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HBO's Looking


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Those were great emotional beats. Been there, done that. I've never seen such devastated gay men.

That said...can't wait to see what everyone else thinks.

Good episode.

ETA: Nice that they could rope in Esta Noche before it closed down.

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Dom definitely was killing it last night. Despite his douchebag behavior two weeks ago I truly felt awful. In a way though I felt sorta glad for Lynn though. I think he did the cold hearted thing because to me Dom didn't have any problem screwing that guy at the log cabin a few weeks ago and yet now he wants Lynn to be chained to him and open his heart to him? It doesn't work that way boy. So I don't blame Lynn at all for being upfront and telling him that they were never going to have what he and his previous partner had. Still though the dawning of that realization on Dom was truly gut wrenching...

Patrick...I swear I just can't with this guy. Does he want Ritchie or does he not. He just loves stringing this guy along. And I love how Richie gave him the "I'm not judging but really I am" look at the park. And the feeling of anxiety when he saw Kevin and his boyfriend. Such great scenes. The ending was sad but its hard to truly empathize with him when 1) He's a deliberate homwrecker and 2) He seems to enjoy the attention and stringing along both guys.

Not really sure what to think about Aug and this new job. I like the bear guy but if not for Aug could disappear tomorrow and I wouldn't care that much...

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I think it would have been better if Lynn just told Dom that he wasn't ready for a real relationship that's what it comes down to.

I think it's clear that Patrick wants to be the center of attention, and this kind of shows the crux of the problem with Kevin. Kevin can't give Patrick that focus, so Richie is that band aid. Someone who will focus only on him, exclusively when he isn't in a Kevin time share. Kevin is afraid of being alone more or less.

Augustine has the weakest storyline this season, but this is more or less because he is the least defined character of the trio.

On an unrelated note HBO has renewed Girls and Together but haven't renewed this.

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They usually repeat it multiple times at night throughout the week. If you have HBO GO available on your TV or another device (like XBox for example) you can watch it thru that as well or your laptop.

The ending of Girls last...talk about a punch to the gut...and I seriously starting to hate Hannah after the whole classroom thing.

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Now come on, Prince!!! There was a moment in that bj scene where Dom liked being known as Lynn's bf...and it hit him that that was what he wanted and not in an open relationship. Which made seeing Rugby Guy at the door (looking hot) all the more gut punching. And I suspect that if Dom had not brought it up in that last talk then Lynn would not have. And that is where I agree with Skin. Lynn wasn't that upfront about it until now from what we have seen IMHO. And if he just want sex with the occasional 3rd because he is really not over his gone ex and will never be, then I would think he would say so from go so there is no false hope and the other partner knows what's up. That said, yes...Dom was just devastating. Just...wow.

But is Patrick stringing anyone along...or is he the one being string along at this point? I would go with the latter now that he finally had to do what he had to do...which was put his foot down and classify what it was. Truth hurts. Now he needs to figure out what to do next now that he knows (for now) that Kevin is not leaving John and Richie is unavailable.

I feel like Aug's storyline will head up next week. I don't recall seeing Dom in next week's preview. So I assume he will be C plot next week with the main plot being Pat/Richie a la Episode 5 of season 1ish with Auggie bringing up the second plot.

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The Kevin/Patrick/Richie triangle feels obvious to me in that we know what is going to happen. Patrick is going to end up (re)starting things up with Richie for a couple of episodes, only for Kevin to last minute break things off with John for Patrick and come running to him. This will lead into another season (potentially series) finale where he is stuck between these same two guys again. It's as clear as day to me, all the indicators are there with Kevin, but the writers need time to mobilize the other half of this story, so they use this as a stop gap to (re)build Richie/Patrick back up for the other half of this triangle to play out along with a few one-off episodes to round out the season.

I'm kind of wondering if Looking is doing a disservice by having Patrick act as the center/lead of the show. He's not a bad lead necessarily, but the strong leaning focus on him kind of makes the other two leads feel like extras at times and the viewing audience can't actively invest more in the show for it. I honestly can't be bothered with Augustine even if he has more or less equaled out in terms of characterization, and Dom's storylines feel increasingly more empty -- the Peri Peri window thing has pretty much lost its steam because of the Kevin/Patrick focus which if I am being honest is a lot more interesting anyway.


The way Russel Tovey plays Kevin is so interesting, it's like he needs Patrick all the time. To see him, to kiss him, to be with him, but at the same time we only get these little pocket views and glimpses of him wih Patrick there, but still in a way it's very flattering of him that every time he sees Patrick he wants him. It's also kind of interesting to note one of the reasons Patrick ends things with Richie is because he doesn't foresee a future with him (he can't say he loves Richie), while one of the reasons he ends things with Kevin is because all he can see is a future with Kevin and he can no longer accept less than all of him. Richie kind of hints at this during their talk.

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Starting to watch...

And so far...I like Patrick like this to Kevin. I'm a sucker for couples fighting to get together and Kevin is looking like a sexy puppy.

Yay to the straight co-worker popping up again!!!

LMAO at Patrick in his room for reasons I won't say. ph34r.png

ETA: I thought it was a good episode. You learn more about Richie...though I was unclear about what the issue between Richie and his father was. And yes, it was clear that Richie loved Pat. And I loved his cousin. Annnd...as for what she said. Grrrrl, tell me about it. lol.

I loved the movement within Auggie/Eddie arc, but wow. There was a lot in my life the last few days among people I know about how no one wants to label what they have going on and see where it goes. And that is all well and good, but some people use that as a way to hurt people so it has currently (cuz I know on a logical level not everyone is like that) been bending me out of shape...especially given how quickly people like to use couple labels when they are with someone who is not as good as my friends are to them. But it is what it is.

And poor Kevin. Interesting that he forbid Jon from coming by the workplace for the last three months. Why? Because Jon wanted to come. Reveals a lot about Jon and why it might not be hard for Kevin to let go. So where is the disconnect between him...

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I thought for a quick moment that Kevin was going to tell John, but then no dice.

I agree that John is the one who seems to really want to keep their relationship going, he wants Kevin to marry him as we have seen in 1.07, and we have seen that Kevin doesn't want that because he feels they are incompatible (1.03, 1.07, 2.04). It's an interesting quandary, on why Kevin is still with him. I am thinking that Kevin was thinking about breaking it off with John before John moved to San Francisco, but once he moved for him, he felt obligated to stay in the relationship. I think it says volumes that Kevin didn't want John to be at his place of work though, we saw from 1.03 that Kevin/Patrick pretty much established a "don't bring him here" kind of rule in their relationship, which is something Kevin seems to have been mindful of, in their time together. He seems to not want John there, perhaps because John doesn't understand it -- and doesn't value it like Patrick does. Maybe John thinks that video gaming is beneath him or something.

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