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DAYS: Wedding Disaster!

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I really wish they had done something like edit Eric's face out (sort of like Y&R when Katherine blurb Jack's face out from the photos with Jill). If the goal was to humiliate Kristen, that would've been believable. Why on earth would Victor ruin Father Eric? It just doesn't make sense on any level, except for the aforementioned plot device to free Eric for Nicole.

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Victor doesn't give a damn about Eric. He's not his blood so he isn't concerned with how this would affect him. People learning that Kristen not only cheated on Brady but it was with a priest, she raped, carries a lot more weight. Knowing the extent of what she did does more damage to her than simply a public humiliation of her with some random unnamed guy

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I know Victor is ruthless and he doesn't care as long as he gets what he wants. Though he may end up having Brady hate him for destroying Eric. Of course, the RICH part is that Victor is getting Nicole off the hook. I sure hope we have Victor/Nicole scene, but I have a feeling that Nicole will not be happy because of the humiliation Eric will face. I DO applaud DAYS for setting up a scenario that will have a great deal of fall-out for a lot of characters beyond the key players - Marlena, Victor, Maggie, Sami, EJ (now that he knows), etc. It's really too bad they decided to "send" Stefano away during the wedding. I hope we get a big payoff here. And I pray that Kristen, with all the talk of the "slight" chance she could get pregnant ends up so and returns to Salem with a Baby Black!

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After seeing today exploded on my screen, I realized that Kristen could've gotten out of this relatively easily - she and Eric were BOTH drugged. When she woke up, she was horrified and left the hotel. A few weeks later, a mysterious blackmailer (why not point to Victor), sent her the flashdrive. Kristen was trying to find a way to protect Father Eric's reputation, blah, blah, blah. If people in Salem could believe in the devil and Maleswen, this one is pretty plausible. Of course, we all know they have to go a different route because of ED.

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