeping him in place. It did not work out that way, to say the least, and that "saboteur" task in particular upset many fans. The response from one of the producers was to sneer that fans should have voted Zach onto TA.

The biggest example of how rusty they are and how tin-eared they are is to have this meaningless week at a time when no one in the house is all that popular and the game is basically over. They should have done this when Zach was still there and a juror was coming back. Or when Donny/Nicole were on the block.

Instead they're just scrambling so we get this, we get Jeff and Jordan, we get a dog, we get an ice bucket challenge...we get everything but Will Kirby jumping on a trampoline.

They just don't have any ability to work on the fly and the pre-season twists they do have always, always fail. They're lucky most seasons because a few fan favorites last to the final 3 or 4, but the last two seasons that hasn't happened and the show just rots away for weeks, or in this case a whole month.

We don't even get more jury stuff, which some fans have all but begged for.

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I hope we get some jury clips this Wednesday because that's the ONLY reason I still watch the live shows. I miss the likes of Jocasta, Zach, Hayden, Donny, and now Nicole brightening up feeds. From what I've read of Jokers, what's all going on in the house is drab. And this the main reason why I haven't bought feeds in years and I watch them free online.

And you don't think Canada's pre-planned HoHs are for power shifts? Because that's what I get from them. I think without it last season, we would've had a slaughter like this season with Jon being the boot after Ika's eviction [as that was the plan], only to be followed with Adel, Neda, and Heather's evictions. I think Canada's HoH caused the outsiders to wake up, ban together, and strike when they could.

They should've had this happen this season week 5 when Brittany was on the block and people were growing tired of the Bomb Squad in power. Same with the golden button. That should've happened week 5, which would've saved Brittany and should've ended the BoTB. Had this happened, we would've had Nicole or Donny [or even Britt, who was good at mental comps] win the single HoH and evict Derrick or Frankie. But as you mentioned, production was all about saving Frankie, the single-handed thing that has killed this season. And I also agree with you that they are scrambling to find stuff to fill the episodes as they have nothing. Especially this upcoming week. From what I've been reading, they've been sleep majority of the day.

But going back to production pets, they did the same thing with Amanda last season. Had production not been in Helen and Judd's ear week #6, Amanda would've been juror #1 and Candice would've lasted another week, giving Helen the numbers in the long haul. And they did the same thing the previous season with Frank. And the previous with Rachel. And previous with Matt. And Jeff and Jordan. And Dan before that. And Ryan before that. And Dick being the originator of blatant production saves. One time is OK. But countless times is frustrating.

Boy do I miss the Shapiro years. The twists were simple. They ran their course after about week 4, and the houseguests were true Big Brother fans. I strongly caution that anyone that plays this game in future season watch seasons 2-6 and not Grodner years. I hate too that these are typically the seasons that the contestants are given to watch in sequester before the game. And this where 95% of them draw their games from.

Sucks for true fans like Zach, Jocasta, and Donny, who have been watching the show since about season 2.

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I think the Canada's HOH did cause a power shift, which I appreciate. I'm not sure it was intended as such. I think they just wanted to try a lot of things to keep players on their toes all season. I like the idea, but sometimes I think it was too much. The thought of an Alison/Arlie/Sabrina/Rachelle final 4 (admittedly not likely, but...) makes me wince.

This season has always had worst case scenarios. Christine's comp wins stopped Frankie backdoors, evicted Nicole (twice), helped cause Zach's eviction. And the show should have stepped in.

I don't even know what the show is now. I really don't feel like anyone cared last season. I think Helen was lying about production telling her things and I think she just wanted to keep Amanda out of fear. I think production wanted Elissa there early on, but they mostly seemed to back off because of the racism controversy. They didn't want their name attached to anything.

I sometimes feel like the show now only cares when it's time to help out a famous person's relative. For instance, Frank Eudy, who was a worthless personality, was the son of a famous wrestler, and they adored him to the point of canceling a [!@#$%^&*] eviction. This season, Frankie is the brother of a famous singer, and they worked overtime to save him even at great cost. And in return he's helped ruin what was left of the season, week after week, helping to get rid of interesting, likeable players through his jealousy and bitterness and need for attention. Was it worth it? Did they get any new viewers out of it? No. And no.

Like you said, it also punishes the true fans of the game. It is embarrassing that Frankie is called a "superfan" and goes on about how he is a "superfan" and people like Zach were "students" when Frankie admitted he never watched the show and read facts on Wikipedia. That's why he keeps saying Janelle never made it past halfway in any of her seasons. Superfan my ass!

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This is a lot of fun. The jurors came back in the house. We saw a few minutes of them on the feeds. People are speculating it will be picking teams - one juror, one houseguest, and the juror not picked will host.

In the few minutes on feeds, they were running around trashing the house while the houseguests were locked in a room watching them. Zach was dancing on the table. Nicole, amusingly, handed him a box of Froot Loops.

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I heard Vic won 5k thanks to Hayden, and Frankie has been bitching and moaning about Jocasta not doing anything nonstop. Caleb was been whining about how America probably hates the remaining [he's on point], which is why the jurors were brought back.

But they should've torn the house up better than they did. I would've shoved dressers over, tossed dishes on the floor, poured liquid on their clothes, and squirted out all their toiletries. But that's just me. happy.png

A part of me wants Derrick to go this week but at this point, I'd love to hear that Frankie was given the boot so the air can be let out his tires once he's evicted to a studio audience of boos.

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Frankie claimed Jocasta tossed his meds around in the bathroom. I don't believe she'd do that, but if she did, more power to her after what he said about her.

Caleb and Cody were back to their delusional belief that America could never like Donny or Zach.

- people only liked Donny when he was an underdog, so now he's forgotten

- Zach called women "bitch" and "ho" (actually he didn't...) so America wouldn't like him

- Zach is someone they'd punch in the mouth in the real world

- Zach wore a pink hat and America won't like a man who wore a pink hat; Caleb said he would never let his son wear a pink hat (screw you you homophobe)

Last and least:

- fans don't like anyone in the jury (this is probably the most popular jury the show has ever had...no jury, not even the All Stars jury, got this much attention)

I'm at the point where I'm almost tempted to root for Frankie to outlast one or both of these guys.

Victoria was upset because someone destroyed one of her necklaces in the jury comp, although she doesn't think it was deliberate. She was upset when Caleb told her a juror scratched out her name from the carvings the final 5 put on the bathroom wall. Caleb and Cody thought it was Zach, but Frankie and Victoria think it was Christine, because Christine had a meltdown when Victoria won the luxury comp. Christine wasn't even picked - nobody wanted her. tongue.png

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