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GH50: January 2014 Discussion - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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No, I didn't see that I walk away from GH or fall asleep most times so I'll catch it at Utube, as for NiZ,

I'm hoping you're right cuz I can't wait for them to hump, I enjoy their scenes you're also correct about the awful plot pointed writing of the show. Its really bad and quite obvious I hate for it to scream at me plot point plot point it could be a bit more subtle sometimes to vary the storytelling..

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LOL. I actually like Liz. But I was putting it how I believe Ron views the character. Useless and now someone he can use when Britt and Nik need conflict. Enter Liz who hates Britt and is now, again, side eyeing him.

And we can't talk about the past? LOL. Come on.

And when I said truly awful and ridiculous, I meant how the scenes played out, not that you missed seeing them, if that's how you took it. I feel like you took my post way too offensively when it wasn't at all meant to be.

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No. I wasn't meaning that to as I knew exactly what was coming up. I'm assuming something's going to hit the fan and Carly gets a wake up call. I'm fairly spoiler free. But would Ron end his cherished forced couple? Spoil me then :) Please :)

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Oh phewy I went back and changed it when I reread it I was like HUH? It didn't make sense

Why was I so hostile; I really misinterpreted your comment

I thought I hotfooted it back in time but I dozed off LoL

Just delete that thank you very much....I get so much shade re: Elizabeth it becomes automatic to snark. I profusely apologize I hang out at facebk too much I forgot where I was at...

Yes I thoroughly enjoyed the Ava/Carly toe to toe scenes as well, why? Because they wrote Ava equal with the dialog she needed to go against her they usually don't

the other person just stands there and gets beat down with Carly's dialog with no snappy comeback

what I liked about most is just when I thought Carly was good to go and beated her down in good fashion; Ava grabs her arm like "wait a minute b^&^ I got something to say.;..I did a big whoop!

Frons never rarely allowed writing to do that Carly always got the last word while her opponent stands there with no dialog..

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When you see past how ridiculously plot pointed they were, LW and MW turned trash into gold! They rocked it! I loved every second of that exchange even though it made no sense. The last time Ava and Carly saw one another, Ava was molesting Carly's son at the art show and Carly tried to kill her. Before that, Ava tossed Carly out of her apartment as she and Morgan laughed in Carly's face. So why in the sam hell would Ava go to Carly and ask for a favor? I can speak more about this Wednesday.

LW and Chad were wonderful as well. More scenes turned from rubbish to gold. More of the same tomorrow. Carly has been off screen for 3 weeks and her first scenes, especially with Sonny, are about FrankenTodd and not Morgan/Max? Say what?!

This is a rivalry I should be enjoying for the sake of rivalries. Because of FrankenRon, I can only appreciate LW and MW to make it believable. Again the scenes made no sense, but they were good thanks to the 2 ladies. I can't even look forward to this rivalry because each time these 2 ladies meet, the exchange does not make sense. Before I absolutely hated the sight of Michelle Stafford, you could not keep me from a Dru/Phyllis scene! It was a good fun rivalry with 2 terrific actresses to deliver the goods. Here, you have just 2 terrific actresses and no goods! Sigh...

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I haven't watched it yet, but I caught some of the Carly and Michael scenes on the TV at the sushi joint at lunch, with her trying to put Franco over. Pathetic. This should not be happening. It's not just a dismantling of Carly, it's a waste of LW.

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