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Another Y&R actor out??

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I've been following soaps online for over 12 years now, and this is the first time I've ever seen an actor get fired and people were specifically concerned with the well-being of his/her family. Like WTF! Do you not realize how much these people make? It's called SAVINGS! Save that money, and you won't have to worry right away! And if you don't save that money? Tough sh!t, bae!

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Social media effect...MM interacts with fans and posts pics of his kids. Before kids were abstract beings but now they are more real to fans because they see their little faces.

Not that long ago a married co worker of mine was fired because he smacked this woman on the butt at work. HR didn't care that they were having an affair. I always wondered how he explained his dismissal to his wife. This has to be supremely embarrassing to Muhney's wife. I feel for her. But I don't give a damn about Muhney and his kids are not old enough to be on social media. I am sure he received a large salary over the last couple of years. I doubt they are starving.

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But you said we would act like that if I our fave actor got fired. You don't know that. Now you're saying it is stam behavior but before you said we'd be defending our fave actor of he/she was fired for sexual harassment. You don't kn ow that. Speak for yourself.
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Some of them are saying this to cover up they really feel for MM. Once the sexual harassment angle came to light one particular poster all of a sudden started to feel so bad for his family and said it was wrong of us to be happy someone got fired around the holidays. :rolleyes:
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MM was fired (excuse me, let go), it's all but confirmed that it was due to sexual harassment on his part, people are dragging other people through the proverbial mud over this in the social media (and not in the fun "Dynasty" or ladies' mud wrestling club way either), and Vix and YRBB are being all kinds of fabulous for putting down the haters, the stans and their defenders. Hope that sums it up?

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It doesn't surprise me, SON is one of the few places you can discuss it freely. Soap boards have allowed it's posters to discuss every rumor imaginable for years, but for some reason many of them have disallowed this one to be mentioned. Some boards were shut down completely, & posts erased, and on others the posters have to dance around the elephant in the room so the casual reader has no idea what they are talking about. IMO suppressing information, even though they are rumors, has made the situation worse. Readers can decide for themselves if the rumors seem plausible and for many they may defuse the anger and put the whole situation to rest.

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Frankly, I don't think it is. I think Adam has caused too much damage in GC to be a worthy or likely candidate for redemption -- which is what he would need, IMO, in order to become a viable, long-term character for this show.

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The more I think about, maybe there has always been a segment of crazed soap fans who lose their minds when their favorite actors are fired, but now that there is the Internet, they are able to be more vocal and visible and their crazy is more likely to reach the actors and show directly through social media. Ultimately, I don't think that there are a lot of these people, but they are able to rationalize the worse of their behavior.

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people flew into LA when they thought Marlena was killed to protest at NBC Studios, and they had to send D Hall out to assure them it was all going to be OK.

Soap fans, like all genre fans, have always been some kind of crazy. This is nothing new, they are just using twitter instead of calling/writing/flying into the studios.

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