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B&B Promo - Bill and the Bimbo Sisters

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LOL! He wants Spencer publications more than either of the Logan girls. This is so typical dollar Bill. I'm actually relieved because going back to Katie with his tail between his legs made no sense at all given some of the things he said to her.

I actually feel bad for Katie, but this show needs to let her have a backbone.

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I could never feel bad for Katie. Her "I am woman, here be roar" has been played entirely too many times. She is pathetic, and while I can't muster up sympathy for her, I'd be happy to prepare her eulogy. Time for the fatal one!

These sisters are equally gross. Brooke for having sex with and moving in with her sister's husband and Katie for even wanting him back. Yeah, it's hard to let go, but how can you even look at a man who has dissed you over and over only for him to leave you for your sister?

I hope Bill prevails because he's not the bad guy here - Brooke is!

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I was HOPING for this twist. I see yesterday's episode live because I was visiting my mom and I kept think - this is Dollar Bill! DB only wants Spencer Publications - in his mind, that is his legacy. Thank goodness, they didn't cut Bill's b*lls off. I don't care if Brooke or Katie has a plan to get it back, but having Bill crawl back to Katie would've been totally out of character. Now for Katie, I didn't understand her willingness to take Bill back so quickly, but whatever.

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