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Cassie Lookalike Identity Revealed on Tuesday's 'The Young and the Restless'

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Devon has never been written to have any fire. I think it would look good on him. Tyler wouldn't be so hot if not for his physique.

Neil and Hillary are beyond mismatched! That crap jive he was talking to Devon after the Nill boink was disgusting and demeaning. Did Hill think it was cute? I darn sure didn't. I can't believe they had the audacity to give that script to KSJ.

This from day one viewer won't eat up Devon and faux Cassie, or Ian with ANYONE but that older lady - his former wife or somebody in that age group. No actress who was on Y&R prior to his arrival but her.

I think faux Cassie's adoptive mom or grandmother is Ian's former wife who also came to GC asking for money in return for info. And not sure if it's this thread or not but faux Cassie may be Frank's bio daughter but it makes more long-term sense for her to be Sharon's. I don't know if Ian is Frank's dad or an adoptive parent or grandparent of faux Cassie, or Sharon's dad. Frank was quite shady as I recall. Maybe he sold a twin.

I almost want to say good going for giving faux Cassie ties to Tyler AND Ian but the writing is so sloppy across the board, I can't. Sensational ideas are one thing and good writing is what makes them great and lasting and impactful. The writers have not shown me that they have any of this. At all.

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I definitely makes more sense long term for her to be related to Sharon. I know I am the minority but I will be really disappointed if they don't connect her to Sharon in some way as either a sister, daughter, niece, or cousin. I like CG and want her to have some connections to canvas. Sharon needs an adult relative to be on her side or to fight for in some way to soften her. Plus, it gives her story and screen time that isn't about Nick or her disease. Sharon desperately needs that. Besides, I also want to eliminate the possibility of her and Noah being paired. Man, would that each up all kinds of screen time.

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Of course not. If Neil were recast (which would never happen) with a better actor and still be nothing more than an Uncle Tom for the white massas businessmen of GC, then I would have to change my tune. But right now, AFAIC, the fact that Neil is AA and therefore marginalized on this show is only half of the problem. Even if we had a regime in place that was more sympathetic toward AA actors, characters and relationships, I'd still worry about giving KSJ any significant amount of airtime for reasons that would have nothing to do with his ethnicity.

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I'm not going to say Shemar couldn't make Malcolm "work" just b/c his return to the show turned out to be a bust. His return wasn't handled right at all, but before then, when he was on Y&R the first time around, his presence on the show was mutually beneficial. That's all I'm saying.

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