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Emmy Controversy


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Larry Hagman being left out is shameful. His career spanned DECADES. I Dream of Jeannie was a huge hit, but Dallas is one of the most successful shows of ALL TIME. To not mention him makes no sense. I strongly believe they only wanted to do a tribute for the Glee actor, but to make it look fair they threw in a few other names (probably out of a hat). They should've just done the regular In Memoriam section, but this is a ratings stunt. The producers have already admitted they decided to include the Glee actor to bring in a young audience. It should be about honoring talent, not ratings.

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Ryan Murphy shows are full of bullies and are all anti-gay. Art and culture? Really?

I don't have a problem with them honoring Monteith. I am shocked that Larry Hagman is being shunned like he was worthless. These awards seem to become more and more focused on youth and faux-hipness every year.

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Larry Hagman never won an Emmy (and neither of his most popular series Dallas or I Dream of Jeannie got the big award), which may have been why he wasn't singled out at the start. Neither show was seen as a critical success even with their popularity, plus Dallas is a soap and there is an inherent bias against them as we all know. Having 4 men getting special tributes and only 1 woman was really strange to me not even taking Cory Monteith into the equation though the four others chosen all have Emmys. I looked it up and Jean Stapleton wasn't even the only female Emmy winner who died in 2013, as Bonnie Franklin who was a CBS star in the 70s/80s also passed away.

If you are going to do a special memorial tribute during the Emmys at least single out all the former winners. So for me the priority would be for actors: Emmy winner, Emmy nominee, cast member of Emmy winning best show, cast member of Emmy nominated best show, and then finally people regularly working in the industry. That said I think it would have been best to not single anyone out or else only single out winners and show a clip of their winning moments (if available). ETA: Jack Klugman who is also being snubbed has 3 Emmy wins, so if I only had five people I could select, and took Monteith out, I'd have included Franklin or Klugman before Hagman.

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Barbara Bel Geddes won an Emmy for Dallas and they won many technical Emmys, not to mention the fact that Larry Hagman and others were nominated for Emmys as well. Even still, that is not a legitimate excuse when you consider the impact Dallas had on television compared to Glee. This is a flavor of the month stunt to increase ratings. The producers have even admitted they chose to tribute Cory based on his youthful audience. I strongly believe the only reason ANYONE is getting a tribute is so they have an excuse to give him one and get those young eyeballs tuning in. Big, current stars die most years and we don't see them getting anything. This is a distasteful thing for the Emmy producers to do.

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I just hope people don't watch and switch to football. I am sure the numbers won't be good against SNF.

I am so sick of Doogie Howser...NPH...enough with CBS shoving him down our throat like he was the only actor available to host the Emmys......

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To not honor Larry Hagman is ridiculous. The popularity of Dallas and Hagman cannot be overstated, it may even be the most popular TV show of all time if we were to break it down by numbers and countries. Plus, Dallas may have just been a silly soap to most people but it changed TV because before Dallas every drama was an episodic 1 hr cop or doctor show, and Dallas introduced serialization and cliffhangers; things we see on every show now to this very day.

Jack Klugman spent decades doing quality TV work. It's a disgrace he is not being remembered. Lets see if Glee survives decades in reruns the way The Odd Couple did.

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