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Queer as Folk


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Loved Ben & Loved Michael with him. I believe Hal Sparks was happy that Michael matured & got over his lust for Brian.I know if I was Michael and was playing that lust into S3 I woulda said enough already

I never got the appeal of Justin. Im sorry but there was nothing about him. He just came across as judgmental

Found it funny that Mel gave Lindz shoit cause she fucked that art gallery guy. I feel QAF was very bi-phobic. That to me is sad

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The thing about Brian that is particularly interesting is that his best friends are all in love with him. Lindsey chooses Brian to be the father of her child, they previously dated in college and they would also play fake hetero-sexual partners concerning Gus. Justin was in love with Brian from the moment they had their one night stand and Micheal was forever waiting in the wings for Brian to de-friend zone him. Brian is an interesting character study just because of the way he breaks down his relationships and how he compartmentalizes his love for people. He denies Micheal the sexual gratification he continuously gives Justin, he denies Justin the intimacy that he so desperate needs by giving it to Micheal and he denies both Micheal and Justin the respect and equality he gives to Lindsey on a regular basis. He purposely defeats and sabotages all of his relationships because of a catastrophic up-bringing he witnessed with his mother and father. Brian will never be satisfied, because he never gives himself fully to anyone. He will never have a full relationship because he never gives everything to one person. He is virtually in a polygamous relationship threw out the entire show, and because of it all of his relationships are in lock-step. Ultimately Brian ends up alone at the end of the series because of it. Micheal, Justin and Lindsey all move on and he is still at Babylon.

Loved Ben, even threw that steroid mess they put him threw. No wonder Micheal completely forgot about Brian as soon as he showed up. Hated the Hunter storyline, though, every bit of it.

I don't think it was that he was bored with his life so much as this was just circular writing. You can tell toward the end of the show (s5 in particular) that they were just recycling storylines. S3 and S4 show Brian maturing into a person who is more or less concerned with his community and accepting responsibility for them and looking out for all of the gay people in Pittsburgh, which was a nice progression from where he was initially in seasons 1 and 2. But in season 5 he is virtually reset. Ultimately I think the shows creators didn't know how to progress the character while still being true to who he was, the endless eternal stud who wanted to screw everything with no attachments. That doesn't mesh well with the hero they were trying to make him into after his fight with cancer and taking down a political opponent who wanted to make gays second class citizens. Not because there can't be both, but after all Brian went threw it seemed shallow that his number one obsession was if he was still hot or not.

The Brian and Justin relationship was also an issue, because they had to stunt Justin's growth continuously. There was nothing wrong with his character arc at the end of season 2 and beginning of season 3. It was completely right for Justin to want more out of a relationship than an open one. That's the one thing I liked about the Ethan arc, that Justin finally realized he wanted a monogamous relationship that meant he was with one person. It's clear Justin wanted that intimacy and security, and it was ok for that to not be with Brian. But they changed that, and made him go back to Brian and say "I am the guy he [!@#$%^&*] more than once." Like that was some kind of prize. The STD scare in season 5 only brought the point home further. Justin's character after season 3 virtually went no where. He had no further growth.

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I've never read any viewer describe how Brian had put Lindsey, Justin and Michael in categories of how much emotion he gave to all three. Your theory on it does make sense to me, especially the part about denying the sex with Michael and keeping his emotions in check with Justin.

Justin was never my favorite character, but I felt that the writers (in their need to keep the fandom happy with B/J having as many sex scenes possible) destroyed any sort of growth that he was gaining when he left Brian for Ethan at the end of season two.

I felt like some of those fans wanted to see Justin grovel, in order to get Brian back after Ethan had cheated on him and that's exactly what the show wrote for that character.

Justin was never independent from doing anything that had nothing to do with Brian. Then, when they had him refocusing on his art in the final season, some viewers couldn't understand what happened.

The wedding being canceled.

Him leaving Pittsburgh to try and make an independent start in his life.

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I'm on episode 7 I think, of season 1.

Some random thoughts:

-Holy late 90's, early 2000's fashion...

-I need creepy ass Justin to just go away or die. I can't stand this little stalker.

-I don't really care for the lesbians.

-I like the doctor for Michael, but my god Michael couldn't be more obsessed with Brian if he tried.

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He was so pathetic! Brian knew exactly how to play him. I was truly disgusted with Michael, especially when he left a romantic getaway with Dave to go be with Brian who was in a car assault but was more than ok when he called that idiot. Brian knew he would come running and coming running that moron did. His relationship with hottie Ben was so much better. I am not too far into the season and relationship, but Brian put up no resistance with this Michael relationship from what I've seen thus far. I wonder if that was character development or an unexplained change of direction for Michael.

Ant, Melanie I could deal with, but Lindsay was awful! I didn't need yet one more person obsessed with Brian.

