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Emmy Controversy


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Monteith is consider to be "more iconic" over Jack Klugman and Larry Hagman. Two actors, that had decades long careers on TV don't rank over a young actor, who's only portrayed one role on a show that's only been on the air for less than five years?

These folks are just too damn much with this "Glee" and anyone remotely associated with it crap and I used to watch the show.

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If you're going to have special tributes apart from the regular In Memoriam segment then it should be reserved for the legends. And Cory Monteith does not fit that description, whereas Larry Hagman certainly does. J.R. Ewing is probably one of the most iconic characters in the history of television, and to overlook his portrayer in this way is shameful!

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This is actually very disgusting and disrespectful from every possible perspective. Yes, they are dissing LH, but on top of that, I don't believe they are "honoring" Cory Monteith. They are exploiting him for ratings.

I won't be watching. These award shows are so boring to me. Watching a bunch of Hollywood people giving each other awards is not my idea of a good time, especially when I know that politics tends to overshadow talent so often anyway. Sure, I sort of enjoy it when I hear that someone I like has won, but not enough to sit through the drivel.

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The whole thing is just ugly to me. Even when you see people going to great lengths to explain why Larry Hagman should be included, there's still the question of "Oh, so Larry is more honorable than Jack Klugman, who should also be included?" Just honor everyone on the same level and let that be the end of it. It's an extremely touchy subject.

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I can live with just the usual dedication, but if we are going to honor people individually, let's steer clear of less than average performers who were in the middle of a breaking the law when they died! Trying to reach the younger audience with that particular message? Okie dokie!

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