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GH: April 2014 Discussion Thread

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Those Ned and Tracy scenes were really great. It is a clear indication that the Qs no matter how trashed they were by previous regime are still relevent to the canvas.

You think there is any chance GH could lure Wk back with a contract? He is on recurring at Days, right?

Get rid of 5 unnecessary newbies (pick the ones you want I am not that invested in any of the ones we have on contract anyway) and you could get WK a contract worthy of his talent.

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This is so true, but WK would not be offered a contract. Ned is a Q and he was not created by Crappy. They have no use for him even though Ned is my 2nd fav Q. Closely followed by Alan!

He looked so handsome, but I had the misfortune of watching him in scenes with that dried up witch, Tracy. The interruption was good in more ways than one.

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Wasn't there some plan (or rumor or idea) to bring back Alan from the dead too but Stuart's health issues have prevented this? Has that been completely dropped? I really find myself missing him at times. It was nice that he was able to share scenes with Leslie, Jane, Sean and Chris Robinson for the anniversary last year. Oh and that thing they still call Emily.

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Exactly. He (like Eileen Davidson now) has the freedom to play both of his characters and still has time for other things. It's a win/win and he'd be crazy to give it up. It's not like he'd work very much anyway under a contract. It would be a waste.

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I think she was really good with Jerry and with special agent Raynor (played by Mark Penter). I also remember that Gordon Thompson had a guest starring turn as some sort of special agent and I think it could have worked. I would say the same thing for Durant.

Thinking about Durant, they really should have made him Jesse's bio dad. Maxie dating Carly's half_brother would have been interesting. So many missed opportunities with Durant.

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OMG lol. Dead AJ is hilarious. I love him tormenting Sonny. "I thought she'd NEVER leave!" LMAO me too! Olivia was so [!@#$%^&*] annoying.

And can all of this please help end the crappy Olivia and Sonny relationship?

I liked Alexis with Jax, Jerry (somewhat ... I bought her as a lusty teenager for him more than for Julian) but mostly Ric (who also still works quite well with Liz). Though I couldn't see this hot flash teenage version of Alexis with Jax anymore. And it's been so long. I didn't mind her with Ned, either, but I don't remember that much chemistry.

This "Luke" and Tracy thing is making her look so awful. I hate this. But Tracy's just so desperate to be loved that she buys what he's shoveling. Ugh.

Carlos is such an awful liar. He looks like [!@#$%^&*] too. How is this allowed? Shouldn't actors look GOOD and I'm far from shallow. And I just can't with Ellen pacing around and shouting. God. I'm surprised Kaka hasn't run in and rubbed his shoulder and reassured him. That's all the bitch seems good for.

I love Jordan. She's so good. Best new character in ages. See. I can praise the show when they deserve it. And she deserves the praise. The actress is fantastic.

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LOL. I buy her as savvy and smart but some mastermind. No. I agree with that, but I still like her, although my very first thought was she'll be ruined at some point and I shouldn't have to even think that way, but that's what GH has trained me to do. Expect the worst and literally pray for the best.

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Enough with "Luke" Regular Luke is bad enough but this story needs to move along b4 Geary goes on vacation.

Vinessa Antoine was great on Haven, and she's the best newbie since ?

Time for a drive by Sabrina, no one wants to see you happy.

U/O I like Diane Miller, as she'll probably be on to help Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos. There has been a bi*chy auburn haired lawyer around since I started watching. Does anyone else remember Zelda Bernstein[sarah Simmons]? There was Abby[Robin Christopher}. There just needs to be an antagonist. I don't mind Diane as much, because she usually has something to make me laugh.

Sonny callin Ava? Enough! Now we'll have to hear Morgan cry againjeal0002.gif

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