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It was character growth and change of direction for both Michael and Brian in season two with the introduction of Professor Ben. Even though there were viewers, who thought that it was an unbalanced pairing (not because of Ben's HIV status), but due to class differences with the pairing. Michael was a manager of this cheap, psuedo "WalMart like" store, while Ben worked at a university.

I liked who Michael became while being with Ben. He grew out of his obsession in the fantasy of being more to Brian than just his best friend.

I also think that Brian knew that if he didn't let Michael go emotionally, they both would never really be able to have chances (or Michael specifically) at finding someone to share their lives with romantically.

As for Brian, he was definitely real and human, but I never related to him or thought of him as a good person. I felt like he was still in the process of learning how to let himself feel something for others, to express it, without thinking that it was a sign of weakness.

That's why I was so happy that Brian and Justin decided to not get married, so that his young lover could have a chance at experiencing life on his own, making his own choices.

Brian was at a place in his life, that he seemed to be at peace with himself. Justin wanted more and even though Brian tried to give him what he thought his fiance wanted, Justin knew it wasn't something that he could give him.

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That was a storyline borrowed from the UK original--but it made a LOT more sense there. Just an example of how when the US show was based closely on the UK version they took stuff that was relatively subtle and complex and somehow removed the subtlety.

Speaking of the UK version, I am very excited for Russell Davies return to channel 4 with his interlocking three new shows this Fall. http://www.channel4.com/info/press/news/russell-t-davies-explores-21st-century-gay-life-in-new-drama-for-c4%C2"'> I wonder if Showtime regrets passing on Cucumber (horrible name even though I now know the reference)?

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Watching on netflix, the one character I'd probably date would be Ted.

I do think the opening credit change between season 3 and 4 is symbolic to me. Changing from the hotties dancing in next to nothing to couples embracing along with friendships between the characters shows me that the characters were evolving beyond the one night stands and finally embracing adult-hood.

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So true....I found the first opening trashy at first but I grew to like/understand it (even though I'm sure there were plenty of better songs/musical background they could have used)...

All this talk about the show makes me want to watch but I'm afraid it will depress me when I get to the Ben/Michael scenes....

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FINALLY finished season 1. While I like longer seasons when I'm invested in a show, I found 22 episodes to be a bit much.

Emmett: I never felt they really knew what they wanted to do with him. My boyfriend said he gets a little more direction going forward so we'll see.

Ted: Despite Blake almost killing him at the start, I actually liked him for Ted. It was a shame he couldn't shake his demons, hopefully it works out in season 2.

Dr. David: I went from loving him to being majorly turned off by what a control freak he is.

Brian: Somehow he came out smelling like roses by the end and it baffles me. I do enjoy the character though.

Justin:I hate him less than I originally did, but I'd still love for him to go away.

Michael: !@#$%^&*] Michael. !@#$%^&*] his comic obsession. !@#$%^&*] his Brian obsession. The only redeeming thing about Michael was his dislike of Justin and even that's gone now. If you're too obsessed with your best friend to have a functional relationship, then you shouldn't date. Point blank.

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What perfect timing, I just finished season 1 this evening. I'm curious about why season 1 and 2 had 20 + episodes and the final 3 season had more typical 13-14 episode seasons.

Emmett: I do agree that he didn't seem to have much purpose except to be the whimsical voice of reason. Though I did like the conversion story especially episode 14 where he and lesbian heather tried to have a 'success' story together where Ted has a wonderful speech about God not making mistakes and didn't think God made any mistakes when creating Emmett. Plus, the final scene at Babylon with Emmett announcing that he saw the light and is back. I think that the actor took a campy character and infused him with warmth, comedic presence, and a touch of angst. From what my room mate tells me, he gets some good storylines in the later seasons.

Ted= love. I'm totally 100 % Ted in personality and also am drawn to his character. I had no idea that he had a crush on Michael, but I think he realizes that there is no chance between him and Michael and moves on pretty quickly. I think somewhere doing the season Ted tells Michael to not hold out for the unattainable and to just move on and be happy with someone who is attainable.

Michael: Too hung up on Brian and I didn't like how he treated his female co worker. She seemed so sweet and I liked that when she found out about him being gay, that she was angry that he lied to her and not because he was gay.

Brian/Justin: dysfunctional... hated both characters

Lindsay/Melanie: I liked that they broke up during the middle of the first season because Lindsay was too busy putting Brian above Melanie. I did like the few episodes of a single Melanie at Babylon especially Ted/Emmet's reactions at being at lesbian night at Babylon. I think they were reunited too quickly in episode 16 or 17.. when there were still a few more episodes left in the season. lastly, I think Emmet's friend Heather could have been a nice distraction for Melanie.

To me, it seems like Brian listened to Lindsay the most especially compared to Michael and Justin, imho.

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