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Anyone view the Spring preview at the end of the show and immediately think of the Claudia and Lucious storyline as a copycat of Misery?  It will also be interesting to see where they are going with the Eddie Barker story, now that his ex-wife Giselle (Nicole Ari Parker) has arrived....


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I agree...Spring Preview was shades of Misery.  That said...first chance Cookie gets, you know she's going to clock that nut.


Also going by the preview and tonight...I think it is safe to say the rival family arc is over.


And I laughed at Boo Boo Kitty losing again.  that's what you get.


I also like how Lusicous is now. I definitely hope they continue to explore this blending of his personas.

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Just watched the winter finale---loved it. Not looking forward to Demi Moore's psycho arc. Is this how her daughter got her contract? Rumer brings very little to the show.


Bye Angelo....and the rest of those bratty cousins, but I will miss Diana DuBois. Loved her bitchy-ass.


Nicole Ari Parker....yasssss!   Welcome Giselle!  Looking forward to Eddie's new story.


Jamal---from gun victim to killer.


Thirsty is one of my all time favorite tv lawyers!


Oooooh Becky?   J-Poppa's gonna be a Papa! LOL

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Too many shows coming back or ending around the same time so it's been hard to watch. In fact, I missed last week's. I have watched the week before last and went ahead and watched last night.


Off the top of my head...


Cookie had a heart attack?!? Out of everyone who I thought would have one...not her.


Loved she got a punch in on Claudia two episodes back.


Same on Forrest's character trying to sell Empire.


Not liking this turn with Jamal though I do understand it. It made me wonder other than Andre has Hakeem killed anyone else?


I was happy to see that the 20/20 album storyline was still going on. I don't think the show should stray tooo far from music storylines.


Missing the Dubois since I don't see too much of an overall arc going on.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Im enjoying Empire again. 


The show really needs to stop stalling this Cookie and Lucious reunion. 


Cookie is 47. I guess that's bout right but I thought she was younger. Her heart attack was good story. It was sweet to see everyone coddling her. Her son's were just sitting on the bed looking at her. She and Hakeem have come a long way. 


I binge watched so I don't know of this was discussed but Andres girlfriend being an hallucination was a twist worthy of Bernard being a host on Westworld. Brilliant! 


I do love Grace but Boo Boo Kitty has outlived her use. Had they actually married her off to Angelo and made them a couple to be reckoned with, I'd hsve been happy. But it was too little too late. 


I find myself wondering why Forrest Whittaker is some acclsined actor. As terrible in this as he was in Black Panther. Eddie and his ex wives would be far more interesting with a for more engaging actor.


I thought cookiesomma was dead. You can't go wrong with Alfre Woodard, though. So looking forward to that. 



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Oh, we did. We ALL LOST OUR MINDS  when we saw that twist. The acting, direction, and just how it was done was how you do a plot twist. 


Playing catchup right now since I had been watching but as background due to being busy.




So it seems the main plot has become...


1)EDDIE'S TAKEOVER. I didn't get it at first. But now that it's in the open...this has been interesting as the question is can Andre be redeemed.


2)COOKIE'S PRISON PAST. I was wondering why all the flashback...like Teen Luc/Cookie...but unlike them this now is going somewhere. Now I am wondering what happened with the baby.



That said...interesting about Cookie's mama. Wonder where it goes. 


And I agree about Boo Boo Kitty. Where else is there for her to go?

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Just caught up (binged the second half of the season yesterday). 


Eddie's takeover was just blah---until the "ascot" reveal. Now there is leverage...


Shine's execution was long overdue. I liked that he got to perform one last time, though.


Alfre Woodard was a smart get. Looking forward to what comes of her story down the road.


Andre needs to snap BooBoo Kitty's neck, but I don't need to see him whining afterward.


Two thumbs up for the Claudia Smackdown.


Can they drop Rumer Willis as a regular?  She irks me. Also, why is Warren still credited?




Tiana being brainwashed by Eddie makes her look weak and stupid.


I liked the Poundcake story.. RIP to the late James Colby who played guard Burleson. 


Thirsty is one of the most entertaining characters. Ever. 


Becky/Porscha scenes, and her scenes with J Poppa were a win. Becky and Jamal scenes were long overdue.


:Looking forward to the finale this week.

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I agree. After Season 3, this season was back to form...and I was worried once the family v family storyline was over midseason, but WOW...this last leg has been something else and that finale was sooooo much better than last season's where I almost threw something at my tv. 

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