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Empire: Discussion Thread


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Sorry but Cookie spitting on Camilla rubbed me the wrong way. It was just disgusting and gutter trash. I know Cookie is no lady of the manor but I found it beneath her and way out of character....


the episode as a whole was so predictable to the point of being ridiculous. Of course Camilla is somehow involved with that wanna be hood white woman. Of course she lays it thick on Hakeem and makes him betray Lucious. The whole thing was just hilarious. and then the Rhonda scene just had me laughing because of how over the top it was. I can't tell if this show is supposed to make me laugh or be shocked at these moments and that's a problem.


Lastly does Lee Daniels really think they'll be a huge audience for this hot mess in 3 months time? I'm so over it. If not for Cookie (who's become pretty mediocre this season if I'm honest) Id say the show is trash. 

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Oh we legit have no clue, all Cookie said is "I thought I told you to sleep with her." and she said I did. Then Mimi said her efforts were valiant but they never really said the extent of what they did together. I like not knowing and I can't imagine that all Mimi got out of it was a little tongue action in order for her to be on board with their earlier plot.

FINALLY someone says what we have all said.. TOO MANY GUEST STARS!


There's also an interview with IC on TVLine but she's FOS to me and she wasn't the one I was really looking to see say this.

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Danny, Ilene, and Lee do need to tighten up on the show. I feel like there needs to hardly be no guest stars come season three. It's becoming too much and is taking away from the characters. Did Lee not pay attention to Glee? They are heading down the same road. 


I still don't care much for Jamal experimenting. I also didn't care for the dropped line in there from Charlemagne about Skye being biracial. I wish this show would stop dropping in social issues of the moment out the sky and not addressing them. 


I am glad that Camilla is back because she's actually a character I'm invested in. Her getting Empire was good seeing how Lucious forced her to leave Hakeem alone. Plus, I am not shocked that Hakeem did what Camilla told him too. He's always thought with his penis and emotions. 


I'm guessing Anika wants her child to be the soul heir of the Lyon dynasty. This is karma for Rhonda killing Vernon too. I hope she doesn't die yet as I want to explore more of her background too. 


Damn. March is long time from now. 

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If Rhonda survives that fall then she is superwoman because such a fall would have killed every soap ingenue before her...


I LOVED Camilla returning. That is the sole good decision of season 2. Naomi Campbell, for whatever people think of her acting ability, has charisma and Camilla is a lightning rod character that lights up the scenes she's in. 


I also enjoyed Cookie spitting on Camilla because I did not expect it at all. It was ruthlessly low class of her to do so, but it was shocking and my jaw dropped.

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Rhonda will likely survive, but the baby won't and that probably will be an opening to send Andre off the rails again.

Once Camilla touched Hakeem package, Empire was hers. I agree that Hakeem thinks with the wrong head.

Cookie giving Hakeem her proxy in order to see one of her prison pals was sloppy writing, especially since that scene with Da Brat's character was entirely pointless.

When Lucious said "are you hitting that?" it was funny because he said every syllable so proper and that's not usually how you hear that phrase spoken.


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God, what a hot mess that was. The show 100% needs to be tightened up. They threw everything the could out there. The pacing is just ridiculous.


I have to say I quite loved Marisa Tomei this season, even if I knew the entire time she'd be playing him. I didn't quite connect the dots because I still haven't seen every scene of every episode so far, but I've seen enough.


Loved Naomi Campbell returning as Camilla. I sort of forgot about her, in a way.  Probably because of the way the show speeds through storylines it's felt so long since we last saw her. And I'm not really here for arrogant Hakeem again and the destruction of his relationship with Cookie. I don't want that progress shot out the window like I feel it will be. I hate that Cookie gave him her proxy. She'd never do that, but then again, I think she truly trusted him and he failed that trust. I'm looking forward to her dressing him down for it. Although I loved Hakeem turning on Lucious, and the flashbacks showed us why he would. Too bad nothing sticks and by the end of the season someone new will be taking over. It's going to be wash/rinse/repeat with this.


I don't really care about Jamal at all this season. He's all over the place. And at the end of the day, Alicia Keys felt pointless. Just for the sake of having her on the show. And Cookie's return to the prison felt a bit hollow to me and I'm glad they had Da Brat's character call her out.


The lack of true investment in the characters not named Cookie or Lucious is starting to get a bit evident and annoying. Rhonda and Anika were dayplayers until the show needed some climaxes.

Edited by KMan101
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There were so many things wrong with last night's show, I wouldn't know where to begin.  I'm not eagerly anticipating the return in March but I'm anxious to see Luscious get his company back.  


Jamal taking a woman to bed for the sake of fluidity (whatever the fvck that means) after we were beaten into submission that he was a proud gay man who could kick anyone's ass?  TRASH!  I'd buy Andre with a man before I was sold on Jamal with anything moist!  But this doesn't matter much to me as I have hated Jamal since eppy 3 of S1.  Alicia Keys, please stay away!  


Shocking that Hakeem voted against Luscious?  How so when he's hated him all season?  Shocking would have been Keem voting with his father.  They have absolutely no idea what to do with Keem.  Develop him with Laura, continue fending off Anika or getting back with that English dullard?  He's a teen with 2 older women trying to get at him.  This is beyond ridiculous.  Camilla is still upset because Luscious forced her away from her teen lover?  Honestly, I could put a bounty on IC's head right about now!  I think my complete and utter dislike for that woman has been completely justified at this point.  Garbage!  


When did they develop Mimi taking over Empire?  I mean, it was inevitable, but can we see it onscreen?  This character had promise but she came off as really cartoonish.  I guess she was eccentric but I just didn't take her serious.  




What a POS this show has become!  Ugh!

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Just gonna leave this here for my boo, Vee ;):





Trust me when I tell you Ilene Chaiken CANNOT be trusted. While passionate scribes would seize the opportunity of 6 additional eppies, Chaiken will see this as a chance to write in circles and destroy characters. 

She's an idiot, but what can you expect from someone who destroyed her own creation? You will see the actors salvage a lot of her sh!t. #donttakemyword




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I look forward to another extended season of Chit ignoring the actual screen credits of every episode she enjoys and attributing any success to everyone other than the day-to-day showrunner!

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I was wondering that too.  When did Mimi turn on Lucious?


And how did Lucious not know who Mimi was married to? He didn't do a background check on his business partner?


It feels like TPTB are going for these "OMG! No way" moments that don't make any sense and have no build up. 


Also, Cookie gives her proxy to Hakeem, who hates his father.  Like she didn't know that? Come on.  And why/who was that person in jail so important to Cookie that she had to see her right away and was more important than the vote? 

Edited by Toups
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