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GH50: January 2014 Discussion - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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A lot of that recap was funny, but this bit is not correct. The show was pretty clear in saying it all actually happened, Lucy was right, and he used his ring to make everyone think otherwise. The show never explained though why Lucy and Allison alone remembered or why Sam looked like Livvie. Clay though was somehow a vampire or whatever, and he supernaturally rose up at the end and switched places with the morgue guy and walked out.

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that makes no sense. They disproved that there was a supernatural element by saying Stephen was a crazy serial killer that thought he was a vampire, but this ring really had supernatural powers and was used to glamorize an entire town? It's not even worth trying to explain bc there are too many inconsistencies and things that contradict each other in the plot.

And that still doesn't explain why Lucy and Alison thought Livvie was Kevin's daughter when apparently he never met her

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I thought it was hilarious and absolutely spot on!

As for yesterday's show, had they let out The Clay Sisters and Sam, that was a pretty decent eppy. Sonny was watchable for a change, and I loved him telling Carly that she needs to think about what she is asking of Michael. If she wants FrankenTodd, fine. But leave Michael out of it. And no matter what anyone feels about how Carly is behaving, LW has committed 200%. If its written that Carly looks like an idiot, that is exactly what she is going to play.

Ava as menacing is almost as laughable as Jillian being menacing. The back and forth with what Ava should be is nauseating. Two eppies spent being a "bad ass" only for her to revert back to "Jillian, we should not...". Good lord! And not sure why, but sometimes, it appears as if MW is trying to figure out what she s/b doing 1/2 thru a scene. She has such a weird acting approach sometimes. Almost like she realizes she should have done something differently, and goes about doing it differently in the same scene as opposed to just riding it out until its time to cut. It's so weird. However, this is the first time I've enjoyed her scenes with FrankenTodd, who happens to look pretty filthy right now.

Shawn, so pointless for this man to wear a shirt because is body is so perfectly sculpted, you can see every curve and every muscle thru the shirt. Lawd! Love him matching wits with Anna. Good scenes!

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Carly does, in fact, look like an idiot. This [!@#$%^&*] just does not work. And I'm not sure what new, nice Franco's wardrobe or hair is supposed to be about here.

It's as hard for LW to sell this mess as it is for MW. The problem with MW and Ava is that Ron can't decide who she is. He keeps trying to jump back and forth over the line in the hopes of keeping Ava viable for as long as possible. I've said this before, too; he'll have her do cold-ass [!@#$%^&*] one day and the next she's weeping over Morgan or Kiki, tears in her eyes, begging Julian for mercy and restraint. It doesn't make sense. Just commit to a trajectory. If it means you gotta write around Ava in the future to try and keep her alive, oh well. That's how the cookie crumbles.

It's not hard to write for an Ava that's really dangerous. On TWOP I already suggested that Ava create an insurance policy: Fake a pregnancy by Morgan, because that is the only thing that would spare her from Sonny's wrath long-term. She'd tell no one but Julian. Then she'd go out, pack up Sabrina, help her give birth, kill the poor girl and take her baby. Maybe she tells Silas - who clearly still wants to [!@#$%^&*] her - that her new "baby" is his after they have an ill-fated one-nighter in order to keep him in line. Then you could reveal it all on Morgan and Ava's wedding day, when someone like a lovelorn Carlos has learned that oops, my poor Sabreeeena has not left town with her baby after all. That's another year of story right there.

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I barely even remember yesterday's episode now. LOL. I do remember the paaaaainful scenes between Rafe and Silas.

Morgan continues to be a total waste.

RH's hair looked like crap. Franco is such a joke. I thought he did a little better with MW and was less cartoony but I just hate RH's acting choices a lot of the times. It's clear he's treating it like the joke that it all is, IMHO.

LW is definitely selling it as best as she can but Carly definitely comes across as an idiot but maybe she'll have the last laugh. I'm sure Franco will continue to be whitewashed and be the hero and everyone will be eating crow. Sigh. Until RH eventually leaves and then can you imagine that ham fest as Franco loses it?

Chit you are absolutely right about Ava. Ron has zero idea what he wants to do with her and it's clear. She has potential but find a happy medium and stick with it!

There's just way too much going on with this show. Way too many characters. It just bears repeating. I'm sitting here thinking of all the characters and I constantly forget people and realize I hadn't seen someone in weeks, etc. It's ridiculous.

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Kman, The Clay Sisters, Sam and The Underwear Model were extremely painful! Extremely!

My problem with Carly is not the relationship she is defending because she's been there with FrankenTodd before and after the tumor. My problem is that Carly would never run around and try to get Michael to accept something like this. NEVER!

moRon is about to show us all how stupid we are thru Michael and that Carly was right about FrankenTodd, but again, this is not my challenge with all of this as it is some.

I think this relationship should have been exposed publicly as a scandal as opposed to Carly pounding the pavement getting everyone to understand. Ugh!

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It made sense. Obviously the magical powers of the ring aren't scientific, but the show made it clear Caleb was Caleb and Lucy was in fact right all along, but they found a way to make it where she doesn't know she was right so GH can go on in more realistic stories while the PC show still "happened". They explained all kinds of stuff, but their explanations were a result of the ring's powers too. Caleb/Clay was a vampire who walked out of that morgue in his final scene while the ring got a dramatic close-up.

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Okay then what of Lucy and Alison thinking Livvie was Kevin daughter? Why were those two apparently unaffected by the ring that glamorized an entire town? I guess one might say Lucy had her slayer connection but Alison was a regular chick

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That's just an element that was not covered by the explanation. The magic ring is the answer and you can apply any explanation that makes sense since the answer is magical and supernatural anyway. It is like how for 20 years the word"Helena" can explain away anything and everything with an unexplainable element. I found the explanation to be the best one possible because it honored Port Charles while still keeping the integrity of the GH universe. They both happened, both are canon, only no one on GH realizes Port Charles happened.

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Yay, it's a Bobbie day (and I think she looks great), and Luke almost doesn't look like death. Nice to see the Spencers actually interacting. My biggest problem for a long time was how isolated Lulu was, and for weeks on end you'd never know she even had any family. Anyway ... lol. Dante's a mess and Nathan's on. Again.

More Ava/Julian nonsense and bad-acting Morgan/Sonny. So painful. Well, the latter. The former is just tired. Why are these two on SO much. They weren't awful in the beginning but now I'm getting sick of them.

And lmao at Clay Sisters.

Sam confronting Silas is lol ... these two are so bored. It's worse than watching paint dry.

I forgot it was a Lucy/Kevin day too. Scotty/Franco are on too. Why is RH's hair always different?

I'm so over Heather. It's a shame because I adore Robin Mattson. She's fantastic and always does an amazing job but let's give her a bit of a rest. I assume she will be after this arc?

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it was the best, or worst, of both worlds. I played neither element IMO. That last scene with CalebClay walking out of the morgue with no follow-up was just a bone they threw to the Calivia/PC fans to keep them from completely revolting over the butchery, and allowed Cartini to save a little face. It's been pretty well documented by Lynn that the story wasn't well received, so they ended it, but tried to leave an opening so those who will grasp at anything and write their own fiction from there had an out.

You have to embrace the PnL. For your survival.

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